Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF EDUCATION AND PREVENTION ON ADICTIONS AND THE INDEBED CONSUME OF DROGAS Title I Creation Everyone has the right to form in order to have a decent life lived in freedom and it is in the family and in the educational sphere that the values, attitudes and habits of life must be promoted to develop a true education for health and life. ARTICLE 2 The National Programme of Education and Prevention on Drug Addictions and Drug Abuse within the Ministry of Education, with concurrent responsibilities of the Ministry of Health, the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family, in coordination with the SEDRONAR or the agency responsible for the prevention of addictions. Part II Objective 3 The aim of this programme is to guide educational practices to work in education and prevention on addictions and drug abuse, in all forms and levels of the National Education System. ARTICLE 4 The objectives of the National Programme of Education and Prevention on Drug Addictions and Indebted Consumption are:(a) Contribute to form people who base their behaviors and habits of life in transcendent values that help them discover the sense of respect for themselves, freedom, responsibility, search for the common good and that they can build a critical judgment, about the messages that from the media encourage the resolution of discomfort or the improvement of performance through the consumption of substances;
(b) Design and implement interdisciplinary actions of education and prevention on addictions, drug abuse in the formal educational sphere, in a gradual, comprehensive, continuous and systematic manner;
(c) Train the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school institution to educate for health and life, in the framework of freedom of education, in such a way that children and adolescents develop a personality that will enable them to cope with the challenges of life with confidence and help them build personal and collective projects. To offer the other members of the educational community appropriate spaces with the same orientation;
(d) To complement this task by disseminating preventive measures, to help guide behaviors and avoid risk situations, including critical review of attitudes within the educational system itself;
(e) To promote linkage with different sectors and institutions, with the aim of sensitizing society as a whole, on the need to act together in the prevention of this bio-psycho-social and spiritual disease;
(f) To encourage activities to support families in their educational work, in the context of an affective and training environment that will help to grow in the development of will, freedom, responsibility, reasoning and critical judgement, urging permanent family support, in the process of detecting, treating and monitoring drug abuse;
(g) Promote non-discrimination of persons with addictive behaviour.
Part III. Article 5 Implementation Authority The Ministry of Education shall propose to the provinces within the Federal Council of Education the minimum curricular guidelines of the National Programme of Education and Prevention of Drug Addictions and the Indebted Consumption of Drugs, in such a way that the programmes and activities of the jurisdictions are respected and regulated at the time of the sanction of this Act. ARTICLE 6 The Ministry of Education, with the agreement of the Federal Council of Education, will develop the contents and design of the programmes and, through the National Institute of Teacher Training, will carry out training for the mechanisms or procedures that will allow their multiplication, so that all teachers can access them. ARTICLE 7 Please refer to the Ministry of Education for the creation of a federal consultative council representing civil society, creeds, academic centres and experts of recognized background and experience. Their performance will be honorary. The Council may be required to:- Propose actions or instruments that improve and strengthen the performance of the Programme.
- To provide and promote proposals to improve and facilitate the territorial articulation of the Programme.
- Disseminate the available information of the Programme among people and institutions of society.
ARTICLE 8 The implementing authority, the Ministry of Health, within the framework of the Federal Health Council, the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family, within the framework of the Federal Council for Children, Adolescents and Family and SEDRONAR, within the framework of the Federal Council for Drugs, COFEDRO, or the agency responsible for the competences in the field of prevention of addictions, will coordinate efforts with the provincial governments and Part IV Financing Article 9 The national executive branch shall annually include a budget item within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, in order to implement the programme set out in this Act. Title V Transitional Provisions ARTICLE 10. Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to reformulate the Budget of the National Civil Service, in order to designate the necessary budgetary allocations to comply with the programme established by this Act. ARTICLE 11. Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE TWO DAYS OF THE TWO YEAR TWO MIL NEW.
JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.