Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., sanction with force of law:
ARTICLE 1 Approved the Convention on ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC CHECA, signed in Buenos Aires on March 6, 2006, which consists of ONCE (11) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE TWENTY DAYS OF THE MONTH OF AUGUST YEAR DOS MIL OCHO.
# 26,400
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Czech Republic, henceforth "the Parties";
With the desire to establish an appropriate framework for a permanent dialogue between the Parties, which will allow for the analysis and disposal of the necessary measures to strengthen and develop economic relations for the benefit of both States;
Respecting the commitments arising from the membership of MERCOSUR by the Argentine Republic and the membership of the European Union by the Czech Republic,
Agree to the following:
Article IThe Parties shall promote the development of bilateral economic relations on the basis of this Convention, in accordance with the respective laws and regulations in force in both States, promoting economic, industrial, technical and technological cooperation as well as the flow of mutual investment.
To that end, they will foster cooperation between the individuals, enterprises and public and private institutions of both States, in order to raise the level of economic relationship by emphasizing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Ambite and Forms of Cooperation
Article IIThe Parties undertake to promote economic cooperation in the above areas and with the modalities specified by mutual consent.
Article IIIThe activities proposed under this Convention shall be carried out through specific contracts or agreements between individuals, companies or public and/or private organizations of both States.
Article IVUnder this Convention, the following activities may be considered:
(a) The development of studies and the realization of joint projects for the development of industry, the production and transformation of raw materials and energy, transport, telecommunications and all other sectors identified as of common interest.
(b) Cooperation and conclusion of specific agreements between public and private companies of both States to facilitate the transfer of technology, technical assistance, training of specialists and the development of joint studies, including those relating to third countries.
(c) The conduct of business missions, participation in international fairs and exhibitions, the organization of fairs, symposiums, conferences and other initiatives that contribute to the development of mutual economic relations and new business opportunities.
(d) The more intense participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of mutual economic relations, and special attention to the particularities of cooperation between them.
(e) The promotion of the development of industrial, technical and technological cooperation and certifications, licences and metrology, including the exchange of information on such topics, as well as support for the development of studies on investment projects.
(f) The promotion and search for favourable conditions for the financing of cooperation projects that are agreed in the light of this Convention.
This enumeration is not taxative and therefore does not exclude other sectors and/or modalities of cooperation identified by Parties as of shared interest.
Commission for Bilateral Economic Cooperation
Article VThe Parties, in order to facilitate the implementation of this Convention and with a view to broadening and developing the economic and industrial relationship, create the Commission for Bilateral Economic Cooperation, henceforth the Commission.
Article VIThe Commission shall, inter alia, exercise the following functions:
(a) Serve as a consultative body for Parties on economic, industrial and investment cooperation.
(b) Exchange information on economic developments and development programmes in each State and encourage the identification of opportunities to strengthen bilateral economic, industrial and investment cooperation.
(c) Pay special attention to the development of cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises of both States.
(d) To seek to achieve a mutually satisfactory solution to any difference that might arise in bilateral economic relations, within the framework of the competence of the Parties.
Article VIIThe Commission shall be co-chaired by representatives of the Ministry responsible for external economic relations in each of the Parties, with the rank of Secretary of State or Vice-Minister, as appropriate, or by officials designated by them.
The Commission may request the assistance of officials from different agencies and institutions in the public sector of both States, and may also include private sector representatives who may be interested in promoting mutual cooperation.
Article VIIIThe Commission will meet when the Parties consider it appropriate, alternatively in the Argentine Republic and the Czech Republic.
Article IXParties, at the request of any Party, may at all times establish direct consultations or through the Commission, on any matter affecting or likely to affect the mutual operation or application of this Convention.
Special arrangements
Article XThe provisions of this Convention shall apply to the extent that they do not contradict the obligations arising from the membership of MERCOSUR for the Argentine Republic, and the membership of UNION EUROPEA for the Czech Republic.
This Convention may not be applied or interpreted in a manner that alters or influences the commitments of the following legal instruments:
- Framework Agreement for Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Argentine Republic and the European Economic Community (Luxembourg 1990),
- Interregional Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the Common Market of the South and its States Parties, on the one hand, and the European Community and its Member States, on the other (Madrid 1995), and/or
- Any other agreement concluded between the Argentine Republic or MERCOSUR on the one hand and the European Community or the European Community and its Member States on the other.
Final Provisions
Article XIEach Party shall notify the other in writing, through diplomatic channels, of compliance with the domestic formalities required for the entry into force of this Convention. The latter will enter into force on the date of the last of these two notifications.
This Convention shall have an indefinite duration and may be denounced at any time by one of the Parties, by written notification addressed to the other by diplomatic means, in advance of six (6) months, after which it shall cease.
In the event of its termination, the provisions of this Convention shall continue to apply with respect to unimplemented and emerging obligations of actions within the framework of its provisions.
Made in the city of Buenos Aires, on March 6, 2006, in two original copies in the Spanish and Czech languages, both texts being equally authentic.