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Overall Budget Of The National Administration Budget Of Expenditure And Resources National Administration Year 2009 - Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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GENERAL BUDGET OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION Law 26.422 Approve the Budget of National Administration Expenses and Resources for the Exercise 2009. General provisions. Sanctioned: November, 5 of 2008. Promulgated: November, 13 of 2008.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER I OF THE BUDGET OF EXPENDITURE AND RESOURCES OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 1 . Note in the sum of PESOS DOSCIENTS TREINTA AND TRES MIL OCHOCIENTS DIETE MILLONES QUINIENTS SETENTA AND SIETE MIL SEISCIENTOS CATORCE ($ 233.817.577.614) the current and capital expenses of the General Budget of the National Administration for the period of 2009, for the purposes indicated in analysis. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Annexes to this article. Table 1





Government Administration




Defence and Security Services



Social Services



Economic services


Public Debt







ARTICLE 2 Note that in the sum of the PESOS DOSCIENTS CUARENTA AND DOS MIL NOVECIENTS TREINTA AND OCHOCHOCIENTS SETENTA AND CINCO MIL DOSCIENTS SESENTA AND CUATRO ($ 242,938,875.264) the Calculation of Current and Capital Resources of the National Administration is indicated in detail Table 2

Current resources


Capital resources




Article 3 Note in the amount of PESOS CUARENTA AND SEIS MIL OCHOCIENTS SIETE MILLONES DOSCIENTS SETENTA y SEIS MIL NOVECIENTS OCHENTA ($ 46.807,276.980) the amounts corresponding to the figurative expenses for current transactions and of capital of the National Administration, thus being established the financing according to the figures of the National Administration 9 and 10 Annexes to this article. ARTICLE 4 As a result of the provisions of articles 1, 2, and 3, the surplus financial performance is estimated in the amount of STEPS MIL SCIENTO VEINTIUN MILLONES DOSCIENTS NOVENTA and SIETE MIL SEISCIENTS CINCUENTA ($ 9,121,297,650). The following are also shown (table 3) the Funding Sources and Financial Applications detailed in the Nros Panillas. 11, 12 and 13 Annexes to this article: Table 3
Funding sources


Decrease in Financial Investment


Public Indebtedness and Increase of Other Liabilities


Financial applications


Financial investment


Debt amortization and decrease of other liabilities


Please note in the amount of PESOS DOS MIL TREINTA AND DOS MILLONES DOSCIENTS NOVENTA AND SIETE MIL ($ 2.032.297,000) the amount corresponding to figurative expenses for Financial Applications of the National Administration, thus establishing the Funding for Figure Contributions for Financial Applications of the National Administration in the same amount.

ARTICLE 5o The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, through administrative decision, shall distribute the provisions of this law at the level of the limits set out in the decision and in the programmatic openings or equivalent categories it deems relevant.

In addition, the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may determine the powers to provide budgetary restructuring within the framework of the competencies assigned by the Ministry Act.

ARTICLE 6 Increases may not be approved in the posts and hours of chairing exceeding the totals set out in the annexed tables to this article for each Jurisdiction, Decentralized Agency and Social Security Institution. Except for such limitation to transfers of charges between Jurisdictions and/or Decentralized Agencies and the charges for the Higher Authorities of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER. INTRODUCTION OF THE NATIONAL ACTIVITIES, INTRODUCTION OF THE NATIONAL

The exceptions provided for in this article shall be approved by decision of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS.

ARTICLE 7 Except as a well-founded decision of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, the jurisdictions and entities of the national administration shall not be able to fill the vacant posts existing at the date of the sanction of this law, nor those that occur subsequently. The administrative decisions issued in this respect shall be effective during the present fiscal period and the following for cases where the unfrozen vacancies could not be covered.

THE NATIONAL SAFETY OF THE NATIONAL HOSPITAL AND INTERIOR in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 26,102 on Aviation Safety, as well as those of the Armed and Security Forces personnel, including the FEDERAL PENITENCIARY SERVICE, for replacements of agents past retirement and retirement or discharged during the present period.

CHAPTER II OF THE DELEGATION OF 8o 8o Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to introduce extensions in the budgetary credits approved by this law and to establish its distribution to the extent that they are financed with increased sources of financing originated in loans from international financial agencies to which the Nation forms part and those originated in bilateral agreements country-country and those originated from the authorization granted by Article 48 of this Law, with the corresponding credits Article 9 The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may have extensions in the budgetary provisions of the Central Administration, the Decentralized Agencies and Social Security Institutions, and their corresponding distribution, financed with increased resources with specific impact, own resources, transfers of Entes del Sector Público Nacional, donations and remnants of previous years from the latter. The measures taken in the use of this faculty shall be directed by the TREINTA and CINCO (35 %) to the NATIONAL TESORO. Except for such contribution to resources with specific impact to the provinces, and to those originating in transfers of Entes del Public Sector Nacional, donations, sale of goods and/or services and contributions, in accordance with the definition contained in the Resource Classifier by headings of the Budget Classifications Manual. ARTICLE 10. The powers granted by this law to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be assumed by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER, as a political head of the country ' s general administration and in accordance with article 99, paragraph 10, of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION. CHAPTER III OF THE NORMS ON ARTICULAR EXPENDITURE 11. Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems and their modifications, the hiring of works or acquisition of goods and services whose execution period exceeds the financial period of the year 2009 in accordance with the working detail in the annexed table No. 1 to the present article.

Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS to make the necessary compensations within the jurisdiction 56 - MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICATION FEDERAL, INVERSION PUBLICA AND SERVICES -; including change of Purposes, Sources of Financing and Object of the Expenditure, for the sole purpose of attending to the financing of the execution of the works detailed in the annexed Table No.

ARTICLE 12. Please see as a credit to finance the operating expenses, investment and special programs of the National Universities the sum of SIETE MIL SYSTEMS CINCUENTA AND A MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL ($ 7,951,500.000), in accordance with the detail of the "A" Table attached to this article.

Please note that the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS shall, in addition to the one set out in the preceding paragraph, make the distribution in the "B" Plane annexes to this article for the total amount of PESOS DOSCIENTOS VEINTE MILLONES SETECIENTS OCHENTA AND NUEVE MIL ($ 220,789,000), through compensation for the other jurisdictions and/

National Universities shall submit to the SECRETARIAT OF UNIVERSITY POLITICES of the MINISTERY of EDUCATION, the information necessary to allocate, execute and evaluate the resources transferred to it for all purposes. The Ministry may discontinue transfers of funds in case of non-compliance with such information.

ARTICLE 13. Appropriate for the present period, in accordance with the detail contained in the annexed table to this article, financial flows and the use of trust funds composed entirely or mainly of assets and/or funds of the NATIONAL STATE, in accordance with article 2 (a) of the Act 25.152. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS shall submit quarterly reports to both Houses of the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF the NATION on the flow and use of trust funds, detailing in their case the transfers made and the works executed and/or programmed. ARTICLE 14. Replace article 3 of Law 25,917 with the following text:

Article 3: The general budget laws of the provincial administrations, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the National Civil Service shall contain the authorization of all expenses and the forecasting of all resources, of a regular and extraordinary nature, affected or not of all centralized, decentralized agencies, social security institutions and financial flows of trust funds. They will also report on the forecasts for all auto-archic entities, institutes, enterprises and corporations of the State of the Non-Financial Public Sector. Resources and expenditures shall be in full amounts, without compensation. The necessary adjustments will be made within a maximum period of the DOS (2) fiscal years subsequent to the year 2009. The provisions of this article do not imply altering the special laws regarding their distribution or intangibility mechanisms, in which case they will not be subject to the general rules of budget execution.

ARTICLE 15. Please note that the Companies and Societies of the State defined in the terms of Article 8 of Law 24.156 that receive funds from the National Administration for the financing of investment, acquisition or construction projects, shall refer to the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY And PRODUCTION at the time of requesting each accrual of the budgetary provisions allocated for that purpose, a report on the status of implementation of projects, acquisitions or works containing, at a minimum: the detail of the implementation of the funds executed on a monthly basis in each project or work, a report on the extent of progress in the implementation of each project or work and the monthly physical and financial programming of projects, acquisitions or works to be implemented during the corresponding period.

Please refer to the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA to establish such guidelines as may be necessary for the implementation of this article.

ARTICLE 16. Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to incorporate into Jurisdiction 56 - MINISTERY OF FEDERAL PLANIFICATION, PUBLICA INVERSION and SERVICES, the remaining resources balances collected in the year 2007, for the sum of PESOS DOCE MILLONES CIENTO TREINTA AND DOS MIL TRESCIENTOS ($ 126,36)

This amount will be allocated to Programme 74 - Formulation and implementation of the Electrical Energy Policy - Source of Funding 13 - Resources with Specific Affectation, of the Jurisdiction cited.

ARTICLE 17. The NATIONAL STATE takes charge of the debts generated in the ELECTRIC MERCATE MAYORISTA (MEM) by application of the Resolution of the SECRETARIAT OF ENERGY No. 406 dated 8 September 2003, corresponding to the acrecies of NUCLEOELECTRICA ARGENTINA SOCIEDAD ANONIMAID (NASA), of the BINACIONAL framework.

The debts referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be included in article 2 (f) of law 25.152.

ARTICLE 18. Those made by Decrees Nros should be considered as non-refundable contributions. 1181 dated 3 December 2003, 365 dated 26 March 2004, 512 dated 23 April 2004, 917 dated 21 July 2004, 962 dated 29 July 2004, 1672 and 1687 both dated 30 November 2004, 1466 dated 28 November 2005, 311 dated 21 March 2006 and debts for loans provided by article 17 of Law 26,078 and article 30 of Law 26,178

Faccinate SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA to perform the accounting records to give rise to the effects of this article.

ARTICLE 19. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall grant non-refundable contributions from the National Treasury to the Unified Fund established by article 37 of Law 24.065, for the payment of the required obligations of the Fund for the performance of its specific functions and for the undistorted support of the price stabilization system in the wholesale Electrical Market (MEM) by financial aid to the Stabilization Fund established by Resolution No. 61 ELECTRICA, dependent on the former MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND ARTWS AND PUBLIC SERVICES, its modifications and supplements, in the framework of article 36 of Law 24.065 and administered by the ADMINISTRATIVE COMPANY of the MERCATE ELECTRIC ELECTRICO SOCIEDAD ANONIMA (CAMMESA) in accordance with the provisions of the No. 465 of 6 May 2005, its complementary and modifying regulations, as well as those that might originate from SECRETARIAN Resolution No. 826 of 6 August 2004, its amended and complementary regulations. ARTICLE 20. Replace article 39 of Law 26.020 with the following:

Article 39: They shall be obliged to pay the Industry Control and Commercialization Rate of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas, as passive subjects, natural or legal persons who obtain liquefied gas from the refinement of liquid hydrocarbons, from the capture or separation of natural gas by any technical method and importers of the product.

The liquidation period will comprise UN (1) calendar month and the taxable base will be given by the volume of its production and/or import in that period, expressed in tonnes. The amount to be applied on the taxable basis will be CINCO PESOS ($ 5.00) per ton produced and/or imported. The passive subjects will be able to transfer their sales prices on the domestic market to PESOS TRES ($3.00) per ton of liquefied petroleum gas sold. The SECRETARIAT OF ENERGIA is empowered to modify these amounts, up to a VEINTE FOR SCIENTY (20 %) in more or less, according to the economic variations that operate in the industry.

The application, by the SECRETARIAT OF ENERGIA, of the rate established by this article, and the imposition of fines, interests, updates and sanctions shall be governed by the rules and procedures set out in Law 11.683 (T. 1998) and its amendments.

ARTICLE 21. Authorize to start the recruitment process of the works called "Hidroeléctrica Cóndor Cliff" and "Hidroeléctrica Barrancosa". Also authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make the necessary budgetary measures appropriate, in order to compromise the implementation of the aforementioned projects and their inclusion in the following periods until their completion. ARTICLE 22. Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to grant a preferential loan to the BOLIVIA REPUBLICY, intended to finance the project "Construction of Plant of Extraction and Fruit of Liquables and its system of evacuation and marketing in the town of YACUIBA", province of Gran Chaco, of the Department of Tarija, for the sum of DOLARES The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall set the time and conditions for the return of this loan. (Note Infoleg: by art. 21 of the Act No. 26.546 B.O. 27/11/2009 the provisions of this article are extended for the year 2010) ARTICLE 23. Authorize to start the recruitment process of the work "Presa Embalse y Central Portezuelo del Viento" in the Rio Grande and its complementary works. Also, authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to carry out the necessary budgetary measures, in order to allow the execution of the said project, as well as its inclusion in the following periods until its completion.

The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS shall give account to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION, of the measures implemented for the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

ARTICLE 24. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may have the necessary budgetary restructurings in order to increase the credits allocated to the Jurisdiction 56 - MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICACIÓN FEDERAL, INVERSION PUBLICA y SERVICES, for the financing of the project of the development of the three-dimensional Argentinean Radar of Largo Alcance, aimed at the execution of the National Air Space (RP). ARTICLE 25. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS will allocate the necessary sums to cover the existing differences regarding the work "Aqueduct del Río Colorado", under the agreement signed between the province of LA PAMPA and the NATIONAL STATE on 27 May 2002 and in accordance with the provisions of Law 24.805, which must arbitrate the necessary means for the complete completion of the work.

The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS shall give account to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION, of the measures implemented for the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

ARTICLE 26. Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to implement the mechanisms for the purpose of meeting the financial needs arising from the operating deficits of the Companies AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS SOCIEDAD ANONIMA and AUSTRAL LINEAS AEREAS - ANONIMA SUR SOCIEDAD CELLS, until the ransom established by article 1 of Law 26,412 or until 31 December 2009, is completed, first. The amount of assistance to be made must be used as capital contributions and/or credits for the NATIONAL STATE. To that end, the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFF should facilitate the corresponding budgetary adjustments and report on such assistance to the BICAMERAL STATE REFORM AND FOLLOW-UP TO PRIVATIZATIONS. ARTICLE 27. Consider for three additional years the period of automatic renewal mentioned in article 2 of the contract of trusteeship signed between the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA AND PRODUCCION and the BANCO DE INVERSION AND EXTERIOR TRADE SOCIEDAD ANONIMA adopted by Resolution No. 4 of the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of 13 January 1999. CHAPTER IV OF THE RULES ON ARTICLE 28 RESOURCES Disposal the income as a contribution to the National Treasury of the sum of SETENTA OCHOCIENTS and TOS MILLONES OCHENTA AND CUATRO MIL SETECIENTS VEINTICINCO ($ 872,084,725), according to the distribution indicated in the annexed Table to this article. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS shall establish the payment schedule and adjust the table according to the preceding paragraph. ARTICLE 29. Please note in the amount of CINCUENTAL PESOS AND FOUR OCHOCIENTS MIL ($ 54.800,000) the amount of the regulatory rate as set out in the first paragraph of Article 26 of Law 24,804 - NATIONAL LAW OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITY. ARTICLE 30. de Released for the fiscal year 2009 to UNO COMA NOVENTA BY CIENTO (1.90%) the liquefied article 1 (a) of Decree No. 1399 of 4 November 2001.

The cooperation programmes that the FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC INCOME (AFIP) develop in the area of tax administration with national, provincial, municipal inter-provincial agencies or the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in accordance with the guidelines agreed to in this regard, will be implemented and administered in accordance with their respective regulations and will be financed with the resources referred to in the preceding paragraph.

ARTICLE 31. Suspense for the Exercise 2009 the corresponding integration of the FISCAL ANTICICLIC FONDO created by Article 9 of Law 25.152. In the event that the need for global financing of the National Administration is addressed without having to make full use of the financial surplus, the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall assign to the Fund the unimplemented financial surplus. ARTICLE 32. Note the percentage referred to in article 2 (a) of Act 25.641.

Please note that this percentage will be assigned as follows: CERO COMA CUARENTA AND CINCO BY CIENTO (0.45%) to the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the CERO COMA QUINCE BY CIENTO (0.15%) to the National Service of Health and Food Quality (SENASA) and the CERO CINCO Instituto Industrial (Per CIENT05%). These funds shall be detracted from the charges, rights and fees, excluding the statistical rate established by Act No. 23.664, which is perceived by the Directorate-General of Customs, and must be deposited by the Directorate directly to the order of the agencies mentioned above in the BANCO OF THE ARGENTINA NATION.

Please endorse the distribution made by the application of this article until the 2008 year.

ARTICLE 33. Explain the Liquid Fuel Tax and Natural Gas, provided for in Title III of Law 23.966 (t. 1998) and its modifications; the Oil Gas Tax established by Law 26.028 and any other specific tax that in the future is imposed on such fuel, the imports of oil and diesel oil and its sale in the domestic market, carried out during the same year, of the same generation, of the same generation of the electricity market.

The exemption set out in the preceding paragraph will be appropriate while the average monthly import parity of oil or diesel oil without taxes, except for the Attached Value Tax, is not less than the refinery price of those goods.

Authorize to import under this regime for the year 2009, the volume of MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL METROS CUBICO (2,500.000 m3), which can be expanded to a VEINTE FOR SCIENTY (20%), according to the assessment of their need carried out jointly by the SECRETARIA DE HACIENDA, dependent on the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA DE ENERGIA, dependent on FEDERAL PLANNING MINISTERY, PUBLIC INVERSION and SERVICES.

The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POSSY, through the agencies that it deems to correspond, will distribute the quota according to the regulations that it dictates in this respect, having to refer to the HONORABLE CONGREE of the NATION, in quarterly form, the relevant report that must contain indication of the volumes authorized by company; evolution of market prices and conditions of supply and report on the compliance of the Resolution No. 1679

In matters not regulated by the present regime, the provisions of Act No. 26.022 shall be supplemental and complementary.

(Note Infoleg: by art. 27 of the Annex Decree No. 2054/2010 B.O. 29/12/2010 the volume authorized to import under the regime established by this Article, to TRES MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL METROS CUBICOS (3,500.000 m3), which can be extended to a VEINTE FOR SCIENTY (20%), according to the assessment of their need carried out jointly by the SECRETARIA DE HACIENDA dependent on MINISTERIO OF ENERGIA dependent on FEDERAL PLANNING MINISTERY, PUBLIC INVERSION and SERVICES. Watch: 1 January 2011) (Note Infoleg: by art. 29 of the Act No. 26.546 B.O. 27/11/2009 the provisions of this article are extended for the year 2010) ARTICLE 34. Refer to the payment of the import duty and the statistics and import check rates for the consumption of new and unproduced goods in the country for infrastructure works intended to constitute:

(a) The generation, transport and distribution of electricity;

(b) Prospecting, exploration, production and exploitation of gas and oil;

(c) The establishment of new oil refineries and expansion of existing ones;

(d) The transport, storage and/or distribution of hydrocarbons.

For the purposes of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, infrastructure works should be declared as a Critical Project by the SECRETARIAT OF ENERGIA of the FEDERAL MINISTERY, PUBLICA INVERSION and SERVICES, in accordance with the regulations in force in the matter and which in the future is established. Goods to import shall be an essential constituent part of the works to which they are affected, for which purpose the said agency shall dictate the respective rules. SECRETARIAT OF INDUSTRIA, TRADE AND SME OF ECONOMY MINISTERY And PRODUCTION will periodically determine the existence of national production.

New imported goods, intended for investment projects for the generation of electricity in the context of the so-called FONDO FOR NECESSARY INVERSIONS to increase the supply of electricity in the wholesale electric market (FONINVMEM), which have been declared critical by the Ministry of Energy of FEDERAL PLANIFICATION, PUBLICA INVERSION And SERVICES prior to the validity of the present, shall not be fulfilled by the rights and fees mentioned in the first paragraph of this article. The quality of produced in the country will not be required for outstanding import goods for the aforementioned projects.

ARTICLE 35. Please note that article 24 of Act No. 26.198 does not modify the existing regulatory framework with respect to bank charges and charges arising from the collection accounts, in accordance with the provisions of article 23 of Act No. 11.683 (t. 1998) and its amendments, the application of which was provided for in Decree No. 507 of 24 March 1993 ratified by Act No. 24.447. ARTICLE 36. el Replace article 65 (a) of Law 11.683 (t. 1998) and its modifications with the following:

(a) From the date of administrative intimation of payment of specified taxes, certain or presumptively regarding the actions and fiscal powers to demand the intimate payment. When appealing to the FISCAL NATION TRIBUNAL, the suspension, up to the amount of the liquidated tax, shall be extended until NOVENTA (90) days after notifying the judgement of the same person who declares his incompetence, or determines the tax, or approves the liquidation in its consequence.

When the above determination imposes total or partly balances on behalf of the taxpayer or responsible who have been applied to the cancellation . for compensation, of other tax obligations, the suspension shall also include the limitation of the actions and powers of the Fisco to demand payment of the obligations purportedly cancelled with such balances in favour.

The intimation of payment made to the main debtor, suspends the statute of limitations of the Fisco's actions and powers to determine the tax and demand its payment for those responsible for solidarity.

ARTICLE 37. Protract until 31 December 2024 the deadline set in the "in fine" part of the first paragraph of Article 1 of Law 26.028. CHAPTER V OF THE FISCAL CUPS ARTICLE 38. Please note the annual quota referred to in Article 3 of Law 22,317 and Article 7 of Law 25.872, in the sum of PESOS OCHENTA and DOS MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL ($ 82,500.000), according to the following detail:





It is established that, from the date of validity of this law, the amount of the tax credit referred to in Law 22,317 shall be administered by the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION, within the scope of the Ministry of EDUCATION.

ARTICLE 39. el Note the annual quota set out in Article 9 (b) of Law 23,877 in the amount of MILLONES SOURCES ($ 40,000) distributed as follows:

1. The sum of PESOS TREINTA and CINCO MILLONES ($ 35,000.000) for the current operation, and

2. The sum of PESOS CINCO MILLONES ($ 5,000.000) to fund projects under the Program for Promoting the Investment of Risk Capital in Businesses of Areas of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (Decree No. 1207 dated 12 September 2006).

Chapter VI of the Economic and Social Council The maximum limit is the amount of PESOS DOS DOS MIL DOSCIENTS CUARENTA AND TRES MILLONES SEISCIENTS VEINTE MIL ($ 2,243,620.000) for the payment of previsional debts recognized in judicial and administrative headquarters as a result of retroactives originated in adjustments made in the benefits of the public forecast regime by the ADMINATION SOCIAL NATIONAL SECURITY ARTICLE 41. Please provide the cash payment by the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY (ANSES), of the projected debts consolidated under Act No. 25,344, and pay by placing public debt instruments. ARTICLE 42. The cancellation of consolidated forecast debts, in accordance with the regulations in force, in compliance with judicial decisions ordering the payment of retroactive and readjustments by the appropriate party to pay through the placement of public debt instruments to retirees and pensioners of the Armed Forces and Security Forces including the PENITENCIARIO FEDERAL, shall be served with the amounts corresponding to the INSTITUTE ARTICLE 43. Please note that the maximum limit is the amount of PESOS TRESCIENTOS VEINTINUEVE MILLONES DOSCIENTA AND NUEVE MIL ($ 329,289,000) for the payment of court judgements by the appropriate party to pay in cash for all purposes, as a result of retroactives originated in adjustments made in the benefits for the retired and pensioned members of the Armed Forces, Table 4











ARTICLE 44. The agencies referred to in articles 42 and 43 of this law shall observe for the cancellation of the debts the strict priority order that follows:

(a) Sentences reported in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment;

(b) Sentences reported in 2009.

In the first case, older beneficiaries will be given priority. Exhausted judgements reported in pre-2009 periods shall apply the priority order set out in subparagraph (b), strictly respecting the chronological order of notification of final judgements.

CHAPTER VII OF JUBILATIONS AND PENSIONS ARTICLE 45. Please note, from the date of the present law, that the participation of the FINANCIAL HEALTH INSTITUTE FOR THE PAYMENT OF RETIRES AND MILITARY PENSIONS, referred to in articles 18 and 19 of Law 22.919, shall not be less than the COURT AND THREE per SCIENTY (43 %) of the cost of the remunerative retirement estates, compensation. ARTICLE 46. Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the pensions granted under Law 13.337 that have expired or expired during the present period.

Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the ex gratia pensions that were granted by article 48 of Law 25.064.

Ex gratia pensions extended by this Act, which are granted and those extended by Laws 23.990, 24.061, 24.191, 24.307, 24.447, 24.624, 24.764, 24.938, 25.064, 25.237, 25.401, 25.500, 25.565, 25.725, 25.827, 25,967, 26,078, 26,198 and 26,337 shall be fulfilled by the following:

(a) Do not be the beneficiary of a property whose tax valuation is equivalent to or greater than CIEN MIL PESOS ($ 100,000);

(b) Do not link up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity with the requesting legislator;

(c) The amount equivalent to UNA (1) minimum retirement from the Integrated Pension and Pension System cannot be exceeded individually or cumulatively and will be compatible with any other income provided that the total amount of the latter does not exceed DOS (2) minimum retirements from the said System.

In cases where the beneficiaries are minors, with the exception of those with different capacities, incompatibility will be evaluated in relation to their parents, when they both live with the minor. In the case of parents who have been divorced, divorced or who have been abandoned, incompatibilities will only be evaluated in relation to the parent who cohabits with the beneficiary.

In all cases of extensions referred to in this article, the Implementation Authority shall maintain the continuity of benefits until the above-mentioned incompatibility is thoroughly verified. In no case, payments of benefits shall be suspended without prior notification or termination to meet the formal requirements required.

Ex gratia pensions that have been paid off by any of the grounds of incompatibility shall be rehabilitated once the grounds that have led to their extinction have ceased, provided that the aforementioned incompatibilitys cease to exist within the time limit set by the law that granted them.

The sum of PESOS DIECIOCHO MILLONES ($ 18.000.000) for the attention of the benefits referred to in article 75, paragraph 20, of the National Constitution, to be determined by the Jurisdiction 01 . . Programme 01 - in up to a TREINTA FOR CIENTO (30%) of the amount mentioned and by the Jurisdiction 17

Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to increase the assets of the ex gratia pensions granted by this law, to equalize the increase provided for in other similar benefits by the relevant legislation.

ARTICLE 47. The sum of TREINT OCHOCIENTS AND SEIS SEINES SETENTA AND NUEVE MIL ($ 836,679,000) of the contribution to the National Employment Fund (FNE) for the care of employment programmes of the MINISTERIO DE TRABAJO, EMPLEO AND SOCIAL SECURITY is reflected during this exercise. CHAPTER VIII OF THE OPERATIONS OF PUBLIC CREDICT Authorize, in accordance with article 60 of Law 24,156, the entities mentioned in the annexed table to this article to carry out public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the mentioned Planilla.

The amounts indicated in the same correspond to actual placement values. The use of this authorization must be informed in a fruitful and detailed manner, within the time limit of TREINTA (30) days of the operation of public credit, to both Houses of the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION.

The body responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems will conduct public credit operations for the Central Administration.

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY And PRODUCTION may make modifications to the characteristics detailed in the Planilla for the purpose of adapting them to the possibilities of obtaining financing, which should be reported in the same manner and manner as set out in the second paragraph.

ARTICLE 49. . Note in the amount of PESOS NUEVE MIL MILLONES ($9,000.000.000) and in the sum of PESOS DOS MIL MILLONES ($2,000.000.000) the maximum amount of authorization to the General TESORERIA of the NATION and to the National Administration of Social Security, respectively, to make use of the short-term credit to that of 82. ARTICLE 50. Note in PESOS TRES MIL SETECIENTOS MILLONES ($ 3.700.000.000) the maximum amount of placement of Consolidation Bonuses and Consolidation of Previsional Debts, in all their existing series, for the payment of the obligations under Article 2 (f) of Law 25.152, those reached by Decree No. 1.318 of the present case. The amounts indicated in the same correspond to actual placement values.

Within each of the concepts defined in the aforementioned Planilla, the placements will be made in the strict chronological order of entry to the NATIONAL OF THE PUBLIC CREDICT OF the SUBSECRETARIA OF FINANCING dependent on the SECRETARIAT OF FINANCIALS of the MINISTERIO OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION, of the required to comply with the requirements of payment

Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION to make modifications within the total amount set out in this article.

ARTICLE 51. Within the amount authorized for Jurisdiction 90 ServicioService of Public Debts, the sum of PESOS VEINTE MILLONES ($ 20,000) is included for the care of the debts referred to in section 7 (b) and (c) of Law 23.982. ARTICLE 52. Refer to the deferral of payments of the public debt services of the national Government provided for in article 52 of Law 26,337, until the completion of the process of restructuring the totality of the public debt originally contracted prior to 31 December 2001, or under rules issued prior to that date. (Note Infoleg: by art. 49 of the Act No. 26.546 B.O. 27/11/2009 maintains the differentiation provided for in this article) ARTICLE 53. Except for the different payments set out in the preceding article, the following obligations:

(a) The Letters of the Treasury (LETES) issued pursuant to the provisions of the Nros Decrees. 1572 of 1 December 2001 and 1582 of 5 December 2001 and complementary standards:

I. May they be in the possession of physical persons of SETENTA and CINCO (75) years or older, and whose possessions are credited to the ANONIMA SOCIEDAD CAJA as at 31 December 2001 and remain unchanged, or by the party fulfilling this condition.

II. That they were in the possession of people who went through life-threatening situations, or those in which there is a severe commitment to their health because of the risk of incapacity that presupposes pathology and the impossibility of deferral of treatment for a period greater than DOS (2) years that will be considered individually, within the framework of the Decree No. 1310 of 29 September 2004 and whose possessions are credited to the ANONIMA SOCIEDAD CAJA at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of Resolution No. 73 of 25 April 2002 of the former MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA.

ARTICLE 54. The suspension provided for in article 1 of Decree No. 493 of 20 April 2004 shall be extended until the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER normalizes in the terms of article 55 of this Act the certificates issued in the framework of the decrees referred to in article 1 of the above decree. To this end, empower the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to the dictation of the corresponding rules. ARTICLE 55. Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER, through the MINISTERY of ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION, to continue with the standardization of the public debt services referred to in article 52 of this law, in the terms of article 65 of Law 24.156, and with the limits imposed by law 26.017, the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall be entitled to complete all the above-mentioned acts.

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY And PRODUCTION will semesterly inform the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION, the advance of the traffickers and the agreements reached during the negotiation process.

The public debt services of the national Government, corresponding to the public securities covered by the Act No. 26.017, are included in the dispute set out in article 52 of this Act.

The final judicial pronouncements, issued against the provisions of Act No. 25.561, Decree No. 471 of 8 March 2002, and its supplementary rules, which are governed by the provisions of the preceding paragraph, are reached.

ARTICLE 56. Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, through the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION, to negotiate the restructuring of debts with foreign official creditors entrusted to it by the provinces. In such cases the NATIONAL STATE may become the debtor or guarantor against the aforementioned creditors to the extent that the provincial jurisdiction assumes the resulting debt with the NATIONAL STATE in the terms in which the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER, through the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION determines.

For the purpose of the cancellation of the obligations assumed, provincial jurisdictions should strengthen this commitment to the co-participable tax resources.

ARTICLE 57. For the purposes of computing the provisions of article 2 (f) of Act No. 25,152, the avals of the National Treasury and the capitalization by updating coefficient shall be included in the subparagraph. ARTICLE 58. Please note that the financial entities will have deadlines until 30 June 2009 to notify the BANCO CENTRAL OF THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC, in the timely terms established by the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION and the Bank, the acceptance of the compensation provided for in Articles 28 and 29 of Decree No. 905 of 31 May 2002 and amendments.

Those financial entities that had received the above-mentioned compensation for amounts greater than those determined by the BANCO CENTRAL OF THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and which had not yet been restored, shall refund the same until 30 June 2009, in accordance with the mechanism to be determined by the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION.

The entities that have initiated or initiate administrative claims and/or judicial actions in which the concepts referred to in articles 28 and 29 of Decree No. 905/02 and their supplementary rules are questioned, or their calculation methodology and which do not desist from them, may not submit the acceptance referred to in the first paragraph of this article, so that once the time period expires it will be as decided in administrative or judicial headquarters. In these cases, if finally matched, they will be canceled by the issue of Consolidation Bonuses Suppliers Sixth series of which the amounts previously released by the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC BANCO will be discounted. The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION is empowered to issue the aforementioned bonds for up to the amounts necessary to cover the present cases and to establish the procedures for liquidation.

ARTICLE 59. Financial entities that have accepted the determination of compensation as expressed in the preceding article after applying the full amount of their deposits of bonds received in compensation, wishing to subscribe the bonds provided for in articles 28 and 29 of Decree No. 905/02, in order to fully, uniquely and definitively terminate the negative net position in foreign currency, resulting from the conversion to pesos of assets and liabilities recorded in the balance sheet as of 31 December 2009.

This deadline shall be understood to mean that the above-mentioned instruments shall not be signed so that they shall be cancelled, and consequently no financial entity may apply for subscription.

ARTICLE 60. Please refer to the body responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems to extend the SH Aval period No. 1/2003 granted in favour of the Company INVESTIGATIONS IMPLETED STATE SOCIED (INVAP S.E.) pursuant to Article 9 of Law 25,725, until 31 December 2010. ARTICLE 61. Replace article 44 of Law 11.672 (T. 2005) with the following text:

Article 44: Provide the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA and the SECRETARIAT OF FINANCIALS both dependent on the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY and PRODUCTION to carry out operations of the administration of liabilities, whatever the instrument that expresses them. These operations may include the restructuring of public debt under section 65 of the Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems Act; the purchase, sale and/or exchange of financial instruments, such as bonds or shares, currency exchanges, interest rates or titles; the purchase and sale of options on financial instruments and any other standard financial transaction in derivatives markets. These transactions can be made through "ad hoc" created entities. The operations referred to in this article shall not be met by the provisions of Decree No. 1023 of 13 August 2001 and its amendments. Expenditures and interests related to these operations shall be recorded in Judgement 90 - Public Debt Service.

The prices of operations should take into account the existing values in the markets and/or use the usual mechanisms specific to each transaction.

Instruments that are acquired through these operations or by asset sales may be kept in the portfolio in order to be able to use them in pass operations, options, conversions and any other type of usual market operation.

When in one of these operations the counterpart of the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA and the SECRETARIAT OF FINANCE both of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION shall be subject to any of the procedures governed by Act No. 24.522 or those provided for in articles 34, 35 bis, 44, 48, 50 et seq. of Act No. 21.526 and its amendments, and to which the provisions of Act No. 24.522 apply shall not apply:

(a) Article 118, paragraph 3, of Law 24,522 concerning and to the extent of additional guarantees provided by the counterpart of the State after the holding of one or more operations due to the variation in the market value of the or assets to which such operations relate if the obligation to constitute such additional guarantees had been agreed before or at the time of the holding of the respective operations or operations;

(b) Articles 20, 130, 144 and 145 of Act No. 24,522, permitting the exercise by the State of its contractual rights to terminate such transactions in advance, to make compensations of receivables and debits reciprocal to the contractually agreed values of the parties and to execute the corresponding guarantees.

In addition, within the powers granted by this article, the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA and the SECRETARIAT OF FINANCIALs both dependent on the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION, may carry out assignment operations and/or provision of credits against individuals from accrued credits or facilities for payment of tax or previsional debts through any form accepted in the country ' s financial markets or abroad.

These operations shall not be considered public credit operations and are therefore not subject to the limits imposed by article 60 of Law 24,156, on Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems.

ARTICLE 62. . Please refer to the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION to the issue and placement of letters of the Treasury in periods that do not exceed the financial period until reaching an amount in circulation of the nominal value of PESOS TRES MIL MILLONES ($ 3, for the purposes of being used as a guarantee for the acquisition of fuels.

Such instruments may be issued in the currency requiring the constitution of the aforementioned guarantees, with the issuance, placement, liquidation and registration of the same, in accordance with article 82 of the Annex to Decree No. 1344 of 4 October 2007. Prior to their issuance, the budget allocated to guaranteed expenditures should be compromised.

Faccinate the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA del MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA And PRODUCTION to provide for the application of the above-mentioned budget lines for the National Treasury, in the event of the guarantees issued under this article, and also to dictate the clear, complementary and procedural rules related to the powers granted therein.

ARTICLE 63. Please refer to the body responsible for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems to grant National Treasury endorsements for public credit operations in accordance with the following detail (table 5). Table 5




Banco de la Nación Argentina

US$ 274.134,000

Banking/Financial deEnergy Infrastructure Works de Expansion Troncale Gas pipelines 2006-2008

Energy Argentina S.A.

U$S 887.656.250

Banking/Financial/Commercial deElectric Generation Centers Acquisition de

Argentina Satelital S.A.

U$S 30,000.000

Banking/Financial/Commercial - Construction of the Argentine Satellite System ARSAT - 1

Applied Investigations State Society (INV.AP. S.E.)

I am. 36,000.000

Guarantee of execution, advances and pre-financing of exports de in the event that the same is contracted after the corresponding bidding process– for the construction of the experimental nuclear reactor ­ Project Pallas in HOLAND

ARTICLE 64. - Amend article 33 of Law 11.672 - PERMANENT BUDGET COMPLEMENTARY (t. 2005), which will be drafted as follows:

Article 33: Faccinate the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA del MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA And PRODUCTION, to place the availability of the National Treasury, derived or not from the application of article 80 of Law 24.156 and its modifications, in accounts or deposits remunerated from the country or from the outside and/or in the acquisition of public securities or local or international values of recognized solvency and/or any other type of habitual operation in the financial markets. Such operations may only be carried out to the extent that their maturity occurs within the fiscal year in which they were concluded.

The one produced by the placement of the availability of the National Treasury will be used as a resource.

The body responsible for the Coordination of the Financial Management Systems of the National Public Sector will issue the clarification and complementary standards of this article.

CHAPTER IX OTHER PROVISIONS ARTICLE 65. Any time limit established for the final liquidation or dissolution of any entity, Agency, Institute, Society or Company of the State that is in the process of liquidation in accordance with Decrees Nros. 2148 dated 19 October 1993 and 1836 of 14 October 1994.

Please be issued as a deadline for the final liquidation of the liquidation entities referred to in the previous paragraph on 31 December 2009 or until the final liquidation of the liquidating processes of the entities reached in the present extension takes place, through the Resolution of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY and PRODUCTION, as appropriate, first.

ARTICLE 66. SEENTS DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, INCLUDING THE PROCEDURES OF THE NATIONAL COUNTRIES, ARTICLE 67. No. 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the Republic of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the State of the Republic of Buenos Aires, of the State of the Republic of Buenos Aires,

Please also provide the Ministry mentioned above to refinance any balances that may arise from the application of this article.

ARTICLE 68. Replace article 22 of Law 26,198 of the General Budget of the National Administration for the Exercise 2007, which is incorporated into Law 11.672 COMCOMPLEMENTARIA PERMANENT OF BUDGET (T. 2005) by article 105,, with the following:

Article 22: Amend to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION to modify the conditions of reimbursement of the debts maintained by the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with the NATIONAL STATE, assumed through the Conventions subscribed under Decree No. 1274 of 16 December 2003, of article 31 of Law 25,827, of the Law of 25,917, and of the first paragraph of the The authority granted shall be implemented within the framework of the application of article 26 of Law 25.917, first paragraph.

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY And PRODUCTION, at each time, shall determine, in accordance with the possibilities of the national Government, the debts reached, which must be considered, for that purpose, the financial situation of the Jurisdiction concerned.

ARTICLE 69. Replace article 1 of Act No. 25.919 NacionalNational Teacher Incentive Fund modificado, as amended by article 19 of Act No. 26.075 on Educational Financing, which will be drafted in the following terms:

Article 1: Prorrógase la vigencia del Fondo Nacional de Incenttivo Docente creado por la Ley 25.053 y sus modificación, por el término de SIETE (7) años a partir del 1o enero de 2004.

ARTICLE 70. Incorporate as article 1o bis of Law 22.802 the following text:

Article 1 bis: The machines, equipment and/or devices and their energy-consuming components that are commercialized in the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC shall comply with the energy efficiency standards that, for such purposes, define the SECRETARIAT OF ENERGIA of the FEDERAL MINISTERIFICATION, PUBLICA INVERSION and SERVICES. The Secretariat will define for each type of product standards of maximum levels of energy consumption and/or minimum levels of energy efficiency, depending on technical and economic indicators.

ARTICLE 71. Insert the following text as article 12 (m) of Law 22.802:

(m) Verify that the machines, equipment and/or devices and their energy-consuming components that are commercialized in the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC meet the energy efficiency standards established by the SECRETARIAT OF ENERGIA of the FEDERAL MINISTERIFICATION, PUBLICA INVERSION and SERVICES.

ARTICLE 72. Amend article 20 of Act No. 24.144, replaced by article 15 of Act No. 25,780 by the following:

Article 20: The Bank may make transitory advances to the national Government up to an amount equivalent to DOCE BY CIENTO (12 %) of the monetary base, constituted by the monetary circulation plus deposits in view of the financial entities in the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC CENTRAL BANCO, in current accounts or in special accounts. It may also grant advances to an amount that does not exceed TEN per cent of the cash resources that the national government has obtained in the last DOCE (12) months. At no time shall the amount of transitory advances granted, excluding those that are intended solely for the payment of obligations to multilateral lending agencies and for the payment of obligations in foreign currency, exceed DOCE by SCIENTO (12 %) of the monetary base, defined above. All advances made under this article shall be refunded within DOCE (12) months of the period. If any of these advances remain unpaid after the expiration of that period, this authority may not be used again until the amounts due have been refunded.

ARTICLE 73. Amend article 11 of Act No. 19,032 replaced by article 9 of Act No. 25,615, which shall read as follows:

Article 11: Current accounts necessary for the development of the Institute shall be opened only in official financial entities.

The surplus funds shall be invested according to appropriate criteria of profitability and security, in fixed-term deposits .los to be constituted in the ARGENTINA NATION BANCO and other financial assets to ensure the availability of funds on the dates for which the Institute foresees its use for the objects provided for in Articles 2 and 3 of the present, depending on the projections it has made.

The Institute shall operate with official financial entities, except for loan management.

ARTICLE 74. Authorize the coordinating body of the Financial Management Systems to give special guarantees to the BANCO of the ARGENTINA NATION, in the terms of article 25 of Law 21.799, for debts that the national State contract with that institution, provided that:

(a) The production of such debts applies to the financing of capital expenses or debt repayment;

(b) The balance does not exceed TREINTA BY SCIENTO (30 %) of the deposits of the national non-financial public sector in the grantor entity.

The guarantees granted shall be included in the provisions of article 57 of the present.

ARTICLE 75. Re-assist the unused promotional benefits, given to projects promoted under Act No. 22.021 and their amendments and framed by Decree No. 2054 of November 10, 1992, 804 of July 16, 1996 and 1553 of December 29, 1998, whose theoretical tax costs were timely budgeted and credited to the respective computed current accounts, to the company awarded of the promoted industrial plant that belonged to the failed YOMA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA, as well as to those other companies that carry out the work of enterprises For the purposes of the respective reassignment, the consent of the EXECUTIVE PODER of the province of LA RIOJA shall be mediated. ARTICLE 76. Faccinate the national executive branch to:

To endorse the reassignments decreed by the government of the province of San Juan during the present period, corresponding to industrial projects promoted under Law 22,973 and its amendment, as set out in Decree Nros. 2054/92; 804/96; of unused promotional benefits whose theoretical fiscal costs were in a timely manner budgeted have been or have not been credited to the respective computed current accounts, to companies that carry out undertakings for the generation, transport and distribution of alternative electric energies in order to increase the national energy supply, taking into account the characteristics of the exploitation, investments to be realized, level of production,

(Note Infoleg: by art. 92 of the Act No. 26.546 B.O. 27/11/2009 the provisions of this article are extended for the year 2010) ARTICLE 77. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, in the use of the powers conferred by article 37 of Act No. 24,156, to carry out budgetary restructurings for the purpose of assigning the necessary provisions for the attention of the obligations arising from the implementation of Act No. 26.331. ARTICLE 78. Please refer to the MINISTRY GABINETE JEFE, in the opportunity to proceed to the distribution of this law, to assign for compensation within the total provided for in Article 1 , a credit of PESOS DIEZ MILLONES ($ 10,000.000), in favor of the NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TRANSPORT REGULATION, a decentralized agency in Jurisdiction of the FICISTERIAL ARTICLE 79. . Prorrógase por EZ (10) años, a partir de la promulgación de la presente ley, el periodo establece por el segundo párrafo del artículo 17 de la Ley 25.080. ARTICLE 80. Except for the STANDING CAPACITATION FUND LABORAL, which operates within the framework of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATION PUBLICA dependent on the SUBSECRETARIA OF THE PUBLICA GESTION OF the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFATURA, to enter into the NATIONAL TESORO the remnants from resources from previous years that the Fund records from the year 2008. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to expand the budgets of the Fund by incorporating the corresponding remnants. ARTICLE 81. Incorporate, within the total of the credits approved by this law, the sum of CINCO MILLONES PESOS ($ 5,000.000) to be assigned to Program 17 of Jurisdiction 01, as a complement to the programmes in other jurisdictions to assist students of primary, secondary, tertiary and university level. ARTICLE 82. JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, in use of the powers conferred by Article 37 of Law 24.156, shall assign to Program 17 of Jurisdiction 01, the sum of SIETE MILLONES ($ 7,000.000) for the implementation of programs for people of ideal existence with legal and non-profit status, through non-refundable loan assignments and/or with funding. ARTICLE 83. JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, in use of the powers conferred by Article 37 of Law 24.156, shall assign to Judgement 01 for Programme 17, the sum of PESOS VEINTIDOS MILLONES ($ 22,000.000) to meet operating expenses, whose financing during the period 2008, was solvent by incorporating surpluses of previous years and with own resources. ARTICLE 84. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, to assign to the Jurisdiction 30 - Ministry of the Interior - Program 17 - Cooperation, Technical Assistance and Training to Municipalities - the sum of PESOS A MILLON DOSCIENTOS MIL ($ 1,200,000), to be destined to the FEDERATION ARGENTINA DE MUNICIPIOS - F.A.M. - as a non-administration. ARTICLE 85. Provide the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, during the present period, to establish special tax measures, such as deferrals, refunds, deductions, special repayment regimes and/or tax bonuses in the provincial departments whose labour crisis, in general, stems from the privatization or closure of public enterprises. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall establish the characteristics and conditions for consideration as such. ARTICLE 86. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, in order to make use of the powers conferred by article 37 of Law 24,156, the necessary budgetary restructurings for the purpose of assigning the sum of PESOS QUINIENTOS MIL ($ 500,000) for the financing of the expenses of the Binational Commission of the Bermejo River (COBINABE). ARTICLE 87. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, in use of the powers conferred by article 37 of Law 24,156, shall allocate the sum of PESOS A MILLON QUINIENTS MIL ($ 1,500,000) for the attention of the expenses of the MERCOSUR Parliament. ARTICLE 88. Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to start the process of hiring the works called "Aprovechamiento Multipropósito Chihuidos I y II" in the province of Neuquén; "Aprovechamientos Hidroeléctricos del Río San Juan - Presa y Central Hidroeléctrica Punta Negra-" in the province of San Juan; and "Aprovechamientos Hidroelectricos

Also, authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to carry out the necessary budgetary measures, in order to allow the execution of the aforementioned Projects and their inclusion in the following periods until their completion.

The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS shall give account to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION, of the measures implemented for the purposes of the provisions of this article.

ARTICLE 89. el Replace article 83 (b) of Law 11.672 (t. 2005) with the following:

(b) The production and/or refining and importing companies inscribed in the records of the Law Enforcement Authority 17.319 will pay a quality control rate of fuels as set out below:

(1) The production and/or refining and importing companies of nafta and gasoil will pay monthly, as passive subjects, a quality control rate of the fuels up to PESOS TRES DIEZMILESIMOS ($ 0,0003) per litre produced or imported.

(2) The bioethanol and biodiesel producing and/or refining companies will pay annually, as passive subjects, a quality control rate of the fuels up to PESOS TRES DAY ($ 0,0003) per litre produced or imported.

(3) The biogas producing and/or refining and importing companies will pay annually as passive subjects a quality control rate of the fuels up to PESOS TRES DIEZMILESIMOS ($ 0,0003) per cubic meter produced or imported.

ARTICLE 90. Provide an increase in credits of PESOS DIEZ MILLONES ($ 10,000.000) in the Entity 652 NENTE NACIONAL REGULADOR DE ELECTRICIDAD, a decentralised agency that acts in the area of Jurisdiction 56 MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICACIÓN FEDERAL, INVERSION PUBLICA Y SERVICEOS,, an increase that will be able to meet the expenses of the Agency's ARTICLE 91. Please contact the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFE for the creation of 26 positions on the permanent floor of the NATIONAL ENTER REGULADOR OF ELECTRICITY, a decentralized body that acts in the area of Jurisdiction 56, MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICATION FEDERAL, INVERSION PUBLICA AND SERVICES, which will be financed from the previous approval. CHAPTER X OF THE PERMANENT COMPLEMENTARY LAW ARTICLE 92. . Incorporate into Law 11.672 - COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT BUDGET (T. 2005) section 65 of Law 26.337 and Articles 15, 19, 33, 34, 57, 67, 74 and 80 of this Law and exclude Articles 33 and 64 of Law 26,337. PART II. BUDGET OF CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES ARTICLE 93. Please note in the Tables Summary No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Attachments to this Title, the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. PART III. BUDGET OF DISCENTRALIZED AND INSTITUTIONS OF SOCIAL SECURITY ARTICLE 94. Please note in the Tables Summary No. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8a and 9A The amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 95. Please note in the Tables Summary No. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B Attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 96. Contact the Executive.



JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.

NOTE: This law is published without annexed tables. The unpublished documentation can be consulted at the Central Headquarters of this National Directorate (Suipacha 767 - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) and

(Note Infoleg: the modifications to the Annex that have been published in the Official Gazette can be consulted by clicking on the link "This rule is complemented or modified by standard X(s).")