Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Transfer to the province of La Rioja, the domain of the property owned by the national state, located in the city of Chamical, department of Governor Gordillo, sito in San MartÃn 254, whose Catalan nomenclature is circumscription 1, section A, block 22, plot 5. ARTICLE 2 The transfer provided for in the preceding article is carried out with the charge for the beneficiary to discard the property to the Club Sportivo Ferrocarriles del Estado for the exclusive development of sport, educational and cultural activities, so in the event of a breach of the charge or loss of the legal personry, the property shall be restored to the province of La Rioja. Article 3 The translative writing of dominion will be carried out by the General Government of the Nation, within a period not exceeding 120 days of the promulgation of the present. ARTICLE 4 The costs required by this transfer shall be borne exclusively by the province of La Rioja. ARTICLE 5o Contact the Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VEINTISEIES OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR DOS MIL OCHO.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.