Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies
of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc.
forcefully sanctioned
ARTICLE 1 Authorize the entry of foreign troops into the national territory and the departure from it of national forces, as appropriate, to participate in the combined exercise programme from 12 November 2007 to 31 August 2008, in accordance with the detailed information in Annexes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI that are an integral part of this Law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the National Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO CATORCE DIAS DEL MES DE NOVIEMBRE DEL YEAR DOS MIL SIETE.
# 26,300
ALBERTO E. BALESTRINI. . JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
Annex I
Type of activity to develop:
Combined exercise of Conventional Operations, with troops on the ground, "INTEGRATION l - 2007".
Project origin:
Exercise that takes place for the first time with the armies of the member countries of the MERCADO COMUN DEL SUR (MERCOSUR) and Others of the region, as a result of the firm will of integration and interoperability between the armies.
3. Basics of the objectives of the activity:
a. Strategic:
Sharpen bonds of union, cooperation and trust between armies and help regional integration among sister nations. In addition, this activity allows the preservation, strengthening and development of the links of peace, and of professional exchange between the armies.
b. Combined training:
To respond to demands of a technical-operational nature, which are part of the annual training carried out by EJERCITO ARGENTINO in the framework of the concept of Interoperative Armed Forces.
Its purpose will be to achieve and consolidate a combined command planning process (common method that is compatible with the participating armies) that will allow for the implementation of future actions to be carried out by these armies in contingency situations.
4. Activity configuration:
a. Place of realization: ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
b. Date of entry/return: from 12 to 16 November 2007.
c. Participating countries:
(1) Participants: VEINTICINCO (25)/TREINTA (30) for each foreign country and staff member of the Monte XII Brigade and the Special Operations Forces Group.
2) Type: combat, combat support and organic combat support services of a Monte Brigade and special forces troops to operate in Monte.
3) Equipment and armament: the individual equipment and armament of each participating army will be used and that corresponding to each participating combat vehicle.
d. Deployment of troops and means: the participating elements of each neighbouring army will enter from their country by land/motor mode. The rest will do so by air, through EZEIZA International Airport, "MINISTRO PISTARINI".
e. Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for foreign troops entering the country.
f. Approximate cost: programmed and budgeted by the Force, weights CATORCE MIL ACCOUNTS AND THREE ($ 414,483.00).
g. Sources of financing: with the budget allocated to EJERCITO ARGENTINO. Combined training sub-function, budget program developed by Head III . Operations (Department Operations/Division Combined Exercises).
5 Situational framework:
In the exercise, a hypothetical situation arises, in which the armies of the participating countries forming a Multinational Force, organize a Monte/Selva Brigade and elements of special forces suitable to operate on the missionary mountain in the framework of a wear operation.
The purpose pursued with its execution is to verify in the field, with complete fractions, with movement of combat vehicles and in the conditions closest to reality, the feasibility of the plans made at the planning stage.
This exercise has an operational character, it will be developed by organic fractions with its armament, individual equipment and its vehicles, as well as troops of special forces suitable to operate on the mountain.
Its development begins as a result of a hypothetical situation in which a figurative country invades the territory of one the member countries of the alliance, thus forming a Monte Brigade composed of a Combined General Staff and its dependent command elements, more elements of special forces that will operate on the ground on the missionary mountain.
Annex II
1. Type of activity to develop:
Combined Exercise of Conventional Operations (Aerotransportated), with troops on the ground, "SACI".
2. Project origin:
a. Seventh Bilateral Conference of Major States between the EJERCITES OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL and REPUBLIC ARGENTINA, held from 24 to 27 April 2006 at the AUTONOMA CITY of BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
b. This exercise was developed between the two armies during the years 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
3. Basics of the objectives of the activity:
a. Strategic:
To strengthen ties of union, cooperation and trust between the two armies and contribute to regional integration among sister nations.
b. Combined training:
To respond to demands of an operational nature, those that form part of the annual training carried out by EJERCITO ARGENTINO in the framework of the concept of Interoperative Armed Forces.
To employ a common doctrine or at least there are terminological or technical execution differences, which are known by both armies, so that they can be rapidly and efficiently integrated, in the event of the need for the combined use of such troops in contingencies or within the framework of operations carried out by the United Nations Organization.
4. Activity configuration:
b. Attempted date of departure/income: from 26 November to 7 December 2007.
c. Participating countries:
(1) Participants: UNA (1) Reinforced Parachute Section belonging to the ARGENTINO EJERCITO, composed of officers, officers and soldiers.
2) Amount: Up to BUSINESS and CINCO (45) men.
3) Type: troops with speciality of military paratrooper serving in units of the ARGENTINE EJERCITO with aptitude for the development of airborne operations.
4) Team: the members of the Section will carry their individual combat team, being the campaign team, the launch team for airborne operations, parachute, harnesses, daggers and various materials of arsenals, mayorship and health, provided by the EJERCITO OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL.
(5) Armament: the patrol does not carry individual weapons, it will be provided by the SAFETY REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL.
d. Deployment: the staff will travel by air from the city of CORDOBA . ARGENTINA REPUBLIC to the city of RIO DE JANEIRO - FEDERAL REPUBLIC DEL BRAZIL, performance area and vice versa.
A Combined Air Transport will be executed, as follows:
For the start of the exercise, a transport aircraft, organic of the ARGENTINE EJERCITO AVIATION MAN, will transfer from our country the Parachute Section that will participate in the combined exercise "SACI", returning to the country with a Brazilian Parachute Section that will participate in the combined exercise "DUENDE" in the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
After the exercises, an aircraft from the BRAZILIAN AEREA FORCE will move from the city of RIO DE JANEIRO - FEDERAL REPUBLIC From BRAZIL to the Argentine paratroopers to the country, returning with their own troops who participated in the combined exercise "DUENDE" in the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
e. Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for national forces leaving the country.
f. Approximate cost: programmed and budgeted by EJERCITO ARGENTINO, pesos CIENTO VEINTISEIS MIL OCHOCIENTS TREINTA AND DOS WITH SETENTA AND DOS ($ 126.832.72).
g. Sources of financing: with the budget allocated to EJERCITO ARGENTINO. Combined training sub-function, budget program developed by Head III . Operations (Department Operations/Division Combined Exercises).
5. Situational framework:
It is an operational activity, consisting of an airborne operation, which will be carried out by the Parachute Brigade of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL, in which the Reinforced Parachute Section of the ARGENTINE EJERCITO is integrated.
The exercise includes planning activities, the apprehension of parachute troops, the assault on an objective, the conquest and formation of the airhead, ending with a connection operation through the use of organic land media of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL.
Airborne troops are especially suited to execute operations behind the first line of enemy forces, in the depth of their device, taking advantage of their special ability to overcome major obstacles and quickly cover large distances.
However, these forces present a limited capacity of permanence or resistance, so the time factor is critical.
The connection is the operation that is being carried out to achieve the gathering of forces in an enemy-control field, in order to recover or relieve a force that allows to be employed elsewhere or to strengthen or support it for its permanence in that objective.
During the exercise, a day-to-day, mass, with full equipment will be launched from aircraft belonging to the BRAZIL AEREA FORCE of the Hércules C - 130 and Bandeirante C - 95.
Annex III
1. Type of activity to develop:
Combined Exercise of Conventional Operations (Aerotransportated), with troops on the ground, "DUENDE".
2. Project origin:
a. Seventh Bilateral Conference of Major States between the EJERCITES OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL and REPUBLIC ARGENTINA, held from 24 to 27 April 2006 at the AUTONOMA CITY of BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
b. This exercise was developed between the two armies during the years 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
3. Basics of the objectives of the activity:
a. Strategic:
To strengthen ties of union, cooperation and trust between the two armies and contribute to regional integration among sister nations.
b. Combined training:
To respond to demands of an operational nature, those that form part of the annual training carried out by EJERCITO ARGENTINO in the framework of the concept of Interoperative Armed Forces.
The objectives set out in the preceding paragraphs allow the unification and consolidation of highly important operational training techniques for possible combined missions that may be carried out by the Armed Forces in contingencies or within the framework of the United Nations Organization.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
(b) Dates of entry/return: from 7 to 13 December 2007.
(c) Participating countries:
1. Participants: UNA (1) Reinforced Parachute Section belonging to the EJERIC OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC BRAZIL, composed of officers, officers and soldiers.
2. Quantity: up to CUARENTA and CINCO (45) men.
3. Type: troops with speciality of organic military parachute of units of the EJERIC OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC BRAZIL with aptitude for the development of airborne operations.
4. Teams: the patrol belonging to the EJERIC OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC BRAZIL enters the country without equipment. This will be provided by EJERCITO ARGENTINO and will include: individual campaign equipment, launch equipment for airborne operations - parachutes, harnesses, daggers, various effects of arsenals, mayorship and health.
5. Armament: Section enters without armament.
d. Deployment: a Combined Air Transport will be executed, as follows:
For the start of the exercise, a transport aircraft, organic of the ARGENTINE EJERCITO AVIATION COMMONY, will move from the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL to the Brazilian Parachute Section that will participate in the combined exercise "DUENDE", having previously transported the Argentine Parachute Section that will participate in the combined exercise "SACI" in the city of RIO DE JAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL.
After the exercises, an aircraft from the BRAZILIAN AEREA FORCE will move from the city of RIO DE JANEIRO FEDERAL REPUBLIC From BRAZIL to the Argentine paratroopers to the country, returning with their own troops, who participated in the combined exercise "DUENDE" in the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
e. Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for foreign troops entering the country.
f. Approximate cost: programmed and budgeted by EJERCITO ARGENTINO pesos CUARENTA AND TRES MIL TRESCIENTA ($ 43.350.00)
g. Sources of financing: with the budget allocated to EJERCITO ARGENTINO. Combined training sub-function, budget program developed by Head III . Operations (Department Operations/Division Combined Exercises).
5. Situational framework:
It will consist of an operation of airborne troops, executed by the IVta. Parachute Brigade of the ARGENTINO EJERCITO, which will include the Parachute Section of the EJERCITO FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL. The exercise includes the planning of the operation, the apprehension of the forces, the air displacement, its launch, the assault on an objective, the conquest of it and the formation of the airhead.
During the combined exercise, a day-to-day, mass launch will be carried out, with full equipment, from Hércules C-130 and FIAT G 222.
This is an operational activity, with the participation of fractions with troops, which will be carried out respecting all existing safety standards and measures, but under conditions the closest to the complexity and risk of this type of operation.
Annex IV
1. Type of activity to develop:
Combined peace-keeping operations exercise, with troops on the ground, "AURORA AUSTRAL II".
2. Project origin:
Sixth Bilateral Meeting of General Staff between the Armies of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the CHILE REPUBLIC held between 14 and 17 August 2006 at the AUTONOMA CITY OF GOOD AIRES . ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
3. Basics of the objectives of the activity:
a. Strategic:
Increase the ties of union, cooperation and trust between the two armies in compliance with agreements established by the respective Ministry of Defence.
Consolidate joint work, seeking mechanisms to expedite the integration of the two Forces within the framework of the respective government decisions, so as to enable the Organization to deal with a military peace operation promptly and in line with the existing legislation of each country.
b. Combined training
To respond to demands of an operational nature, those that form part of the annual training carried out by EJERCITO ARGENTINO in the framework of the concept of Interoperative Armed Forces.
Complete a glossary of terms common to both armies.
Execute in the field, with complete fractions (tables, troops and with the organic strength material) of both Armies, the procedures practiced during the previous version of this exercise, developed in the cabinet.
4. Activity configuration:
a. Place of realization: ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
b. Date of entry/return: between March and August 2008. Duration of activity: CINCO (5) days.
c. Participating countries:
(1) Participants: staff members of a Combined General Staff (Overland Task Force) (a General Staff is an element of specialist members in various subjects, which in this case is Combined, that is, made up of members of both countries and whose role is to advise and assist the Chief in the planning of operations and in the control of forces) and subordinate operating elements.
These subordinate operating elements will be made up of combined elements, that is, fractions belonging to the CHILE EJERCITO and the ARGENTINO EJERCITO will form the Chilean-Argentina Binational Unit, which will operate in areas near the international boundary.
2) Approximate amount: TREAT CINCUENTS (350) for each Army.
(3) Type: Officers, officers and soldiers.
4) Equipment and armament: the individual equipment of each fraction and the motorized means of each one will be used.
The participating fractions of both armies will only use the individual weaponry of each organization framed in the implementation of a United Nations-mandated Peace Mission.
This measure helps to give realism to an exercise that will be developed by complete fractions on the ground.
During the exercise, ammunition or explosives will not be used or carried.
d. Deployment: the participating staff will travel by land from their peace seats, to the exercise area, returning then in the same way.
e. Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for foreign troops entering the country.
f. Approximate cost: programmed and budgeted by the Force, weights TRESCIENTS DIEZ MIL ($ 310.000,00).
g. Sources of financing: with the budget allocated to EJERCITO ARGENTINO. Combined training sub-function, budget program developed by Head III . Operations (Department Operations/Division Combined Exercises).
5. Situational framework:
It is a field exercise, with the participation of fractions from both countries, which make up the Chilean-Argentina Binational Unit.
Its development corresponds to a scenario of peace-keeping operations within the framework of the United Nations, aimed at the practical implementation of community support and humanitarian assistance.
Annex V
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Combined Multilateral Training Exercise on the Sea "UNITAS XLIX - FASE ATLANTICO - 2008".
2. Project origin:
Exercise begun in 1960, originally between the ARMADA of the United States of AMERICA and the armed forces of all the countries of SUDAMERICA, bilaterally with each of them, in order to provide the participants with the opportunity to conduct combined naval operations, to integrate the operational capacities of their naval, air and marine infantry forces, to optimize the enlistment of the participating material and human means, to promote mutual military confidence, understanding and understanding.
Since 1999, the exercises carried out separately with our country were unified, with the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL and with the ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY, in a single phase called "ATLANTICO", rotative and that during 2008 will be carried out in the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL.
Other regional and extra-continental armed forces are also invited to participate with vessels, aircraft or observer officers.
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
The implementation of the Combined Exercise UNITAS FASE ATLANTICO contributes to increasing the level of interoperability with the armed forces of the participating countries.
This is achieved through the exchange of information on the command and control systems of the naval means of surface, submarines and participating aerials, of doctrines and procedures and the combined training in the conduct of Multinational Forces at sea. The special feature of the media used by the US AMERICA ARMADA is its advanced technology, which allows us to appreciate and evaluate new technical capacities, as well as to increase the level of training and interoperability.
The realization of these types of exercises, framed by international military cooperation, serves to strengthen mutual trust and integration with the continent ' s armed forces, especially with the regional ones, and to maintain an adequate level of training to increase naval capacities, interoperability and mutual trust between the Armed Forces.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: International waters, at the height of the ports of SALVADOR DE BAHIA and RIO DE JANEIRO.
(b) Dates of Egress. Duration of Activity: During the months of April and May 2008, with an approximate duration of TREINTA and CINCO (35) days, including transfers.
(c) Participating countries:
Other countries are expected to participate on invitations from the host country.
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms.
2) Propios means:
. UN (1) MEKO 360 Destroyer.
. UNA (1) Corbeta Type MEKO 140.
. UN (1) Logistical Ship.
. UN (1) TR-1700 Submarine.
. UN (1) Helicopter Alouette Al-03.
. UN (1) Helicopter Fennec AS-555.
(3) Media from other participating countries:
To determine after planning meetings.
(d) Deployment of the Troops and Means: The exercises will be carried out in international waters, in accordance with the criteria set out in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The participating naval units will take port in BAHIA SALVADOR and JANEIRO RIO - FEDERAL REPUBLIC BRAZIL as a logistic visit to make final adjustments, participate in pre-sliding conferences, and in the final review of the exercise to draw conclusions and agree on recommendations for future exercises.
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities have been requested for national forces leaving the country.
(f) Approximate costs: The operating costs of our means amount to the sum of SHIRT MILLIONS SHIPPING MIL THREAT AND ONE ($ 5,680,371,00).
(g) Source of Funding: Costs are covered with ARGENTINA ARMADA budget funds.
5. Situational framework:
The guiding concept of this exercise is based on the implementation of a hypothetical international mission mandated by the United Nations Organization for Foreign Affairs, characterized by ongoing crisis management and pawning rules during the transfer of a force under multiple threats to a simulated area of operations. In this context, tactics, doctrine and operational procedures are developed and improved for the use of naval forces and operations at sea are coordinated by involving a considerable number of ships of different types and aircraft based on land and on board.
The various types of exercises to be carried out, allow the supply of ships to train in the participation and conduct of operations against air, surface and submarine threats, re-provisioning in the sea and communications and electronic war, as well as to carry out a wide variety of marine maneuvers that are required throughout the exercise.
Annex VI
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Combined Aircraft Training Exercise at Sea "GRINGO GAUCHO - 2008".
2. Project origin:
It's a bilateral opportunity exercise. It develops when a carrier of the ARMADA of the United States of AMERICA performs a navigation near the Argentine coast. In general these transits happen when one of those units must change its apostolate from one coast to the other of the United States. In that change, they must make the route through the southern end of the American continent since by its dimensions the aircraft carriers have restricted the passage through the Panama Canal. On certain occasions the carrier was accompanied by an escort ship, frigate or destroyer.
In the past, similar exercises have been carried out on the following opportunities:
1990: passage from the USS carrier "ABRAHAM LINCOLN".
1991: passage from the USS carrier "KITTY HAWK".
1993: passage from the USS "CONSTELLATION".
2004: passage from the USS aircraft carrier "RONALD REAGAN".
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
The ARMADA ARGENTINA has for years had the capacity of naval aviation boarded with fixed wing. The current lack of a proper carrier makes it difficult to maintain an acceptable level of that capacity, for which a possibility is to exercise with naval units of that type of other armed.
The passage of an ARMADA aircraft carrier of the United States of America off our coasts is an unbeatable opportunity to train in a capacity of great importance for our Navy.
On the other hand a combined operation, of high complexity, involving different components of the naval power of different countries, implies an excellent test to ponder our degree of interoperability, the level of mutual trust and professional respect.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization:
International waters, up to our coasts.
(b) Dates of Egress. Duration of Activity: During the first fortnight of May 2008, with an approximate duration of CUATRO (4) days.
(c) Participating countries:
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms
2) Propios means:
. UNA (1) Corbeta Type MEKO 140.
. DOS (2) Helicopters Sea King H-3.
. DOS (2) Helicopters Fennec AS-555.
. DOS (2) Aeronaves Tracker S2T.
). DOS (2) Aeronaves Super Etendard (SUE).
3) Media of the ARMADA of the United States of AMERICA:
". UN (1) US carriers "GEORGE WASHINGTON".
(d) Deployment of the Troops and Media: The exercises will be carried out in international waters outside the territorial sea of our country, in accordance with the criteria set out in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The aircraft carrier of the United States Navy will not take port or enter within its own territorial waters.
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities are requested for national forces leaving the country.
(f) Approximate costs: The operating costs of our means amount to the sum of COUNTRY PESOS AND OCHO MIL SCIENTA AND UNO ($ 248.181.00).
(g) Source of Funding: Costs are covered with ARGENTINA ARMADA budget funds.
5. Situational framework:
The exercise, as a whole, allows the development and improvement of tactics and operational procedures for the use of naval forces and the coordination of operations at sea. In particular, interoperability is strengthened in one of the most complex operations in the naval scenario that is the integrated activity of ships and aircraft working in a coordinated manner.
The aircraft of their own, both fixed and rotating wing, will have the opportunity to train in operations on the deck of a aircraft carrier, interact with other aircraft operating from the same platform, coordinate actions and observe the teamwork of a unit that undoubtedly constitutes a gravitating tool of a naval force.
The own surface units will carry out escort tasks and will be trained in air control tasks, rescue stations and other specific tactical activities of a naval force operating around a carrier.
It is important to note that a naval force of a coalition of countries, under the mandate of an international organization, could eventually be configured around a carrier. The training of own naval units, in tasks coordinated with that platform, generates a qualitative difference of importance in measuring our capacities.
Also, a surface unit will accompany the aircraft carrier of the ARMADA of the United States of AMERICA in its transit through waters near our shores.
Annex VII
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Combined Multilateral Training Exercise on the Sea "ATLASUR VII - 2008".
2. Project origin:
This exercise is part of the agreement signed with the Government of the SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIC on "Cooperation in Time of Peace among its respective Armed Forces", which was ratified by Law No. 25.142.
The exercise began between our country and the SUDAFRICA REPUBLIC in 1993, bilaterally and frequently biennially, alternating the host country. From its second edition, in 1995, units of the FRAMEWORK REPUBLIC MARINE and the ARMED OF THE ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY, and naval observers of the ARMED OF THE REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY, participated at the invitation. From the third edition the first two were incorporated as organizers of the aforementioned exercise.
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
The implementation of the combined exercise ATLASUR, mainly contributes to optimizing the degree of interoperability among the participating Armed Forces, through the exchange of information on the command and control systems of the participating naval means, submarines and aerials, of doctrines and procedures, and the combined training.
By carrying out these types of exercises, framed in international military cooperation, we help to strengthen mutual trust and integration with the friendly Armed Forces that share interests in the SUR ATLANTICO OCEANO.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: International waters off the coast of the SUDAFRICA REPUBLIC.
(b) Dates of Egress. Duration of the Activity: It is expected to take place in the months of May/June 2008, with an approximate duration of CUARENTA and SIETE (47) days, including transfers.
(c) Participating countries:
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms.
2) Propios means:
. DOS (2) Boobs Type MEKO 140.
. UN (1) Logistical Ship.
. UN (1) Alouette AI-03 helicopter.
(3) Media from other participating countries:
To determine after planning meetings
(d) Deployment of the Troops and Media: The exercises will be carried out in international waters, in accordance with the criteria set out in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
During round-trip transfers, prior to the crossing of the OCEANO ATLANTICO, the participating Surface Units will head to the port of RIO DE JANEIRO . FEDERAL REPUBLIC DEL BRAZIL, as a visit for logistical purposes. Before the start of the exercise they will moor in the port of SIMONS TOWN to participate in the pre-sliding conferences; later they will take port in CIUDAD DEL CABO REPUBLIC OF SUDAFRICA to make the final review of the exercise to draw conclusions and agree on recommendations for future exercises. During the navigation in the territorial sea of the SUDAFRICA REPUBLIC, strict compliance with the guidelines of that Convention will be made so that the ships themselves will not be able to launch aircraft, nor will there be disembarkation of troops.
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities have been requested for national forces leaving the country.
(f) Approximate costs: The costs of the operation of our media amount to the sum of PESOS CUATRO MILLONES QUINIENTS CINCUENTA AND CUATRO MIL SETECIENTS TREINTA and CINCO ($ 4.554.735,00).
(g) Source of Funding: Costs are covered with ARGENTINA ARMADA budget funds.
5. Situational framework:
The guiding concept of this exercise is based on the implementation of a hypothetical international mission mandated by the United Nations Organization for Foreign Affairs, characterized by ongoing crisis management and pawning rules during the transfer of a multinational naval force, under multiple threats, to a simulated area of operations.
In this context, tactics, doctrine and operational procedures for the use of naval forces are developed and improved and operations at sea are coordinated by involving a considerable number of ships of different types and aircraft based on land and on board.
The various types of exercises to be carried out, allow the commanders and crews of the participating units, to train in the conduct and execution of defensive naval operations against air, surface and submarine threats and in procedures for re-provisioning at sea, communications and electronic warfare.
Annex VIII
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Operational Training Activity "INALAF III - 2008".
2. Project origin:
Training activity, formerly called "OPERATIONAL PASANTIA I.M.", which arises from an invitation from the CHILE ARMADA held in the framework of the XVII and XVIII Meeting of Major States between the ARGENTINA ARMADA and the CHILE ARMADA as a reciprocity for Chilean participation as part of the Argentine contingent that acts in the CHIPRE REPUBLIC under the mandate of the ORGAN.
During 2006 this exercise was carried out in coastal areas of the CHILE REPUBLIC, with the participation of a fraction of the Marine Corps of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
In 2007, this exercise was carried out in our country as authorized by Act No. 26.142.
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
The realization of this exercise helps to optimize the degree of interoperability between the two Armed Forces, through the exchange of doctrines and procedures, and the training combined with naval means of surface, air and marine infantry that participate in the planned activities.
It is an example of driving at the level of Battalions/Marine Infantry Forces with practices in the field, to train cadres, sub-officials and officers in techniques, tactics and operating procedures for the use of Marine Forces.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: In coastal areas of the CHILE REPUBLIC.
(b) Dates of Egress. Duration of Activity: In June 2008, with an approximate duration of TRECE (13) days.
(c) Participating countries:
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms.
2) Propios means:
. UNA (1) Marine Corps Section.
(3) Means of CHILE ARMADA:
. Anphibian units of the Mar Squad.
. Surface Units.
Personal Marine Corps.
(d) Deployment of Troops and Media: Amphibian exercises will be carried out in coastal waters under Chilean jurisdiction. Both Marine Corps fractions will be deployed on the ground using the means and capabilities of the CHILE ARMADA for this type of training.
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for national forces leaving the country.
(f) Approximate costs: The costs of the operation of our media amount to the sum of COUNTRY PESOS and a MIL SETENTA ($ 41.070.00).
(g) Source of Funding: Costs are covered with ARGENTINA ARMADA budget funds.
5. Situational framework:
The guiding concept of this exercise is based on the implementation of a hypothetical international mission mandated by the United Nations Organization for Foreign Affairs, characterized by ongoing crisis management and pawning rules, during which troop landing practices are carried out through the use of amphibian vehicles and helicopters in a simulated environment of multiple threats from the sea, without affecting the environment of the environment or maritime activities. In this context, tactics are developed and improved; doctrine and operational procedures for the use of Marine Corps forces.
It is a driving exercise at the level of Battalions/Marine Infantry Forces with practices in the field, to train cadres, sub-offices and officers in techniques, tactics and operating procedures for the use of Marine Corps.
Annex IX
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Exercise "INTERCAMBIO SUR - 2008".
2. Project origin:
During the 2nd. South Cone Defense Conference developed in MONTEVIDEO, ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY, from 8 to 10 May 2006, a proposal was received from the United States of AMERICA to carry out further exercises combined with the South Cone Marine Corps, as a possible replacement of the UNITAS Fase Anfibia Operative.
This exercise will be carried out between the Armed Forces of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC, CHILE REPUBLIC, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL and the United States of AMERICA, incorporating in the medium term the Armed Forces of the REPUBLIC OF THE PERU and of the ORIENTAL REPUBLIC of the URUGUAY, with the purpose of providing the participants with the training of Peace-keeping Operations,
The host country in 2008 will be the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
This type of exercise, framed by international military cooperation, contributes to the weaknesses in the training that would lead to the eventual suspension of the UNITAS ANFIBIO operations. It would also allow to continue to enhance the current professional capacities, by being able to interact within the regional framework and in particular with the CHILE REPUBLIC, a country with which the Argentine Navy will soon integrate the Joint and Combined Peace Force "CRUZ DEL SUR".
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: In coastal areas of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC.
(b) Income dates. Duration of Activity: It is expected to take place during the months of July/August 2008, with an approximate duration of CATORCE (14) days.
(c) Participating countries:
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms.
2) Propios means:
UN UN (1) Ship Transport (for Anfibias operation)
. TRES (3) Helicopters UH-1H / H3.
. CINCO (5) Men for EE.MM.
. UNA (1) I.M. (approximately) SESENTA (60) men.
. CINCO (5) Men for EE.MM.
UN UNA (1) I.M. (CUARENTA (40) men)
4) Means of the CHILE REPUBLIC:
CINCO (5) Men for EE.MM.
UN UNA (1) I.M. (CUARENTA (40) men)
5) Media of the United States of AMERICA:
. CINCO (5) Men for EE.MM.
UN UNA (1) I.M. (CUARENTA (40) men)
(d) Deployment of the Troops and Media: The exercises will be carried out in proximity to the Naval Base Puerto Belgrano, REPUBLICA ARGENTINA.
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for foreign troops entering the country.
(f) Approximate cost: The operating costs of our means amount to the sum of SESENTA PESOS and THREE MIL ($ 63,000.00).
(g) Source of Funding: Costs are covered with ARGENTINA ARMADA budget funds. The costs of transfer to the country and operation of foreign media and personnel will be met by each participating Navy.
5. Situational framework:
The guiding concept of this exercise is based on the implementation of a hypothetical international mission mandated by the United Nations Organization for Foreign Affairs, characterized by ongoing crisis management and pawning rules, during which troop landing practices are carried out through the use of amphibian and helicopter vehicles. In this context, tactics, doctrines and operational procedures are developed and improved for the use of Marine Corps forces composed of participating countries.
It is a driving exercise at the level of Battalions/Marine Infantry Forces with practices in the field that will include peacekeeping, security and support operations, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, to train cadres, sub-offices and officers in techniques, tactics and operational procedures for the use of Marine Corps. All of these operations promote training on the conduct of a Joint Chiefs of Staff and include special activities such as Seminars in International Law of Armed Conflicts and Emphasis Rules.
Annex X
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Combined Sea Control Exercise "PANAMAX - 2008".
2. Project origin:
This exercise began in 2003 with the participation of the ARMADAS of the United States of AMERICA, of the CHILE REPUBLIC and the MARITIMO SERVICE OF THE REPUBLIC DE PANAMA with the main objective of "Exerciting a Multinational Force in the Planning and Implementation of Surveillance and Interdiction Operations in order to ensure the Control and Protection of the Maritime Transit by the Panama Canal".
In 2004, a special invitation was received for the ARMADA ARGENTINA, together with other members of the Armed Forces of Latin America, to participate in the Multinational Force.
This exercise is of great interest to the countries of the region, which is why it remains in full force to realize its realization in the years ahead. Thus, it is planned to participate in this exercise in 2007, as authorized by Act No. 26.142.
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
The implementation of the combined exercise PANAMAX contributes to increasing the level of interoperability among the Armed participants in the planning and execution of Surveillance and Interdiction Operations of a bioceanic step, such as the CANAL DE PANAMA, through the exchange of information on the command and control systems of the naval means of surface and air, of doctrines and procedures, and the combined training in the conduct of forces at sea.
This exercise, framed by international military cooperation, serves to strengthen mutual trust and integration with the Armed Forces of the continent, and to maintain an adequate level of training to integrate a Multinational Force.
The realization of these specific operations is of great interest as it allows us to accumulate important experience in view of the responsibility of our country to control important interoceic passages in the south of the continent.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: International water in proximity to both mouths of CANAL DE PANAMA.
(b) Dates of Egress. Duration of Activity: In August 2008, with an approximate duration of DOCE (12) days.
(c) Participating countries:
The participation of some other country in the region at the invitation of the host country would be envisaged.
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms.
2) Propios means:
UNA (1) MEKO 140.
One (1) ORION P-3B Exploration Plane.
CUATRO (4) Chief Officers to integrate the General Staff.
(3) Media from other participating countries:
To determine after planning meetings.
(d) Deployment of the Troops and Media: The exercises to be carried out by the ARGENTINA ARMADA will be of Maritime Surveillance and Control carried out by the Orion P-3B aircraft operating from a country airport and interdiction of Maritime Traffic with the Surface Unit.
After the exercise, all surface units will take port in BALBOA/COLON . PANAMA REPUBLIC as an operational visit for logistical purposes and to make the final review to draw conclusions and agree on recommendations for future periods.
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities have been requested for national forces leaving the country.
(f) Approximate costs: The costs of the operation of our means amount to the sum of PESOS A SEISCIENTY MILLON AND SIETE MIL OCHOCIENTS SESENTA AND UNO ($ 1.647.861).
(g) Source of Funding: Costs are covered with ARGENTINA ARMADA budget funds.
5. Situational framework:
The guiding concept of this exercise is based on the implementation of a hypothetical international mission mandated by the United Nations Organization for Foreign Affairs, characterized by the ongoing handling of crises and pawning rules, during which tasks of Monitoring and Control of Maritime Traffic are carried out in the vicinity of interoceic steps in order to maintain these navigable paths.
In this context, tactics, doctrines and operational procedures for the use of naval forces are developed and improved and operations are coordinated at sea.
Annex XI
1. Type of Activity to Develop:
Combined Specific Exercise of Planning and Execution of Air Search and Rescue Operations (SAR) called "ANDES 2007".
2. Project origin:
3. Principles of the Objectives of Activity:
(a) Politicians: Strengthen Mutual Confidence Measures and increase cooperation between the Air Forces of both countries, considering their status as members of the American Air Force Cooperation System (SICOFAA).
(b) Strategic: To exchange experiences in order to acquire an appropriate level of interoperability between the participating Air Forces and to capitalize on a bilateral basis, those obtained in specific combined exercises carried out previously.
(c) Operatives: Strengthen the capacity to operate in a combined manner, in support of neighbouring countries in the face of an air accident in the border areas, through the planning and execution of Air Operations Search and Rescue, acting in an integrated manner within a confined environment and with adverse weather characteristics.
(d) Combined Training: Train the staff using standardized common procedures to achieve interoperability among the participating Air Forces, in such a way as to be in a position to plan, conduct and execute combined Search and Rescue air operations at the time required.
(e) Combined Operations: Increase the ability to plan, drive and operate in an integrated manner, fulfilling the responsibilities that are inherent to participating air forces.
4. Activity configuration:
(a) Place of realization: Border region of the South of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the CHILE REPUBLIC.
(b) Attempts for admission and departure: from 26 to 29 November 2007.
(c) Participating countries:
(d) Deployment of troops and means:
1) Participant Effects: Quantity, Types, Equipment and Arms.
The ARGENTINA AEREA FORCE will participate in this exercise with up to a maximum of SESENTA (60) participants; going to the CHILE REPUBLIC with:
" UN (1) C-130 "HERCULES"
. UN (1) BELL 212 Helicopter for Search and Rescue.
All of them without armament and up to a maximum of VEINTICINCO (25) participants (interchange of crew members).
(e) Immunity: No specific immunities have been required for national troops leaving the country or for foreign troops entering the national territory.
(f) Costs: The costs of the operation of our means amount to the sum of NOVATE PESOS and DOS MIL ($ 92.000.00).
(g) Funding: The costs are covered with budget funds from AEREA ARGENTINA.
5. Situational framework:
Simulation of an air accident in the mountain range zone, which according to the responsibilities of both Air Force, generates the formation of a Search and Rescue Center to coordinate the execution of air operations, in order to locate and rescue the personnel and material involved in the alleged accident.