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No. 21770 \" S Fake \" Exemption Regime - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: LEY NRO. 21770 "S" REGIMEN DE EXENCION - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 22.215

Bs. As. 28/4/1980

In use of the powers conferred by article 5 of the Statute for the National Reorganization Process,



ARTICLE 1 Extensively grant the exemption regime provided for in Act No. 21.770 "S" to the Provincial Police and the National Territory of the Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands, for the purpose of importing elements and/or equipment that constitute secret security material, intended for re-equipment and/or operation. ARTICLE 2 The legal regime prescribed by Act No. 21.770 "S" shall apply to imports which are made in accordance with Article 1 or which shall also be exempt from compliance with the provisions of Act No. 18.875, if applicable. Article 3 For the purposes of the acquisition of relevant materials, prior conformity of the national authority shall be required, which shall be granted by joint and duly established resolution of the Ministries of the Interior and Defence. ARTICLE 4 Get in and arch.
