Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc.
sanction with force of law:
ARTICLE 1 . Prohibition. The manufacture, assembly and importation of primary batteries and batteries, with cylindrical or prism form, of zinc coal and manganese alkaline, containing mercury, cadmium and lead, is prohibited throughout the nation.- 0,0005% mercury weight;
- 0.015% in cadmium weight;
- 0.200% in lead weight.
It also prohibits the commercialization of batteries and batteries with the characteristics mentioned after the years of the promulgation of this law.
ARTICLE 2 . Definition. For the purposes of this Act, a primary battery and battery is meant for any portable power source obtained by direct transformation of chemical energy, consisting of one or more primary, non-rechargeable elements. Article 3 Additional requirements:(a) In the body of each stack, the expiration date should be included with indication of month and year;
(b) The batteries will be protected by a housing, or armor, that ensures the hermetity of the liquids containing the same;
(c) The batteries and batteries must meet the average minimum duration requirements in discharge tests, according to IRAM standards, or according to international standards: International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) when no updated IRAM standards are available.
ARTICLE 4 . Implementing Authority. The national body with environmental competence will be the authority to implement this law. ARTICLE 5o Please use the application authority to reduce the limits set out in Article 1 according to the technological advances that occur. ARTICLE 6 . Certification. Those responsible for the manufacture, assembly and import shall certify, for their marketing, that the primary batteries and batteries with cylindrical or carbon-zinc prism and manganese alkaline do not exceed the limits set forth in this law and comply with the requirements set out in Article 3.Any internal or external modification of the batteries and batteries already certified, will disable the marketing of them, generating the need for a new certification by the national technical agency.
The appliances or items that contain inside or outside primary batteries and batteries with cylindrical or carbon-zinc prism and manganese alkaline, even if they are not easily removed, must also require certification from the national technical agency.
The certification shall be valid for DOS (2) years for all manufactures, assemblies and imports that are made.
ARTICLE 7 . Authorized agencies. The National Institute of Industrial Technology (TNTI), through its certification body, will be responsible for issuing the certification mentioned in Article 6o. The enforcement authority may also authorize other agencies or institutions that possess the technical and professional capacity necessary for certification. ARTICLE 8 Functions. The certification body will determine the methods to be used for sample, test and analysis. Article 9 Those batteries and batteries which, by their components, replace or are similar to those regulated by this law are included in the present. ARTICLE 10.- Contact the Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE NEW DIAS OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR DOS MIL SEIS.
ALBERTO BALESTRINI. . JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.