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National Dec Seed Institute. 1104/2000-Derogation - Dec. 2817/91-Vigence - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SEMILLAS DEC. 1104/2000-DEROGACION - DEC. 2817/91-VIGENCIA - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SEEDS Act No. 25.845 Delays Decree No. 1104/2000 for the disbanding of the above-mentioned body and for the termination of Decree No. 2817/91, and the National Seed Institute for the functions, missions and structures regulated by Act No. 20.247, Decree No. 2183/91 and Administrative Decision No. 489/96. Sanctioned: November 26, 2003 Cast: January 6, 2004

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Default of Decree 1104/ 2000, disbanding the National Seed Institute (INASE). ARTICLE 2 By virtue of the present validity of Decree No. 2817/91, the National Seed Institute (INASE) therefore resumes the functions, missions and structures regulated by Act No. 20.247, Decree 2183/91 and Administrative Decision No. 489/96. ARTICLE 3 Replace article 5 of Decree 2817/91, which shall read as follows:

Article 5. The administration and direction of the National Seed Institute (INASE) will be headed by a Board consisting of one (1) President, one (1) Vice-President and eight (8) Directors. The National Executive will appoint the President of the Board on the proposal of the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Nation. The charge will be rented and its remuneration will be determined by the national executive branch. The remaining members will perform their duties "ad-honorem". The national executive branch shall also designate the remaining members of the Board, on the proposal of the sectors that represent:

(a) One (1) to the Agricultural Federal Council (CFA), elected among the members of the Federal Seeds Council (CFS), shall be the person exercising the vice president and replace the President in cases of temporary absence or impediment;

(b) One (1) representative by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Nation;

(c) One (1) shall be elected from a web presented by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA);

(d) One (1) to seedlings;

(e) One (1) to the breeders;

(f) One (1) to the nurseries;

(g) One (1) seed trade;

(h) Two (2) users, on the proposal of the respective entities and rotating between them. The Board members will serve for two (2) years, and may be redesigned. In case of a tie, the president of the Board will have a double vote.

ARTICLE 4 The Chief of Staff of Ministers shall, in the use of the powers conferred by section 16 of Act No. 25,725, reassign the necessary budgetary provisions for their proper functioning during the current period. Budgets for the following years should include specific items. ARTICLE 5° Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . DANIEL O. SCIOLI. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.