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Annual School Education - Full Text Of The Standard

Original Language Title: EDUCACION CICLO LECTIVO ANUAL - Texto completo de la norma

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EDUCATION Law 25,864 Establishments providing Initial Education, Basic General Education and Polymodal Education, or their respective equivalents. Note a minimum annual school cycle of one hundred and eighty effective class days. Sanctioned: December 4, 2003. Promulgated: January 8, 2004.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Please note that a minimum annual cycle of CIENTO OCHENTA (180) effective class days, for educational establishments throughout the country where Initial Education, Basic General Education and Polymodal Education are provided, or their respective equivalents. ARTICLE 2 In the event of a breach of the annual school cycle referred to in the preceding article, the educational authorities of the respective jurisdictions shall take the necessary measures to compensate for the lost class days, until the minimum established is complete. ARTICLE 3 For the computation of the OCHENTA SCIENTS (180) days set by Article 1, it will be considered "class day" when at least half of the amount of clock hours established by the respective jurisdictions for the school day, according to the corresponding level, regime or modality. ARTICLE 4 In order to ensure compliance with the CICLO referred to in article 1 of the present law, provincial jurisdictions that, after the legal and regulatory deadlines, relevant, could not settle the salary debts of teachers, may request financial assistance to the National Executive which, after assessing the nature and causes of the financial difficulties invoked as the cause of such non-compliance, will consider providing the necessary funding to ensure the continuity of education. ARTICLE 5° The national executive branch shall report on the situation mentioned in the preceding article to the Honorable Congress of the Nation. ARTICLE 6 Compliance with the provisions of this Act may not affect the rights and guarantees of the individual and collective labour of the education workers, enshrined in the National Constitution and the legislation in force in the respective jurisdictions. ARTICLE 7 Appropriate the Convention to Achieve the QUESTION OF AN ANNUAL LECTIVE CYST MINIMO, signed on 1 July 2003 between the head of the national executive branch and representatives of the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, which in authenticated copy forms part of this law as Annex I. ARTICLE 8 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.


In the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the capital of the Argentine Republic, the President of the National Doctor D. Néstor Carlos KIRCHNER and the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, D. Daniel Fernando FILMUS and, on the other hand, the headlines of the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.


According to the National Constitution, it is the duty of the National State to sanction laws on the organization and basis of education, aimed at consolidating national unity with respect to provincial and local particularities, as well as to ensure the participation of the family and society, for the promotion of democratic values and equal opportunities and possibilities without any discrimination that guarantee the principles of equality and equity of State public education.

May the signatories be united by the common will that all society fully exercise the aforementioned constitutional right.

To this end, they understand appropriate progress in the establishment and unification of a minimum annual school cycle in all areas and jurisdictions of the country, thereby guaranteeing it throughout the national territory.

That their commitment includes relevant legislative adequacy at the national and provincial levels.

For this reason, they resolve to hold the present Convention in order to guarantee the qualification of an ANNUAL MINIMO LECTIVE CICLE, throughout the national territory, which shall be governed by the following clauses:

FIRST: The parties agree to establish an ANNUAL CYST OF OCHENTA (180) effective class days in all educational establishments in which Initial Education, Basic General Education and Polymodal Education are provided, or their respective equivalents.

SECOND: The parties are obliged to take the necessary measures in their jurisdictions to complete, at least the annual school cycle referred to in the previous clause, compensating when by any circumstances they have not been covered with normality, the days of class lost to the number indicated therein.

It will be understood that a class day is not complete when at least half of the clock hours set for the level, regime or modality in question have not been met.

THIRD: For the operationalization of this Convention, the rights and guarantees of labour, individual or collective, of the education workers, which consecrate the National Constitution and the legislation in force cannot be affected. If the loss of class days originates from the impossibility, on the part of the provincial jurisdictions, of dealing with wage debts with the said staff, whether for reasons of force majeure or for temporary cash deficiencies, they may request the financial assistance of the National Executive Branch, which will provide for the immediate adoption of the measures corresponding to that effect, within the framework of the provisions of Article 20 of Law No. 11.672, Supplementary to Budget.

FOURTH: The intervening parties are obliged to ensure that in their respective jurisdictions the rules that consecrate and guarantee effective compliance with the principles set out herein are issued.

A single specimen is signed in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires on the 1st day of the month of July 2003.

Lic. Daniel F. FILMUS

Minister of Education, Science and Technology


Engineer D. Felipe Carlos SOLA

Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires

Doctor D. Oscar Aníbal CASTILLO

Governor of the Province of Catamarca

Doctor D. José Manuel DE LA SOTA

Governor of the Province of Córdoba

Doctor D. Horacio Ricardo COLOMBI

Governor of the Province of Corrientes

Doctor D. Angel ROZAS

Governor of the Province of Chaco

Doctor D. José Luis LIZURUME

Governor of Chubut Province

Doctor D. Sergio Alberto MONTIEL

Governor of Entre Ríos Province

Doctor D. Gildo INSFRAN

Governor of Formosa Province

Doctor D. Eduardo Alfredo FELLNER

Governor of Jujuy Province

Doctor D. Rubén Hugo MARIN

Governor of La Pampa Province

Doctor D. Angel MAZZA

Governor of the Province of La Rioja

Doctor D. Roberto Raúl IGLESIAS

Governor of the Province of Mendoza

Engineer D. Carlos Eduardo ROVIRA

Governor of the Province of Missions

D. Jorge Omar SOBISCH

Governor of Neuquén Province

Doctor D. Pablo VERANI

Governor of Río Negro Province

Doctor D. Juan Carlos ROMERO

Governor of Salta Province

Doctor D. Wbaldino ACOSTA

Governor of San Juan Province

Doctor D. Alberto RODRIGUEZ SAA

Governor of the Province of San Luis


Governor of the Province of Santa Cruz

D. Carlos Alberto REUTEMANN

Governor of the Province of Santa Fe

Dña. Mercedes Marina ARAGONES de JUAREZ

Governor of the Province of Santiago del Estero


Governor of Tierra del Fuego Province

D. Julio Antonio MIRANDA

Governor of Tucumán Province

Doctor D. Aníbal IBARRA

Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires