Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1o , Incorporate as the last paragraph of article 77 of the Criminal Code, the following text:"The term "rural establishment" includes any property that goes to the breeding, improvement or fattening of the livestock, activities of tambo, farm or cultivation of the land, to the poultry or other breeding, promotion or similar use".
ARTICLE 2o , Replace article 163 (1) of the Criminal Code with the following text:"1.- When theft is from products separated from the soil or from machines, labor instruments or from agrochemical products, fertilizers or other similar inputs, left in the field, or from wires or other elements of the fences."
ARTICLE 3or s Incorporate as Chapter 2 bis: Abigeato, Title 6: Offences against property, Second Book: Offences, Criminal Code:"Chapter 2 bis: Abigeato
ARTICLE 167 ter.- It will be repressed with DOS prison (2) to SEIS (6) years that will illegitimately seize UNA (1) or more heads of livestock greater or less, total or partly foreign, that will be found in rural establishments or, on the occasion of their transport, from the moment of their load to that of their destination or delivery, including the scales that take place during the journey.
The penalty shall be from THREE (3) to OCHO (8) years in prison if the abigeato was from CINCO (5) or more heads of cattle larger or smaller and a motorized means for transport will be used.
ARTICLE 167 quater.- A term of imprisonment or imprisonment of CUATRO (4) shall be applied to TEN (10) years when in the abygerate any of the following circumstances:
1.- The seizure shall be carried out under the conditions provided for in article 164.
2.- Marks or signals used for the identification of the animal are altered, suppressed or falsified.
3.- Acquisition certificates, transit guides, mark or signal tickets, or equivalent documentation, are forged or used.
4.- In fact, a person who is devoted to the upbringing, care, work, processing, marketing or transport of livestock or products or by-products of animal origin shall participate.
5.- A public official participates in the event, who, in violation of his duties or in abuse of his duties, facilitates directly or indirectly his commission.
6.- Take part in the fact THREE (3) or more people.
ARTICLE 167 quinque.- In the event of a conviction for an offence provided for in this Chapter, the guilty party, if he or she is a public official or meets the personal conditions described in article 167 quater paragraph 4, shall also suffer special disqualification for the time of the conviction.
In all of the above cases, a fine equivalent to DOS (2) to TEN (10) times the value of the stolen cattle will also be imposed together."
ARTICLE 4o , Replace article 206 of the Criminal Code with the following text:"ARTICULO 206.- It will be repressed with UNO (1) prison to SEIS (6) months that violates the rules established by the animal health police laws."
ARTICLE 5or , Incorporate as article 248 bis of the Criminal Code, the following:"ARTICULO 248 bis.- It will be repressed with absolute disqualification of SEIS (6) months at DOS (2) years by the public official who, having to monitor the compliance of the rules of marketing of livestock, products and by-products of animal origin, omits to inspect according to the regulations in his charge, establishments such as markets of haciendas, fairs and auctions of animals, slaughterhouses, refrigerators, halls, barracks, farms, or other goods
ARTICLE 6or , Incorporate as article 277 bis of the Criminal Code, the following:"ARTICULO 277 bis.- Three (3) years ' imprisonment shall be applied to SEIS (6) years ' imprisonment and special disqualification from THREE (3) to TEN (10) years to the public official who, following the commission of the offence of abigeat in which he had not participated, violating his duties or abusing his duties, intervening or facilitating the transport, exploitation, marketing or maintenance of livestock, his dispossession or the products obtained, knowing their illicit origin."
ARTICLE 7or , Incorporate as article 277 ter of the Criminal Code, the following:"ARTICULO 277 ter.- A term of imprisonment of SEIS (6) months shall be imposed on THREE (3) years in which the personal conditions described in article 167 quater paragraph 4 shall be met by imprudence or negligence, intervening in some of the actions provided for in the preceding article, omitting to take the necessary measures to ascertain the legitimate origin of the cattle."
ARTICLE 8or , Incorporate as article 293 bis of the Criminal Code, the following:"ARTICULO 293 bis.- A term of imprisonment of UNO (1) to THREE (3) years shall be imposed on the public official who, by imprudence or negligence, intervenes in the issuance of guides for the transit of cattle or in the visa or legalization of certificates of acquisition or other documents that prove the property of the semoviente, omitting to take the necessary measures to ascertain its legitimate origin".
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan J. Canals.