Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 ANNEXES TO THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS BY SATELITE deINTELSAT cuya, adopted in Washington UNIDOESTADOS UNIDO de on 17 November 2000, which consists of VEINTIDOS (22) articles, one (1) additional article and four (4) annexes and the ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, THE TREINT DAY OF JUNE OF THE YEAR DOS MIL CUATRO.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.
The title of the Agreement shall be amended by deleting "YINTELSAT".
The Preamble will be amended,
deleting in paragraph 2 "article", and placing in place "Article";
deleting from paragraph 3 to 7, from "Visto que" to "satellite telecommunications", and placing in place:
Recognizing that, in accordance with its original purpose, the International Telecommunication Satellite Organization has created a global satellite system to provide telecommunications services to all areas of the world, which has contributed to global peace and understanding,
Bearing in mind that the Twenty-fourth Assembly of Parties of the International Telecommunication Organization by Satellite decided to undertake a restructuring and privatization by establishing a private society overseen by an intergovernmental organization,
Recognizing that, in view of the intensification of competition in the provision of telecommunications services, the International Telecommunication Satellite Organization has had to transfer its space system to the Society defined in Article I(d) of this Agreement so that it can be further exploited commercially feasible,
Mobilized by the intention of the Society to respect the Fundamental Principles contained in Article III of the present Agreement and to provide, on a commercial basis, the space segment necessary for international public telecommunication services of high quality and reliability,
Determining that an intergovernmental supervisory organization may be required, to which any State member of the United Nations or of the International Telecommunication Union may be a party, to ensure that the Society complies continuously with the Fundamental Principles,
Article I
Article I (Definitions)
in paragraph (a), deleting "including the Annexes to it" and placing in place "including the Annex and any amendment";
deleting "articles" and placing in place "Articles"; and deleting "INTELSAT"; deleting paragraph (b), and renumbering paragraph (h) as paragraph (b);
renumbering paragraph (j) as paragraph (c), and deleting "informations" and placing in place "information";
adding this new definition after paragraph (c) and numerizing it as paragraph (d):
(d) the term "Society" designates the private entity or entities founded in accordance with the laws of one or more States, to which they are transferred the space system of the international satellite telecommunications organization, and covers the successors of their rights and obligations;
deleting the text of paragraph (e) and placing this new definition in place:
the term "on a commercial basis" means according to the commercial customs and customs of the telecommunications sector;
renumbering paragraph (f) as paragraph (p); deleting "the" before "State" and placing in place "a"; deleting "present" before "Agreement"; and deleting "applies" and placing in place "has applied";
renumbering paragraph (k) as paragraph (f), and placing "the Society" instead of "INTELSAT";
deleting paragraph (g); renumbering paragraph (c) as paragraph (g), and deleting "the" after "designa", placing in place "al";
adding this new definition after paragraph (g):
(h) the term "obligation of vital connectivity" or "OCV" designates the obligation assumed by the Society, in the terms of the contract of OCV, to supply uninterrupted telecommunications services to the OCV client;
deleting the text of the paragraph (i); placing in place the paragraph (d), and deleting "the" after "designa", placing in place "al";
adding these new definitions after paragraph (i) and numerizing them as paragraphs (j) and (k):
(j) the term "Public Services Agreement" designates the legally binding instrument by which ITSO ensures that the Society respects the Fundamental Principles;
(k) the term " Fundamental Principles" designates the principles set forth in Article III;
deleting the text of paragraph (1) and placing this new definition in place:
the term "common heritage" designates the allocation of frequencies related to the orbital locations in advance publication, coordination or registered on behalf of the Parties to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in accordance with the provisions of the ITU Radiocommunication Regulations that are transferred to one or more Parties in accordance with Article XII;
deleting "y" at the end of paragraph (m), renumbering paragraph (m) as paragraph (q), and adding as the text of the new paragraph (m) the following definition:
(m) the term "global coverage" designates the maximum geographical coverage of the Earth towards the most visible north and south parallels from the satellites placed in geostationary orbital positions;
deleting the text of paragraph (n) and placing it in place:
the term "global connectivity" designates the means of interconnection available to the clients of the Society through the global coverage it offers to make possible communication between and within the five regions of the International Telecommunication Union defined by the conference of plenipotentiaries of the ITU, held in Montreux in 1965;
adding this new definition after paragraph (n) and renumbering it as paragraph (or):
(or) the term "non-discriminatory access" designates the equal and equal opportunity of access to the system of the Society;
amending the paragraph renumbered as (q), deleting after the first comma "even contractual rights, whatever their nature, on which property rights can be exercised" and placing in place
"whatever its nature, on which property rights may be exercised, as well as contractual rights"; and deleting "y" after the point and comma;
adding these new definitions after paragraph (q) and numerizing them as paragraphs (r) and (s):
(r) the term "OCV clients" designates all customers who, by gathering all conditions, conclude OCV contracts; and
(s) the term "Administration" designates any department or government service responsible for the fulfilment of obligations under the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union, the International Telecommunication Union Convention and its Administrative Regulations.
Article II
Article II shall be amended,
suppressing "INTELSAT" of the title and adding "ITSO";
deleting in its entirety the text of Article II and placing in place:
Taking fully into account the principles set out in the Preamble to this Agreement, the Parties establish the International Satellite Telecommunication Organization, which is referred to herein as "ITSO".
Article III
Article III shall be amended,
changing the title by "Main End and Fundamental Principles of ITSO";
deleting paragraph (a);
By deleting the "(b)" designation of paragraph (b); by adding "For the purposes of the application of Article III, they shall be" instead of "Seran"; by renumbering subparagraph (b)(i) as subparagraph (a); by placing "zones" instead of "areas" whenever it appears; by placing "in question" instead of "interest"; by renumbering the subsection (b)(ii)
deleting fully the rest of Article III and placing in place:
(a) Taking into account the establishment of the Society, the main purpose of ITSO is to ensure, through the Public Services Agreement, that the Society provides, on a commercial basis, public international telecommunication services, in order to monitor compliance with the Fundamental Principles.
(b) The Fundamental Principles are:
(i) maintain global connectivity and global coverage;
(ii) meet customers with vital connectivity; and
(iii) Provide non-discriminatory access to the Society system.
Article IV
Article IV shall be amended,
changing the title by "Public national telecommunication services included";
deleting "INTELSAT" and adding "The ITSO" instead in paragraph (a); and deleting "article" and placing "Article" in paragraph (b);
renumbering the entire text of Article IV (Legal personality), with the amendments, such as Article VI, except for the text of the former Article III (b), which, according to the above-mentioned amendments, had passed here and is the new text of Article IV.
Article V
Article V shall be amended,
changing the title by "Supervision";
completely deleting the current text of Article V and placing it in place:
ITSO will take all appropriate measures, including the conclusion of the Public Services Agreement, to monitor the Society ' s compliance with the Fundamental Principles, in particular the principle of non-discriminatory access to the Society system in the existing and future public telecommunications services offered by the Society when space segment capacity is available on a commercial basis.
Article VI
Article VI shall be amended,
deleting "INTELSAT" from the title and placing the ITSO in place;
renumbering it as Article VIII;
amending the renumbered article as VIII to read:
The ITSO will have the following organs:
(a) Assembly of Parties; and
(b) an executive body, chaired by the Director-General, responsible to the Assembly of Parties.
Article VII
Article VII (Parties Assembly) will be amended
moving the text of Article VII to Article IX;
changing the title of Article VII by "Financial Principles";
adding this new text as Article VII:
(a) The ITSO will be funded for the twelve-year period set out in Article XXI, retaining certain financial assets at the time of the transfer of the ITSO space system to the Society.
(b) In case of continuing to exist after twelve years, ITSO will obtain funding through the Public Services Agreement.
Article VIII
Article VIII (Meeting of Signatories) will be amended
deleting the title and the entire text of the former Article VIII and placing in place the text and title of Article VI, which, according to the above-mentioned amendments, was renumbered as Article VIII.
Article IX
Article IX shall be amended,
deleting fully the text of former Article IX;
changing the title of Article IX by "Parties Assembly";
amending the text of the former Article VII (Assembly of Parties), which, as indicated above, was renumbered as Article IX:
deleting "INTELSAT" and placing "ITSO" in the paragraph (a);
deleting from paragraph (b) to (e) and placing in place:
(b) The Assembly of Parties shall consider the overall policy and long-term objectives of ITSO.
(c) The Assembly of Parties shall consider matters that are primarily of interest to Parties as sovereign States, and in particular shall ensure that the Society provides, on a commercial basis, public international telecommunication services, for the purpose of:
(i) maintain global connectivity and global coverage;
(ii) meet customers with vital connectivity; and
(iii) Provide non-discriminatory access to the Society system.
(d) The Assembly of Parties shall have the following functions and powers:
(i) direct the executive body of ITSO in such a manner as it deems appropriate, particularly with regard to the executive review of the activities of the Society that are directly linked to the Fundamental Principles;
(ii) consider and decide proposals to amend this Agreement in accordance with Article XV;
(iii) to appoint and dismiss the Director-General in accordance with Article X;
(iv) Review and take decisions on reports submitted by the Director-General on the implementation of the Society with the Fundamental Principles;
(v) consider and take action on recommendations of the Director-General;
(vi) decide, in accordance with Article XIV(b) of this Agreement, the withdrawal of a Party from ITSO;
(vii) decide issues relevant to the official relations between ITSO and States, whether they are Parties or not, or international organizations;
(viii) address the claims submitted to it by the Parties;
(ix) examine issues relevant to the Common Heritage of the Parties;
(x) take decisions on the adoption referred to in Article IV (b) of this Agreement;
(xi) To review and approve the ITSO budget for the period agreed by the Assembly of Parties;
(xii) make the necessary decisions regarding contingency outside the approved budget;
(xiii) appoint an auditor to review the costs and accounts of ITSO;
(xiv) select the jurisdictions referred to in Article 3 of Annex A to this Agreement;
(xv) determine the conditions under which the Director-General may initiate arbitration proceedings against the Society in accordance with the Public Services Agreement;
(xvi) take decisions on proposed amendments to the Public Services Agreement; and
(xvii) exercise any other function that attributes to you any other Article of this Agreement.
(e) The Assembly of Parties will meet in regular session every two years, beginning no more than twelve months after the transfer of the ITSO space system to the Society. In addition to ordinary sessions, it may also meet in an extraordinary session, convened at the request of the executive body under Article X (k), or through a written submission by one or more Parties to the Director-General for the purpose of the meeting and receiving the support of at least one third of the Parties, counting the requesting Parties. The Assembly of Parties shall establish the conditions under which the Director-General may convene an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties.
in the first sentence of paragraph (f), deleting "will be constituted by" and placing in its place "will be constituted with";
in paragraph (f), deleting "Each Party shall have one vote.";
in the new second, third and fourth sentences of paragraph (f), deleting "one" before "voto";
at the end of the paragraph (f):
Parties shall be accorded the opportunity to vote for power or other means that it deems to come from the Assembly of Parties, and shall be provided with the necessary information sufficiently in advance of the meeting of the Assembly.
renumbering paragraph (g) as paragraph (h); deleting "includes a provision for" and placing in place "will have"; and adding after "directive":
"and shall govern participation and voting"
adding this new paragraph (g):
(g) At any meeting of the Assembly of Parties, each Party shall have one vote.
renumbering paragraph (h) as paragraph (i), deleting from "INTELSAT" to the end of the sentence, and placing in place "the ITSO".
Article X
Article X shall be amended,
changing the title by "Director General"; deleting fully the text of Article X and placing it in place:
(a) The executive body will be chaired by the Director-General, who will be directly responsible to the Assembly of Parties.
(b) The Director-General:
(i) shall be the principal executive officer and the legal representative of ITSO, and shall respond to the performance of all management functions, including the exercise of contractual rights;
(ii) shall act in accordance with the policies and directives of the Assembly of Parties; and
(iii) shall be appointed by the Assembly of Parties with a mandate of four years or of the duration decided by the Assembly of Parties. The Director-General may be dismissed from office, and there is cause, by the Assembly of Parties. No incumbent may serve as Director-General for more than eight years.
(c) The main criterion to be taken into account for the appointment of the Director-General and for the selection of the rest of the staff of the executive body will be the need to ensure the highest standards of integrity, competence and efficiency, taking into account the potential benefits of recruitment and settlement with regional and geographical diversity. The Director-General and the staff of the executive body shall refrain from any action incompatible with their responsibilities vis-à-vis ITSO.
(d) The Director-General, following the advice and instructions of the Assembly of Parties, shall decide on the normal structure, staffing and conditions of employment of managers and employees, and shall appoint the staff of the executive body. The Director-General may select consultants and other advisers from the executive body.
(e) The Director-General will monitor the Society ' s respect for the Fundamental Principles.
(f) The Director-General:
(i) will note the Society's respect for the Fundamental Principle of attending to OCV clients in compliance with OCV contracts;
(ii) Review the decisions taken by the Society regarding applications for amparo for the conclusion of an OCV contract;
(iii) assist OCV clients in resolving disputes with the Society by providing conciliation services; and
(iv) in the event that an OCV client decides to initiate arbitration proceedings against the Society, it will provide advice on the selection of consultants and arbitrators.
(g) The Director-General shall report to the Parties on matters referred to in subparagraphs (d) to (f).
(h) In accordance with the conditions established by the Assembly of Parties, the Director-General may initiate arbitration proceedings against the Society in accordance with the Public Services Agreement.
(i) The Director General shall deal with the Society in accordance with the Public Services Agreement.
(j) On behalf of ITSO, the Director-General shall examine all issues arising from the Common Heritage of the Parties and shall communicate to the Notifying Administrations the views of the Parties.
(k) In the event that the Director-General is of the view that, by failing to take action in accordance with Article XI(c), a Party has undermined the capacity of the Society to comply with the Fundamental Principles, it will contact that Party to seek a solution to the situation and may, in accordance with the conditions established by the Assembly of Parties under Article IX(e), convene an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties.
(l) The Assembly of Parties shall designate a senior staff member of the executive body to act as Acting Director-General when the Director-General is absent, prevented from performing his duties, or when his/her position is vacant. The Acting Director-General shall be able to exercise all the powers of the Director-General in accordance with this Agreement. In the case of a vacancy, the Acting Director-General shall serve until a Director-General, duly appointed and confirmed, assumes his post as soon as possible in accordance with paragraph (b) (iii) of this Article.
Article XI
Article XI shall be amended,
changing the title by "Rights and Obligations of the Parties";
deleting the text of Article XI in full and placing Article XIV in its place, with the following amendments:
in subparagraph (a), deleting "and the Signatories"; deleting the comma after the first time "Agreement" appears; placing "the Fundamental Principles of Article III and others" after "Preamble"; and deleting "and the" before "dispositions";
in the first sentence of subparagraph (b), deleting "and all the Signatories"; placing "represented" instead of "represented"; placing "any provision" instead of "any provisions"; deleting "and from the Operational Agreement"; placing "celebrated" instead of "remaining"; and placing "the ITSO, according to the arrangements made by the ITINSO"
in the second sentence of subparagraph (b), placing "the arrangements with the host Party of" instead of "the agreements with the host Party or Signatory for"; placing "the income" instead of "the admission"; placing "during" instead of "for the duration"; and suppressing "and all the Signatories";
deleting paragraphs (c) to (g) and including instead the following new paragraph (c):
(c) All Parties shall take the necessary measures, in a transparent manner, without discrimination and neutral from the point of view of competition, under the applicable national procedure and relevant international agreements to which they are party, so that the Society may comply with the Fundamental Principles.
Article XII
Article XII shall be amended,
changing the title by "Frequency allocations";
deleting the text in full and placing this new text in place:
(a) ITSO Parties shall retain orbital locations and allocations of frequencies under coordination or registered on behalf of the Parties to the ITU in accordance with the provisions of the ITU Radiocommunication Regulations until the elected Notifying Administrations have notified the Depositary that they approved, accepted or ratified this Agreement. The Parties shall elect from among ITSO members a Party that shall represent all ITSO member Parties to ITU during the period in which ITSO Parties retain such assignments.
(b) In notifying the Depositary that a Party elected by the Assembly of Parties to act as the Notifying Administration of the Society approved, accepted or ratified this Agreement, the Party elected under subparagraph (a) to represent all Parties during the period in which ITSO retains the allocations, shall transfer such assignments to the elected Notifying Administrations.
(c) In accordance with the relevant national procedure, any Party elected to act as Notifying Society Administration:
(i) authorize the use of such frequency allocation by the Society so that the Fundamental Principles can be complied with; and
(ii) in the event that such use is no longer authorized, or that the Society ceases to require such or such frequency allocations, it shall cancel such frequency allocation in accordance with ITU procedures.
(d) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Agreement, in the event that a Party elected to act as Notifying Administration for the Society ceases to be a member of the ITSO pursuant to Article XIV, that Party shall be subject to all the relevant provisions of this Agreement and the ITU Radiocommunication Regulations until the allocation of frequencies is transferred to another Party in accordance with ITU procedures.
(e) Any Party elected to act as Notifying Administration under subparagraph (c):
(i) shall report at least once a year to the Director-General on the treatment received by the Society from such a Notifying Administration, with particular regard to the Party ' s compliance with its obligations under Article XI(c);
(ii) Request the views of the Director-General, on behalf of ITSO, on the measures necessary for the Society to comply with the Fundamental Principles;
(iii) collaborate with the Director-General, on behalf of ITSO, on activities that could be undertaken by the Notifying Administrations to provide wider access to dependent countries;
(iv) notify and consult the Director-General on the coordination of satellite systems to be carried out with ITU on behalf of the Society in order to ensure that the global service and connectivity for dependent users are maintained; and
(v) consult with ITU on the needs of users, dependent on satellite communications.
Article XIII
Article XIII shall be amended,
deleting the title and text;
renumbering Article XV as Article XIII;
changing the title by "Sede of ITSO, privileges, exemptions and immunities";
amending the text of the former Article XV, renumbered as XIII,
in paragraph (a), deleting "INTELSAT" and placing in place "the ITSO"; placing "the city of" before "Washington"; and
placing after "Washington", "unless the Assembly of Parties determines otherwise."
in paragraph (b), deleting "and all customs duties on telecommunications satellites and parts and parts for such satellites that will be launched for use in the global system"; and deleting "INTELSAT" all the times it appears, placing in place "the ITSO";
In the first sentence of the paragraph (c), placing "the ITSO" every time "INTELSAT" appears; after the first comma, placing "and" instead of "or"; after the second comma, deleting "according to the case, he will grant," and placing in his place "open, respectively"; after the first time "Protocol" appears, placing "and" instead of "
in the second sentence of paragraph (c), after "obligations", deleting "to the degree" and placing in place ", to the extent"; after "Protocol", instead of "mencionados en", placing "to those who refer";
in the third sentence of paragraph (c), placing "the ITSO" whenever "INTELSAT" appears;
After the third sentence of paragraph (c), deleting the sentence "The Headquarters Agreement shall include a provision that any signatory acting as such, except the signatory designated by the Party in whose territory the headquarters is located, shall be exempt from national taxes on INTELSAT receipts in the territory of that Party."
Article XVI
Article XVI (Retreat) shall be renumbered as Article XIV, amending it to read:
(a) (i) Any Party may voluntarily withdraw from ITSO. The Parties shall notify the Depositary in writing of their decision to withdraw.
(ii) Notification of a Party ' s decision to withdraw in accordance with paragraph (a) of this Article shall be transmitted by the Depositary to all Parties and to the executive body.
(iii) Subject to Article XII (d), the voluntary withdrawal shall take effect for the Party three months after the date of receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph (a) (i) of this Article, and this Agreement shall cease to be in force then for the Party.
(b) (i) If it appears that a Party has ceased to comply with any of the obligations set out in this Agreement, the Assembly of Parties, after receiving notification to this effect or acting on its own initiative, and having assessed the statements made by the Party, may decide, if it finds that such non-compliance has actually occurred, to consider it withdrawn from ITSO. This Agreement shall cease to be in force for that Party from the date of such a decision. An extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties may be convened for this purpose.
(ii) If the Assembly of Parties decides that a Party is deemed to have withdrawn from ITSO pursuant to paragraph (b) (i) of this Article, the executive body shall notify the Depositary, which shall notify all Parties.
(c) Upon receipt of the Depositary or the executive body, as the case may be, the notification of the withdrawal decision in accordance with paragraph (a) (i) of this Article, the Party that submitted such notification shall cease to have any representation and voting rights in the Assembly of Parties, and shall not incur any liability or obligation after receipt of the notification.
(d) If, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Article, the Assembly of Parties considers that the Party has withdrawn from ITSO, the Party shall not incur any obligation or liability after that decision.
(e) The withdrawal of ITSO from any Party shall not be required as a direct result of a change in the status of that Party vis-à-vis the United Nations or the International Telecommunication Union.
Article XVII
Article XVII (Amendments) shall be renumbered as Article XV, with the following amendments,
in paragraph (a), deleting at the end "which will distribute them to all Parties and Signatories as soon as possible" and placing in place "which will distribute them without delay to all Parties";
in paragraph (b), deleting "considered" and placing in place "examined"; deleting "Article VII" and placing in place "Article IX"; deleting "in both cases"; placing "by the executive organ" after "distributed"; and deleting the last sentence;
in paragraph (c), deleting "Article VII" and placing in place "Article IX"; and deleting "Article" after "conforming paragraph (b) of the present" and placing in place "Article IX";
amending paragraph (d) to read:
(d) The amendments adopted by the Assembly of Parties shall enter into force, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this Article, after the Depositary has received notification of the approval, acceptance or ratification of the amendment, of two thirds of the States that were Parties on the date the amendment was approved by the Assembly of Parties.
in the paragraph (e), deleting "article" and placing in place "Article"; deleting "INTELSAT" and placing in place "the ITSO";
in paragraph (f), deleting "article" and placing "Article" in place.
Article XVIII
Article XVIII (Solution of Disputes) shall be renumbered as Article XVI, amending it to read:
(a) All legal disputes arising in relation to the rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement, between the Parties, or between ITSO and one or more Parties, if not otherwise resolved within a reasonable time, shall be subject to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Annex A to this Agreement.
(b) All legal disputes arising in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement, between a Party and a State which has ceased to be a Party, or between ITSO and a State which has ceased to be a Party, and which arise after that State ceased to be a Party, if otherwise not resolved within a reasonable time, shall be subject to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Annex A to this Agreement, provided that the State has so terminated. If a State ceases to be a party after the commencement of an arbitration in which it is litigant, in accordance with paragraph (a) of this Article, such arbitration shall continue until the end of the proceedings.
(c) All legal disputes arising from agreements between ITSO and any Party shall be subject to the dispute settlement provisions contained in such agreements. In the absence of such provisions, such disputes, if not otherwise resolved, may be subject to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Annex A to this Agreement if the litigants so agree.
Article XIX
Article XIX (Firma) shall be renumbered as Article XVII, with the following amendments,
adding "the United Nations or" in subparagraph (a)(ii), just before "the International Telecommunication Union";
suppressing "article" and placing "Article" in paragraph (c).
Article XX
Article XX (Entry into force) shall be renumbered as Article XVIII, with the following amendments,
amending paragraph (a) to read:
(a) This Agreement shall enter into force sixty days after the date on which it has been signed, not subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, or ratified, accepted or approved, or acceded to, two thirds of the States that were parties to the Interim Agreement on the date on which this Agreement was opened for signature, provided that two thirds include parties to the Interim Agreement that then had at least two thirds of the contributions under the Special Agreement. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned provisions, this Agreement shall not enter into force before a period of eight months or more than eighteen months from the date of signature.
in paragraph (b), deleting "article" and placing "Article" in place;
in paragraph (c), deleting "article" and placing in place "Article"; amending the last sentence of the paragraph to read:
If provisional application terminates in accordance with subparagraphs (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph, the provisions of Article XIV(c) of this Agreement shall govern the rights and obligations of the Party.
deleting paragraph (d) and renumbering paragraph (e) as (d).
Article XXI
Article XXI (Different Provisions) shall be renumbered as Article XIX, with the following amendments,
deleting "INTELSAT" every time it appears and placing in place "the ITSO";
deleting "The Languages" and placing "The Languages" in the paragraph (a);
deleting "and Signatories" from paragraph (b).
Article XXII
Article XXII (Deposite) shall be renumbered as Article XX, with the following amendments,
deleting "INTELSAT" every time it appears and placing in place "the ITSO";
deleting "article" every time it appears and placing in place "Article";
renumbering "XIX" in paragraph (a) as "XVII";
in paragraph (b), renumbering "XIX" as "XVII", and "XX" as "XVIII"; and in the second sentence, deleting "from" just before "the beginning of the sixty-day period" and placing "the" in its place;
moving the entire text that follows "United Nations Charter." in paragraph (c) to place it just after the last article of the amended Agreement.
New article
After the article renumbered as XX, place this new Article XXI, entitled "Duration",
This Agreement shall be in force at least twelve years from the date of transfer of the ITSO space system to the Society. The Assembly of Parties may terminate this Agreement at the end of twelve years of the date of transfer of the ITSO space system to the Society, by vote of the Parties under Article IX(f). Such a decision shall be considered a substantive matter.
General instructions for all articles
The articles will appear in numerical order, and their paragraphs, in alphabetical order, with the corresponding amendments.
Annex A
Annex A will be deleted in full.
Annex B
Annex B shall be deleted in full.
Annex C
Annex C will be amended,
renumbering it as Annex A;
deleting in the title "To which the 18th Article of the present Agreement and Article 20 of the Optional Agreement shall be restored";
in Article 1, deleting "Article XVIII" and placing in place "Article XVI"; and deleting ", in Article 20 of the Operational Agreement and in the Annex to it";
in Article 2, deleting "Article XVIII" and placing in place "Article XVI"; and deleting ", in Article 20 of the Operational Agreement and in the Annex to it";
in Article 3, paragraph (a), deleting "and, later, no later than sixty days before the opening date of each ordinary meeting of that Assembly" and placing in its place ", and of each of the following meetings"; deleting "the next ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties" and placing in its place "second next ordinary meeting"; deleting "any"
in Article 3, paragraph (b), deleting "article" and placing in its place "Article"; deleting "is" and placing in its place "is"; deleting "replaced" and placing in its place "replaced";
in Article 3, paragraph (c), deleting "group president, group components" following "For the purposes of designating a" and placing in its place "president, group members"; and adding this new sentence following the first: "They may participate in person or by electronic means."; and deleting at the end of paragraph (c) "INTELSAT" for the purposes of Article 8 of the Agreement;
in Article 3, paragraph (d), deleting "article" and placing in place "Article"; deleting "they are" and placing in place "they are"; deleting the second sentence; deleting "components" and placing in place "integrating";
in Article 3, paragraph (e), adding "a" after "By selecting"; deleting "article" and placing in its place "Article"; deleting "Assembly of Parties or Board of Governors shall seek" and placing in place "Assembly of Parties shall seek";
in Article 3, paragraph (f), deleting the comma following "Every member or alternate of the group";
in Article 3, deleting in full paragraph (g);
in Article 4, paragraph (a)(iv), deleting "Article XVIII" and placing in place "Article XVI"; and deleting "or Article 20 of the Operational Agreement";
in Article 4, paragraph (b), deleting "and signatory"; deleting "article" and placing in place "Article";
in Article 5, deleting "article" and placing "Article" in place;
in Article 5, paragraph (a), deleting "any contrademandas that arise" and placing in place "any counter-demand that arises";
in Article 5, paragraph (b), deleting "the" after "In";
in Article 5, paragraph (c), adding a coma just before "who, within ten days";
in Article 6, deleting "art" and placing in place "Article";
in Article 6, paragraph (a), deleting "the president or" and placing in place ", according to the decision of the president or of"; deleting "deciding that they are out of the will" and placing in place ", they are beyond the control"; and suppressing ", or that" and placing in place "or" after "litigants";
in Article 7, paragraph (b), deleting "whose designated signatories and the signatories whose designating Parties" and placing in place "that"; deleting the comma after "controversy"; deleting "INTELSAT" the twice that appears and placing in place "the ITSO"; and suppressing "and all signatories";
in Article 7, paragraph (e), deleting "substantiated" and placing in place "substantiated";
in Article 7, paragraph (f), deleting "Article XVIII" and placing in place "Article XVI"; and deleting "Article 20 of the Operational Agreement and the Annex to it";
in Article 7, paragraph (g), deleting "take" and placing in place "take";
in Article 7, paragraph (h), deleting "Article XVIII" and placing in its place "Article XVI"; and deleting "Article 20 of the Operational Agreement and the Annex to it";
in Article 7, paragraph (k), deleting "and all Signatories";
in Article 9, deleting the paragraph (a); deleting the number "b)"; and deleting "Any other Party, any Signatory, or INTELSAT" and placing in place "Any Party that is not litigant in a case, or ITSO";
in Article 11, deleting "Each Party, Each Signatory and INTELSAT," and placing in place "Each Party and ITSO";
in Article 12, placing a comma after "procedure"; deleting "any provisional measures" and placing in place "any provisional measure"; and suppressing "protect" and placing in place "protect";
in Article 13, paragraph (a)(i), deleting "and the Operational Agreement," and placing in place a point and coma;
in Article 13, paragraph (a)(ii), deleting "right" and placing "right" in its place;
in Article 13, in the first sentence of paragraph (b), deleting "article" and placing in place "Article"; and deleting "shall be fulfilled" and placing in place "will be fulfilled";
in Article 13, in the second sentence of paragraph (b), deleting "INTELSAT" and placing in place "the ITSO" both times; deleting "and the Operational Agreement"; deleting "the same" and placing in place "the same"; and suppressing "and all Signatories";
in Article 13, paragraph (c), deleting "hubiere" and placing in place "hubiera";
in Article 14, adding "them" just before "private circumstances"; deleting "INTELSAT" the two times it appears and placing in place "the ITSO"; and deleting "for the purposes of Article 8 of the Operational Agreement".
Annex D
Annex D shall be deleted in full.
Article 23 (Entry into force) of the Operational Agreement shall be amended,
deleting "X" in paragraphs (a) and (b) and placing in place "XVIII";
deleting "will be in force as long as the Agreement" is in paragraph (c) and placing in its place "will be extinguished either when the Agreement loses effect or when the amendments to the Agreement that delete the references to the Operational Agreement; of the two possibilities, the first one".