Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 This law shall apply to both the public and private spheres of health care in the territory of the Nation.Social works governed by national laws and prepaid medical institutions must provide mandatory benefits under this Act, which are fully incorporated into the Compulsory Medical Programme.
ARTICLE 2 Every woman, in relation to pregnancy, labor, childbirth and postpartum, has the following rights:(a) To be informed about the different medical interventions that can take place during these processes so that you can freely choose when different alternatives exist.
(b) To be treated with respect, and individually and individually that ensures privacy throughout the care process and takes into consideration its cultural guidelines.
(c) To be considered, in his situation regarding the birth process, as a healthy person, so that his participation is facilitated as the protagonist of his own birth.
(d) Natural birth, respectful of biological and psychological times, avoiding invasive practices and providing medication that are not justified by the state of health of the parturient or the unborn.
(e) To be informed about the evolution of your child, the status of your child and, in general, to take part in the different performances of the professionals.
(f) Not to be subjected to any examination or intervention for purposes of investigation, except written consent under a protocol approved by the Bioethics Committee.
(g) To be accompanied by a person of your confidence and choice during labor, childbirth and postpartum.
(h) To have your child next to you during the stay in the health facility, provided that the newborn does not require special care.
(i) To be informed, from pregnancy, about the benefits of breastfeeding and to receive support for breastfeeding.
(j) To receive advice and information on self-care and child care.
(k) To be specifically informed about the adverse effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs on the child and herself.
Article 3 Every newborn person has the right to:(a) To be treated in a respectful and dignified way.
(b) Your unequivocal identification.
(c) Not to be subjected to any examination or intervention for purposes of investigation or teaching, except consent, expressed in writing by their legal representatives, under protocol approved by the Bioethics Committee.
(d) To joint internment with her mother in the living room, and to make her as brief as possible, taking into account her state of health and that of her.
(e) To ensure that their parents receive appropriate advice and information on care for their growth and development, as well as their vaccination plan.
ARTICLE 4 The father and mother of the newborn at risk have the following rights:(a) To receive understandable, sufficient and continuous information, in an appropriate environment, about the process or evolution of your child's health, including diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
(b) To have continued access to your child as long as the clinical situation permits, as well as to participate in your care and in making decisions related to your assistance.
(c) To provide their written consent for all examinations or interventions, the child is to be submitted for research purposes under a protocol approved by the Bioethics Committee.
(d) To facilitate the breastfeeding of the newborn person provided that it does not adversely affect their health.
(e) To receive advice and information on the special care of the child.
ARTICLE 5o The Ministry of Health of the Nation shall be the enforcement authority of this law in the field of its competence; and in the provinces and the City of Buenos Aires their respective health authorities. ARTICLE 6 Failure to comply with the emerging obligations of this Act by social works and prepaid medical entities, as well as non-compliance by health professionals and their collaborators and the institutions in which they provide services, shall be deemed to be a serious offence for the sanctioning purposes, without prejudice to the civil or criminal liability that may correspond. ARTICLE 7 This law shall enter into force the SESENTA (60) days of its promulgation. ARTICLE 8 Contact the Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VEINTICINCO DIAS OF THE MONTH OF AGOSTO OF THE YEAR DOS MIL CUATRO.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.