Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Amend article 3 of Act No. 23,879, as amended by Act No. 24,539, to read as follows:"Article 3. The Executive Branch, through the above-mentioned ministries, will report to the Congress of the Nation every ninety (90) days, the partial results of all the studies carried out and, once the studies have been completed, will forward its final assessment and conclusion.
The above-mentioned studies should be presented at a public hearing. The hearing should be conducted within the scope of the Congress of the Nation, and officials who participated in the preparation of the studies, together with non-governmental bodies specialized in environmental matters, universities, academic centres and the general public, will participate. With the end of the hearing, and within no longer than TREINTA (30) days, the legislators of both Chambers, members of the legislative committees involved in the subject, shall publicize a report of the outcome reached at that meeting, and shall transmit the same to the enforcement authority of this law. Such a report shall be non-binding.
The omission of the public hearing will be causal of the nullity of the act that is produced accordingly."
ARTICLE 2 Amend article 5 of Act No. 23,879, as amended by Act No. 24,539, to read as follows:"Article 5°. - The Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Health and Environment, will implement a program of study, prevention and treatment of Manzoni schistosomiasis and other diseases that can cause built or built dams in tropical and subtropical areas. The design, implementation and evaluation of such a programme will be carried out in coordination with the provincial governments of the region.
The programme will aim to take the necessary measures to safeguard the health of the population. "
ARTICLE 3 The executive branch shall regulate the provisions of Act No. 23,879 and its amendments within the term NOVTA (90) days. ARTICLE 4 Contact the Executive.DADA IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS IN GOOD AIRES, TO A DAY OF THE TWENTY-YEAR-YEAR-YEAR DECEMBER.
# 25,975
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.