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Minor Registration Extraviate-Creation - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: MENORES REGISTRO NAC PERSONAS MENORES EXTRAVIADAS-CREACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF INFORMATION OF MENORES EXTRAVITED PERSONS Law 25,746 Provide for the creation of the Register within the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights. Sanctioned: June 11, 2003. Promulgated: July 1, 2003.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Please provide for the establishment of a National Register of Information on Minors who are Missed within the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights.

ARTICLE 2 The Register will aim to centralize, organize and cross-examine the information of the entire country in a database on persons under whom the whereabouts are unknown, as well as those who are in the establishment of care, protection, detention or placement in all cases where their filiatory or identifiable data and those who are located are unknown.

Article 3 Any security force or judicial authority that receives complaints or information of diversion of minors, or that in any way takes notice of a situation such as those described in Article 2 shall immediately notify the Register in the manner that establishes the regulation of this Act.

Such communication shall, if possible:

(a) Name and surname of the affected minor, date of birth, nationality, domicile and other data permitting identification;

(b) Name and surname of the parents, guardians or guardians and habitual residence thereof;

(c) Details of the place, date and time in which he was last seen or found;

(d) Updated detailed photograph or description;

(e) Number of belongings and/or reference;

(f) Papiloscopic record;

(g) Any other data that is considered to be relevant to your identification;

(h) Data from the preventional or judicial public authority reporting the complaint.

In the face of the presumption or denunciation that the minor is a victim of an offence that endangers his or her integrity, such authorities may be exempt from the duty to inform the Register, only for the time necessary to safeguard the best interests of the minor.

ARTICLE 4 There should also be reports of cases in which minor persons whose whereabouts were unknown or whose identity was unknown. In the same way, the obligatory authorities must report any other circumstances that could contribute to the completion of the information base that the Register seeks to have to facilitate the search for minors in situations of alienation, even if the same is found without life.

ARTICLE 5o The Register will operate every day, even traded and untiring, and will have a special permanent line that will operate without direct charge for users for 24 hours a day. Consultations will be evacuated and information will be provided on the procedures to be followed in the search for juveniles and/or their restitution to those who have their custody or who is replaced by the competent judge.

An Internet page will be created where data that the competent authorities deem necessary will be disseminated.

ARTICLE 6 The Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights will constitute an Honorary Advisory Council with representatives of the Association of Magistrates and Officials of the Justice of Children and the Family, the National Council for the Family, Children and Adolescents, the Federal Police, Gendarmerie, Prefecture, Migration and Non-Governmental Organizations of recognized background on the subject, for the purpose of contributing to the formation, operation and dissemination of the Register.

ARTICLE 7 The competent authority may require the assistance of the National Broadcasting Committee or other agency, institute or complementary, for the purpose of meeting the objectives of this law. Article 72 (f) of the National Broadcasting Act shall be applicable to this purpose. The use of the spaces for dissemination will be urgent.

ARTICLE 8 The Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights should conduct an annual report containing statistics on the situation of registered cases, which should be sufficiently publicized.

Article 9 The regulation of this Act shall establish the guidelines and requirements for access to the information in the Register, in such a way as to ensure the confidentiality of the data and access to the data in safeguard of the minors themselves.

ARTICLE 10. Erogations that demand the application of the present will be charged to the Budget of Expenses of the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights, organizing the Register with human, technical and material resources at your disposal.

ARTICLE 11. Please refer to the Chief of Staff of Ministers for the re-execution of items necessary at the request of the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights for the purposes of the present.

ARTICLE 12. The staff member in charge of the Register shall have the authority to coordinate with the various competent provincial bodies the procedures for the effective implementation of this Act.

ARTICLE 13. This law is applicable throughout the territory of the Republic, in compliance with the provisions of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in its articles 7th, 8th and 35.

ARTICLE 14. This law shall be regulated by the national executive branch within 60 days.

15th Article Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . MARCELO E. LOPEZ ARIAS. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.