Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 Please provide the extension until 31 December 2004 of the deadline for the renegotiation of contracts for public works and services provided for in article 9 of Act No. 25.561. Such renegotiation may cover certain sectors of public services or certain recruitments in particular.
(Note Infoleg: by art. 1st of the Act No. 27,345 B.O. 23/12/2016 extended until 31 December 2019 the validity of this Law. Vigilance: from its promulgation. Previous: Act No. 27,200 B.O. 04/11/2015; Act No. 26,896 B.O. 22/10/2013; Act No. 26,729 B.O. 28/12/2011; Act No. 26.563 B.O. 22/12/2009; Act No. 26.456 B.O. 16/12/2008; Act No. 26,339 B.O. 4/1/2008; Act No. 26,204 B.O. 20/12/2006; Act No. 25,972 B.O. 17/12/2004).
ARTICLE 2 Decisions made by the National Executive in the development of the renegotiation process shall not be limited or conditioned by the provisions contained in the regulatory frameworks governing concession or licence contracts for the respective public services.
The powers of regulatory entities in respect of contractual revisions, adjustments and tariff adjustments provided for in the respective regulatory frameworks may be exercised as long as they are compatible with the development of the renegotiation process carried out by the national executive branch pursuant to article 9 of Act No. 25.561.
ARTICLE 3 Renegotiation agreements may cover partial aspects of concession or licensing contracts, include contractual adjustment formulas or temporary amendments to the contract, include the possibility of periodic revisions as well as the adequacy of service quality parameters.
In the event of transitional amendments, they shall be taken into consideration within the terms of the final agreements reached with the concessionaires or licensees.
ARTICLE 4 The national executive branch shall forward the proposals of the renegotiation agreements to the Honorable Congress of the Nation, pursuant to the intervention of the Bicameral Monitoring Commission provided for in article 20 of Act No. 25.561.
It will correspond to the Honorable Congress of the Nation to be issued within the time limit of SESENTA (60) days of reception of the proposal.
Once the deadline has not been issued, it shall be approved. In the event of rejection of the proposal, the national executive branch must resume the renegotiation of the respective contract.
ARTICLE 5° The provisions of this Act shall in no case authorize contractors or public service providers to suspend or alter the performance of their obligations.
ARTICLE 6 This law is of public order.
ARTICLE 7 Contact the national executive branch.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . DANIEL SCIOLI. . Carlos G. Freytes. . Juan Estrada.