Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Replace the procedure established by articles 28 and 29 of the Decree- Act No. 8204/63 ratified by Act No. 16,478 and its amendments to the term of UN (1) year after the enactment of this Act, in order to effect birth registrations for children up to TEN (10) years of age, which had not been registered at the time of the present sanction. (Note Infoleg: by art. 1 Act No. 26.034 B.O. 15/6/2005, this Law is extended by the end of one year from 3 December 2004 and until 3 December 2005, for minors who have not been registered to the expiry of the period set out in the same rule. Previous extension: Decree No. 1900/2004 B.O. 24/12/2004). ARTICLE 2 Persons obliged to apply for birth registration pursuant to article 30 of Decree-Law No. 8204/63 ratified by Act No. 16.478 and its amendments, during the suspension established in article 1 of the present, shall be submitted to the Civil Registry closest to the minor ' s home, and shall accompany:(a) Medical certificate issued by public establishment for the purpose of specifying the sex and presumed age of the offender.
(b) Two persons capable of witnessing at the time of birth in accordance with local regulations, in order to prove the extremes reported and to confirm the accuracy of the claims made by the obligation.
(c) Negative birth registration certificate issued by the competent authority at the presumed place of birth.
(d) National Identity Document. In the event that it does not exist, it will be recorded, with the name, last name, sex, domicile, age and nationality.
In addition, the Public Officer shall record in each record, the D.N.I. numbers submitted by the obligator and the witnesses, and after subscription of the intervening persons, declare that they shall be broken according to the provisions of this Law.
(Article replaced by Article 2 of the Decree No. 1900/2004 B.O. 24/12/2004). ARTICLE 3 Simultaneously to the birth registration, the public official concerned shall proceed to award the corresponding national identity document, having to record the number awarded in the birth certificate, which is in accordance with this law. ARTICLE 4 The granting of the national identity document under the provisions of article 3 shall be free of charge. ARTICLE 5° Explain, during the termination of the suspension provided for in article 1 of the present, the payment of fines and any penalties to which they have incurred the offences provided for in article 37 of Act No. 17.671 and its amendments. ARTICLE 6 Registration procedures that take place during the termination of the suspension provided for in article 1 of the present period shall be exempt from any tax burden and exempt from the payment of the fine and the penalties provided for in article 78 of Decree-Law No. 8204/63 ratified by Act No. 16.478 and its amendments. ARTICLE 7 The national, provincial and Autonomous City authorities of Buenos Aires will take the necessary measures to carry out a campaign of wide dissemination of the scope of this law. ARTICLE 8 The cost of carrying out identifiable functions, the provision of national identity documents, their issuance and subsequent surrender to their holders shall be charged to the specific headings of the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF THE NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF PERSONS, for which purpose, through the JEFATURA DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, the relevant budgetary adjustments shall be made. ARTICLE 9 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE DIASS OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR DOS MIL TRES.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JOSE L. GIOJA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.