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Cultural And Educational Cooperation Agreements (Freedom) - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CONVENIOS COOPERACION CULTURAL Y EDUCATIVA (LIBANO) - Texto completo de la norma

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CONVENTIONS Law 25.605 Approve the Convention on Cultural and Educational Cooperation signed with the Republic of Lebanon. Sanctioned: June 12, 2002. Cast: July 8, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the Convention on CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION AGAINST THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND THE REPUBLIC DEL LIBANO, signed in Buenos Aires on 15 May 2001, which consists of DOCE (12) articles, whose photocopies authenticated in Spanish and English form part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.

NOTE: The English language text is not published.

Convention on Cultural and Educational Cooperation


and the Republic of Lebanon

The Argentine Republic and the Republic of Lebanon, henceforth "the Parties";

Encouraged by the common desire to encourage and promote cultural and educational cooperation and exchanges;

With the desire to strengthen the bonds of friendship among their peoples;

They agreed to the following:

Article I

The Parties shall develop cultural and educational cooperation on the basis of reciprocity and in accordance with their respective domestic laws and international commitments.

Article II

Each Party shall encourage in its territory the activities of the cultural and educational centres of the other.

Article III

Each Party shall encourage greater mutual knowledge of the culture, art, cinema, music, theatre and dance of the other. To this end the Parties shall favour:

; the organization of tours of groups of professional and amateur artists;

; the exchange of personalities or groups in the fields of music, painting, sculpture, cinema and other fields of creation and art;

de establishing contacts between cultural organizations and associations;

; the organization of artistic exhibitions;

. the exchanges of books and other publications that are subject to this Convention.

Article IV

The Parties will contribute to the development of cooperation between libraries, museums and archive centres. To this end, the Parties will discuss the possibility of taking knowledge of the collections of libraries, archives and pieces of museums and exchange information and exhibitions related to their culture and history.

Article V

1. The Parties shall take the necessary measures to prevent the illegal transfer of the works that conform to the cultural heritage of each and to restore the objects illegally transferred, in accordance with the rules of international law and their respective domestic laws.

2. The Parties shall also exchange information and experiences on the conservation and restoration of the works of each.

Article VI

Both Parties shall develop cooperation in the field of copyright and related rights in accordance with their respective laws and their international commitments.

Article VII

Both Parties shall cooperate in various forms in the field of editing, translation and dissemination of publications. They will also exchange book exhibitions and encourage their mutual participation in the International Book Fairs organized in their respective territories.

Article VIII

Both Parties will promote mutual cooperation in the field of mass media through:

el the exchange and common production of television and radio programmes on topics of common interest;

. assistance in the production of television and radio programs.

Article IX

Parties shall promote direct cooperation between universities, including educational and research institutions and centres. The conclusion of collaboration agreements between them will also be sought.

Article X

The Parties shall promote cooperation for the development of technological education and vocational technical training, promoting the exchange of experiences that link educational systems with the world of work and production.

Article XI

1. The Parties agree to create a Mixed Cultural and Educational Commission that will have the role of implementing this Convention and establishing cultural and educational cooperation programmes.

2. To this end, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Lebanon will be responsible for the coordination of activities of the Joint Commission and the signing of the agreed cooperation programmes.

3. The Joint Commission will meet at the request of one of the Parties, alternatively in the city of Buenos Aires and in the city of Beirut.

Article XII

1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification and shall enter into force thirty days after the date of exchange of the relevant instruments.

2. It shall have a duration of five years and shall be automatically renewed for successive equal periods, unless a Party declares it in writing by the diplomatic channel, at a minimum of six months prior to the expiration of each period.

Made in the city of Buenos Aires, 15 days from May 2001 in two equally authentic originals, in Spanish, Arabic and English. In case of differences in interpretation, the English text will prevail.