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Health Publishes Health Priority Of Control And Prevention - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: SALUD PUBLICA PRIORIDAD SANITARIA DEL CONTROL Y PREVENCION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
PUBLICA HEALTH Act 25.501 The health priority for the control and prevention of cardiovascular diseases throughout the national territory is established.

Sanctioned: November 7, 2001.

Enacted: November 29, 2001.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 This Act establishes the health priority for the control and prevention of cardiovascular diseases throughout the national territory. ARTICLE 2 The Ministry of Health and Social Action of the Nation is the body for the implementation of this Act. Article 3 The implementation authority should develop a National Program for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases aimed at reducing coronary and stroke morbidity in the general population. ARTICLE 4 The National Programme should include the following guidelines and activities:

(a) Information and education to the population about the risk factors associated with coronary and cerebrovascular disease such as stress, type and quality of food, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, dyslipids, sedentarism, smoking, alcoholism and the prevention of these diseases;

(b) Education programmes on the subject in schools and universities, aimed at educators, parents and students;

(c) Training of community health officers in health promotion and cardiovascular risk prevention;

(d) Psychological guidance to the cardiovascular patient and his family group;

(e) Early detection and timely treatment of arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia;

(f) Development of an epidemiological and statistical information system of cardiovascular disease and its risks at the national level;

(g) Inclusion of nutritional information on fat content, cholesterol and sodium chloride in marketed foods;

(h) Warning about the risks of consumption of foods with high sodium chloride content and/or cholesterol, incorporated into the advertising that is made of them.

ARTICLE 5o The implementing authority should constitute a National Commission for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, within the Federal Health Council, composed of representatives of the provinces and recognized scientific societies, in order to contribute to the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the programme. ARTICLE 6 Provide the commission with the formalization of surveys, the need for information to private individuals or legal entities or official agencies, the development of databases and the development of statistics, in accordance with the plans approved by the implementing authority. ARTICLE 7 Invite the provinces to accede to the present. ARTICLE 8 The funds required for the implementation of this Act shall apply to the budget items established by the Executive Branch on an annual basis in the budget of the Ministry of Health and Social Action of the Nation. Article 9 The Executive Power shall regulate the present Act within 90 days of its promulgation. ARTICLE 10. Contact the Executive.


# 25,501

PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.