Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: November 24, 1999.
Promulgated: December 23, 1999.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the Convention between the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON COOPERATION IN MATERIA OF CUARENTENA and FITOSANITARIA PROTECTION, signed in Moscow .FEDERATION OF RUSIA. on 26 June 1998, which consists of TRECE annexed articles and DOS (2) ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VEINTICUATRO DAYS OF THE MONTH OF NOVENTY AND NEW YEAR.
# 25,217 EL
ALBERTO R. PIERRI.. EDUARDO MENEM. . Esther H. Pereyra Arandía de Pérez Pardo. . Juan C. Oyarzún.
The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Russian Federation henceforth the Parties.
Wishing to further promote bilateral cooperation in plant quarantine and agricultural and forest crop protection.
In order to protect the territories of the States of the Parties against the entry and dissemination of pests, plant diseases and quarantine weeds.
In order to reduce crop losses caused by them.
In order to enhance trade development and exchange of propagation materials, agricultural and forest products between the two countries.
They have agreed as follows:
The Parties designate as the implementing authorities of this Convention:
. by the Argentine Party: to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Argentine Republic.
. by the Russian Party: the State Vegetal Quarantine Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation.
For the purposes of this Convention, "quarantine organizations" shall mean pests, plant diseases and weeds, specified in the lists of Annexes 1 and 2 to this Convention.
The implementing authorities of the Parties shall have the right to modify or expand such lists.
The enforcement authorities of the other Party shall be informed of these amendments and aggregates, which shall enter into force at 60 days.
In order to develop continued cooperation in quarantine and plant protection, the Parties:
s shall take all necessary measures to prevent the dissemination, of quarantine agencies and other harmful organisms, of the territory of the State of one Party to the territory of the State of the other Party through the import, export and transit of seeds, plant material, plants and vegetable products (hereinafter referred to as "send under quarantine" and observe the phytosanitary regulations of the other Party in the export, import and transit of the State
They will exchange information on domestic regulations governing phytosanitary control of quarantine shipment in imports, exports and transit:
s to exchange information on the emergence and dissemination of new quarantine and other harmful organisms in the territories of the States of the Parties;
de will exchange information on scientific research carried out in quarantine and plant protection, as well as publications, scientific and special identity on quarantine and plant protection issues;
de will exchange expert delegations to analyse scientific and practical achievements in quarantine and plant protection;
; will perform, if necessary, quarantine inspections to the batch of the shipment under quarantine exported and imported;
. will provide each other with scientific, technical and other assistance on quarantine and plant protection.
The Parties shall take the necessary measures to prevent the entry of quarantine agencies into the territory of the State of the other Party in the exported shipment under quarantine in accordance with the existing quarantine and plant protection standards of the importing State.
Each item of the shipment under quarantine imported into the territory of the State of one Party from the territory of the State of the other Party shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the quarantine protection and plant protection service of the exporting country, which shall certify that the shipment under quarantine is free of quarantine organisms and meets the phytosanitary requirements established by the importing country.
Each departure from the transit quarantine shipment through the territory of the State of one Party to the territory of the State of the other Party shall also be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate and shall comply with the phytosanitary requirements of the country in transit.
The implementing authorities of the Parties reserve the right to stipulate additional requirements regarding the phytosanitary conditions of shipment under quarantine at the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of these items.
Quarantine measures to be implemented should be based on principles and recommendations developed within the framework of the International Phytosanitary Protection Convention.
The availability of the phytosanitary certificate does not preclude the right of both Parties to conduct quarantine inspections to quarantine shipment in accordance with the phytosanitary standards of both States.
The enforcement authorities of the Parties in the event of the detection of quarantine agencies as a result of the quarantine inspection carried out at the entry point of the importing country, shall have the right to return the shipment to the exporter or to subject it to disinfection and, if such disinfection is impossible, to destroy it in accordance with the phytosanitary rules of the Party reporting the same to the agencies of the other Party in each case.
During export of quarantine shipping for packaging, paper and plastic materials that are not carriers of quarantine organisms and are free of land will be used. Wooden chips, sawn, hay, straw, ground straw, leaves and other plant-based materials shall not be used without the prior consent of the Parties.
The means of transport used for quarantine shipment to the territory of the State of the other Party should be carefully cleaned immediately before shipment and if necessary disinfected.
The exports, imports and transit of the shipment under quarantine of the territory of the State of one Party to the territory of the State of the other Party shall be carried out through the border points of the seaports determined by the quarantine service of the importing country.
The provisions of this Convention shall apply to plant-based materials received as donations or for scientific purposes, as well as to plant-based materials that constitute a part of the non-vegettable main shipment for diplomatic, consular and other representations.
The implementing authorities will hold joint meetings at least once every three years. They shall be held at the request of one of the Parties, which shall be conducted through diplomatic channels; they shall be carried out, alternately in the territories of both Parties, and shall aim at resolving practical issues and exchanging the conclusions of scientific research and experiences in quarantine and plant protection.
The implementation authorities of the Parties shall agree on the date, place and agenda of these meetings.
The costs involved in the settlement and conduct of the meetings shall be borne by the Party in whose territory the meetings are held. Each Party shall cover the costs incurred by the participation of its experts in the meetings.
The implementing authorities of the Parties may establish direct contacts to discuss and resolve issues related to the implementation of this Convention.
Disputes relating to the application or interpretation of this Convention shall be settled through negotiations between the Parties or any other means that the Parties agree.
The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the rights and obligations of Parties arising from agreements concluded with other countries, or related to membership in international quarantine and plant protection organizations.
This Convention shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the last written notification by which the Parties communicate to have complied with the domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Convention.
This Convention shall last for five (5) years and shall be automatically renewed for additional periods of five (5) years, unless one Party notifies, in writing and by diplomatic means, its intention to terminate it at least six months in advance of its expiration.
Made in Moscow, on 26 June 1998, in two originals, in the Russian and Spanish languages, both texts being equally authentic.
Annex I
(*) No other pest that is determined as quarantine is excluded, based on the corresponding risk analysis. March 1997.
PLAGA | _ |
Brevipalpus californicus | Citrus spp., vid |
Brevipalpus lewisi | Citrus spp., pistachio |
Steneotarsonemus pallidus | Frutilla |
Tetranychns pacificus | Vine, fruit, cotton |
Anthonomus bisignifer | Rubus spp |
Anthonomus eugenii | Capsicum spp. |
Anthonomus pyri | Pomaceae |
Anthonomus pomorum | Manzano |
Anthonomus signatus | Frutilla, raspberries |
Anthonomus vestitus | Cotton, other evildoers |
Brachycerus spp | Garlic, onion |
Colaspis hypochlora | Banana |
Conotrachelus nenuphar | Prunus spp, pomáceas |
Crioceris spp. | Asparagus |
Criptorrinchus lapathi | Salicaceae |
Dendroctonus spp | Pinus spp. |
Epicaerus cognatus | Pope |
Giant euchcroma goliath | Palmera |
Geniocremmus chilensis | Vine, fruit trees |
Hylobius abietis | Pinus spp. |
Ips spp | Pinus spp. |
Leptinotarsa decemlineata | Pope |
Monochamus spp. | Pinus spp. |
Odolporus longicollis | Banana |
Otiorhynchus sulcatus | Vid, frutilla |
Plocaederus ferrugineus | Coffee, Caju |
Premnotrypes spp (excl. P. latithorax) | Pope |
Psiloptera hirtomaculata | Palmera |
Rhabdoscelus obscurus | Sugar spider, palm tree |
Rhynchophorus palmarum | Palmera |
Saperda spp | Salicaceae |
Sophronica ventralis | Coffee |
Trogoderma spp | Cereals, seeds |
Anastrepha spp. (excl. A. fraterculus) | Several fruits. |
Bactrocera spp | Miscellaneous fruits |
Ceratitis spp. (excl. C. capitata) | Miscellaneous fruits |
Dacus spp. | Miscellaneous fruits |
Helicomya saliciperda | Sauce |
Liriomyza trifolii | Vegetables, ornamental |
Lonchaea pendula | Uchuva, tamarillo |
Rhagoletis spp. | Miscellaneous fruits and vegetables |
Toxotrypana spp. | Miscellaneous fruits and vegetables |
Megastigmus spp | Pinus spp. |
Aleurocanthus spiniferus | Citrus spp.,vid. peral, rosal |
Aleurocanthus woglumi | Citrus spp., vid |
Celastogonia chrysura | Uchuva, tamarillo |
Destroyer sprays | Citrus spp., polyphag |
Perkinsiella saccharicida | Sugar spider |
Maconellicoccus hirsutus | Polífaga |
Planococcoides njalensis | Cocoa, coffee |
Planoccus lilacinus | Citrus spp., coffee |
Pseudococcus citriculus | Citrus spp. |
Agrius convolvulis | Citrus spp. |
Linear anursia | Prunus spp. and peral |
Archips argyrospilus | Miscellaneous fruits |
Carposine niponensis | Miscellaneous fruits |
Conogethes punctiferalis | Polyphagus, several fruit trees |
Cossus cossus | Polífaga |
Cryptophlebia leucotreta | Miscellaneous fruits |
Cydia spp (excl. C. pomonella and C. annoys) | Miscellaneous fruits |
Dyspessa ulululululua | Garlic, onion, peel |
Erionota thrax | Banana |
Hypantria cunea | Pinus spp. |
Keiferia lycopersicella) | Here. |
Leucinodes orbonalis | Dad, tomato. |
Lobesia botrana | Vid, olive, raspberry |
Lymantria dispar | Conifers |
Lymantria monacha | Conifers |
Nacoleia octasema | Bananas |
Opogona sacchari | Polífaga |
Ostrinia nubilatis | Maíz |
Othreis gullonia | Citrus spp., tomato |
Paranthrene tabaniforrnis | Salicaceae |
Platynota stultana | Polífaga |
Prays citri | Citrus spp. |
Prays oleae | Olive |
Proeulia spp | Fruits, forest |
Stenoma catenifer | Palto |
Xyleutes magnifica | Eucalyptus |
Zeuzera pirina | Fruits and forests |
Frankliniella cestrum | Polífaga |
Liothrips oleae | Olive |
Palleucothrips musae | Banana |
Selenothrips headingcinctus | Palta |
Thrips palrni | Polífaga |
Anguina agrostis | Agrostis spp., Festuca spp., Dactylis spp., Poa spp. |
Anguina tritici | Triticum spp., Secale spp. and others |
Aphelenchoides besseyi | Rice, frutilla |
Bursaphelencus xylophilus | Conifers |
Ditylenchus angustus | Arroz |
Ditylenchus destructor | Papa, floral bulbs |
Ditylenchus dipsaci, breed papa | Pope |
Balloon rostochlensis | Pope |
Globodera pallida | Pope |
Heterodera glycines | Soja |
Heterodera schachtii | Trailer, cabbage, cauliflower |
Heterodera fici | Ficus spp. |
Meloidogyne chitwoodii | Pope |
Pratylenchus coffeae | Citrus, apple, potato, fruit, coffee |
Pratylenchus fallax | Fruits, fruit, rose |
Pratylenchus scribneri | Pope |
Pratylenchus vulnus | Citrus spp. |
Radopholus similis | Citrus spp., banana and ornamental |
Radopholus citrophilus | Citrus spp. |
Rotylenchulus reniformis | Citrus spp, palto, mango, peral, vine and ornamental |
Xiphinema italiae | Vid. fruit, conifers, eucalyptus |
Aplanobacter populi | Salicaceae |
Apple proliferation MLO | Manzano |
Apple rubbery wood disease | Manzano, peral |
Citrus greening bacterium | Citricus |
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp insidiosus | Alfalfa, clover |
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp sepedonicus | Pope |
Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens p v. Flaccumfaciens | Leguminous |
Erwinia amylovora | Fruit and ornamental, rosacea |
Erwinia stewartii (Pantoea stewartii ssp. stewartii) | Maíz |
Erwinia salici | Salicaceae |
Erwinia chrysanthemi p.v. diffenbachiae | Diffenbachia spp. |
Erwinia ixiae | Ornamentals |
Grapewine flavescence dorée MLO | Vid |
Lethal yellowing MLO | Palmaceae |
Peach rosette MLO | Ciruelo, duraznero |
Peach yellows MLO | Damascus, peach |
Peach X disease MLO | Cerezo, duraznero |
Pear decline MLO | Peral, membrillero |
Pseudomonas cichorii | Ornamentals, vegetables, coffee, pears |
Pseudomonas solanacearum (except Raza3 biovar II) (Burkholderia sonalacearum) | Papa, banana |
Rhodococcus fascians (Corynebacterium) | Ornamentals |
Spiroplasma citri (Stubborn) | Citrus spp. |
Witches-broom MLO | Citrus spp. |
Xanthomonas campestris p. v. citri biotype C and E | Citrus spp., Fortunella spp, Poncirus spp. |
(Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) | Arroz |
Xanthomonas campestris p.v. oryzae | Papa, Arroz |
Xanthomonas campestris p v. oryzicola | Ornamentals |
Xanthomonas campestris p.v. diffenbachiae | Gladiolo |
Xanthomonas campestris p v. gurnmisudans | |
Xylella naughty | |
(Peach phony disease) | Duraznero, ladies |
(Pierce Disease) | Vid |
Xylophilus ampelinus | Vid |
Alternaria limícola | Citrics |
Angiosarus solani | Pope |
Morbid Apiosporine | Prunus spp. |
Cercoseptoria pini-densiflorae | Pinus spp. |
Chryphonectria parasitica | Castile, oak |
Cronartium spp | Pinus spp. |
Colletotrichum coffeanum var. virulans | Coffee |
Corticium salmonicolor | Níspero |
Dactuliochaeta glycines (Pyrenochaeta glycines) | Soja |
Diaporthe cubensis | Eucalyptus spp. |
Diaporthe vaccinii (Phomopsis vaccinii) | Arándano |
Didymella ligulicola | Chrysanthemum |
Gymnosporangium spp. | Pomaceae, ornamental rosacea, Juniperus spp. |
Hemileia coffeicola | Calé |
Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi | Arándano |
Mycosphaerella fijiensis | Banana |
Mycena citricolor | Coffee |
Peridermium spp. | Pinus spp. |
Phialophora cinerescens | Clavel |
Phialophora gregata | Soja |
Phytophtora boehmeriae | Citrus spp. |
Phoma exigua var. foveata | Pope |
Phoma tracheiphila | Citrus spp. |
Phoma vaccinii | Arándano |
Phomopsis viticola | Vid |
Lonely Phyllosticta | Manzana |
Phyllosticta cearensis | Philodendron spp. |
Phyllosticta imbe | Philodendron spp. |
Phyllosticta philodendri | Philodendron spp. |
Phyllosticta vaccinii | Arándano |
Phymatotrichopsis omnivora | Polyphagus |
Physopella ampelopsidis | Vid |
Phytophthora erythroseptica | Pope |
Plasmopara halstedii (excl. race 3 and 7) | Sunflower |
Polyscytalum pustulans | Pope |
Pythium splendens | Diffenbachia spp. |
Rhizoctony tuliparum | Gladiolo |
Scirrhia acicola | Pinus spp. |
Spaheceloma fawcetti var. scabiosa | Citrus spp. |
Sphaerulina paulistana | Dracaena spp. |
Stachylidium theobromae | Banana |
Synchytrium endobioticurn | Pope |
Synchytrium vaccinii | Arándano |
Tilletia indica | Trigo |
(*) Tilletia controversial | Trigo, barley |
(*) species under review in response to the dispute in international scientific evidence.
Andean potato mottle virus | Papa, eggplant |
African cassava mosaic virus | Mandioca |
Apple chlorotic leaf spot | Pomaceae |
Apple stem grooving virus | Manzano |
Apricot ring pox disease | Cerezo, ladies |
Arabis mosaic virus | Vid |
Banana bunchy top virus | Bananas and other Musaceae |
Bean pod mottle virus | Soja |
Bean southern mosaic virus | Poroto |
Cherry leaf roll virus | Cerezo, Rubus spp., walnut |
Citrus Sadness Virus (Several Races) | Citrics |
Enation virus | Vid |
Fiji disease virus | Sugar spider |
Grapevine corky bark | Vid |
Impietratura virus | Citrics |
Legno riccio virus | Vid |
Potato mop-top virus | Pope |
Pea early browing virus | Pisum spp., Vicia spp. Phaseolus spp. |
Pea false leal roll virus | Pisum spp., Vicia spp. Phaseolus spp. |
Pea mosaic virus | Pisum spp., Vicia spp. |
Pea seed borne mosaic virus | Pisum spp., Vicia spp. |
Plum pox virus | Prunus spp. |
Sugareane Sereh disease virus | Sugar spider |
Tobacco ring spot virus | Tobacco and others |
Tomato ring virus | Tomato, Prunus spp., raspberry, vine, blueberry |
MALE | |
Cirsium arvense | |
Flat age | |
Euphorbia esula | |
Hieracium pilosella | |
Orobanche spp. | |
Striga spp. | |
Taeniatherum caput-medusae |
Annex 2
Anthonomus grandis | Cotton | (Dptos., Pilagás and Pilcomayo, Prov. de Formosa) |
Ceratitits capitata | Miscellaneous fruits | (North: Villarinos Party, Bs. As., Río Negro and Neuquén) |
Anastrepha fraterculus | Miscellaneous fruits | (North: Villarinos Party, Bs. As., Río Negro, Mendoza and San Juan) |
Underground spongospora | Pope | (Prov. de Tucumán) |
Xanthomonas campestris | Citrics | (Between Rios, Corrientes, Misiones) |
Biotypes A-B | ||
(Xanthomonas axonopodis p.v. citri) | ||
Xylella fastidiosa (CVC) | Citrics | (Missions) |
Potato spindle tuber viroid | Pope | (EEA INTA Balcarce) |
(Tomato bunchy top viroid) |
(*) No other pest that is determined as quarantine is excluded based on the corresponding risk analysis. March. 1977.