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Comprehensive Treaty Of Friendship And Cooperation (Italia) - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: TRATADOS TRATADO GENERAL DE AMISTAD Y COOPERACION (ITALIA) - Texto completo de la norma

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TREATY Law 25.224 Approve the General Treaty of Friendship and Privileged Cooperation signed with the Italian Republic.

Sanctioned: November 24, 1999.

Promulgated: December 23, 1999.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the General Treatise of PRIVILEGIATE AGENCY AND REPUBLIC ITALIANA, signed in Buenos Aires on April 6, 1998, consisting of TEN (10) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law.

ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.


# 25,224 EL

ALBERTO R. PIERRI. . EDUARDO MENEM. . Esther H. Pereyra Arandía de Pérez Pardo. . Juan C. Oyarzún.


The Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic, henceforth known as "the Parties",

Historically linked by the special ties of blood and cultural life among their peoples;

Inspired by the common values of freedom, democracy, social progress and respect for human rights;

Wishing to further strengthen and deepen their special relationships and mark them with a renewed quantitative and qualitative impulse, to adapt them to the new bilateral and international context;

Mindful of the fact that political dialogue, economic development, cultural and educational relations, scientific and technological research, cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking, demand reduction, such as the prevention of drug abuse and related crimes and the protection of the environment, create the conditions for ensuring to their peoples levels of health, education and work that guarantee their social progress and that they preserve natural resources for future generations;

Convinced of the need to work closely for the maintenance of international peace and stability;

Noting the positive developments that have taken place in recent years in their internal framework, in bilateral relations and in their role in the field of their respective regional integration processes, with particular reference to those in progress in the European Union and the Common Market of the South ;Mercosur de;

Convinced of the need to provide a new legal framework in line with this new reality, which updates the "Treaty for the Creation of a Particular Associated Relationship between Italy and Argentina" signed in Rome on 10 December 1987 and also taking into account the Joint Declaration signed in Bologna on 3 December 1997 by the President of the Argentine Republic and the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic;

They agreed to the following:

Article 1

The Parties decide to establish an institutionalized mechanism for high-level political consultations for the treatment of bilateral and multilateral issues of particular relevance.

The consultations, the functioning, format and agenda of which shall be regulated by an Executive Protocol to this Treaty, shall be chaired by the President of the Argentine Republic and by the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, or instead by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, which shall ensure coordination in this regard.

The meetings will take place, alternatively, in Buenos Aires and Rome, at least once every two years, without excluding the possibility of holding extraordinary meetings, even on the occasion of other international meetings.

Article 2

The Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information on the respective initiatives in the international field, the harmonization of their positions in the international forums, as well as on the nominations of international organizations, the further coordination in the field of humanitarian interventions and peacekeeping operations within the framework of the United Nations, the strengthening of cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking, the reduction of demand, as well as the prevention of drug abuse and related crimes,

Article 3

The Parties shall consolidate their economic cooperation, in accordance with their international commitments, through the establishment and development of actions that encourage the active participation of the private sectors of both States.

This mechanism may be implemented, in particular through the partnership between companies empresas, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and with the active participation of non-governmental organizations, cooperatives, foundations, chambers of commerce, banking and financial entities.

Article 4

Within the spirit of Article 3, the Parties shall establish in an Executive Protocol an Economic Programme of three years.

The Protocol shall define the terms of financing that may be granted for investments and/or economic cooperation projects carried out with the majority participation of the private business sector.

The Parties shall, in accordance with the international agreements signed by them, favour the entry into their own territory of the assets necessary for the implementation of the cooperation projects identified in the scope of this Treaty.

Article 5

The Parties undertake to develop actions that contribute to improving the activities and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises of one Party in the territory of the other.

Public and/or private sources of financing will be used for such actions. Parties shall also facilitate the transfer of technology and training activities defined in the Economic Programme.

The Parties shall also promote, in accordance with the international agreements signed by them, the access of Argentine and Italian products in the respective markets.

The Parties shall develop programmes that will include projects that support the integration into the international market of small and medium-sized enterprises, with particular emphasis on obtaining medium- and long-term financial resources, and on production techniques aimed at developing their exports.

Article 6

The Parties shall promote, in a manner consistent with the available financial resources, the continuity of those projects under the Technical Cooperation Convention, signed in Rome on 30 September 1986, which shall include technology transfer, equipment and/or training, with the aim of reconverting them into High Technology Centres in specific sectors at the national and/or regional levels, in order to enhance the already undertaken by such cooperation.

The Parties will also encourage the implementation of possible cooperation projects in sectors directly linked to economic-social development, in accordance with international financial regulations on the subject.

Article 7

The Parties, on the basis of the special blood ties between their peoples and in the framework of their intense cultural relations, express the willingness to deepen the links between the two countries, particularly in such areas as:

de the dissemination of the respective languages, also at the academic level;

; the exchange of manifestations in the sectors of cinema, theatre, music and plastic arts;

; the conservation and appreciation of the respective artistic heritages;

. the collaboration for the preparation of partnership projects in the sectors mentioned above, using all the possibilities offered in the multilateral framework, as well as in the field of the respective integration processes.

The Cultural Executive Programs that are signed under the existing Cultural Cooperation Convention will specify the activities to be carried out in the various sectors of cultural cooperation.

The Parties shall consider identifying new sources of funding for cultural cooperation programmes, projects and actions in accordance with the commitments set out in the existing Agreements.

The Parties shall promote cooperation in the field of scientific research and training.

Article 8

In order to promote the deepening of the important role that the historic Italian collectivity in Argentina continues to have in the development of bilateral relations in all fields, the Parties agree to comply with any initiative capable of favoring .respecting its full integration into Argentine society . the maintenance of its own cultural identity. In this regard, the Parties undertake in particular to deepen aspects of social security, the teaching of the Italian language, information and consular functions.

The Parties will pay special attention to the creation of the most favourable conditions for promoting greater and more active participation of new generations.

Article 9

The follow-up to the implementation of this Treaty will be carried out by the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs with the Embassy of the other Party through periodic meetings to be held at least once a year.

Article 10

This Treaty is subject to ratification and will enter into force 30 days after the exchange of instruments of ratification. It shall have an indeterminate validity and may be denounced by any Party by diplomatic notification. The complaint shall take effect six months after the date of its notification.

Made in Buenos Aires, on April 6, 1998, in two original copies, each in Spanish and Italian languages, both equally identical texts.