Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: December 28, 1999.
Partially promulgated: January 6, 2000.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER I OF THE BUDGET OF EXPENDITURE AND RESOURCES OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 1 S Note in the amount of CUARENTA and OCHO MIL SETENTA SCIENTA AND CINCO MILLONES QUINIENTS NOVENTA and NEW MIL TREINTA AND CINCO PESOS ($ 48,175,599.235) the current and capital expenses of the BUDGET OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION for the year 2000, with the objective of analysis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 annexes to this article.Please provide an increase in the credits authorized to Jurisdiction 01, Program 016 and 017, in the sum of TREINTA and CINCO MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 35,000.000) each. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers on the occasion of the administrative distribution of this Act shall reduce the current and/or capital credits of subsection 5, funded by the funds of the National Treasury, to offset the increase established by this article.
ARTICLE 2 O Note in the amount of CUARENTA AND DOS MIL OCHOCIENTS SESENTA AND CUATRO MILLONES SETECIENTS CUARENTA AND CUATRO MIL QUINIENTS TREINTA AND A PESOS ($ 42.864,744.531) the Resource Calculation of the National Administration to meet the expenses set out in Article 1 below. Current resources | 41.992.173.531 |
Capital resources | 872.571,000 |
TOTAL: | 42.864.744.531 |
Funding sources | 26,935,500,548 |
- Decrease in Financial Investment | 1.980.088.044 |
Public Indebtedness and Increase of Other Liabilities | 24.955.412.504 |
Financial applications | 21.624.645.844 |
- Financial investment | |
Debt amortization and decrease of other liabilities | 18.596.614.590 |
Note in the sum of SEISCIENTS TRECE TRECIENTS TRECE MIL TREINTA AND THREE PESOS ($ 602.313.133) the amount corresponding to Figure Costs for Financial Applications of the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION is accordingly established the Financing for Figures for Financial Applications of the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in the same.
Add to the amount provided for in this article as Financial Investment the sum of SESENTA SCIENTA AND FOUR MILLIONS of PESOS ($ 164,000.000) of the National Treasury Contributions Fund for Jurisdiction 30 -MINISTERY OF INTERIOR.
CHAPTER II OF THE PUBLIC CREDICT OPERATIONS ARTICLE 5o DE Authorize, in accordance with article 60 of Act No. 24,156, the entities referred to in table No. 14 annexed to this article, to conduct public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the said table.The MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA will conduct public credit operations for the Central Administration.
The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may make modifications to the characteristics detailed in the aforementioned table in order to adapt them to the conditions prevailing in the markets and/or to improve the profile of the public debt.
ARTICLE 6o O Please refer to the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFF to authorize the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY to carry out additional public credit operations for the Central Administration, for a value of up to THREE MIL MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 30,000.000) to the extent that the legislation in force at the date of promulgation of this law does not set a smaller amount.The net production of the operations, if disbursed during the year in which the option is used, may not be used from the corresponding budgetary charges or before 1 January of the following year and must be deposited in an indisposable account. In all cases, the above-mentioned operations shall be considered in the account of authorizations including the Budget Act for the next period.
ARTICLE 7o O Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 5 and Article 11 of this Law, authorize the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 60 and 82 of Law No. 24.156, to place LETRAS OF THE TESORO at a time between NOVENTA and UN (91) and THREAT SESENTA AND CUATRO (364) days, until reaching a nominal amount in circulation. ARTICLE 8o O Please be issued as emission amounts of the "CONSOLIDATION BONS IN NATIONAL MONDS" " Primera Serie and the "CONSOLIDATION BONS IN DOLARES STADOUNIDENSES" . Primera Serie, the gross amounts that in each case have been placed as at 31 MARZO 2000, plus the amount of Bonuses that enter the 23rd and 23rd instalments.The obligations referred to in Law No. 23,982 and other legal provisions, which are now cancelled by the delivery of Consolidation Bonuses , First Series, whose Payment Requirements Form enters the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA as of 1 April 2000, will be dealt with only with Consolidation Bonuses , Third Series, which issued Decree No. 1318 of 6 November 1998.
The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY, or the delegate thereof, shall arbitrate the necessary measures for the purpose of instructing the agencies covered by Article 2 of Law No. 23.982 to deal with the cancellation of the consolidated debts through the delivery of BONOS DE CONSOLIDACIÓN . Third Series.
To this end, and until March 31, 2000, the accretions whose option of collection is the National Currency Bonus will accrue interest to the average rate of Common Savings Banks published by the ARGENTINA CENTRAL REPUBLIC BANCO, which is capitalized on a monthly basis. In the case of the U.S. Dollar Bonus, an interest will accrue to the rate it has governed in the London Interbank Market (LIBOR) to UN (1) month capitalizable monthly.
ARTICLE 9o O Please allow for the year 2000 the placement of CONSOLIDATION BODIES and PREVISIONAL DEUDS CONSOLLDATION BONS to the nominal value of Bonuses necessary for the cancellation of obligations for the amounts of national currency or in United States dollars indicated in each case in table No. 15 annexed to this article.Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS to make modifications within the total amount referred to in the above mentioned table.
ARTICLE 10. In accordance with the priorities and policy guidelines of the National Government, the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration may only initiate efforts to conduct public credit operations funded in full or in part by the International Financial Agencies of which the Nation is a party, when they have a favorable opinion of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS following the opinion of the MINISTRO DE ECONOMIA regarding the implementation of the existing pre-investment activities,The GABINETE JEFE DE MINISTERS will authorize the commencement of the final negotiations of the operation following the opinion of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY EINFRAESTRUCTURE on the feasibility of the operation, especially considering the following concepts:
(a) Economic-technical bill of the draft according to the rules of the Public Investments Act.
(b) Incidence of the operation taking into account the subjection of the tax rules provided for in Act No. 25,152, the restriction imposed by Act No. 25,453 and the set of credit operations in the process of execution.
(c) Financial valuation and feasibility of loan conditions affecting NATIONAL TESORO and other domestic resources.
(d) Personnel Plant of the Executing Unit and its budgetary impact, should its creation be necessary.
(Second paragraph replaced by Act No. 25.565 B.O. 21/3/2002)The units of the National Administration responsible for the execution of credit operations with international financial agencies that are approved from the promulgation of the present law shall not transfer the administration of purchases and contracts in other agencies, national or international, other than their jurisdiction unless expressly authorized by the Resolution of the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the Ministry of ECONOMY, after the Views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS and the MINISTER OF ECONOMIA may delegate the powers granted by this article.
The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS shall, with the intervention of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA to regulate this article.
(substituted by art. 15 of the Act No. 25.401 B.O. 4/1/2001) ARTICLE 11. Note in the amount of a MIL QUINLENTS OF PESOS ($ 1,500,000) and in the sum of a MIL OCHOCIENTS MlLLONES OF PESOS ($ 1,800,000) the maximum amount of authorization to the General TESORRY OF THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SECURITY SOCIAL, respectively, to make use, temporarily, of the short-term credit referred to in articles 82 and 83 of Law No. 24.156. ARTICLE 12. Please extend the authorization to issue Consolidation Bonuses . Third Series in National Currency and U.S. Dollars provided for in Article 2 of Decree No. 1318/98 to the amount placed within the limit set out in Table No. 15 annexed to Article 9o. ARTICLE 13. Please refer to the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA to grant guarantees of the NATIONAL TESORO by public credit operations in accordance with the detail in the table No. 16 annexed to this article, and for the maximum amounts determined in the same. CHAPTER III OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL REESTRUCTURE 14. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, in order to continue the process of organizational restructuring towards greater efficiency and rationalization of public spending, to arrange for the institutional reorganizations that it deems necessary and which are aimed at the elimination of objectives, competencies, functions and/or overlapping or duplicate responsibilities, as well as the concentration of functions that tend to achieve the purposes expressed in this article. ARTICLE 15. Please provide for the establishment of a Voluntary Retirement System for the staff of the permanent National Public Sector Plant, which will be regulated by 31 January 2000 by the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS with the intervention of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA, and to establish an Organizational Restructuring Fund that will expire on 31 December 2001, which will be devoted exclusively to the care of the staff.The Fund shall operate within the scope of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA and shall be financed by the sale of public goods that, for that purpose, the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, through public indebtedness which, for that purpose alone, is authorized by the present or by any other source of financing that is intended for this purpose.
The positions of agents who opt for the Voluntary Retreat referred to in the first paragraph shall be abolished with the exception of those who correspond to managerial levels and/or executive functions, unless otherwise decided by the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS in accordance with the provisions of article 14 of this Act.
ARTICLE 16. The staff of the National Public Sector in the agencies included in article 8 of Act No. 24,156, which, from the entry into force of this Act, meets the maximum requirements provided for in the Integrated Pension and Pension System for access to the corresponding retirement benefit, shall be obliged to initiate the procedures for obtaining it, in accordance with the deadlines and procedures set out in article 23 of Act No. 22,140.The incumbents of the areas of Human Resources or those in charge of this function in each of the agencies referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be responsible for the implementation and follow-up of the provisions of this article. From the date on which the profit is agreed, the agent will be discharged. The position and function released by the agent, produced his/her labour decouplement, shall be abolished, except for those managerial positions or levels and/or executive functions, unless otherwise decided by the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS in accordance with the provisions of article 14 of this Act. Exceptions to the claim may only be made available by the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS in the General Cabinet Agreement in accordance with article 100, paragraph 4) of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.
(Note Infoleg : By art. 1 of the Joint provision No. 2/2000 of the Under-Secretary for Budget and the Under-Secretary for Public Management B.O. 8/8/2000 is incorporated into the staff of the National Public Sector under article 8 (b) of Law No. 24,156 which is carried out on the permanent floor of the respective entities to the Voluntary Retirement System established by article 15 of the present Law and the Administrative Decision No. 5/2000.) CHAPTER IV OF DISTRIBUTION, COMPLIATION, MODIFICATIONS AND PERSONAL PLANTS ARTICLE 17. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS shall distribute the provisions of this law at the level of disaggregation of the limits provided for in the classifications except those for the Transfers which shall be disaggregated at their highest level, and in the programmatic openings or equivalent categories that it deems relevant, and may delegate the powers referred to in this article. ARTICLE 18. Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to introduce extensions to the budgetary credits approved by this law and to establish their distribution to the extent that they are financed with increased sources of financing originated in loans from international financial agencies to which the Nation is a party, which have been approved by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER until the date of sanction of this law. Further public credit operations may also be incorporated, provided that the requirements set out in article 10 of this Act are met to the extent that their amount is offset by the decrease in other budgetary provisions. The authority conferred also includes public credit operations authorized in the first paragraph of Article 5 of this Law. ARTICLE 19. The JEFE OF MINISTERS GABINETE, at the request of the Presidents of both chambers of the NATIONAL CONGREE, will incorporate the surpluses of the budgets of the NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE Jurisdiction referred to in article 9 of Law No. 11.672, COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT OF THE LEGAL BUDGET (T.O. 1999), existing as at 31 December 1999.The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may have appropriate extensions based on the budgetary provisions of the Central Administration and of the decentralized agencies, and their corresponding distribution, financed with increases in resources with specific impact, with the exception of those with specific allocation to the provinces or in the own resources or in the donations that are perceived during the period and those from the remanent exercises of the jurisdictions The measures taken in the use of this faculty shall, with the exception of the resources originated in donations, assign a percentage as a contribution to the NATIONAL TESORO, according to the following criteria:
(a) TREINTA AND CINCO FOR SCIENTO (35%) of resources from tax and non- tributary sources and remnants of previous years.
(b) VEINTE BY CIENTO (20%) of the greatest resources from the sale of goods and services related to the functions of the Jurisdictions or Entities, with the exception of those included in the Science and Technical Function whose payroll appears in the table No. 19 annexed to article 25 of Law 24,938, in which the percentage cited in this Decision will be reduced in TEN (10) points.
Except for making the contributions referred to in the preceding paragraphs, to the resources with specific impact of the JUDICIAL POWER, the NATIONAL LEGISALTIVE POWER and the resources of the General AUDITORY OF NATION and the General SINDICATURA OF NATION.
Also authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make available extensions in the budget credits funded from resources produced from the sale of properties intended for their replacement or the adequacy of existing ones.
ARTICLE 20. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to provide any budgetary restructuring that it deems necessary within the total approved by this law and, for this only time, without the limitations of Article 37 of Law 24.156, and to approve during the fiscal year 2000, the changes to the Central Administration's budget for the purpose of incorporating the reforms derived from the new Law of Ministries and the resources derived from the Tax Reform.Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to reduce expenditures to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with the fiscal deficit limit set out in Law No. 25.152 on Regulation of Public Resources Administration.
ARTICLE 21. No increase can be approved in the positions and hours of chairing or at any of its scale level, within the total determined in the Nros tables. 17, 18, 19 and 20 for each Jurisdiction and each decentralized or social security institution. Except for this limitation, without altering the total amount of credit assigned to the respective Jurisdiction and Entity, to the positions corresponding to the higher authorities of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER.The charges for executive functions are also exempted under the Decree No. 993 of 27 May 1991 and restructures of posts originating in concessional claims and regimes that determine incorporations of agents that complete specific training courses, corresponding to the armed forces, security, the foreign service of the Nation, the National Parkguard Corps and the Career of Technological Scientific Research.
The exceptions provided for in the first paragraph of this article shall be approved by Decree and in all other cases by Decision of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS.
ARTICLE 22. Except for the established decision of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration shall not be able to fill the existing vacant posts as at 1 January 2000, nor those that occur after that date. The above-mentioned vacant posts for the Higher Authorities of the National Civil Service are exempted from the above-mentioned provisions. (Note Infoleg: by art. 1 of the Administrative Decision No. 113/2000 B.O. 28/8/2000 is exempt from the prohibition contained in article 22 of the coverage of the post of Deputy Prisoner, whose appointment shall be in accordance with the procedure established by the National Decree No. 1598/93.) (Note Infoleg: by art. 1 of the Administrative Decision No. 80/2000, B.O. 4/1/2001 is exempted from 1 January 2000 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, INTERNATIONAL TRADE And CULTO of the prohibition contained in Article 22 for the coverage of charges for officials of the Active Permanent Body of the Foreign Service of the Nation.) ARTICLE 23. The provisions of Subparagraph 1 - Staff costs in force in the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration must fully address the growths of any nature that occur by application of the existing scalual rules for each jurisdiction and entity and those resulting from the application of Article 20 of this Law.The greatest cost that may arise as a result of changes aimed at the general system of the existing labour regulations will be met with an impact on the provisions set out in this Act, for which the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS is entitled to make the corresponding budgetary changes available.
ARTICLE 24. The amount authorized for the Jurisdiction 90 SERV PUBLICA DEUD SERVICE includes the sum of PESOS MILLION DIECIOCHO ($ 18.000,000) for the care of the debts referred to in Article 7 (b) and (c) of Law No. 23.982. ARTICLE 25. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make the modifications of the budgetary credits approved by this law funded from the resources of the Entities 200 s National Register of Persons and 201 Nacional National Directorate of Migration, for the period from the date of entry into force of the respective contracts of computerization and migration control and new systems of identification of persons until the end of the year 2000. This faculty includes the modification of the personnel plants of the above-mentioned Agencies on the condition that the charges that are believed are compensated for the drop in the positions of agents who opt for the Voluntary Retirement System referred to in article 15 of this Act.The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS is also authorized, if necessary, to finance the greatest expense with the increase of resources from the application of the corresponding rates established as a result of the contracts indicated, with compensation of credits or, if these means are insufficient, through other sources of financing. Such amendments are exempt from the provisions of articles 37 and 56 of Act No. 24.156.
ARTICLE 26. The powers granted by this law to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be assumed by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER, as a political head of the country ' s general administration and in accordance with article 99, paragraph 10, of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE 27. It is established that the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may delegate the powers conferred by this law, within the framework of the powers assigned by the Law of Ministries. CHAPTER V OF THE NORMS ON ARTICLE 28 Please refer to JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to incorporate the budgetary provisions necessary to execute the Programs of the MINISTERIO DE SALUD corresponding to the Program of Reform of Primary Health Care, Program of Monitoring and Control of Contagious Diseases (VIGI-A), Latin American Regional Center for AIDS Research and Prevention (CERIS-SIDA) and Program of Reconversion of the International Health Insurance System (PRESS) ARTICLE 29. Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of Act No. 24,156, the contracting of works or acquisition of goods and services whose period of execution exceeds the financial period of the year 2000, in accordance with the details provided in table No. 21 annexed to this article. ARTICLE 30. Add the following paragraph to article 15 of Act No. 24.156:"The authorizations to commit future exercises referred to in this article shall expire at the end of the fiscal year in which they have been approved, to the extent that prior to that date the contracting of the works and/or the acquisition of the authorized goods and services is not formalized, by appropriate documentation."
ARTICLE 31. The budgetary provisions provided for in the present law and to the sum of CIEN MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 100,000.000) intended to meet subsidies that the zone distributors should receive in order to apply the differential rates to the residential consumers of natural gas and/or propane and butano or diluted by networks and others of the provinces located in the Patagonian region will be transferred by the NTURTEIn order to access the funds specified in this article, the consumption and use of public spaces may not be taxed with provincial taxes or municipal fees.
The national executive branch shall appropriate budgetary provisions to maintain the tariff level resulting from the provisions of this article.
ARTICLE 32. The amount of the obligation of the NATIONAL TESORO to meet the guarantee of the NATIONAL FUND of the VIVIENDA (FONAVI) referred to in article 3 of Act No. 24,464 for the 1999 Exercise will be incorporated into the 2001 Budget Bill. ARTICLE 33. . Streamline Executive Decree No. 1121/99, subject to compliance with Act No. 24.156 and its regulations. ARTICLE 34. Please note that the rate set by article 11 of Decree No. 1185 of 22 June 1990 shall be intended to cover the budget of the NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION up to the amounts set out in the tables annexed to article 1 and the contribution to the NATIONAL TESORO provided for in article 38, both of this Act. ARTICLE 35. Please note that the DISTRIBUTION SOLIDARY FUND referred to in article 22 of Act No. 23,661 and its amendments shall finance the operating expenses of the HEALTH SERVICES SUPERINTENDANCE under the MINISTERY of HEALTH and the transfer to the sum of VEINTIUN MILLONES QUINIENTOS MIL PES ($ 21,500.000) ARTICLE 36. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to commit budgetary credits of future years for the realization of works to be built through the system of "hand call", financed entirely by the builders and their only and exclusive risk, for the maximum amounts, with more the amounts corresponding in respect of the Added Value Tax, and payable in the time frames included in the present plan of grace, Within the requirements mentioned in the above table, authorize the NATIONAL COMMISSION ON SPACE ACTIVITIES (CONAE) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, INTERNATIONAL TRADE And CULTO to perform all the acts necessary for its fulfillment. ARTICLE 37. Authorize the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFF to commit credits for future periods until the annual sum of TREINTA and OCHO MILLONES determines of PESOS ($ 38,000.000) with more the amount corresponding to the Attached Value Tax and until the end of QUINCE (15) years destined to rent with option to purchase of TRES ECU In order to make use of the agreed authority, the MINISTERY OF JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS must comply with the requirements set out in article 10 (a), (b) and (c) of this Act. CHAPTER VI OF THE RULES ON ARTICULAR RESOURCES 38. Disposed the income as a contribution to the NATIONAL TESORO of the sum of QUINIENTS DIECINUEVE MILLONES TRESCIENTS SETENTA and SEIS MIL QUINIENTS VEINTICINCO PESOS ($ 519,376,525), according to the distribution indicated below, and for the attention of Central Administration expenses: Central Administration jurisdictions | 164.577,000 |
Decentralized agencies | 234.799.525 |
Banco de la Nación Argentina | 60,000. |
Central Bank of the Argentine Republic | 60,000. |
The distribution of budgetary provisions referred to in article 17 of the present Act shall detail the decentralized jurisdictions and agencies, with indication of the corresponding amounts.
The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS shall determine the time limits, conditions of payment of the contributions provided for in this article and the procedure to be adopted in cases of non-compliance.
Include as a contribution to the NATIONAL TESORO the amount resulting from the CINCUENTA BY SCIENTA (50%) of the existing availability as at 31 December 1999 from the provisions of Act No. 24.452. In order to comply with this provision, the resulting amount will be transferred to TESORO within the month of January 2000.
ARTICLE 39. Note the amount of the regulatory rate in compliance with the provisions of the first paragraph of article 26 of Law No. 24,804 ) National Act on Nuclear Activity. ARTICLE 40. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS to commit budgetary credits for future exercises for the following concepts and amounts:Until the annual sum of SIETE MILLONES MIL PESOS ($ 7,200,000) with more the amount corresponding to the added value tax, for the term of CINCO (5) years, counted from the month following that of the taking of possession and payable in monthly, equal and consecutive quotas, with the purpose of attending to the cost of the exclusive building
Under the preceding conditions, authorize the General MAJOR STATE OF THE ARMED to perform all the acts necessary for the fulfilment of the above-mentioned objective.
CHAPTER VII OF NATIONAL UNIVERSITYS ARTICLE 41. Please note that the sum of MIL OCHOCIENTS CUATRO MILLONES TRESCIENTA AND SIETE MIL DIECIOCHO PESOS ($ 1.804.347.018), in accordance with the detail of the table No. 24, annexed to this article, is as a total credit for National Universities.The allocations of resources by Programmes, the amounts of which are detailed in the said plan, will be distributed by the Ministry of EDUCATION, also enabling it to establish the concepts that make up the same and the requirements for improving the quality, efficiency and equity of resource allocations.
CHAPTER VIII OF THE FIFTH COUNTRIES Please note the annual quota referred to in Article 3 of Law 22,317 in the amount of DOCE MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 12,000.000).It is established that from the date of the present law, the amount of the tax credit referred to in Law 22.317 shall be administered by the SECRETARIAT OF THE SMALL AND MEDIA EMPRESA.
Disposed the expiry of the tax quotas authorized by article 38 of Law 25.064, not executed until 31 December 1999 has added the sum of VEINTIUN MILLONES QUINIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 21.500.000).
ARTICLE 43. From the date of the sanction of this Law, administrative acts that approve project reformulations, the reassignment of tax quotas or the granting of fiscal benefits for industrial promotion shall be deemed null and void, with the exception of the rights acquired by regular legal procedures, regardless of the promotional rule in which they are founded, except those corresponding to the system of Law 19,640. ARTICLE 44. . The global quota referred to in Article 10 of Law 21.608, is set for the year 2000 in CINCUENT POSSY AND NEW MILLONES ONCE MIL SEISCIENTS UNO ($ 959.011.601). PLLOS, 22,973 and its modifications to approve new non-industrial projects in the provinces of La Rioja, Catamarca and San Juan, by granting them the benefits provided for in Article 2 for the term and scales set in the same and in Article 11 of the law quoted in the first place, re-establishing the following period Incorporate in the same conditions as for the above-mentioned provinces, to the province of San Luis for an amount of weight UN MILLON QUINIENTOS MIL ($ 1,500,000) to approve projects for tourist activities exclusively. PENTOS, PENTOS thousand, TRESCIENTS MIL ($300,000) for each one within which new non-industrial projects may be approved until 31 December 2000 and by giving them the powers of authority of application for this period. The new non-industrial projects mentioned above shall guarantee in the first year a minimum investment equivalent to SEIS CON SESENTA and SIETE BY CIENTO (6,67%) of the total investment of each project, which will be raised to DIEZ BY CIENTO (10%) of the projects intended for tourist activities, for the latter the amount of taxes to be deferred will not be able to exceed the CINCUENTA per direct case (50% For the purpose of charging the theoretical fiscal cost to the limit quota set out in this article in which new non-industrial projects may be approved until 31 December 2000, in all cases, an amount not less than CINCO per CIENTO (5%) of the total investment amount committed in the project should be considered. The global quota is considered to be affected by the promotional projects charged as at 10 September 1999 in a total amount of COUNTRY PESOS AND TWO MILLIONS ONCE MIL SEISCIENTS UNO ($ 942,711,601). CHAPTER IX OF THE LEGAL SENTENCES ARTICLE 45. Provisions approved by article 1 of the present Act have included the amounts required for the enforcement of trials against the NATIONAL STATE with a final judgement, in accordance with article 68 of Act No. 11.672 COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT OF BUDGET (T.O. 1999).It is established that the attention through the respective budgetary credits of firm judicial decisions originating in the payment of differences or other claims in the passive assets corresponding to the retired personnel or in the activity of the Armed Forces, the National Gendarmerie, the Argentine Naval Prefecture, the Federal Police and the Federal Prison Service in no case will give rise to the recognition of similar rights to the rest of the beneficiaries without a prior judicial pronouncement.
The administrative distribution of the receivables referred to in article 17 of the present Act shall detail the cases and the amount thereof, and it shall be established that the above-mentioned receivables may not be affected or reduced to meet concepts other than those mentioned.
Credits allocated to each Financial Administrative Service shall be subject to the enforcement of convictions in strict order of seniority in accordance with the date of judicial notice and until its exhaustion, in the light of the resources allocated in the following fiscal year.
The Jurisdictions and Entities shall report, within the TREINTA (30) days of the end of each quarter, to the General SINDICATURA OF THE NATION the state of execution of the credits referred to in this article, in order that this control agency should lift to the JEFATURA DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS its opinion within the CUARENTA and CINCO (45) days of receipt of the information.
ARTICLE 46. A maximum limit is a credit of CINCUENT DOSCIENTS AND TWO MILLONES MIL PESOS ($ 252,900.000) for the payment of court judgments by the appropriate part to pay in cash, corresponding to the main, as a result of retroactives originated in adjustments in the benefits of the Public Previsional System, and the sum of DIECIS 23.982 and 24.130.The cancellation of debt referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the availability of the respective resources, which for the present fiscal period shall be strictly affected by the following priority orders:
(a) Consolidated debt cancellation: the resources will be distributed among creditors, first of all in response to those of older age and, within this system, giving priority to those who have lower claims to be charged.
(b) Cancellation of court judgements: remedies will be used first to comply with the judgements reported in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment and then to the sentences reported in 2000. The first case will give priority to older beneficiaries and, in the second case, the chronological order of notification of final judgements shall be strictly respected, in accordance with the order of priorities that, on a four-monthly basis, on the basis of the judgements recorded at each time, establish the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY.
It has also been included in Subparagraph 7 SOCIAL Debt and Decreasing Service of Other Decentralized Agency 850 . NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY, the sum of TREINTA and NEW MILLONES CUATROCIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 39.400,000), in order to comply with the agreed Nros. 21/97, 37/94, 75/95 and 56/91 of the SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF NATION, and Law No. 24,946 that generate aggravations for ex-officials and ex-magistrations of the JUDICIAL NATION PODER, for the appropriate part to pay in cash. The impact of these resources will be taken into account the chronological order of the aforementioned administrative acts.
NATIONAL NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SECURITY SOCIAL that submits to the beneficiaries the option of receiving their accruals in PREVIEW CONSOLIDATION FUNDS instead of cash, once the credits are exhausted in the order established by this article, they may face cancellation by reassigning the amounts specified in the grid annexed to Article 9 and following the principles of order established by this Article.
ARTICLE 47. Within the limit established by article 9 of the present law on the placement of instruments of the Public Debt, a sum of TRESCIENTA CINCUENTA AND NEW MILLONES DOSCIENTA SESENTA MIL PESOS ($ 359.260.000) for the cancellation of consolidated previsional debts, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 24.982 and its supplementary public order Such a provision shall be affected by the criteria for priority provided by the preceding article.It has also been included in Subparagraph 7 SOCIAL Debt and Decrease Service of Other Decentralized Agency 850 . NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY, the sum of THREE PESOS MILLONES ($ 3,000.000), for the cancellation of the consolidated debts provided by the Nros Laws. 23.982, 24.130 and 24.946 and the Nros Accorded. 34/91, 56/91, 37/94, 75/95 and 21/97 of the SUPREME OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION, which generates aggravations for former officers and exempted from the JUDICIAL POWER of the NATION, for the appropriate part to pay through the placement of instruments of the public debt, and the sum of the POS MILLIONS The impact of these resources will be taken into account the chronological order of the aforementioned administrative acts.
ARTICLE 48. Reference to the National Security Assistance SOCIAL to effect, within the limit specified in the previous article and to the sum of SCIENTA MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 180,000), the acrecies recognized in the framework of the Nros laws. 23.982 and 24.130, whose holders had exercised option for cash payment, to be canceled in PREVISIONAL CONSOLIDATION BONOS VALOR PESOS/ DOLAR (Series 1a or 2a, as appropriate), while the person concerned did not object to it. The cancelling character will be irrevocably understood with the provision of the respective tenure certificate and its acceptance, according to the placement or accreditation of the aforementioned bonds, without admitting proof to the contrary. CHAPTER X OF JUBILATIONS AND PENSIONS ARTICLE 49. Please note, from the date of the present law, that the participation of the FINANCIAL HEALTH INSTITUTE FOR RETIRE PAYMENTS AND MILITARY PENSIONS, referred to in Articles 18 and 19 of Law No. 22,919, may not be less than the TREINTA AND OCHO FOR SCIENTO (38%) of the cost of the compensations and beneficiaries of retirement.The amounts corresponding to the State ' s contribution by the voluntary soldiers (Act No. 24,429) shall be integrated into the funds of the FINANCIAL HEALTH INSTITUTE FOR THE PAYMENT OF MILITARY SIGNERS and PENSIONS, as financial resources under section 10 of Act No. 22,919.
ARTICLE 50. The granting, during the year 2000, of new non-contributory pensions, except those granted by the Congress of the Nation, shall be subject to a corresponding decrease in the benefits already granted so as not to affect the annual budgetary credit allocated in this Act for that purpose. CHAPTER XI OF THE SUBSIDIES, PENSIONS AND BECAUSE Within the provisions approved by this Act, the sum of the new PESOS MILLIONs ($9,000.000) for the care of subsidies to be granted by the LEGISLATIVE POWER to persons of ideal existence. The regulation, distribution and allocation of the departure shall be carried out by the authorities of the Budget and Finance Commissions of both Chambers.In addition, the subsidies provided under article 47 of Act No. 25,064 are duly fulfilled in their perception and use.
ARTICLE 52. Disposal, from the credits approved by this Law, to the sum of VEINTICINCO MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 25,000.000) for the care of the ex gratiaable pensions that are awarded for the term of law for the amounts and to the people who live effectively in the country that are determined by the HONORABLE CONGRESS of NATION and are reported to the MINOR Such benefits shall be accrued on 1 January of the 2000 budget period, not exceeding the monthly amount of DOS (2) minimum assets of the Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme. The respective budget commissions of both Chambers with substantial reasons may authorize the sum of PESOS SEISCIENTS in the plenary of the Commission ($600).Pensions granted by this Act shall be compatible with any income that may be received by their beneficiaries, except instituted by Act No. 13.478 and its amendments. When retroactive pensions are paid for prior periods, they may in no case be higher than MIL PESOS ($ 1,000) except for the year 1999.
Protract for the term of ten years, from the dates of their respective maturity, and without prejudice to other income that may be earned by their beneficiaries, the following ex gratia pensions: those that have expired or expired during the course of this year. The extension set out in the preceding paragraph shall be provided that the amount of the benefit to extend and/or income from any origin shall not exceed the amount of DOS (2) minimum retirement assets of the Integrated Pension and Pension Scheme, otherwise reduced to the extent of the excess.Please inform the Authorities of the Budget and Finance Commissions of both Houses of the Congress of the Nation, to regulate the provisions of this article.
ARTICLE 53. Consider, within the provisions approved by this Act, a HEALTH FUND TO MEDICAL, TERCIARY AND UNIVERSITARY LEVEL STUDENTS OF ANY PESUS MILLION ($4,000.000). The distribution and allocation of the aforementioned departure shall be carried out by the Budget and Finance Commissions of both Houses of Congress.In addition, the scholarships awarded under article 49 of Act No. 25,064 are duly fulfilled in both their perception and use.
CHAPTER XII OTHER PROVISIONS ARTICLE 54. Plants or assets belonging to or affected by the General DIRECTION OF MILITARY FABRICATIONS under the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY, not yet privatized within the regime of Law No. 24,045, will be sold within the regime of Law No. 22,423 and its amendments. ARTICLE 55. The production of the sale of movable and immovable property belonging to the private domain of the Nation assigned in use to the Armed Forces shall be destined to re-equipment within the framework of the restructuring of the same.Please provide the Chief of Staff of Ministers with a view to broadening the budget of the Armed Forces in order to incorporate the resources and expenditures referred to in this article.
ARTICLE 56. The Payment Orders issued by the Financial Administrative Services entering the General Account of the NATION, of the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA, shall expire at the end of the year after its compliance with the Integrated Financial Information System (SIDIF). Such expiry is administrative and does not imply the loss of rights by the creditor, to the extent that the legal requirement of the right has not been operated.The SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA may, upon request of the Financial Administrative Service responsible for issuing payment orders, make exceptions to the provisions of this article in cases where partial payments have been made prior to their expiry. (Paragraph incorporated by art. 55 of the Act No. 25,725 B.O. 10/01/2003)
ARTICLE 57. Replace article 20 of Law 11.672, COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT OF BUDGET (T.O. 1999) which shall read as follows:"In order to correct temporary cash deficiencies or when reasons of urgency so advise, the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER is authorized to agree to the Provinces and the GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BUENOS AIRES, advances in the account of the respective participations in the production of the national taxes subject to distribution, or of the amounts provided for in the Federal Proceedings that are to be refunded with the most The interest rate referred to in the preceding paragraph may not exceed the interest rate for access to credit markets.
The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER shall dictate the complementary rules to which the granting of such advances shall be adjusted."
ARTICLE 58. Delete from subparagraph (b) of the table annexed to article 34 of Law 11.672 PERMANENT COMPLEMENTARY OF BUDGET (T.O. 1999), the National Colony "Dr. Manuel A. Montes de Oca" and the National Institute for Psychophysical Rehabilitation of the South, which will act in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health as decentralized agencies of the National Executive.The National Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Health of the Nation, before June 30, 2000 will have to begin the efforts to reform the operating and administration regime of the "Professor Alejandro Posadas" Hospital in accordance with the model "Service of Integral Medical Care for the Community", provided for in Law 17.102.
ARTICLE 59. Without prejudice to the rights arising from firm judicial pronouncements, please refer to articles 8, 9 and 12 of Decree No. 360 of 14 March 1995, as well as to the date of promulgation of the present Act, the validity of Decree No. 67 of 24 January 1996, which provides for the perception of rates by the General INSPECTION OF JUSTICE under the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.Please refer to the JEFATURA DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS from the validity of this law to set the values or, if any, scales to be applied to determine the amount of such rates, as well as to determine the procedures for payment and the penalties to be applied in case of non-compliance.
ARTICLE 60. Please refer to the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to implement the procedures that allow the capitalization of the VENG S.A. society of the tasks carried out by Entes and by professionals of National Agencies of the Technological Scientific System in the Development of Space Access and Launch Service Media, particularly for the project "Satelital Injector for Livian Utiles" of the NATIONAL ACTIVITIES. ARTICLE 61. Please note that the General SINDICATURA OF NATION shall exercise the functions of Auditing Agency in the employment regime of the digital signature in the implementation of the internal acts of the National Public Sector. ARTICLE 62. Para la Jurisdicción 35, Programa 01 - Activity 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05, Programa 16 - Activity 01, 02 and 03, Programa 19 - Activity 1, Programa 20 - Activity 01 and 02 and Program 16 - Activity 01 Exterior, the charges of the Planilla attached to this article. ARTICLE 63. The effects of tax resources of national origin in force for the whole of the emerging provinces of the current Federal Covenants, those derived from taxes created as specific allocations or those derived from existing national taxes that impose their imputation on a particular purpose, except those for the financing of the provincial forecast systems, may be partially suspended in accordance with the requirements of the relevant act that the respective provincial legislatures may apply;The above will apply to the 1999 budget and financial year.
ARTICLE 64. Note the annual quota referred to in article 9 (b) of Act No. 23,877 in the sum of VEINTE MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 20,000.000). ARTICLE 65. Incorporate into the Budget of the National Administration approved by this Law, within the jurisdiction 91 Te Obligations by the Treasury, such as financial applications, the sum of THRECIENTS OCHENTA and CINCO MILLONES CIEN MIL PESOS ($ 385,100,000) for the Tax Anticyclical Fund established by Article 9 of Law No. 25,152.For the purpose of not altering the outcome provided for in Article 4 above, the amount determined above will be affected by the availability of the Provincial Development Trust Fund.
ARTICLE 66. Include in VEINTE MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 20,000.000) the provision set out in Article 1 of this Law to Jurisdiction 50 - Central Administration - Programme 50 - Draft 4 - Subparagraph 4 - Source of Financing 15, and equally return the credits set by this article to the decentralized agency 604 - Programme 22 - Subparagraph 4 - Source of Finance 15. ARTICLE 67. Authorize Jurisdiction 50 to make, of the credits authorized in Article 1 of this Law, the sum of UN MILLON SETECIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 1.700.000) for the National Food Health and Quality Service for the acquisition of concentrated vaccines and antigens in order to create a bank of anti-aphtase vaccines in the Argentine Republic. ARTICLE 68. The economies referred to in the first part of article 28 of Act No. 24,948 LeThe Armed Forces Restructuring Act permanente, are those that are carried out on a permanent basis in the personnel plants with the elimination of the respective positions. When savings resulting from non-expenditure of temporary vacancies on the plant, they may be applied within the present budget period to the operating costs of the Force that has generated them. ARTICLE 69. Please provide an additional reduction in the provisions set out in article 1 of this Act, in accordance with the concepts set out in table No. 26 annexed to this article.In cases where the reduction referred to in the preceding paragraph is funded by resources with specific and/or own impact, the surplus of resources to be made available to the NATIONAL TESORO.
Please also join the Budget of the National Administration approved by this Act the necessary provisions for the Funds with Specific Affectation for the Provinces, and in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Commitment of 6 December 1999, without altering the financial result set out in article 4o.
The GABINETE JEFE OF MINISTERS on the occasion of deciding on the distribution of the provisions referred to in article 17 shall proceed to make the budgetary adjustments arising from this article.
Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to carry out administrative restructuring and corresponding budgetary adjustments to give rise to the reductions set out in this article.
ARTICLE 70. On the occasion of the distribution of the General Budget of the National Administration, the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS will make the necessary adjustments in the estimation of the resources of Article 2 as a result of the application of the fiscal measures and the modifications in the regime of distribution of the special funds for Provinces. ARTICLE 71. Faccinate the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with article 15 of Law 24.156, to acquire goods and services whose execution period exceeds the current financial period, for the sum total of PESOS VEINTINUEVE MILLONES SETENTA OCHOCIENTS and CUATRO MIL SETECIENTS CINCUENTA ($ 29,874,750) that will be executed in a total period of five yearsPlease provide the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers with the necessary costs to be incorporated into the National Administration Budget by reallocation of the provisions approved by this Law.
ARTICLE 72. Commend the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers for the reassignment of the General Budget for Expenses and Resource Calculation of the National Administration for the year 2000, in order to finance the requisitions of necessary works and equipment of the Jurisdiction 45 - Ministry of Defence; Subjurisdiction 45.23 - Staff of the Air Force - Programme 18 - Support for the Air Activity. ARTICLE 73. Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to allocate the necessary items for the recruitment by the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of the CAREM Project that involves the development and construction of a prototype of low-power innovative reactor, depending on the economic and environmental evaluation of the project. ARTICLE 74. The Chief of Staff of Ministers will expand the budget lines of Jurisdiction 20 - Programme 38 - Activity 04, in the event that the resources originated in the provisions of Laws 23,351 and 24,602 "Exclusive Special Fund for Popular Libraries" were increased. CINCO FOR SCIENT (5%) of gambling.In the headings assigned to the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, the sum of CINCUENTA MIL PESOS ($ 50,000) for the Special Fund for the Editing of the Complete Works of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, approved by Law 25.159.
ARTICLE 75. Authorize the National Executive Branch to submit by June 30, 2000, the feasibility studies provided for in Act No. 24,354 of the National Public Investment System. ARTICLE 76. Please refer to the National Account Review Programme, Executive Unit: Joint Parliamentary Account Review Commission, under Jurisdiction 01 - National Legislative Power, in the amount of UN MILLON QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 1,500,000) the provision for compliance with Article 128 of Law 24.156. The credit established will be served by the national legislative branch, corresponding to the sum of MIL PESOS ($ 750,000) SETECIENTOS CINCUENTA MIL PESOS ($ 750,000) to the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation. ARTICLE 77. Affect within the provisions of subjurisdiction 2003, Program 19, the amount of DIECIOCHO MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 18.000.000) for the financing of the provisions of Law 24.805. ARTICLE 78. Within the Partida Transfers to other cultural and social institutions without Lucro Purposes are determined the amounts allocated to the attention of the following entities: Entity | Amount ($) |
Fundación Felices Los Niños | 300,000 |
IWO Foundation de Jewish Research Institute | 500,000 |
National Academy of Tango | 500,000 |
TOTAL | 1.300.000 |
(a) National Route No. 157;
(b) Puente y Accesos sobre Arroyo Manantial y el Río Lules;
(c) National Route No. 38: Multitrocha, section Famaillá - Aguilares; repair of roads in partial sections between Famaillá and Concepción;
(d) National Route No. 157: repair of roadways in partial sections between Simoca and Bella Vista and National Route No. 38;
(e) National Route No. 38: Río del Valle Bridge, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca.
CHAPTER XIII OF THE PERMANENT COMPLEMENTARY LAW ARTICLE 81. Incorporate into Act No. 11,672 COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT BUDGET (T.O. 1999) Articles 10; 19 (Finth paragraph); 43; 49 (Last paragraph); 54; 56; 59; 61; 68 and 79 of this Act. PART II. BUDGET OF CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION . 82 Get off the Nros summary tables. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 attached to this Title, the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. PART III. BUDGET OF DISCENTRALIZED AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTIONS ARTICLE 83. Get off the Nros summary tables. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A and 9A attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 84. Get off the Nros summary tables. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B attached to this Title amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. PART IV. COMPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS ARTICLE 85. The total amount to be transferred in the form of partnership and specific funds, under the Federal Commitment of 6 December 1999, will be from DIECISEIS MIL TREATMENTS OF PESOS ($ 16,200,000,000), the total amount to be transferred during the year 2000 to the Provinces and to the GOVERNMENT AUTONOMO OF THE CIUDAD OF BUENOS AIRES in December 1999.The surplus that may occur during the year 2000 in respect of this amount shall be entered into the NATIONAL TESORO for the purpose of paying attention to the expenses set out in Article 1 or for the amount of the resources estimated in Article 2 of the present Law.
Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make the budgetary adjustments arising from the provisions of this article.
ARTICLE 86. Ratify Decree 285 dated 25 March 1999. ARTICLE 87. Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE DAYS OF THE MONTH DECEMBER OF THE YEAR NEW AND NEW.
# 25,237 EL
PASCUAL RAFAEL . JOSE GENOUD. . Luis Flores Allende. . Mario L. Pontaquarto
(Note Infoleg: The annexed tables are not published. Unpublished documentation can be consulted at the Official Gazette Headquarters (Suipacha 767 - Capital Federal). Modifications to the tables can be consulted at our base by entering the icon "This rule is modified, supplemented and/or regulated by phrase"). (*) The bold texts were observed.