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Security Cooperation Agreements (Egypt) - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: ACUERDOS COOPERACION DE SEGURIDAD (EGIPTO) - Texto completo de la norma

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Act 25.331 Approve the Agreement on Security Cooperation signed with the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Sanctioned: October 5, 2000.

Enacted: November 9, 2000.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Approved the Security Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the ARABE REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, signed in Cairo . ARABE REPUBLIC OF EGYPT., on 4 February 1998, which consists of DOCE (12) articles, whose photocopies are English and Spanish.

ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.


# 25.331 EL

PASCUAL RAFAEL. . JOSE GENOUD. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Mario L. Pontaquarto.

Note: The English language text is not published.




The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, henceforth designated as "The Parties",

Recognizing the historic friendly relations between the Parties and wishing to promote these ties on a consistent and firm basis,

With a view to a future of achievements in joint cooperation to combat all forms of crimes, including terrorists, transnationals, organized and illicit production and trafficking and abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances,

Under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and the Convention against Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the Vienna Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1988,

Gravely concerned at the threat posed by the above-mentioned crimes and acts to peace, stability and security,

Convinced of the need to take effective measures to combat such crimes by considering relevant international conventions,

Wishing to sign a Security Cooperation Agreement to combat the above-mentioned crimes and acts,

They agreed on the following:


The Parties, through their respective Ministries of the Interior, undertake to cooperate within the framework of this Agreement in the following areas:

(a) Common security

Exchanges of information on offences discovered against the common security of Parties, the means used to commit them and the measures to prevent them.

(b) Terrorist crimes

1.- Exchange of information on activities and crimes of terrorist groups and organizations, their mutual relations, their conduct, their members, their covert organizational structure, their facades, their locations, their means of financing and methods of training and weapons used.

2.- Exchange of information on methodology and techniques of counter-terrorism agencies.

3.- Exchange of scientific and technological experience in the field of the protection and safety of air, sea and railway transport, in order to modernize security and safety measures in ports, airports and railway terminals as well as in industrial buildings, power plants and any other possible target of terrorist attacks.

(c) Transnational and Organized Crime

1.- Exchange of information and data on transnational and organized crimes, their conduct, members, structures, activities and contacts.

2.- Exchange of information and experience on modern methodology and techniques used by agencies to combat organized transnational crime.

3.- Exchange of information and data, in addition to taking joint measures to ensure the fight against crime, especially drug trafficking, smuggling and money laundering, forgery of documentation, smuggling of antiques, weapons and art objects.

(d) Illicit production and trafficking and abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances

1.- Exchange of information and data on the illicit production and trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances and persons involved.

2.- Exchange of information and experience regarding methods and techniques to combat drug trafficking, as well as modern systems used by security agencies.

3.- Mutual assistance in operational matters including research techniques such as "controlled delivery", as agreed by both Parties in specific cases.

4.- Exchange of literature on drug trafficking control and texts of legislation and procedures in this area.


The Parties shall strengthen cooperation to assist in the search for and detention of fugitives and criminals required, related to the above-mentioned offences.


The Parties shall take firm and effective measures to prevent terrorist acts, transnational crimes organized in all their forms and shall avoid the use of their territories to plan, organize or execute such crimes, including also the prevention of infiltration into their countries of terrorists and criminal elements, either in group or individually, or whether they receive financial support or military training.


The Parties shall exchange views with experts and practitioners in the above-mentioned fields in order to learn about the latest methods applied in the detection, struggle and detention of criminals.


The Parties shall cooperate in the field of education, training and preparation of security personnel, technical and police specialists by developing this cooperation in educational and police training establishments in both countries.


The Parties shall exchange publications, research documentation and books relating to the above-mentioned areas and other security fields, as well as participation in seminars and conferences on these topics in order to facilitate cooperation between the delegations of both countries.


The Parties shall form a Joint Commission to promote and monitor the cooperation inherent in this Agreement, for which purpose the members designated to form such a Commission shall be notified through their diplomatic channels.

The Joint Commission will meet when necessary, and any Party may request the meetings. The Commission will hold its meetings alternately in the Argentine Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The costs of such meetings shall be borne by the host party. Expenditures for international transfers shall be borne by the sending Party.


The Parties shall maintain the confidentiality of the data classified as secrets by any Party in accordance with the laws of the supplier Party.

Advanced materials, information and means and equipment provided under this Agreement shall not be transferred to third parties without the consent of the supplier Party.


This Agreement shall not impede the fulfilment of the emerging obligations of existing bilateral or multilateral agreements for both Parties.


Each Party may refuse in whole or in part, or impose certain conditions on the request for information of the other Party, in the event that it threatens its own independence, sovereignty, security or essential interests or that it is contrary to its legal system.


The Ministries of the Interior of the Argentine Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt shall be the Authorities of the Application of this Agreement. Parties shall communicate directly or through diplomatic channels.


This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which both Parties communicate compliance with their respective internal requirements for approval and shall have an unlimited validity, unless any Party notifies the other Party, by diplomatic means, and at a minimum of six months, its intention to denounce it. This Agreement may be amended with the consent of both Parties.

Made in Cairo on 4 February 1998, in two original copies in Spanish, Arabic and English. In the event of a divergence of interpretation, the English text will prevail.