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Com. Nac. Pro Mumento A Juan Maria Gutierrez Su Creation - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: COM. NAC. PRO MUMENTO A JUAN MARIA GUTIERREZ SU CREACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
NATIONAL COMMISSION PRO MONUMENTO TO JUAN MARIA GUTIERREZ Law 25.365 Creation and integration of the aforementioned Commission that will have as its mission the realization and installation in the City of Buenos Aires, of a monument in memory and homage of the illustrious patriot.

Sanctioned: November 22, 2000.

Cast: December 15, 2000

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 . Créase la Comisión Nacional Pro Monumento a Juan María Gutiérrez, illustrious patriot who was one of the editors of the National Constitution of 1853, Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs after the National Organization, national deputy, rector of the National University of Buenos Aires, poet, historian, biographer and literato, engineer, who created the first Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in our country, cartographer, pedagogue and educator. ARTICLE 2 : Integran la Comisión Nacional Pro Monumento a Juan María Gutiérrez:

Mrs. María Teresa Gutiérrez Cullen de Arauz, granddaughter of the Procer, as honorary president.

The president of the National Academy of History, as president.

The president of the National Academy of Letters, as vice president first.

The president of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences, as second vice president.

The president of the National Academy of Engineering, as a treasurer.

The president of the National Academy of Morales and Political Sciences, as a member.

The president of the National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, as a member.

The president of the National Academy of Sciences, as a member.

The president of the National Academy of Education, as a member.

A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and National Worship as a member.

The director of the Historical Museum of the province of Santa Fe, as a member.

The president of the National Commission of Museums and Monuments and Historic Places, as a member.

The director of the National Congress Library, as a member.

The director of the National Library, as a member.

A representative of each of the Constitutional Affairs Commissions of both Houses of Congress, as members.

A representative of the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, as a member.

A representative of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation, as a member.

The rector of the National University of Buenos Aires, as a member.

The director of the General Archive of the Nation, as a member.

The director of the San Francisco Convent Museum in the province of Santa Fe, as a member.

The president of the Argentine Council for International Relations, as a member.

The president of the Argentine Center of Engineers, as a member.

The president of the Argentine Scientific Society, as a member.

The president of the Order of Santa Fe Club, as a member.

The president of the Buenos Aires Progress Club, as a member.

The president of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires, as a member.

The president of the Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (ADEPA), as a member.

The director of the newspaper "La Nación", as a member.

Historians and/or writers Gregorio Weinberg, Felix Weinberg, Felix Luna, Jorge Reinaldo Vanossi, Héctor Tizón, Horacio Sanguinetti, José Ignacio García Hamilton, Beatriz Sarlo, Isidoro Ruiz Moreno, María Sáenz Quesada, Angel Fermín Garrote and Humberto Quiroga Lavié, as members.

ARTICLE 3 . It will be a specific mission of the commission to raise funds by popular subscription for the purpose of making and installing in the City of Buenos Aires, prior agreement with the City Government, a memorial and homage of the illustrious patriot. ARTICLE 4 La The commission will session with half plus one of its members and make valid decisions by half plus one of the present, having its members summoned with 7 days in advance. If there is no quorum to the first subpoena, the second will be with at least one third of its members. ARTICLE 5° La The commission will operate within the framework of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, and the completion of the commission will be held accountable to the Administrative Secretariat of the Chamber. ARTICLE 6 . Contact the executive branch.



PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Juan C. Oyarzún.