PROGRAMME CÉDULA ESCOLAR NACIONAL Law 27489 Creation. The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force
From the “National School Certificate” Program
Article 1 - Créase, within the scope of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Nation, the programme “National School Certificate” hereafter CEN, in order to help ensure the educational inclusion of children and adolescents of compulsory school age, in the framework of the laws 26,206 of National Education, 25,326 on the Protection of Personal Data, 26.061 on the Comprehensive Protection of Children
Article 2°- The Federal Education Council will coordinate the CEN, ensuring the articulation and unity of similar pre-existing formats in different jurisdictions. The Federal Council shall make up a permanent commission, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the corresponding ministries, secretariats or education agencies of the jurisdictions and those of the public sphere that are determined by regulation to monitor the development of this programme.
Article 3. The objectives of this programme will be:
(a) Identify the population of compulsory school age outside the education system, either because it has never entered or because it has entered it does not remain in it, and the population at risk of drop-out;
(b) Identify the population of compulsory school age who has not completed health checks and/or compulsory vaccination plan;
(c) To form interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams, with the participation of municipalities and social organizations, for the care and follow-up of children and adolescents to whom the programme is directed;
(d) Promote, through interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams, actions relevant to the inclusion and permanence of the population referred to in subparagraph (a), in order to prevent school drop-out;
(e) Promote, through interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams, relevant actions to complete health controls and/or the mandatory vaccination plan for the population referred to in subparagraph (b);
(f) Train interdisciplinary teams to develop intervention strategies with the participation of the family and the community and respect the principles laid down in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Article 4°- The national interdisciplinary team will agree with the interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams on intervention policies in order to facilitate the approach and registration in educational establishments of children and adolescents to whom this programme is directed, as well as the accompaniment of those at risk of dropout.
Article 5°- The national interdisciplinary team will determine the means to identify the population of compulsory school age outside the educational system, either because it has never entered or because having entered it does not remain in it, considering for this information obtained through:
(a) The Comprehensive Educational Information System (SInIDE);
(b) The National Tax and Social Identification System (SINTyS);
(c) Relevation that should require interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams.
Article 6°- The CEN officials shall ensure the accuracy and actuality of the data recorded, and must also arbitrate the mechanisms and precautions to safeguard and preserve the right to information self-determination, the confidentiality of the information recorded, and the use of it only for the purposes pursued by this law, taking appropriate measures to ensure that the child and adolescent is protected against all forms of discrimination, as provided for in law 26.06.
Article 7°- The national executive branch shall establish the authority for the implementation of this programme, which shall be responsible for the registration in the terms of Article 2 of Law 25,326 and to which the claims guaranteed by this law may be made.
Article 8- Please refer to the “White Book of the National School Certificate Program”, which will consist of the annual update of statistical data, at the national and jurisdictional levels, on the development and results of the program, protecting data in the terms of Law 25,326.
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Nation shall submit to each of the Chambers of the Congress of the Nation reports on the results obtained from the implementation of this Programme. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Nation will publish such reports through the official website of the same.
The Comprehensive Educational Digital Information System (SInIDE)
Article 9°- Institute, within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Nation, the Comprehensive System of Educational Digital Information (SInIDE), established by Resolution 1041/12 of the former Ministry of Education of the Nation, and implemented by the Resolution of the Federal Council of Education 215/14.
Article 10.- In order to meet the objectives of the program created in Chapter I of the present, SInIDE will incorporate an alert mechanism to inform the interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams about those students that:
(a) With regard to schooling, repeated insistences have not been registered to give due matter; they have not been registered for the corresponding school year and any other risk indicator for desertion that the Federal Education Council considers relevant;
(b) Regarding health: they have not completed the health checks and/or compulsory vaccination plan.
Article 11. In the cases referred to in article 10, SInIDE will provide the interdisciplinary jurisdictional teams with accurate nominal information on the pupils ' school trajectory, their daily attendance, their mobility among the different establishments, levels, management sectors and fields, their educational plans and their respective curricular boxes, qualifications, inclusion status in educational and social programmes, access and use of ICTs, relevant health data for the development of schools and other vaccinations, SInIDE will also provide relevant information on reference educational establishments.
Final Provisions
Article 12.- Please believe in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Nation specific budgetary allocations for the programme set out in Chapter I and the system established in Chapter II of this Law.
Article 13.- The jurisdictions adhering to this law shall adapt their scope according to their particularities, within their respective competences, coordinating with the Nation the appropriate aspects.
Article 14.- Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to accede to this law.
Article 15.- Contact the national executive branch.
MARTA G. MICHETTI - EMILIO MONZO - Eugenio Inchausti - Juan P. Tunessi
Buenos Aires City, 07/01/2019
Pursuant to article 80 of the National Constitution, I certify that Law No. 27.489 (IF-2018-65716332-APN-DSGA#SLYT) sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION on December 12, 2018 has been enacted in fact on January 4, 2019.
For publication to the National Directorate of the Official Register, please copy to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION and, for its knowledge and other effects, refer to the Ministry of EDUCATION, CULTURE, SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY. Implemented, arched. Pablo Clusellas
e. 08/01/2019 N° 1052/19 v. 08/01/2019