INMUEBLES Law 27478 Transfer. The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
Article 1- Transfer to the province of Salta for onerous title, for sale or permuta, the area, approximate, of 66 Has (660.000 m2) or the one that is necessary to define the definitive layout and construction of the Avenida de Circunvalación Noroeste of the city of Salta and the roundabouts of intersection with the national route 9 (Avenida Bolivia) and provincial route 28, including in the plan of rapid routes of the province The road project is accompanied by cyclists for individualization, which form part of this law as Annex I and II.
Art. 2°- Except the scope of law 24,758 as amended by law 25,339, the fractions of the land specified in the preceding article.
Art. 3°- The amount of the sale or the value of the permute mentioned in article 1 of this Act shall be established by the National Taxation Tribunal.
Art. 4°- The General Staff of the Army, as the authority for the application of the rules referred to in Article 2°, is entitled to agree with the Government of the province of Salta the most appropriate layout for such works, based on annexes I and II to the present, and thus the final area resulting from the above adjustment. For the determination of the definitive layout, it should be taken into account not to affect the Army's operability, its facilities, regulations and safety requirements, minimizing the environmental impact the work has on the conservation area.
Art. 5°- Prior to the granting of the relevant deed, the province of Salta shall be responsible for carrying out at its cost, the plan of meshness and subdivision of the property identified in article 1 and its registration with the competent agency. The translative writing of dominion will be carried out before the General Registry of the Government of the Nation.
Art. 6o- The Executive Branch shall take appropriate measures to complete the respective transfers.
Art. 7°- Contact the national executive branch.
MARTA G. MICHETTI - EMILIO MONZO - Eugenio Inchausti - Juan P. Tunessi
Buenos Aires City, 21/12/2018
Pursuant to article 80 of the National Constitution, I certify that Law No. 27.478 (IF-2018-63653028-APN-DSGA#SLYT) sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION on December 5, 2018, has been enacted in fact on December 21, 2018.
For publication to the National Directorate of the Official Register, please copy to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION and, for its knowledge and other effects, refer to the Ministry of Defence. Implemented, arched. Pablo Clusellas
NOTE: The Annex/s that integrate/n this(a) Law is published in the web edition of BORA
e. 26/12/2018 No. 98851/18 v. 26/12/2018
(Note Infoleg: The annexes referred to in this rule have been extracted from the Official Gazette web edition.)