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Production Bubalina Federal Program For The Promotion And Development Of Bubaline Production - Full Text Of The Norm


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Law 27.076

Federal Program for the Promotion and Development of Bubalina Production. Creation.

Sanctioned: December 10, 2014

Promulgated: January 07, 2015

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force


Federal Programme for the Promotion and Development of Bubalina Production

Chapter I

Regimen's cans.

ARTICLE 1 — Consider a programme for the promotion and development of the production of Bubalus Bubalis or Water Bufalos, which will be implemented in all the agroecologically suitable areas of the Argentine territory and will govern with the scope and limitations set out in this law and the regulatory rules that the national executive branch consequent upon it.

ARTICLE 2 The programme will be designed to generate and promote specific livestock policies for the production and optimal use of bubalino cattle, in a sustainable framework in time and to maintain, develop and increase the sources of work and the establishment of the rural population with a view to improving the quality of life.

This law includes the use of the bubaline hacienda in its entirety: both of standing animals, milk, leather, semen and all other products and by-products derived, in primary or industrialized form with the ultimate objective of achieving a production for its self-consumption and/or marketing, at the national and export levels, and thus to promote the development of the economies of the region.

ARTICLE 3 — The productive actions achieved by the following regime are: the incentive, the formation and recomposition of the bubaline hacienda, the qualitative and quantitative improvement of the production, the use of appropriate practices and technologies, the revaluation of local genetic resources, the promotion of associative entrepreneurship, the health control, support to the commercial and industrial actions carried out preferably by the producer, cooperatives and/or other companies that conform the agro-industrial.

ARTICLE 4 Water buffalo production will be carried out using practices governed by criteria of economic, social and respect for existing natural resources.

Chapter II

Implementation Authority. Bubalino federal council. Programme.

ARTICLE 5 — The Authority for the Application of this Law shall be the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, with the power to decentralize functions in the production ministries of the provinces or in the agencies established by them.

Trust in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries the Bubalino Federal Council with advisory functions, empowering the Implementation Authority to provide for its conformation and operation by regulation.

ARTICLE 7 The Enforcement Authority shall carry out the following actions:

(a) To disseminate and promote the rational exploitation of the production of bubalino cattle.

(b) Promote the incorporation of Small Producers into the activity.

(c) To improve production infrastructures and actions for the opening and maintenance of markets.

(d) Take the necessary measures to promote industrialization, internal and/or external marketing and consumption of products and by-products derived from buffalo breeding.

(e) To encourage, support and undertake both private and state research and experimentation to improve the products of the bubalino cattle.

(f) Support the increase and activities of producer associations.

(g) To advise and provide technical assistance and training, through the competent agency, to the producers and to those who wish to start the activity on the management, health, food, selection of players, marketing of the products and by-products of the production of buffaloes, providing all that information concerning the subject required.

(h) Initiate the establishment of experimental centres or breeding cottages at the provincial or regional level, as appropriate, in order to validate technologies, import genetic material and/or improved specimens in order to breed selected animals for subsequent sale, or deliver them as a mutual, to producers.

(i) Develop the following programmes with the relevant agencies of the national executive branch:

a. Carnes Development Programme.

b. Milk Development Programme.

c. Leather Industry Development Programme.

d. Health program.

e. Commercial Dissemination and Incentive Program.

(j) Provide support to affected producers in emergency and/or catastrophe situations.

Chapter III

Financing. Benefits.

ARTICLE 8 — The national executive branch shall include in the budget of the national administration from the publication of this Act an annual amount that shall not be less than 10 million pesos ($ 10,000.000) for a period that the Authority considers necessary to meet the aspects of this rule.

ARTICLE 9 — The Implementation Authority shall establish the criteria for the distribution of funds by giving priority to the country ' s agro-ecological zones in which bubaline activity has a significant importance for the rooting of the population and to the work plans or investment projects in which labour occupation is increased and/or in which the benefit-holders commit to reside within the promoted rural establishment.

ARTICLE 10. - Work plan holders and investment projects to promote and develop bubalina cattle ranching will be able to receive the following benefits:

(a) Credits for baseline studies required for the necessary foundation in the development and formulation of the work plan or investment project. The same must be carried out by a technical officer who must be a university professional in the agricultural sciences — zootechnic engineer, agronomist engineer, agricultural production engineer, veterinarian, or equivalent university careers — with provincial or national tuition. The amount of the credit will be variable taking into account the area, size of the exploitation and activity.

(b) Credits for the acquisition of specimens and/or semen from races preferably from the huts or experimental centers to be created, local producers, or member countries of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).

(c) Subsidies for total or part assignment to:

1.- Payment of professional fees for the development and formulation of the project or plan and the base studies necessary for its foundation.

2.- Execution of investments included in the plan or project, which will be variable by area, size of the exploitation, as determined by the Implementation Authority in accordance with the provisions of the regulation.

3.- Costs required for the training of producers, technicians, employees of productive establishments and other operators deemed necessary for the implementation of the proposals.

(d) Delivering as mutual of improved specimens from cabins or experimentation centres referred to in article 7 (h) with the objective of optimizing subsistence farms, and on the condition of the subsequent return of the same number of copies within the time and modalities established by the Implementation Authority.

Mutual beneficiaries shall be those producers listed in article 12, without exception, and shall, as far as possible, assign the acquired roundabout to the exploitation of dairy production.

Chapter IV

Beneficiaries. Differential treatment.

ARTICLE 11. - The benefits of the present programme may be enjoyed by natural persons who are domiciled in the Argentine Republic, the legal entities established therein and indivisous successions, programmes, governmental and non-governmental organizations that are undertaking or undertaking activities covered by this Act and meet the requirements set forth in the subsequent regulations.

ARTICLE 12. - The Implementation Authority shall prioritise the economic benefits of this regime to the following cases:

a. Small producers that exploit a small field area and whose family group is found with unsatisfied basic needs.

b. Small producers of reduced agricultural areas that breed other species of animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, etc., and for which the exploitation of buffalos can represent an economic and sustainable alternative for their production system.

c. Those micro, small or medium-sized agricultural enterprises that develop productive activities in agroecologically suitable areas for the exploitation of bubalino cattle. For the purposes of the definition of MIPYMES for the implementation of this program, resolution 675/02, articles 1 and 2° or that which in the future replaces, modifies or complements it will be implemented.

The current benefits for MIPYMES will be extended to the associational forms formed exclusively by them, such as consortiums, transitory unions of companies, cooperatives and any other form of lawful association.

In all cases the exploitation must be developed in agri-ecologically suitable land, with an animal load that is in line with the foreign potential of the same and management practices should not affect natural resources, maintaining the sustainability of the system.

ARTICLE 13. - In order to access differential treatment, producers must, in addition to being part of any of the assumptions contemplated in the previous article, simultaneously complete the following requirements:

(a) To permanently and continuously inhabit the land where the livestock exploitation is carried out or in its absence to reside within the rural area in which it is located.

(b) To intervene directly with their work and that of their family group in production, not hiring, as far as possible, permanent personnel for exploitation.

(c) To have an economic income of the family group that does not exceed the maximum established for this category of producers by the Implementing Authority.

ARTICLE 14. - For the purpose of accepting this regime, producers shall submit a work plan or an investment project, depending on the type of benefit requested to the authority responsible for implementing this regime in the province where the exploitation is located.

After review and approval, it shall be forwarded to the Implementation Authority, which shall be issued within the time limits established by the regulation.

The Application Authority is empowered to establish the documentation and requirements to be fulfilled by the requesting producer of benefits in accordance with the type of assistance and benefit requested.

Chapter V

Provincial Accession.

ARTICLE 15. - This programme will be implemented in the provinces that expressly adhere to it. In order to benefit from this Act, the provinces shall:

(a) Designate a provincial agency responsible for the implementation of the programme, which shall comply with the procedures established by regulation within the prescribed time limits, coordinating the functions and services of the provincial and communal bodies responsible for the bubalino development, with the Implementation Authority.

(b) At the time of accession, the provinces must report taxably that benefits will be awarded and committed to maintaining them during the time of the present law.

ARTICLE 16. - Contact the national executive branch.



JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. - JUAN C. MARINO. — Juan H. Estrada. - Lucas Chedrese.