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Real Estate Transfers To Free Title - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: INMUEBLES TRANSFERENCIAS A TITULO GRATUITO - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos

Law 27.082

Transfer to the province of Chubut free of charge the domain of certain properties of the National State.

Sanctioned: December 16, 2014

Enacted: January 28, 2015

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force


ARTICLE 1 — Transfer to the province of Chubut for free the domain that the national State has on the properties that are located in the town of Villa Dique Florentino Ameghino, Department Gaiman, province of Chubut, whose catastral identification are described below:

(a) Lot 8 of Apple 2, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 1,048.74 m2;

(b) Lot 7 of Apple 2, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 1,088.27 m2;

(c) Lot 6 of Apple 2, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 1,112.52 m2;

(d) Lot 4 of Apple 2, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 698.46 m2;

(e) Lot 2 of Apple 2, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 1,128.37 m2;

(f) Lot 1 of Apple 2, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 927.62 m2;

(g) Lot 9 of Apple 3, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 372,30 m2;

(h) Lot 8 of Apple 3, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 395 m2;

(i) Lot 6 of Apple 3, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 516.95 m2;

(j) Lot 5 of Apple 3, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 1,046,92 m2;

(k) Lot 4 of Apple 3, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 978,79 m2;

(l) Lot 1 of Apple 5, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 733.32 m2;

(m) Lot 3 of Apple 5, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 486,33 m2;

(n) Lot 5 of Apple 5, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 874.49 m2;

(o) Lot 6 of Apple 5, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 861,37 m2;

(p) Lot 8 of Apple 5, Fraction B, Section B-II, with a surface area of 632,34 m2;

(q) Lot 1 of Apple 7, Fraction B, Section B-II, with an area of 2,582.48 m2;

ARTICLE 2 The transfer provided for in the preceding article is made by the beneficiary to grant the corresponding title to the occupants of the dwellings located in the transferred properties.

ARTICLE 3 — A period of ten (10) years for the fulfilment of what is imposed in the previous article, which expires, without the mediating observance, the domain of the property subject of the present shall be reversed in favour of the national State.

ARTICLE 4 The expenses that demand the transfer will be charged to the province of Chubut.

ARTICLE 5 — The national executive branch, within a period not exceeding one hundred and twenty (120) days after the enactment of this law, shall proceed to perform the necessary procedures for the granting of the respective translative deeds of dominion.

ARTICLE 6 Contact the national executive branch.



JULIAN A. DOMÍNGUEZ. - JUAN C. MARINO. - Lucas Chedrese. — Juan H. Estrada.