Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 O Please describe State Terrorism Reporting Sites, henceforth Sites, to places that functioned as clandestine detention, torture and extermination centres or where emblematic acts of the actions of illegal repression developed during State terrorism exercised in the country until December 10, 1983. ARTICLE 2 O The national executive branch will ensure the preservation of all the Sites in order to facilitate judicial investigations, as well as to preserve the memory of what happened during State terrorism in our country. ARTICLE 3o O All Sites for which there was sufficient evidence of their functioning as Sites are covered in the scope of this Law. To this end, the report produced by the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons (Conadep), the testimonies published in judicial proceedings and the records in the National Archive of Memory under the Ministry of Human Rights of the Nation will be considered. ARTICLE 4o O It will be the authority to implement this law, the Human Rights Secretariat, under the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. ARTICLE 5o O The implementing authority shall have the following functions:(a) To urge the competent bodies to implement the necessary measures to facilitate the judicial investigation of the serious human rights violations that occurred on the Sites referred to in Article 3;
(b) Cooperate with the specific areas of the national, provincial and municipal levels, in the creation of entities with functional autonomy and financial autarchy that have the mission to guarantee the preservation of the places that worked as Sites and the recovery and transmission of memory of the events that occurred during State terrorism;
(c) Transmit the historical memory of the events that occurred during State terrorism and especially the human rights violations committed on the Sites;
(d) Coordinate with provincial, municipal and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, competent in the area of promotion and defence of human rights, programmes, activities and actions in the spirit of this law;
(e) To develop and maintain an update on the List of Sites, incorporating all those properties that respond to the characteristics set out in Article 1;
(f) To publish the number of properties identified to date, informing all provinces and municipalities and the general public, the high value it has for our country to preserve the memory of the serious human rights violations that occurred during State terrorism;
(g) Request the national entities in whose jurisdiction they review the properties set forth in Article 3, the provisional assignment of spaces suitable for the development of the activities of dissemination, promotion, preservation and research;
(h) Request national entities in whose jurisdiction review the properties set forth in Article 3, to declare themselves totally or partially unnecessary for their specific management and to be affected to the orbit of the implementing authority, where circumstances merit it.
ARTICLE 6o O In order to preserve as Sites all those properties in which acts of torture, extermination, reduction to servitude, enforced disappearance of persons or other vejámens were committed, the enforcement authority shall:(a) To have for each of the Sites, a brand that determines it as Sites accompanied by an allusive legend of repudiation of the events that happened there. For the design of this brand, the application authority must call a public contest whose jury will be integrated into the proposal of human rights organizations with recognized trajectory in the struggle for memory, truth and justice. This brand will be approved by the enforcement authority, as a national convention, but not excluding others, for all Sites;
(b) To promote all types of educational, research, training and dissemination activities related to the events there, as well as related to the unrestricted defence of human rights and the full participation of citizens as pillars of the democratic system;
(c) Promote, promote or sponsor specific projects for the preservation and collection, systematization and conservation of documentary and testimonial materials, ensuring the full participation of recognized human rights bodies;
(d) To promote the participation of national universities or other educational institutions to cooperate in the study and systematic investigation of the historical events that occurred during State terrorism;
(e) Promoting management, articulating the specific areas of the national, provincial, municipal and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, as appropriate, actively encouraging the participation of civil society through agencies of vast history in the promotion and defence of human rights, survivors, victims ' families and social organizations;
(f) Establish appropriate channels of continuous consultation with human rights agencies and civil society organizations in the design of public memory policies.
ARTICLE 7o O The application authority will actively assist the existing autonomous or autocarchic entities, or those that in the future are created in order to preserve the Sites, and to recover the memory of the events, without prejudice to their respective functional autonomy. ARTICLE 8o O The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are invited to adhere to this law, to take steps to rebuild our past and to a symbol of what should never be repeated in our country. ARTICLE 9o O Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VETH DAYS OF THE JUNE YEAR DOS MIL ONCE.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.