Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 O National research and public production of medicines, raw materials for the production of medicines, vaccines and medical products are considered to be social goods. ARTICLE 2 O This Act aims to promote accessibility of medicines, vaccines and medical products and to promote scientific and technological development through public production laboratories. ARTICLE 3o O The Ministry of Health is the authority to implement this law. ARTICLE 4o O They are considered public production laboratories for the purposes of this law, the laboratories of the national, provincial, municipal and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the armed forces and the university institutions of state management. ARTICLE 5o O This Act introduces a system of public production of medicines, raw materials, vaccines and medical products. ARTICLE 6o O The regime established bythis law shall have the following objectives:
(a) Establish a register of public production laboratories, which must contain as minimum operating data, installed capacity and record conditions; (b) Establish as a reference framework for the production of medicines the proposal for essential medicines of the World Health Organization; (c) Define priorities in strategic production lines taking into account the epidemiological and seasonal profiles of the regions of our country; (d) Promote the provision of medicines, vaccines and medical products that demand the first level of care under the primary health care strategy; (e) Promote research, development and production of orphan drugs; (f) To promote their articulation with academic and scientific institutions and organizations of workers and users; (g) Promote better use of available resources in each institutional environment, avoiding production overlap; (h) Promote centralized purchases of inputs, to the extent that they allow more favourable conditions for procurement; (i) Promote research and teaching, as well as human resource training and training; (j) Promote research, production and development of plant and plant active ingredients, prioritizing the native species of the country. ARTICLE 7o O The Ministry of Health should promote agreements with other national ministries and within the framework of the Federal Health Council deCOFESA, with the competent authorities of the jurisdictions, to establish criteria and priorities in the allocation of budgetary resources and to coordinate the implementation of the regime provided for in this Act in order to develop the following actions: (a) Delineate and develop operational bases; (b) Establish an operating procedure that allows effective distribution of medicines, vaccines and medical products that are enabled for interjurisdictional transit; (c) Implement the Register of Public Production Laboratory; (d) Establish guidelines to ensure the quality, accessibility and traceability of medicines, vaccines and medical products; (e) Promote mechanisms to give preferences in the acquisition of medicines, vaccines and medical products from public production laboratories by the national, provincial, municipal and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; (f) Develop annually a report on actions taken and developments and publish it by all available media. ARTICLE 8o O Public production laboratories may conclude agreements with universities or other relevant state entities to conduct quality control of medicines, vaccines and medical products. ARTICLE 9o O The National Administration of Medicines, Foods and Technologies .ANMAT., a decentralized entity within the Ministry of Health, in its capacity as a counter-lor and empowerment authority, must require public production laboratories to comply with good manufacturing and control practices. ARTICLE 10. This regulation does not limit the development of medicines in hospital pharmacies under the control of the respective jurisdictions. ARTICLE 11. The Ministry of Health should promote the necessary agreements with state university institutions that have public production laboratories, to coordinate their activities for the purposes pursued by this Act. ARTICLE 12. The regime instituted by this law must be met with the specific provisions of jurisdiction 80 - Ministry of Health, in accordance with the General Budget for the National Civil Service. ARTICLE 13. Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to accede to this law. ARTICLE 14. Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VETH DAYS OF THE JUNE YEAR DOS MIL ONCE.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
Law 26,688In the edition of 2 August 2011, in which the aforementioned rule was published, the following printing error was revealed:
Article 4:
DONDE DICE: "... of the targeted forces and of the university institutions of state management." I'm sorry.: "... of the armed forces and of the university institutions of state management."