Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies
of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress,
forcefully sanctioned
ARTICLE 1 . Create the Centenary Lights System. ARTICLE 2 El The system of centennial beacons will be composed of all the beacons located on the Argentine coast and the surrounding area, which consists of the planimetry that works at the Naval Hydrography Service, who have reached 100 years from the moment they were delivered to the service. Article 3 . Decláranse National Historical Monument to the centennial lighthouses and the surrounding area, according to Law No. 12.665 and its amendments. ARTICLE 4 . Declare well of national historical interest to the lighthouses and the surrounding area, that at the time of the sanction of this law they have not fulfilled 100 years of service. ARTICLE 5o . The beacons referred to in Article 4o, at the time of 100 years of age, will be evaluated by the National Commission of Museums and Monuments and Historic Places, which will issue an opinion indicating the classification that will be given to them and if they will integrate the system of centenary beacons, according to the procedures established in Law No. 12,665 and its amendments.To this end, the Naval Hydrography Service will provide advice if the National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Historic Places so required.
ARTICLE 6 . The Naval Hydrography Service is responsible for the care and maintenance of the well-declared headlights of national historical interest and all the lighthouses that make up the Centenary Lighthouse System.The National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Historic Places, under the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, will serve as an advisory body to the Naval Hydrography Service.
ARTICLE 7 La The National Commission of Museums and Monuments and Historic Places together with the Naval Hydrography Service will agree by means of a framework agreement to the respective functions, in order to properly preserve the properties referred to in this bill and to guarantee the proper provision of services of them. ARTICLE 8 . Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE TWO MONTHS OF THE OCTOBER YEAR DOS MIL DIEZ.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.