Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 . The national State, understand the three powers that constitute it, its decentralized or auto-archic bodies, non-State public entities, State enterprises and private concessionaires of public services, lending companies or contractors of goods and services, must respect in the designs of its web pages the rules and requirements on accessibility of information that facilitate access to its contents, so as to ensure equal treatment of all persons with disabilities. ARTICLE 2 . The institutions or organizations of civil society that are beneficiaries or receive subsidies, donations or condonations, by the State or carry out the same contracting of services, shall comply with the requirements set out in article 1 after the entry into force of this law. To that end, the legal persons mentioned that demonstrate that they do not have the potential to comply with the established legal system will receive the necessary direct technical assistance, training and training of personnel by the national State. Article 3 . It is understood to be accessibility to the effects of this law to the possibility that the information on the website can be understood and consulted by persons with disabilities and by users who have various configurations in their equipment or in their programs. ARTICLE 4 La The authority to implement this law shall be designated by the national executive branch in the regulation, in compliance with the general obligations set out in article 4 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Act 26,378). ARTICLE 5o Las The standards and accessibility requirements will be determined by the National Office of Information Technologies (ONTI), which must be updated regularly within the framework of the obligations arising from the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Act 26,378). ARTICLE 6 . The purchases or hiring of technology services in the field of computer science carried out by the national State in terms of equipment, programmes, training, technical services and which are intended to provide services to the public or to the internal service of its employees or users will have to contemplate the accessibility requirements established for persons with disabilities. ARTICLE 7 . The accessibility standards and requirements mentioned in this law must be implemented within a maximum period of VEINTICUATRO (24) months for those existing pages prior to the entry into force of this law. The deadline for compliance shall be DOCE (12) months from the entry into force of the present law for those web pages in the process of elaboration, with priority being given to those that provide public and informative services. ARTICLE 8 El The State will promote the dissemination of the rules of accessibility to private institutions in order to incorporate the aforementioned standards and accessibility requirements in the design of their respective Internet sites and other digital data networks. Article 9 . Failure to comply with the responsibilities assigned by this law to public officials will result in the corresponding administrative investigations and, where appropriate, the relevant complaint to the courts. ARTICLE 10. . Non-State entities and institutions referred to in articles 1 and 2 may not establish, renew contracts, receive subsidies, donations, condonations or any other kind of benefit from the national State if they fail to comply with the provisions of this law. ARTICLE 11. El The national executive branch must regulate this law within the maximum period of CIENTO VEINTE (120) days from its entry into force. ARTICLE 12. . You are invited to join the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to this law. ARTICLE 13. . Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE THREE DAYS OF THE NUMBER OF THE YEAR TWO MILY.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.