Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 O Protract until 31 December 2011, including the validity of the additional emergency tax on the final sale price of cigarettes, established by Law 24,625 and its amendments. ARTICLE 2 O Protract during the validity of the additional emergency tax on the final sale price of cigarettes, or until the sanction of the Federal Shareholders Act, which establishes article 75, paragraph 2, of the National Constitution, whichever occurs first, the distribution of the tax provided for in article 11 of Law 25,239, amending Law 24,625. ARTICLE 3o O The provisions of this Act shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall have an effect, in respect of article 1 or, for the imponible facts that are perfected as of 1 January 2011, inclusive. ARTICLE 4o O Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE FIFTH DAYS OF THE YEAR TWO MIL DIEZ.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.