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National Administration Arrangements - Updated Standard

Original Language Title: PRESUPUESTO ADMINISTRACION NACIONAL DISPOSICIONES - Texto actualizado de la norma

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Law 27591


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force




Chapter I

Budget of expenditure and resources of the national administration

Article 1 - Note in the sum of PESOS OCHO TRESCIENTS NOVENTA AND CUATRO MIL NOVENTS AND ANOTHER MILLONES OCHOCIENTS VEINTICINCO MIL CINCUENTA ($ 8,394,994.825.050) the total current and capital expenses of the General Budget of the National Administration for the year

Government Administration 403.987.556.695 63.370.455.407 467.358.012.102
Defence and Security Services 285.771.539.070 303.046.817.039
Social Services 5.153.849.583.848 411.865.257.058 5.565.714.840.906
Economic services 1.043.664.561.614 350.171.632.605 1.393.836.194.219
Public Debt 665.038.960.784 - 665.038.960.784
TOTAL 7.552.312.202.011 842.682.623.039 8.394.994.825.050

Article 2 - Delete in the sum of PESOS SEIS BILLONES NOVECIENTS AND A MIL TRESCIENTS OCHO MILLONES NEARINGS AND CINCO MIL QUINIENTS TREINTA AND UNO ($ 6,941,308,945,531) the continuation of the Plan of Corrientes and Capital of the National Administration indicates

Current resources 6.926.002.667.760
Capital resources 15.306.277.771
TOTAL 6.941.308.945.531

Article 3 - Note in the amount of PESOS A SEISCIENTS DIECINUEVE MIL DIECINUEVE MILLONES SETENTA MIL NOVECIENTS CUATRO ($ 1.619.019.070.904) the amounts corresponding to the figurative expenses for current transactions and of capital of the National Administration, thus establishing the amount of the financing for contributions in the same detail

Article 4° - As a result of the provisions of articles 1, 2nd and 3rd, the financial result is estimated in the sum of PESOS A BILLÓN CUATROCIENTS AND TRES MIL SEISCIENTS OCHENTA AND CINCO MILLONES SETENTA AND NUEVE MIL QUINIENTS DIECINUEVE ($ 1.4853). The following are the sources of financing and financial applications detailed in tables 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 annexed to this article:

Funding sources 6.452.853.848.969
- Decrease in Financial Investment 192.484.423.003
- Public Indebtedness and Increase of Other Liabilities 6.260.369.425.966
Financial applications 4.999.167.969.450
- Financial investment 581.497.926.409
- Debt amortization and decrease of other liabilities 4.417.670.043.041

Note in the amount of CINCUENT PESOS and a VEINTICUATRO MILLONES OCHOCIENTS SESENTA MIL OCHOCIENTS DIECISIETE ($ 51,124,860,817) the amount corresponding to figurative expenses for Financial Applications of the National Administration, thus establishing the Funding for National Financial Applications.

Article 5 - The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, through administrative decision, shall distribute the provisions of this Act at least at the level of the limits set out in the decision and the programmatic openings or equivalent categories it deems relevant.

In addition, the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers may determine the powers of budgetary restructuring in the framework of the powers assigned by the Ministry Act (Law 22,520, text ordered by decree 438/92) and its amendments.

Article 6 - Determine the total number of positions and hours chaired for each Jurisdiction and Entities of the National Administration, according to the detail in the table annexed to this article.

Increases may not be approved in the posts and chair hours exceeding the totals set in the tables annexed to this article.

Provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, by means of a well-founded decision and with the prior intervention of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, to increase the number of posts and hours detailed in the aforementioned annexed plans, in the framework of the requirements of the instruments arising from the approval of the organizational structures of the respective jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration,

In addition, the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, on the occasion of the distribution of the credits approved in this Act, shall make the allocation and distribution of all posts, occupied and vacancies for each Jurisdiction and Entities of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER.

To this end and for the purpose of the orderly budget execution and the monitoring of the evolution of the respects, the Jurisdictions and Entities shall refer to the SECRETARY OF HACIENDA the information corresponding to the totality of the plants and the recruitment of personnel, with the periodicity to be determined in due course by the Chief of Staff of Ministers.

Except for the limitation set forth in the second paragraph of this article to transfers of charges between jurisdictions and/or decentralized agencies and the charges for the higher authorities of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, the NATIONAL SYSTEM OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY ENNOVATION, determined by the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation, 25,467, of the regimes that determine incorporations of agents that complete specific training courses for the armed forces, security, the Air Security Police, the Foreign Service, the Governmental Administrators Corps and the National Guards Corps and those corresponding to the executive functions of the Collective Labour Agreement.

Article 7 - The jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration shall not be able to fill the vacant posts existing at the date of the entry into force of this law, nor those that occur subsequently, without the prior authorization of the Chief of Staff of Ministers. The administrative decisions issued in this regard shall be effective during the present fiscal period and the following for cases where authorized vacancies could not be filled.

The above-mentioned positions of the senior authorities of the National Administration, the scientific and technical staff of the agencies set out in article 14 (a) of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation, 25,467, those of the officials of the Active Permanent Body of the Foreign Service of the Nation and the executive functions of the Collective Labour Convention on the Sectoral Work of the National Public Employment System (SI.N.E. 20).

Article 8: Authorize the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, after the intervention of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, to introduce extensions to the budgetary credits approved by this law and to establish their distribution, to the extent that they are financed with increased sources of financing originating in loans from international financial agencies to which the Nation forms part and/or originates in bilateral credits that are in operation or that they have the required authorization of the capital.

Article 9 - The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, after the intervention of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY, may have extensions in the budgetary provisions of the Central Administration, the Decentralised Agencies and Social Security Institutions, and their corresponding distribution, financed with increased resources with specific impact, own resources, transfers of entities of the National Public Sector, donations and remnants of previous periods of specific duty by law.

Article 10.- The powers granted by this law to the Chief of Staff of Ministers may be assumed by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, in his capacity as political head of the general administration of the country, and in accordance with article 99, paragraph 10, of the National Constitution.

Chapter II

Standards on expenditure

Article 11. Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of the Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems Act, 24,1556 and its amendments, the hiring of works or acquisition of goods and services whose execution period exceeds the Financial Exercise 2021 in accordance with the detail in the tables annexed to this article.

Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers with the incorporation of the procurement or acquisition of goods and services to the extent that they are financed from the powers provided for in Articles 8 and 9 of this Law.

In addition, the Chief of Staff of Ministers shall make the necessary compensation within the budgetary provisions approved by this Act for the purpose of providing for the financing of the execution of the detailed works in the annex 2 table to this article.

Article 12.- Please see as a credit for financing the operating expenses, investment and special programs of the national universities the sum of VEINTICINCO MIL DOSCIENTS CINCUENTA MILLONES DOSCIENTOS NOVENTA and CUATRO MIL QUINIENTS NOVENTA and CINCO ($ 225,150,294.595), according to the detail of the annexed plan.

Please provide that the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers shall make in addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph the distribution in the table annexed to this article.

National universities should submit to the MINISTERY OF EDUCATION the information necessary to assign, execute and evaluate the resources that are transferred to them in any way.

The Ministry may terminate transfers of funds in the event of non-compliance with such information in time and form.

The budget approved by each university for fiscal year should indicate the functional classification of Education, Health and Science and Technical. Budget and accounting execution as well as the investment account should also consider the functional sorter.

The teaching and non-teaching staff plants on which wage increases will be applied in the year 2021 will be the ones in force for the month of November 2020, except for the increases in the plants approved and authorized by the UNIVERSITARY POLICY SECRETARY, as established by the MINISTERY OF EDUCATION.

Article 13.- Restate the validity of the NATIONAL FUND OF DOCENT INCENTIVE, created by law 25.053 and its modifications, by the end of UN (1) year from 1 January 2021.

Article 14.- Please note the validity for the fiscal year 2021 of article 7 of the law 26.075, in accordance with the provisions of articles 9 and 11 of the National Education Act, 26,206 and its amendments, taking into account the purposes, objectives and goals of the national educational policy and ensuring the automatic distribution of resources to the ministries of Education or equivalent agencies of the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and to the municipalities strictly non-observations.

Article 15.- SEENTS Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Article 16.- During the present period, the sum of PESOS TRES MIL CIENTO CINCUENTA MILLONES ($ as a contribution to the NATIONAL FUND OF EMPLEO (FNE) for the attention of the employment programmes of the MINISTERY OF WORK, EMPLEO AND SOCIAL SECURITY.

Article 17.- The NATIONAL STATE takes over the obligations generated in the MAYORIST MERCATE (MEM) by application of resolution 406 of the ENERGY SECRETARY, then dependent on the former FEDERAL PLANNING MINISTERY, PUBLIC INVERSION AND SERVICES, dated 8 September 2003,

In the case of surpluses generated by the HIDROELÉCTRICO COMPLEY of GREAT SOURCE referred to in the previous paragraph, transfers of such funds - including those derived from economic transactions made after 31 December 2021 - shall be deposited monthly and automatically, from 1 to 10 of each month, in the accounts for the Special Fund of Large Balance, on the basis of the calculations generated by the previous month The transfers indicated will be made through the ARGENTINA NATION BANCO, an entity that will not receive any retribution of any species for the services it provides under this article.

Article 18.- To join the National Fund for the Enrichment and Conservation of Native Forests, pursuant to article 31 of the Law on Minimum Budgets for the Environmental Protection of Native Forests, 26.331, an amount of PESOS MIL DOSCIENTOS DOCE MILLONES CUATROCIENTS MIL ($ 1,212,415,000) and for the National Programme for the Protection of Forests.

Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, following the intervention of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, to extend the amounts set out in the preceding paragraph, within the framework of the above-mentioned Act, and to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

The funds allocated shall be distributed in such a way as to comply with the provisions of the Law on Minimum Budgets for the Environmental Protection of Native Forests, 26,331 (arts. 32 and 35) and its regulatory decree (91/2009), between the authorities for the implementation of that law and on the basis of COFEMA resolution 277/2014.

Article 19.- The forecasts contained in articles 2 and 3 of the Act 25,152 and their amendments are left without effect for Exercise 2021.

Article 20. The application of articles 10, 10 bis, 10 ter, 10 quáter, 17, 18 bis, 20, 22 and 31 bis of the Federal Regime for Fiscal Responsibility and its amendments shall be suspended for the Exercises 2020 and 2021.

Article 21.- The limitations contained in article 12 and the first paragraph of article 21 of the Act 25,917 and its amendments, regarding the indebtedness of all the jurisdictions participating in the Federal Fiscal Responsibility Regime, are suspended for the year 2020.

Article 22.- Replace article 4 of Act 27,428 amending article 7 of Act No. 25,917 of the Federal Regime on Fiscal Responsibility and Good Government Practices with the following:

Article 7: Each province, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the national government will publish on their website the Annual Budget — once approved, or in default, the extended budget, until it is approved — and the projections of the Multi-year Budget, after submitted to the corresponding legislatures, and the Annual Investment Account. With a withdrawal of UN (1) quarter, they will disseminate quarterly information on the budget execution (access and cash base), of the expenditure (accessed) classified according to purpose and function, of the stock of public debt, including the floating one, as well as the multilateral financing programmes, and of the payment of services, detailing in these three (3) last cases the type of creditor. To this end, and with the aim of contributing to the conduct of fiscal statistics in line with those established by international standards, methodological criteria will be used consistent with those set out in Act No. 24,156 and amendments, through the application of the budgetary classifications referred to in Article 4. Information will also be provided on the level of occupation of the public sector as at 31 December and as at 30 June each year with a withdrawal of UN (1) trimester, totalling the permanent and temporary staff plant and contracted personnel, including projects funded by multilateral credit agencies. The above detailed information should be forwarded to the FEDERAL COUNCIL of FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, to the MINISTERY of the INTERIOR and to the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, the latter having to publish it on its website.

Chapter III

Resource standards

Article 23.- Dispose the income as a contribution to the National Treasury of the sum of PESOS TRES MIL OCHOCIENTS DIEZ MILLONES CUARENTA y DOS MIL ($ 3,810,042,000) according to the distribution indicated in the table annexed to this article. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall establish the schedule of payments.

Article 24. Note in the sum of VEINTICAL NOVECIENTY PESOS ($ 924,477,000) the amount of the nuclear regulatory rate as set out in the first paragraph of Article 26 of the National Act on Nuclear Activity, 24,804 and its amendment.

Article 25.- Protract for Exercise 2021 the provisions of Article 22 of Law 27.467.

Article 26.- Please provide the Chief of Staff of Ministers to incorporate into the scope of the Financial Administrative Services 326 - Argentine Federal Police, 375 - Argentine National Gendarmerie, 380 - Argentina Naval Prefecture and 382 - Air Security Police, all of them dependent on the MINISTERIO DE SECURITY, the resources derived from the tariffs and services that are perceived by the activities carried out by the training institutes, the same resources. They will be destined to finance teaching, research, university outreach and strengthening and institutional development activities of university institutes of such forces.

Article 27.- Replace article 10 of the decree of necessity and urgency 1382 of 9 August 2012, which shall read as follows:

Article 10: The operational resources of the STATE BIENES ADMINISTRATION AGENCE shall be as follows:

(1) Budget allocations allocated by the National Budget Act or special laws.

(2) Donations, non-refundable contributions and legacies you receive and accept.

(3) Interests and benefits resulting from the management of their own funds and/or assets.

(4) The percentage affected by Article 15 of the present, by the provision and/or administration of the real estate of the NATIONAL STATE or of the confiscated property and/or subject to the extinction of domain.

(5) The tariffs, rates and commissions to be determined by the STATE ADMINISTRATION ANNEX for the provision to third parties of specific, effective and individualized administrative and technical services, whose quantum may not exceed the TWO TWO (2%) of the value of the good.

6) Any other income not provided for in the preceding paragraphs, from the management of the agency.

The collection under subparagraphs 4 and 5 will be limited to the fulfilment of the objectives of the STATE EAST, including the financing of its current expenditures.

Article 28.- Replace article 15 of the decree of necessity and urgency 1382 of 9 August 2012, which shall read as follows:

Article 15: Income from the alienation of the properties subject to this measure, from the constitution, transfer, modification or extinction of other real or personal rights on the same and of locations, assignments or transfers of their use, shall be affected a SETENMENT FOR SCIENTY (70%) in favor of the budgetary jurisdiction or entity that stops its effective custody under Article 17 of the present, the VEINTE FOR SCIENTA (20%

The balances of such unexpended resources at the end of each period by the jurisdictions or entities referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be transferred to subsequent periods.

The National Treasury shall authorize the opening of a collection account for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of this article. Default any other general or special rule that is contrary to the present.

In the event that the legal acts provided for in paragraph 1 occur within the framework of operations carried out through trusts or urban agreements concluded between the STATE ADMINISTRATION AUTHORATION and the local jurisdictions where the properties are located, allow it to apply the highest value obtained by the change of zoning and/or urban provision and/or other provisions for the improvement of the buildings,

Chapter IV

Tax quotas

Article 29.- Apply for Exercise 2021 a tax quota of PESOS DIECIOCHO MIL QUINIENTS MILLONES ($ 18.500.000.000) to be assigned to the promotional benefits provided for in Article 9 of Law 26.190 and its amendments. The enforcement authority of such a regulatory regime shall assign the tax quota in accordance with the procedure established for that purpose. Such promotional benefits shall be applied in pesos, as established by the implementing authority. Without prejudice to the above provisions, the unearmarked balance of the fiscal quota budgeted by article 1 of Decree 882 of 21 July 2016 shall be automatically transferred to Exercise 2021, by article 25 of Law 27.341, article 23 of Law 27,431 and article 26 of Law 27,467.

Article 30.- Please note that for Exercise 2021 a tax quota of PESOS TRESCIENTOS MILLONES ($300,000.000) to be assigned to the promotional benefits provided for in Article 28 of the Act on the Promotion of Distributed Generation of Renewable Energy Integrated to the Public Electric Network, 27,424. The enforcement authority of the aforementioned law shall assign the tax quota in accordance with the procedure established for that purpose.

Article 31.- Note for Exercise 2021 the annual quota referred to in Article 3 of Law 22,317, in the sum of PESOS MIL CINCUENTS MILLONES ($ 1,450,000,000), according to the following detail:

(a) PESOS QUINIENTS MILLONES ($ 500,000) for the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION, an organism deconcentrated in the area of the MINISTERY of EDUCATION.



Article 32. Please note the annual quota set out in Article 9 (b) of Law 23.877, as amended by Law 27.430, in the amount of PESOS DOS MIL MILLONES ($2,000.000.000). The MINISTERY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY and INNOVATION will distribute the quota allocated for the established operator in order to contribute to the financing of the costs of the implementation of research and development projects in priority areas and to finance projects under the Program for the Promotion of the Investment of Risk Capital in Businesses of the Areas of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation as set out in Decree 1207 of 12 September 2006.

Article 33.- Please note that for Exercise 2021 a tax quota of MILLONES SHOPS ($280,000) to be assigned to the promotional benefits provided for in Articles 6 and 7 of the Law on the Promotion of the Development and Production of Modern Biotechnology, 26,270. The enforcement authority of the aforementioned law shall assign the tax quota in accordance with the procedure established for that purpose.

Article 34. Please note that for Exercise 2021 a tax quota of PESOS TRES MIL QUINIENTS MILLONES ($ 3,500,000.000) to be assigned to the tax benefits provided for in Article 97 of Law 27,467.

Article 35. Please provide that the regime established in the first article without a number incorporated after article 24 of the Added Value Tax Act, a text ordered in 1997, and its modifications, shall operate with a maximum annual limit of PESOS QUINCE MIL MILLONES ($ 15.000.000,000), in order to meet the erogations required by the applications filed in the year 2021, in accordance with the allocation mechanism to be established by MINISCONOMTER

Chapter V

Cancellation of debts of forecast origin

Article 36.- SETTLEMENTAL AND SETTLEMENTAL SYSTEMS ($ 91,277,000.000) for the payment of assessed debts recognized at the judicial and administrative headquarters and those forecasting debts set out in the transactional agreements concluded under Act No. 27,260, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) and (b)

(Note Infoleg: by art. 10 Decree No. 809/2021 BLACKING 26/11/2021 is reduced to the amount of PESOS DOCE MIL MILLONES ($ 12,000.000) the limit set out in this article, for the payment of previsional debts recognized in judicial and administrative headquarters and those forecasting debts set out in the transactional agreements concluded under Act No. 27,260, in accordance with the provisions of the Act No. to be determined in the sum of SETENTA PESOS and NUEVE MIL DOSCIENTS SETENTA AND ALSO MILLONES ($ 79,277,000.000).)

Article 37.- Authorize the Chief of Staff of Ministers, following the intervention of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, to extend the amount established in article 36 of the present law for the cancellation of the previsional debts recognized at the judicial and administrative headquarters and those forecast debts established in the transactional agreements concluded under the law 27,260, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this article.

Article 38. The sum of TREINTA PESOS and NUEVE MIL TRESCIENTS VEINTINUEVE MILLONES CUATROCIENTS SESENTA AND SEIS MIL ($ 39.329.466,000) for the payment of previsional debts recognized in judicial headquarters by the appropriate party to pay in cash for all purposes, as a result of the following Federal security arrangements

Financial Aid Institute for Retirement and Military Pensions $365,416,000
Retirement and Pension Fund of the Federal Police Argentina $2,964,060,000

Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to extend the limit set out in this article for the cancellation of forecasted debts, recognized in judicial and administrative headquarters as a result of retroactives arising from adjustments made to the benefits of retired and pensioned members of the armed forces and the security forces, where the fulfilment of those obligations so requires.

Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this article.

Article 39. The agencies referred to in article 38 of this Act shall observe for the cancellation of the forecast debts the strict priority order set out below:

(a) Judgements notified in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment;

(b) Judgements notified in 2021.

In the first case, older beneficiaries will be given priority. Exhausted judgements reported in periods prior to the year 2021 shall be served by those included in subparagraph (b) of this article, strictly respecting the chronological order of notification of final judgements.

Chapter VI

Retirement and pensions

Article 40. Please note that during the exercise of this law, the participation of the FINANCIAL HEALTH INSTITUTE FOR RETIRE PAYMENTS AND MILITARY PENSIONS, a decentralized agency within the scope of the DEFENSA MINISTERY, referred to in articles 18 and 19 of the Law 22,919 and its modifications, may not be less than the compensation of the pensions (46 per cent)

Article 41.- Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity, the pensions granted under the law 13.337 that had expired or expired during the present period.

Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the ex gratia pensions that were granted by law 26.546 and their modifications.


(a) Not to be the beneficiary of an immovable property whose tax valuation is equivalent to or greater than PESOS DOSCIENTA CINCUENTA MIL ($250,000);

(b) Do not link up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity with the requesting legislator;

(c) The amount equivalent to UNA (1) minimum retirement of the ARGENTINO PREVISIONAL INTEGRADE INTEGRADE SYSTEM (SIPA) cannot be exceeded individually or cumulatively and will be compatible with any other income provided that the total amount of the latter does not exceed DOS (2) minimum retirements of the said system.

In cases where the beneficiaries are minors, with the exception of those with different capacities, incompatibility will be evaluated with respect to their parents, when both live with the minor. In the case of parents who have been divorced, divorced or abandoned from the home, incompatibilities will only be evaluated with respect to the parent or parent who cohabits with the beneficiary.

In all cases of extensions referred to in this article, the implementing authority shall maintain the continuity of benefits until the above-mentioned incompatibility is thoroughly verified. In no case shall the payments of benefits be suspended without prior notice or intimation to meet the formal requirements required.

Ex gratia pensions that have been paid off by any of the grounds of incompatibility shall be rehabilitated once the grounds that have led to their extinction have ceased, provided that the aforementioned incompatibilitys cease to exist within the time limit set by the law that granted them.

Chapter VII

Public credit operations

Article 42. Authorize, in accordance with the provisions of article 60 of the Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems Act, 24,156 and its amendments, the entities mentioned in the table annexed to this article to carry out public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the said table.

In the event of operations that are implemented through bond or letter emissions, the amounts indicated in the said table correspond to actual placement values. When operations are implemented through the subscription of loans, these values correspond to the total amount of the loan, as a result of the signed agreements. The use of this authorization must be informed, on a quarterly basis, in a fruitful and detailed manner to both Houses of the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF the NATION.

The body responsible for the coordination of financial administration systems will conduct public credit operations for the central administration.

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY may make modifications to the characteristics detailed in the said plan, always within the total amount and destination of the financing set therein, for the purpose of adapting them to the possibilities of obtaining financing, which should be reported in the same way and manner as set out in the second paragraph of this article.

Article 43.- Authorize the body responsible for the coordination of the financial administration systems to issue letters of the Treasury to reach an amount in circulation of nominal value of PESOS A BILLÓN QUINIENTS MIL MILLONES (V.N. $1,500,000.000) or its equivalent in other currencies, to comply with the operations provided for in the financial program. These letters shall be refunded in the same financial period in which they are issued.

(Note Infoleg: by art. 3rd Decree No. 489/2021 B.O. 5/8/2021 is extended in the amount of PESOS VALOR NOMINAL SESENTA MIL CUATROCIENTS ($VN 60,400.000.000) the authorization to issue Letters of the Treasury refundable during the year 2021, provided for in this article. )

Article 44. Note in the amount of TREENTY SCIENTY AND DOS MIL MILLONES ($ 132,000.000) and in the amount of SCIENTY SCIENTE MIL MILLONES ($ 120.000.000) the maximum amount of authorization to the General TESORY of the NATION dependent on the SUBSECRETAR

Article 45.- Maintain during Exercise 2021 the suspension provided for in Article 1 of Decree 493 of 20 April 2004.

Article 46. Refer to the deferral of payments of the public debt services of the National Government provided for in article 37 of Law 27.431 until the completion of the process of restructuring the totality of the public debt originally contracted prior to 31 December 2001 or by rules issued prior to that date.

Article 47.- Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, through the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, to continue with the normalization of the services of the public debt referred to in article 46 of this law, in the terms of article 65 of the Financial Administration and National Public Sector Control Systems Act, 24,156 and its amendments or of the law 27,249 on the Standardization of Public Debt and to carry out the necessary completion of the negotiations

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY will semesterly inform the HONORABLE CONGRESS of the NATION, the advance of the trafficking and the agreements to which it is arrived during the negotiation process, which will be sent in digital support.

This report should incorporate an updated database identifying the agreements reached, the judicial or arbitral proceedings completed, the amounts of capital and amounts cancelled or canceled in each agreement and the level of enforcement of the level of indebtedness granted through article 7 of Law 27,249 on the Standardization of Public Debt and Credit Recovery. Firm judicial pronouncements, issued against the provisions of Act No. 25.561, Decree No. 471 of 8 March 2002, and its supplementary rules, subject to such titles, are included in the dispute set out in article 46 of this Act.

Article 48. Please provide the body responsible for the coordination of the financial administration systems to grant endorsements of the NATIONAL TESORO for public credit operations in accordance with the detail provided in the table annexed to this article, and for the maximum amounts specified in it or its equivalent in other currencies, plus the amounts required to meet the payment of interest, which should be quantified at the time of the application of the aval.

Article 49.- Within the amount authorized for Jurisdiction 90 - Public Debt Service, the sum of MILLONES SCIENTY PESOS ($ 150,000) is included for the care of the debts referred to in Article 7 (b) and (c) of Law 23.982.

Article 50.- Note in the amount of PESOS OCHO MIL SEISCIENTS MILLONES ($ 8.6 million) the maximum amount of placement of bonds of consolidation in all its existing series, for the payment of the obligations under Article 2 (f) of Law 25.152, those reached by Decree 1318 of 6 November 1998 and those referred to in Article 127 of the Law. The amounts indicated therein correspond to actual placement values. The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY may make modifications within the total amount set out in this article.

Article 51.- Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY to establish the financial conditions for the reimbursement of the debts of the provinces with the National Government resulting from the restructuring carried out by the NATIONAL STATE with the representatives of the creditor countries nucleated in the Paris Club for the refinancing of debts with arrears of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the payment of awards in the framework of arbitration. Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY to subscribe to the relevant bilateral agreements with the provinces involved.

Article 52.- Replace Article 7 (c) of Law 23.982 with the following:

(c) Provisions for damage to life, body or health of natural persons or for unlawful deprivation of liberty or damage to things that constitute work or housing elements of the survivor to the amount equivalent of UN (1) year of minimum retirement per person and for the sole time.

Article 53.- Replace article 133 of Law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2014), with the following:

Article 133: The state of property that is considered a state of liquidation of entities, agencies, companies and/or state societies declared or declared in a state of liquidation or dissolution within the framework of the State Reform process, as provided for in Decree 1836 of 14 October 1994, shall replace the balance sheets for the period between the last audited balance and the date of the state of heritage.

The final liquidation of the agencies or companies will occur with the dictation of the resolution, which, under decrees 2148 of 19 October 1993 and 1836 of 14 October 1994, provides for the closure of the respective liquidating processes.

The resolutions emanating from the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY in exercise of the powers granted by Decree 1836/94, in order to enable the process of liquidation and closure of the entities in that state, shall be transcribed in the books of respective assembly records or their equivalents and shall constitute sufficient documentation for all their effects.

The legal entity of the entities or agencies of the NATIONAL STATE whose closure is made available after the dictation of this law shall be extinguished at the NOVTA (90) days from the date of publication of the act that resolved its closure.

The balances of accounts to be receivable and to pay outstanding will be transferred to the MINISTRY OF HACIENDA.

The consolidated debt requisitioning forms pursuant to Law 23.982 and Article 13 of Chapter V of Law 25,344 and their supplements, originated in judicial recognitions, with firm and consented liquidation, shall be controlled and intervened exclusively by the Internal Audit Unit when their amount does not exceed the amount equivalent to CIENTO OCHENTA and OCHO (188) modules provided for in Article 4 of the Decree. In cases where this amount is greater than that amount, the aforementioned forms will be intervened by the General SINDICATURA OF NATION, a decentralized agency of the NATION PRESIDENCE.

Article 54.- Replace article 38 of Law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (t. 2014), with the following:

Article 38: Provide the MINISTERY of ECONOMY to provide for the total or partial cancellation of the debts that the National Administration and Residual Entities and Jurisdictions in the liquidation of privatized companies, maintain with the NATIONAL STATE originated by the delivery of Consolidation Bonuses and Consolidation Bonuses of Previsional Debts by supplementary law 23.982, chapter V

Chapter VIII

Trust funds

Article 55.- Appropriate for this Exercise, in accordance with the working detail in the table annexed to this article, financial flows and the use of trust funds totally or mainly composed of goods and/or funds of the NATIONAL STATE. The Chief of Staff of Ministers shall submit quarterly reports to both Houses of the HONORABLE CONGRESS of the NATION on the flow and use of trust funds, including transfers made and works executed and/or programmed, as well as all operations carried out with financial sources and applications. The information mentioned above shall be submitted individually for each of the existing trust funds.

Chapter IX

Relations with the provinces

Article 56.- Please note that, as a budgetary provision for transfers to provincial previsional funds of the National Social Security Assistance (ANSeS), the amount of SESENTA MIL QUINIENTS SESENTA AND FOUR SETECIENTS MIL ($ 60,564,700.000), to finance current expenses within the Program Transfers and Contributions to Social Security, Provincialized Funds (Paragraph replaced by art. 9° Decree No. 809/2021 B.O. 26/11/2021)

NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SECURITY SOCIAL (ANSES) will transfer monthly to the provinces that did not transfer their forecast regimes to the NATIONAL STATE, as an advance to account, of the final result of the provincial forecast system, the equivalent of a twelfth part of the last total amount of the deficit – provisional or final – determined in accordance with Decree 730 of 8 August 2018 and its complementary and/or modifying rules. The NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY (ANSES) will be responsible for determining the total amounts to be transferred to each province.

Article 57.- Except as provided for in articles 7 and 10 of Law 23,928 and their amendments to the financial assistance agreements granted by the Trust Fund for Provincial Development to the Provincial Jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Article 58.- Please refer to the MINISTERY OF INTERIOR, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to condone the interest debts owed by the municipalities in the context of the programmes in a timely manner agreed to with the Ministry and originate from transfers made to finance current or capital expenditures.

The authority conferred in the preceding paragraph may be exercised within the time limit of CIENTO OCHENTA (180) days from the publication of the present paragraph; it shall apply to interest earned until the dictation of the relevant administrative act by the competent authority and shall be subject to payment of the capital owed in each case.

Chapter X

Tax policy and administration

Article 59.- Explain the tax on liquid fuels and carbon dioxide tax, provided for in chapters I and II of Title III of Law 23,966 orderly text 1998 and its modifications, to the imports of diesel and diesel oil and their sale in the domestic market, carried out during the year 2021, in order to compensate the peaks of demand for such fuels, which could not be satisfied by local production, destined to the supply of the electricity market.

Authorize to import under the present regime for the year 2021, the volume of MIL METROS CUBLIC OCHOCIENTS (800.000 m3), according to the assessment of their need and prior authorization made by the MINISTERY OF ENERGY SECRETARY.

The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, through the agencies it deems appropriate, will distribute the quota in accordance with the regulations it dictates in this respect, having to refer to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF the NATION, in a quarterly manner, the relevant report that must contain indication of the volumes authorized by the company and conditions of supply. In matters not regulated by the present regime, the provisions of Act 26,022 shall be supplemental and complementary.

(Note Infoleg: See art. 5o of the Decree No. 489/2021 B.O. 5/8/2021)

Article 60.- Explain the payment of import duties and any other tax, tax, contribution, rate or customs or port tariffs, of any nature or origin, as well as of the constitution of pre deposit, the vaccines and disposable imported by the MINISTERIO DE SALUD and/or the Revolving Fund of the Pan American Health Organization aimed at ensuring the coverage of vaccines provided for in Article 7.491.

Article 61.- Explain the payment for the added value tax that tax the import for the consumption of the goods referred to in the previous article.

Article 62.- The exemptions set out in articles 60 and 61 of this Act shall be of a transitional nature and shall apply to both the imports improved during the National Health Emergency and/or the Fiscal Exercise 2021 and to the goods which, at the date of entry into force of this Act, are in the customs territory pending nationalization.

Article 63.- Please note that under Article 10.24 of the Trade Agreement between the CHILE REPUBLIC and the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC signed on 2 November 2017, the international roaming service provided by mobile telephony service providers and the transmission of mobile data (in accordance with Chapter 10, “Telecommunications” of the Agreement) shall not be subject to the tax on the same value of the same services.

Without prejudice to this, suppliers of the international roaming service may compute against the added value tax that they ultimately owed for their encumbered operations, the added value tax that had been invoiced to them by their acquisitions or imports of goods, by works, locations and services, or that they should be entered by such acquisitions or imports, in all cases where they are effectively intended for the benefits covered in the previous paragraph, or at any stage in which they are eligible for.

The preceding provisions shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of entry into force of this law.

Article 64.- The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY shall be in charge of setting the interest rates to which articles 37 and 52 of the law 11.683 (ordered text 1998) and their amendments, as well as those of articles 794, 797, 811, 838, 845 and 924 of the Customs Code (law 22,415 and its amendments) and that applicable to both cases provided for in article 179 of the law.

Article 65.- Replace article 49 of Law 27,541 on Social Solidarity and Productive Reactivation in the Public Emergency Framework and its modifying and complementary standards, with the following:

Article 49: Please note that until 31 December 2021, in a THREE FOR SCIENTY (3%) the account of the statistical rate provided for in Article 762 of Law 22,415 (Customary Code) and its modifications, which shall apply to the definitive import exemptions for consumption, except those destinations recorded in the framework of the Preferential Agreements of Argentina. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER may provide for justifiable reasons, exemptions for the payment of the rate when it comes to a specific activity that is aimed, inter alia, at science, technology, innovation, promotion of economic development or employment generation.

The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall assign a TENSE FOR SCIENTIUM (10%) of the amount collected for the statistical rate contemplated in the previous paragraph to finance credit programs for investment and consumption, distributing that amount as follows: TREINTA FOR SCIENTY (30%) to strengthen the credit line of the BANCO of the NATIONAL TRADE, TREINTA FOR SCIENTI The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY and the MINISTERY OF INTERIOR, insofar as it is relevant to its competence, shall be the implementing authorities of the provisions of this paragraph, having the power to dictate the corresponding interpretative and complementary norms.

Chapter XI

Other provisions

Article 66.- Determine the value of the electoral module established in article 68 bis of Law 26,215 on the Financing of the Political Parties and its amendments, in the sum of PESOS VEINTE COMA CINCUENTA ($ 20,50).

Article 67.- Protract for UN (1) year the time limit provided for in article 69 of the Act 26.546.


The assets included in the preceding paragraph shall be exempt from the tax established by the Value Added Tax Act, which was ordered in 1997 and its amendments.

The goods imported with the benefits established by this article may not be transferred to third parties other than those identified in article 8 of the Financial Administration Act 24,156 and the National Public Sector Control Systems and their modifications by the term of CINCO (5) years counted from the date of their release to square and shall be affected exclusively to the destination taken into account for the granting of the benefits here granted, which shall be credited to

These benefits will govern for new or used goods that are shipped until 31 December 2021, inclusive, and will only be applicable if the national industry is not in a position to provide them, on which the MINISTERY of PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT should be issued.

Article 69.- Explain the payment of the import duties, the fees for port services, aeroports, of statistics and of proof that tax the import of capital goods and of goods for consumption - and their spare parts- that are acquired by EMPRESA ARGENTINA DE NAVEGACIÓN AÉREA S.E. (C.U.I.T. 30-715195-9) or INTERCARGO S. These imports will also be exempt from domestic taxes and the tax established by the Value Added Tax Act, which was ordered in 1997, and its amendments. These exemptions will only be applicable if the goods are new or used and the national industry is not in a position to provide them, on which the MINISTERY of PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT should be issued.

Explain the payment of the import right, the fees for port services, airports, statistics and checks that enliven the greatest value that, at the time of their reimport, have the goods that have temporarily exported INTERCARGO S.A.C. or EMPRESA ARGENTINA DE NAVEGACIÓN AÉREA S.E. for the purposes of their repair abroad.

All the benefits set out in this article will govern until 31 December 2021, including.

Article 70.- Explain the levy established by the Gain Tax Act, which was ordered in 2019, to the EMPRESS ARGENTINA AÉREA S.E. (C.U.I.T. 30-715195-9).

It also condons the payment of the debts, whatever the state in which they are, which would have been generated until the date of entry into force of this law by the company and in respect of the tribute mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The condonation reaches the capital owed, the recital and/or punitive interests and/or those provided for in article 168 of the law 11.683, ordained text 1998, and its amendments, fines and other penalties relating to the tax.

Article 71.- Extract from the payment of import duties that encumber imports for the consumption of port material - slips, buoys and other marking instruments, coast defence materials and springs, of the spare parts directly related to those goods, destined for investment projects for the strengthening and improvement of the port system of passengers and cargoes, which are acquired by the NACIONAL STATE, the provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. These imports will also be exempt from the tax established by the Value Added Tax Act, an orderly text 1997, and its amendments.

These exemptions will only be applicable if the goods are new and the national industry is not in a position to provide them, on which the MINISTERY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT should be issued. The benefits here will govern until December 31, 2021, even.

Article 72.- Prorrógase el Fondo de Compensation al Transporte Público de Passengers por automotor urbano y suburbano del interior de la país por la suma de PESOS VEINTIOCHO MIL MILLONES ($ 28,000.000.000). The Ministry of Transport will be responsible for establishing the distribution criteria. The provinces that adhere to that fund should, together with the transport companies, implement the single electronic ticket system.

(Article replaced by Article 2 of the Decree No. 809/2021 B.O. 26/11/2021)

Article 73.- Incorporate into the Public Transport Compensation Fund for passengers by urban and suburban automotive of the interior of the country extended by the previous article the sum of PESOS SEISCIENTOS MILLONES ($600,000.000) which will be specifically allocated to School Transport.

Article 74.- Replace article 44 of Law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2014), with the following:

Article 44: Payment orders issued by the Financial Administrative Services entering, or being informed by summaries forms, the Integrated Financial Information System (SIDIF), shall expire at the end of the period following the authorization.

Those payment orders that have had at least one partial payment in the year following the authorization, shall expire at the end of the period following the payment.

They are exempt from the expiry provided in the preceding paragraphs to payment orders issued and/or affected by the fulfilment of judicial obligations.

The expiry is administrative and does not imply the loss of rights by the creditor, to the extent that the legal requirement of the right has not been operated.

Article 75.- The total amount of the debt, by capital and regular interest and by payment is extinguished, that the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR JUBILADOS AND PENSIONADOS (INSSJP), in the National Public Sector within the scope of the MINISTERY OF HEALTH, is maintained by virtue of the loans provided in the framework of Articles 4 of Decree 975 of December 2016 and 675 of

Please refer to the HACIENDA SECRETARY of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY to perform the corresponding accounting records.

Article 76.- Prorrógase hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2021 el Decreto 668 del 27 de setiembre de 2019 y sus modtorios y, mientras Durre su vigencia, suspéndense las disposiciones del artículo 74 de la Ley 24.156 de Administración Financial y de los Sistemas de Control del Sector Público Nacional y sus modificación.

Article 77.- Please refer to article 56 of Act No. 27,467, which is incorporated by article 127 of the Act No. 27,467, as article No. 11,672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2014).

Article 78.- Please refer to article 121 of Act No. 27,467, which is incorporated by article 127 to Act No. 11,672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (T. 2014) and its amendments.

Article 79.- Replace Article 1 of Law 27,438 of Amendment of Law 26.912, Legal Regime for the Prevention and Control of Doping in Sport, with the following:

Article 1: The National Antidoping Commission shall act within the scope of the MINISTERY OF TOURISM AND DEPORTS or in the agency that replaces it in the future.

Article 80.- Condon the debts of the provinces, of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and of the municipalities with the NATIONAL STATE originated in the framework of the National Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment Programs left without effect by article 1 of resolution 122 of 15 March 2017 of the former MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR, ARTWORKS AND VI TERRVIENDA, in the portion that exceeds the claims And HABITAT derived from the implementation agreements of such programmes.

Article 81.- Default of the article without the number of the law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (t. 2014) and its amendments, corresponding to article 105 of the Act 27.431, incorporated by article 125 of the Act 27.431.

Article 82.- Refer to the balances available in the Administration Trust, constituted by Article 4 of Decree 908 of 2 August 2016 for the financing of the Universal Health Coverage Strategy (CUS) as provided for in Article 2 of the Decree, to the Emergency Fund and Assistance of Health Insurance Agents described in Article 1 of Law 23,660 and its amendments and 6 of the Decree itself.

Article 83.- Please note that the obligations arising from decisions and/or awards of the International Centre for Settlements of Investment Disputes (ICSID) that correspond to the National Administration Budget will be charged as financial applications in the corresponding Exercise.

Article 84.- Please note that for the Exercise 2021 an allocation of PESOS DOCE MIL QUINIENTOS MILLONES ($ 12,500,000) in favor of the Province of La Rioja, and PESOS QUINIENTOS MILLONES ($ 500,000.000) in favor of the municipalities of the said province.

The sum of PESOS DOSCIENTS CINCUENTA MILLONES ($ 250,000.000) will be allocated to the city of La Rioja and the remaining amount will be distributed among the rest of the municipalities of the province according to the following criterion:

(a) SESENT BY SCIENTY (60%) according to the index of unsatisfied basic needs;

(b) ACCOUNT BY SCIENTA (40%) according to the population.

Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers with the necessary budgetary changes in order to comply with this article.

Please note that the CIEN BY SCIENTY (100%) of the amounts mentioned in the first paragraph will be transferred to DOCE (12) monthly and equivalent assessments.

Article 85.- Replace article 87 of Law 11.672 of the Permanent Budget Supplementary (t. 2014) which shall be read as follows:

Article 87: All jurisdictions and entities of the NATIONAL PUBLIC SECTOR, defined in the terms of article 8 (a), (b) and (c) of Financial Administration Act No. 24,156 and the National Public Sector Control Systems and their modifications, which obtain profits in their economic management, shall provide for such benefits the amounts to be determined by the Chief of Staff of the Minister, with the purpose of the operation.

The amounts collected and those collected in the future for such concepts will enter General Rents.

Defrost any provision as soon as it opposes the provisions of this article.

Article 86.- Protract the validity of decrees 668 of 27 September 2019 and 346 of 5 April 2020, as well as the suspension to the implementation of the third paragraph of article 74 (a) of Law 24,241, until 31 December 2021.

Payments of interest services and capital amortizations of letters issued in the framework of the rules mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be replaced, at the date of their expiry, by new public titles whose conditions shall be defined, together, by the SECRETARY OF FINZAANS and the SECRETARY OF HACIENDA, both dependent on the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY.

Article 87.- Please note, with respect to outstanding obligations with CAMMESA and/or the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA (MEM) for the debts of the electrical energy distributors, whether for energy consumption, power, interest and/or penalties, accumulated as at 30 September 2020 a special regime of regularization of obligations, under the conditions established by the implementing authority.

The regime of regularization of obligations should establish differentiated criteria for which it should consider the origin and trajectory of the debt of each of the distributors, the average social situation of its users and users and prioritize the attainment of an equivalent degree of development between regions, provinces and municipalities and the best impact on the public service.

The criteria may contemplate different alternatives, considering the guidelines mentioned above, and may recognize credits equivalent to up to CINCO (5) times the average monthly invoice of the last year or SESENTA and SEIS BY SCIENTO (66%) of the existing debt. The remaining debt must be regulated by a payment plan with a period of up to SESENTA (60) monthly fees, up to SEIS (6) months of grace and an equivalent interest rate of up to CINCUENTA per SCIENTA (50%) of the one in force in the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA. Credits will be made effective within the framework of the debt regularization agreement with CAMMESA.

In addition, in accordance with their obligations and responsibilities, it may be agreed to implement different mechanisms that promote investment implementation in order to improve the quality of service or to promote a reduction in the debts of users in economic vulnerability.

The application authority may reach regularization agreements in particular with each of the distributors.

Electric power distributors agents of the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA will be obliged to transfer the conditions granted by this article to the cooperative electrical energy distributors that are not agents of the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA and to those who supply them the energy and power in block, acquired from the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA for their subsequent distribution to the end users. In the event that this is not possible, the application authority will determine the mode of instrumentation of the transfer of the credit and/or payment plan granted by this article to the distributor cooperatives not agents of the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA.

Please find a special credit system for those distributors, administrations or provincial electrical energy distributors, regardless of their legal organization, that as of September 30, 2020 they do not have debt or their level of debt is considered within reasonable values with CAMMESA and/or the MERCADO ELÉCTRICO MAYORISTA. Such credits will be equivalent to CINCO (5) times the average monthly invoice of the last year (2020), which may be used by the provincial authorities to benefit users and consumers of the public electricity service, to the automatic cancellation of payment obligations with CAMMESA and/or to investment in infrastructure works in electricity that will allow improvement in the quality or expansion of the service in their respective jurisdictions.

Designate as authority of application to the ENERGY SECRETARY and enable it to dictate the necessary rules for the fulfilment of the provisions of this article, with the same differentiated criteria as provided for in this article, to determine, apply and recognize in this exercise the credit recognized by article 15 of the Law 27.341, payments whose instrumentation shall be made in accordance with the EMINISIO DETER modalities, instruments and/or titles.

Article 88.- Appropriations detailed in the table annexed to this article for Exercise 2021. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers at the time of compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of this Law shall make appropriate reassignments to incorporate the allocations made in the budget.

Article 89.- The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY, through the ENERGY SECRETARY, will regulate the bases and conditions for granting incentives to the producing companies that comply with the requirements and parameters established in the framework of the plans of incentive to the production and investment in the extraction of natural gas that implements the SECRETARIA DE ENERGÍA, through the payment of a compensation and the issuance of certificates of tax

The FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC INCOME shall regulate the provisions of the preceding paragraph by establishing the procedure necessary for the application of the Tax Credit Certificates issued in electronic form and in foreign currency, which shall be converted to legal currency to the type of purchaser exchange according to the quote of the ARGENTIN NATION BANCO at the end of the day prior to its effective use.

The Tax Credit Certificates issued in favour of the producing companies shall be for up to the amount of the compensations they have the right to receive in the framework of the plans of incentive to the production and investment in the extraction of natural gas that implements the ENERGY SECRETARY and may be used by the companies if the payment period of the compensations has expired without those being cancelled.

The compensation referred to in this article shall be charged with the income tax, in accordance with the provisions of the fourth paragraph of article 24 (a) of the Gain Tax Act, which was ordered in 2019 and its amendments and its statutory rule.

Article 90.- The JEFATURA DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS will provide the budgetary adjustments corresponding to the amount of the Tax Credit Certificates, to the extent of their effective use, and in particular those necessary to compensate the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, for the amounts corresponding to them for the decrease of shareable resources under the cancelled tax credits, in accordance with the terms of the Federal Taxation Scheme.

Article 91.- Leave without effect the decree issued in general agreement of Ministers 1053 of 15 November 2018, beginning with the sanction of this law.

Article 92.- Replace article 17 of Law 27,428 of the Federal Regime for Fiscal Responsibility and Good Practices of Government with the following:

Article 25: The provincial governments, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the municipalities to access debt operations and grant guarantees and guarantees, shall raise the record and documentation for the MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR, which together with the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA will carry out an analysis to authorize such operations in accordance with the principles of this law.

In the case of indebtedness of the municipalities, the provinces will coordinate with the national government and with their respective municipalities the actions to promote such authorizations.

Article 93.- Please note, with respect to the outstanding obligations for the penalty applied by the National Transport Regulation Commission, accumulated as at 31 December 2020, a special regime for the regularization of obligations under conditions established by the implementing authority.

The funds from that regime, as well as the amounts entered by the application of penalties from the date indicated in the preceding paragraph, shall be received by the National Commission on Transport Regulation.

Article 94.- Replace article 3 of Act No. 17.233 and its amendments, which shall read as follows:

Article 3: The National Rate of Control of Transport by Passenger Motor is fixed between PESOS ONCE MIL TRESCIENTS CUARENTA ($ 11.340) and PESOS VEINTICUATRO MIL CIENTO VEINTE ($ 24.120), for each unit affected to the exploitation of the services mentioned in Article 2.

Article 95.- Incorporate the National Transport Fund established by Article 1 of Law 17.233 and its amendments, and by the end of TEN (10) years, a mandatory contribution of the CERO COMA CINCO BY SCIENTO (0.5%) on the automotive insurance premiums for the policies contracted with insurance entities on all vehicles affected to passenger transport services of national jurisdiction.

Article 96.- The National Rate of Control of Passenger Carriage and the Compulsory Contribution of Article 95 shall be received by the National Commission for Regulation of Transport.

Article 97.- Please note that for the taxable facts that are perfected from the publication of this law in the Official Gazette, that the account of the Tax on Credits and Debits in Banking Accounts and Other Operators of the Law 25,413 and its modifications will be of the DOS with CENTÉS per MIL (2,5 per cent)

For the purposes of the use of the benefit provided for in the preceding paragraph, the subjects mentioned therein shall be registered in the registry which, for that purpose, establishes the FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC INCOME, an auto-archic entity within the scope of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY.

Article 98.- Exempt the payment of the import duties, of the port services, aeroports, of statistics and of check and of the Attached Value Tax, text ordered in 1997 and its modifications, that tax the import for the consumption of the goods that are acquired by AGUA and SAINTS ARGENTIN SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (C.U.I.T. 30-709565)

All the benefits set out in this article will govern until 31 December 2021, including.

Article 99.- Incorporate article 80 bis to the Regulatory Framework for the Concession of the Drinking Water and Cloacale Disposal Services approved as annex 2 by article 6 of Law 26,221, which shall be drafted as follows:

Article 80 bis: The actions aimed at obtaining the collection of debts originating from the provision of public services by the concessionaire prescribe the CINCO (5) years.

Article 100.- Amend subparagraphs (c), (f) and last paragraph of Article 6 of Decree-Law 1224/58, as amended by Decree-Law 6066/58, both ratified by Act No. 14.467 and amended by Act No. 23,382, which shall read as follows:

(c) With the rights to be paid for the works, interpretations, executions, fonographic productions, emissions and other goods and productions covered by the Law on Intellectual Property 11.723, their modifications and the supplementary regulations in force in the matter, fall in public domain by express legal provision that declares it, or due to the expiry of the legal periods of protection established or that are fixed in the future, which is converted by the present Public Law. The Paying Public Domain reaches all the forms of exploitation covered by law 11.723, its modifications and the supplementary regulations in force in the matter, and to all subjects who obtain any direct or indirect benefit from the works, interpretations, fonographic productions, emissions and other goods and productions mentioned above, the implementing agency is entitled to establish the form of perception of these rights, as well as to determine the amount of the private domain,

(f) With the collection that is carried out in accordance with law 11.723, it is understood therefore to be derived from the rights and tariffs for the registration provided for in articles 57, 61 and 67 and for the application of fines (articles 61, 73, 74 and 83 “in fine”). The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER is empowered to establish the amounts of the tariffs referred to in this paragraph, unless established in the respective law.

The application, perception and control of the levy provided for in subparagraph (c) of this article shall be governed by the provisions of Act No. 11.683, which is ordained by Decree 821/98 and its modifications and shall be carried out by the National Fund for the Arts and/or the agencies or entities entrusted to it by this function; and by the FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF JOINT ONES 154-57. For the purposes of this provision, the National Fund for the Arts or the bodies and entities concerned shall exercise the powers and powers accorded by law 11.683 to the FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC INCOMES. The charges referred to in this article shall apply throughout the country.

Seek as Retention Agents for the perception of the rights provided for in this article with respect to those individuals who have a domicile or residence exclusively outside the territory of the Argentine Republic to credit, debit and purchase card issuing entities.

Article 101.- Amend article 30 of Law 26,815, which shall read as follows:

Article 30: The National Fire Management Fund, which shall be administered by the national enforcement authority, shall be established by:

(a) The amounts allocated annually by the General Budget of the Nation;

(b) Any other income resulting from the management of the national enforcement authority;

(c) Grants, donations, legacies, contributions and transfers from other distributions or from natural or legal persons, from national and/or international agencies;

(d) The interests and rents of the assets it possesses;

(e) Resources establishing special laws;

(f) The Fund ' s unexpended resources from previous years.

(g) A mandatory contribution of three per thousand (3 per thousand) of the insurance premiums except those of the life branch, by the insurers. This contribution may not be transferable to the premiums paid by the intakers and will be liquidated by the insurers to the NATIONAL SUPERINTENDANCE by applying the regime established in article 81 of Decree-Law 20091 for the uniform rate. The National Fire Management Fund may be implemented by a trustee for its administration, to be operated by the public banking system, the purpose of which will be to comply with the orders of law 26,815.

Article 102.- Please inform the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers to make appropriate budgetary reassignments to carry out the Gas Plan Programme of the ENERGY SECRETARY of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY.

Article 103.- Replace Article 2 of Law 25,465 with the following:

Article 2: The entire collection for the Tobacco Special Fund shall be deposited in a special collection account on behalf of the implementing body, with specific impact on the fulfilment of the purposes of Act 19,800, its modifiers and supplements.

The resources referred to in article 28 of Law 19,800 shall be transferred monthly and automatically by the BANCO OF ARGENTINA NATION to the tobacco producing provinces by applying the respective distribution coefficients, which shall be prepared annually taking into consideration the value of the production corresponding to each of the producing provinces by a Commission composed of a representative of each of them that shall be appointed by the chamber or association of the largest representative producers. The previously appointed Commission shall determine annually the ratio of resources corresponding to article 27 of Act 19,800.

Such a monthly transfer shall be implemented by the law enforcement body 19.800 within a maximum period of CINCO (5) working days from the accreditation of funds in the special collection account, indicated at the beginning of this article.

The implementing body will monitor the administration of funds of a definitive and non-refundable nature sent to tobacco-producing provinces and their effective impact on the priorities set out in article 29 (a) to subparagraph (g) of Law 19.800.

The BANK OF ARGENTINA NATION shall not receive any retribution of any species for the services provided under this law.

Article 104.- Replace Article 25 of Law 27.078 with the following:

Article 25: Application of funds. The Universal Service Funds will be implemented through specific programmes. The application authority shall define its content and the appropriate award mechanisms. The enforcement authority may entrust the implementation of these plans directly to the entities included in article 8 (b) of law 24,156 or, in compliance with the appropriate selection mechanisms, respecting principles of publicity and competition, to other entities.

The enforcement authority may also entrust the implementation of these plans to ICT service licensees that are companies and societies of the provincial or municipal states (such as state enterprises, State societies, Anonymous societies with majority state participation, mixed economy societies and all other business organizations where the NATIONAL STATE has majority participation in the capital or in the formation of corporate decisions). Such companies and societies in the provincial or municipal states shall have the same tax legal treatment recognized to the ARSAT company, to the extent and proportion that develop the same object as the ARSAT company.

The programmes of the Universal Service should be understood as obligations subject to periodic review, so that the services included and the programmes to be developed will be revised, at least every DOS (2) years, depending on the social needs and requirements, the existing demand, technological developments and the purposes set by the NATIONAL STATE in accordance with the design of the policy of information and communications technologies.

Article 105.- A tax quota of VEINTICUATRO MIL MILLONES ($ 24,000,000.000) is available to be assigned to the promotional benefits provided for in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law on the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, 27.506, and its amendment. The enforcement authority of the aforementioned law shall assign the tax quota in accordance with the procedure established for that purpose.

The fiscal quota provided for in the preceding paragraph includes both Exercise 2021 and the corresponding promotional benefits recognized for the year 2020 with respect to beneficiaries whose adherence to the regime has been set up retroactively based on the forecast provided for in the second paragraph of Article 17 of Law 27,506 and its amendment.

Article 106.- To join the Trust Fund for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, FONPEC, pursuant to article 18 of Law 27.506 and its amendment, a weight TREINTA MILLONES ($ 230,000.000).

Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, following the intervention of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY, to extend the amounts established in the preceding paragraph within the framework of the above-mentioned Act and to approve the financial flow and use of the aforementioned Trust Fund for the year 2021.

Article 107.- The resources corresponding to the recovery of the funds granted to the beneficiaries in the context of the calls of the program “Capital Semilla” carried out by the former SECRETARY of PEQUEÑA and MEDIANA EMPRESA AND DEVELOPMENT REGIONAL of the then MINISTERY of INDUSTRIA in the period 2010 to 2016 and of the program “Fondo Semilla” carried out by the former SECRETARY

Article 108.- Appropriate the increase in the contribution of the ARGENTIN REPUBLIC to the INTERNATIONAL FOLLOW-UP (IFA) under the “Increase of Resources: Nineteenth Replenishment”, in the amount of DÓLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES CINCO MILLONES (U$S 5,000,000), whose payment will be in CINCO (5) annual contributions, equal, consecutive

(a) The subscription of SIETE MIL SETENTA AND SIETE (7,177) actions, consisting of SEIS MIL SETECIENTS CUARENTA AND SEIS (6,746) rescueable actions, and TREINTA AND ONE (431) shares payable, these last equivalents to the sum of DÓLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES CINCO MILLONES NOVECIENTS DOS MIL SETENTA y SEIS (U$ 5,976), in the framework of the “Séptimo Increase General of Capital of the African Development Bank”, whose payment will be made in OCHO (8)

(b) TENTS TOTAL TENTS (USD 306,412,900) The payment of the capital stocks payable for a total amount of SESENT DOLS and a TWO MILLIONS AND TWO MIL QUINIENTS (U$ 61,282,580) will be paid in CINCO (5) annual, equal, consecutive and cash quotas of DÓLARES

(c) The equivalent of 1 60,000 The payment of capital stocks for a total amount of DÓLARES ESTADOUNIDENS ONCE MILLONES NOVENTA and NUEVE MIL TREINTA AND SEIS WITH ANY CENTATIVE (U$ 11.899.436.40) will be paid in CINCO (5) annual quotas, equals, consecutive and

(d) The subscription of NOVENTA and a MIL SETECIENTAS VEINTE (91,720) shares, equivalent to the sum of DOLARES STADOUNIDENSES NOVENTA and a MILLONE SETECIENTS VEINTE MIL (US$ 91,720.000), in the framework of the “General Mission of the Capital of 2018 of the International Finance Corporation”

(e) The subscription of up to DIECIS MIL unemployment (16,080) shares series “b”, equivalent to DÓLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES SESENTA MILLONES OCHOCIENTS MIL (U$ 160,800,000), of which SETENTA and CINCO FOR SCIENTIFIC (75 per cent) corresponds to Exigible Capital D _

Authorize the BANCO CENTRAL OF THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC (BCRA), in order to deal with the emerging payments of this article, to make on behalf of and on behalf of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC the contributions and subscriptions established with the corresponding counterpart funds, which will be provided by the National Treasury.

Article 109.- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Article 110.- Replace, for the unenforceable facts that are perfected as of 1 January 2021, including article 70 of the Internal Revenue Act, which was ordained in 1979 and its amendments - the annexed table adopted by article 123 of Act No. 27,430 and its amendments - with the following:

Article 70: Goods that are classified in the tariff positions of the Common Nomenclature of Mercosur, as indicated in the table annexed to this article, are reached at the DIECISIETE rate (17%) with the observations that are formulated in each case.

When such goods are manufactured by companies that benefit the law regime 19,640, provided that they credit origin in the Special Customs Area created by this last law, the liquota will be equivalent to the TREINTA AND OCHO AS CINCUENTA AND THREE BY CIENTO (38,53%) of the general liquota.

Manufacturers of the products included in the tariff positions referred to in the first paragraph of this article, which use in their activities covered by the tax products also encumbered by this rule, may, as a payment on the tax account to be entered, the amount corresponding to the tax paid or due for those products on the basis of their previous shipment, in the manner established by the regulation.

The domestic tax referred to in this article shall be governed until 31 December 2025.

Article 111.- Detract subparagraphs (d), (e) and (f) of the first paragraph of Article 128 of Law 27,430 and its amendments, for the imponible facts that are perfected from 1 January 2021.

Article 112.- Please refer to the Trust Fund for the Development of MyPyMES Technology (PyME-Tech) for the purpose of financing this sector. The Fund shall be constituted as a trustee of administration and finance administered by the BANCO OF INVERSION AND EXTERIOR TRADE S.A. (BICE), as a trustee, and with the scope and limitations set out in this law and its regulation. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, following the intervention of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY to approve the financial flow and use of the aforementioned Trust Fund for the year 2021.

Article 113.- Disclose to the Fund established in the previous article the incremental amounts that were actually perceived as domestic taxes as a result of comparing the licuots provided for in article 70 of the Internal Revenue Act, a text ordained in 1979 and its modifications, in force for the taxable facts perfected in the calendar year 2020 regarding those in force for the taxable facts that are perfected as of 1 January 2021.

Article 114.- Explain to the Fund and to the trustee, in its operations directly related to the SMME-Tech, all existing national taxes, fees and contributions and to be established in the future, including the value-added tax, internal taxes and the Credit and Debit Tax on Banking Accounts and Other Law Operators 25,413 and its amendments without the application of that legal restriction in the second paragraph of the law.

Article 115.- The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY and the MINISTERY OF INTERIOR, insofar as it is subject to its competence, shall be the enforcement authorities of the provisions of Articles 112, 113 and 114 of this Law, with the power to dictate the corresponding interpretative and complementary norms.

Article 116.- Replace article 1, as approved by section 6 of Title II of Act 27,346, with the following:

Article 1: Scroll across the territory of the Nation a tax that earns the bets and/or games of chance made in the country through any type of digital platform, whatever the device used for download, display or use, even those carried out through the Internet network or any adaptation or application of the protocols, platforms or technology used by the Internet or other network through which their services are basically automated.

To this end, it will be presumed, without admitting proof to the contrary, that the bet and/or gambling is made in the country when it is there:

(a) The mobile phone code of the SIM card - whether it is entertainment services received through the use of mobile phones- or the IP address of the electronic device of the service receiver (unique numberer ID formed by binary values assigned to an electronic device) -of being services received through other devices-; or

(b) The customer's billing address; or

(c) The bank account used for payment, the customer's invoice address available to the bank or financial entity issuing the credit or debit card with which the payment is made.

Article 117.- Replace in Article 2°, approved by Article 6 of Title II of Law 27,346, the expression “subjects that make bets” for “subjects that make bets and/or gambling”.

Article 118.- Replace Article 5, as approved by Article 6 of Title II of Law 27,346, with the following:

Article 5: The tax to be entered shall arise from the application of the CINCO's Liquor (5%) on the net value of the deposits made by the gambler in its gambling account. This liquor will be reduced in a CINCUENTA BY CIENTO (50%) for the case of bets involving subjects linked to the exploitation of gambling and/or bets that have genuine investments in the country linked to that item.

Alicuote will increase to: (i) DIEZ BY CIENTO (10%), for the case of bets in which it intervenes, directly or indirectly, a subject from the outside, or; (ii) to the QUINCE BY CIENTO (15%), for the case of bets in which it intervenes, directly or indirectly, a subject from the outside that is located, constituted, settled or domiciled in a non-cooperative jurisdiction or of low or null taxation,

Article 119.- Replace Article 6 of Title II of Law 27,346, as follows:

Article 6: Please refer to the Register of Online Control of the Betting System for the purpose of complying with the verification and control of the subjects linked to the exploitation of gambling and/or bets developed through any type of digital platform mentioned in Article 1.

The National Directorate of the Register of Internet Domains, in the scope of the TECHNICAL SUBSECRETARY of the LEGAL AND TECHNICAL SECRETARY of the NATIONAL COMMUNICATION OF COMMUNICATIONS -ENACOM-, the autonomous and decentralized entity that operates in the field of the JEFATURA

The FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC INCOME will provide the agencies mentioned in the previous paragraph and the EMPRESS ARGENTINA OF ANONIMAL SATELY SOLUTIONS -ARSAT- the information required by them for the purpose of verifying and controlling compliance with the conditions of the Register, not in accordance with that requirement, the institute of the fiscal secrecy provided for in article 101 of Law 11.683, text ordered in 1998 and its amendments.

Article 120.- Incorporate as the second paragraph of Article 7 as approved by Article 6 of Title II of Law 27,346, the following:

For cases not expressly provided for in the present chapter, the legal and regulatory provisions on the subject matter of the value-added tax, ordained text in 1997 and its amendments, shall be supplemented.

Article 121.- Incorporate as article 9 of the text adopted by section 6 of Title II of Law 27,346, the following:

Article 9: The production of the tax established in this chapter shall be:

(a) The CINCO FOR SCIENTI (5%) to the ARGENTINA ARGENTINA OF SATELITAL SOLUTIONS ANÓNIMA SOCIEDAD-ARSAT, an amount that will have a similar legal nature than that of the transfer received as “Universal Service Fund”.

(b) NOVATE AND CINCO BY SCIENTY (95%) shall be distributed in accordance with the law established by law 23,548, and their respective complementary and modification rules.

Article 122.- The provisions of articles 116 to 121 of this Act shall take effect from the day after the date of publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 123.- Faccinate the national executive branch so that through the Ministries of Economy and Interior:

(a) It may constitute Special Customs Areas - in the terms of the Customs Code, Law 22.415 - in geographical areas of different regions where bilateral trade with neighbouring countries is verified;

(b) Authorize the extension of the Free Zones authorized in regions where bilateral trade with bordering countries is verified, in the terms of articles 37 and 39 of Law 24.331, not applicable to this effect to the limitations and conditions provided for in Article 2 of that Law.

For the purposes of article 9 of Act No. 24,331, trade operations are considered as retail to any alienation made to an uninstalled human person in the Franca Zone who acquires goods in quantities without commercial or industrial purposes. The implementing authority shall determine, considering socio-economic and regional issues of each Franca Zone, the goods that may be subject to such operations without such purposes. In addition, such retail trade operations will require a simplified procedure for the entry and disposal of the goods to both the Free Zone and the General Customs Territory and will not apply to them the prohibitions of an economic nature, nor the prior interventions of third agencies governing the General Import Regime. To this end, the “Free Stores” regime provided for in Act No. 22,056 and its regulatory rules are applicable, with a tax of CINCUENTA per CIENTO (50%) on excesses of the franchise established by the enforcement authority.

In addition, the importation into the General Customs Territory of the goods acquired within the Franca Zone is exempt from the payment of taxes that grave them within the securities of the franchise established by the enforcement authority. In the case of the import of motor vehicles under this regime, the same may be carried out exclusively by the holders of the family group that properly credit definitive residence in the respective Province, who may acquire a motor vehicle within this regime each CINCO (5) years counted from the date of their patenting. The waiver referred to may be limited only to the maximum CIF values per vehicle unit established by the application authority.

Article 124.- Please note that the PESOS SETECIENTS MILLONES ($700,000.000) allocated budgetaryly to the SUBSECRETARY OF PRODUCTIVE STRENGTHENING AND SUSTENTABLE FOR SMALLS AND MEDIUMS PRODUCTORS AUROLIMENTARY SUBSTEMS under the MINISTERY OF AGRICULTURA, GANADERY And PESCA will need to be justified through the implementation of programs supported by that ministry.

Article 125.- Please note that the budget line for PESOS OCHOCIENTOS VEINTITRÉS MILLONES ($ 823,000.000) is intended to increase, on an exceptional basis, conventional and paralympic sports scholarships to be awarded by national athletes between the months of January 2021 and August 2021, in the framework of national participation in the Olympic Games organized in the city of Tokyo.

Article 126.- Suspense, until 31 July 2021, the application of article 23 of the law 25.997 and empower the president of the National Institute for the Promotion of Tourism (INPROTUR), acting within the scope of the MINISTERIO DE TURISMO and DEPORTES, to allocate until the TREINTA and CINCO FOR SCIENTO (35%) of his budget for the purposes established by law 27.563.

Article 127.- Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make the necessary budgetary arrangements in the 2021 budget period in order to ensure compliance with Law 27.565, which sanctioned the creation of the National Defence Fund (FONDEF) to finance the re-equipment process of the Armed Forces.

The 2021 FONDEF will be computed with the budget reinforcements that have been granted for equipment and investment costs for the national defence in the fourth quarter of the year 2020.

Chapter XII

of the Permanent Supplementary Law on Budget

Article 128.- Replace the article without the number of the law 11.672, Supplementary Permanent Budget (t. 2014) and its amendments, incorporated by article 21 of Law 27.561, with the following:

Article... AEROLÍNEAS ARGENTIN SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA y AUSTRAL LÍNEAS AÉREAS - SUR SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA and its control are governed by the rules and principles of private law, and in particular in terms of its nature, by the terms of chapter II, section V, of the General Law of Societies 19,550, t.o. 1984 and its modifications, without prejudice to the control that corresponds to the HONORABLE CONGRESS of the NATION and the Financial AUDITORY of the NATION in accordance with article 85 of the National Constitution,

The criterion set out in the preceding paragraph with respect to the governing bodies of financial control and administration in the terms of the above-mentioned Financial Administration Law 24,156 and the National Public Sector Control Systems and their modifications will also apply to the anonymous state capital companies or with majority state participation, the total or majority integrated trust funds with goods and/or funds of the NATIONAL STATE.

The companies identified in the first paragraph of this article will receive identical treatment as provided for the entities reached by law 26.741, with respect to the implementation of Act No. 27.437 on the Argentinian Understanding and Development of Suppliers and their regulatory and complementary standards, and any other regime that in the future replaces it.

Article 129.- Incorporate as an article without the number of the law 11.672, Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 2014) and its amendments, following the article 21 of Law 27.561, the following:

Article... The criterion set out in the previous article regarding the control that corresponds to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION and the General AUDITORY OF NATION in accordance with article 85 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION, and chapters I and II of Title VII of Law 24,156 of Financial Administration and the National Public Sector Control Systems and their modifications will be equally applicable to National Universities.

Article 130.- Incorporate into law 11.672, Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 2014) and its amendments, articles 63, 64, 70, 83, 90, 91 and 98 of this Act.



Article 131.- Note in the tables summarize 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, the amounts specified in articles 1, 2°, 3° and 4° of the present law corresponding to the Central Administration.



Article 132.- Please note that the amounts set out in articles 1, 2A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A and 9A, annexed to the present title, as set out in articles 1, 2°, 3° and 4° of the present law, corresponding to the decentralized agencies.

Article 133.- Please note that the amounts set out in articles 1, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B, annexed to this title, as set out in articles 1, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of this Act, which correspond to social security institutions.

Article 134.- Contact the National Executive



KIRCHNER FERNÁNDEZ CRISTINA - SERGIO MASSA - Marcelo Jorge Fuentes - Eduardo Cergnul

NOTE: The Annex/s that integrate/n this(a) Law is published in the web edition of BORA

e. 14/12/2020 No. 63438/20 v. 14/12/2020

(Note Infoleg:The annexes referred to in this rule have been extracted from the Official Gazette web edition. These are available in the following link:Annexes)

(Note Infoleg: The bold texts were observed by theDecree No. 990/2020B.O. 14/12/2020)

(Note Infoleg: the modifications to the Annexes published in the Official Gazette can be consulted by clicking on the link "This rule is complemented or modified by standard X(s)."


- Article 56, first paragraph replaced by art. 6th Decree No. 489/2021 B.O. 5/8/2021.