Law 27638
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
Income tax
Article 1-Substitute, with application from the fiscal year 2021 and following, the second paragraph of point (h) of Article 26 of the Earnings Tax Act, ordered text in 2019 and its modifications, by the following:
The exemption provided for in this paragraph also includes the interest or denomination of the performance resulting from the placing of capital in instruments issued in national currency intended to promote productive investment, which establish the national executive branch, provided that the rule governing them so provides, and in so far as they are not included in the preceding paragraph.
Tax on personal property
Article 2-Incorporation, with effect from the fiscal year 2021 and following, as inpoints (i), (j) and (k) to Article 21 of Chapter I of Title VI of Law 23.966, of personal property tax, text ordered in 1997 and its modifications, the following:
(i) marketable debt securities issued in national currency which comply with the requirements of Article 36 of Law 23,576 and its amendments;
(j) instruments issued in national currency intended to encourage productive investment, established by the national executive branch, provided that the rule governing the investment is made available to it;
(k) the cuotasties of mutual funds of investment covered by Article 1 of Law 24.083 and its modifications, and certificates of participation and representative debt securities of financial trusts constituted in the The terms of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, which would have been placed by public offer with the authorization of the National Securities and Exchange Commission, and whose principal underlying asset is integrated, at least, in a percentage to be determined by the (a) the rules governing the deposits and assets referred to in points (g), (h), (i) and (j) of this Regulation; Article.
The percentage referred to in the first paragraph of this paragraph shall not be met if there is a change in the composition of the deposits and assets referred to therein which decreases them below that percentage for a continuous period. or discontinuous of at least thirty (30) days in a calendar year or the equivalent of the ratio of days considering the time of entry into the equity of the cuotables or certificates of participation or representative debt securities fiat until December 31.
Article 3-This law shall begin to apply from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic.
Article 4-Commune to the national executive branch.
City of Buenos Aires, 03/08/2021
Under the provisions of Article 80 of the National Constitution, I certify that Law No. 27,638 (IF-2021-64134814-APN-DSGA#SLYT) sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION on July 15, 2021, has been enacted in fact on Day 2 of August 2021.
For your publication to the National Directorate of the Official Register, give a copy to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION and, for your knowledge and other effects, refer to the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY. Compliment, file.
Vilma Lidia Ibarra
NOTE: The Annex/s that integrates this (a) Law are published in the web edition of the BORA -www.boletinofficial.gob.ar-
ê 04/08/2021 N ° 54060/21 v. 04/08/2021
( Note Infoleg: The Annexes referred to in this Standard have been extracted from the Official Gazette web edition.)
Buenos Aires, July 15, 2021.
To the President of the Nation.
I have the honour of addressing the President, for the purpose of bringing to his knowledge that the Honorable Senate, on the date, has considered the bill in revision for which the Law of Tax on Income and the Tax on Income is amended. Personal Goods, thus being definitively sanctioned in the form of the attached specifications.
I greet you very carefully.