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Qualified Law Of Marriage Of 30-6-95

Original Language Title: Llei qualificada del matrimoni, de 30-6-95

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Qualified law of marriage since the General Council in its session of June 30, 1995, has approved the following: qualified law of marriage Index preamble part one: marriage Title i: General provisions common to all legal regimes of marriage None. 1: principles derived from the Constitution No. 2: Scope of application of this law and of other rights No. 3: the promise of No marriage. 4: rights and duties of the spouses is no. 5: forms of celebration of marriage Title II: No civil marriage. 1: the legal and conceptual clarifications head. 2: No civil marriage requirements. 3: the file prior to the celebration of the marriage, civil No. 4: No consent. 5: The form of celebration of the marriage, civil No. 6: The annulment of civil marriage, No. 7: The Head separation. 8: the dissolution of the civil marriage title III: The matrimony second part: procedural Rules in matrimonial title IV: General provisions common to all legal regimes of marriage None. 1: Any competent jurisdiction. 2: provisional measures for demand for annulment, separation or divorce is no. 3: effects of the Declaration of annulment of marriage, separation and divorce: procedural Standards of title V in the matrimonial jurisdiction front head. 1: the causes of annulment of marriage and divorce any of them. 2: requirements for the separation of the spouses is no. 3: provisional measures for the separation of the spouses final provision transitional provisions preamble the qualified law of marriage has as its main objective to regulate this fundamental institution of society according to the requirements of the Constitution.

Accordingly, this law contains, beside a general provisions that are imposed on all forms of celebration of the marriage, the provisions that govern the civil marriage and canonical, for which each citizen can choose freely.

This possibility of choice, along with others, such as the separation of the spouses and divorce by mutual agreement, stipulated by this law, the inserted also in the stream of discontent of the will of the parties, in these matters, which is seen in the current legal safeguard in any case the principle of the protection of the family as an obligation of the society and the State , proclaimed by the Constitution.

The principle of equality between man and woman before marriage, during marriage and in the subsequent events, hosted by the law of the Principality of Andorra before the Constitution and strengthened by this, has this law its proper reflection in the full equal of the parties both as to the conditions to be able to marry, as well as the rights and duties of spouses and as to the determination of the effects of the annulment , divorce or separation.

This marriage regulation responds to the constitutional development and the thought, the aspirations and the needs of a broad sector of the Andorran society.

First part: The title and marriage. General provisions common to all legal regimes of marriage Chapter 1. Principles deriving from the Constitution Article 1 1. The man and the woman have the right to marry and to found a family, in accordance with the provisions of the present law.

2. The family is the basic element of society and is entitled to the economic, social and legal protection of the society and of the State.

Chapter 2. Scope of application of this law and of other rights Article 2 Be married in accordance with this law: 1. The Andorran people, even in the event that only one of the parties enjoy the Andorran nationality.

2. Foreigners who have at least one of them, their residence in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 3 The Andorran people and the residents can marry out of the Principality of Andorra according to the form established by the law of the place of celebration, leaving, however, subject to the provisions of articles 18, 19 and 22, and register the marriage in the Civil Registry of Andorra.

Article 4 in lack of marital or that these are insufficient, the marital is fixed by the common national law of the spouses;

otherwise, by the law of the place of residence of the marriage, and, in case of conflict of laws, prevails the regime of separation of property.

Chapter 3. The promise of marriage Article 5 1. We recognize the promise of marriage, but does not give right to the action for the celebration of the marriage.

2. Belongs to the civil jurisdiction to determine the existence and validity of the promise of marriage, as well as the effects of his break.

3. The proof of the promise of marriage must be documentary. The testimonial evidence or serious presumptions, precise and concordant, are accepted only if there is a hint of documentary proof or something equivalent, or if the plaintiff proves the impossibility in which documentary evidence is provided.

4. Breach of promise of marriage can lead to the actions provided for in articles 6 and 7, with exclusion of any other action other than the repair of damages, and in no case can lead to action to demand the celebration of marriage.

Article 6 1. You can ask for the return of donations made because of the promise of marriage, if this has not been held.

2. The action to claim the refund of donations made because of the promise of marriage in the prescribed period of one year, counting from the day of the refusal to the celebration of the marriage, notified reliably by any of the promised, or counting from the thirtieth (30th) day after the date of being reliably required one of the promised, or counting from the day of the death of one of them.

Article 7 1. The breach without just cause of the promise of marriage, made by person of legal age or less authorized by who should give the assent for the celebration of the marriage, the obligation to compensate the other party for the expenses made and entered into as a result of the promise.

2. The action in the prescribed period of one year, counting from the day of the refusal to the celebration of the marriage, notified reliably by any of the promised, or counting from the thirtieth (30th) day after the date of being reliably required one of the promised and as long as this has not responded.

Chapter 4. Rights and duties of the spouses Article 8 1. The couple attributed to both spouses the same rights and the same duties, compliance also imposes.

2. The rights and duties which the law establishes as a consequence of the marriage are irrevocable.

Article 9 the spouses are bound to live together, except for just cause you keep, to respect each other, to save yourself fidelity, to help morally and material and to always act in the interest of the family.

Article 10 the marriage imposes on both spouses the obligation to maintain and educate their children, taking into account the aspirations and capabilities of these, and in accordance with the economic means of the family.

Article 11 The husband and the wife have to contribute to the maintenance of the family expenses in the form established by the rules governing their marital economic regime.

Article 12 1. The spouses determine by common agreement the home.

In the event of disagreement, the parties, the ears set the civil jurisdiction, taking into account the interest of the family.

2. Parental authority over the children not emancipated the exercise jointly the parents, for the benefit of those. In the event of disagreement, the parties to the ears of children if necessary, and the public prosecutor's Office, the civil jurisdiction has what is coming from.

3. Matters relating to the guidance, in the marital, family expenses, patrimonial autonomy and, in general, the rights and obligations of the spouses, are governed by the legislation in force.

Article 13 1. The widow is not able to contract new marriage until they have spent three hundred days from the death of her husband. Also cannot collapse the women, whose marriage has been declared null or has been dissolved, during the same period of three hundred days to be counted from the date of the summons or of temporary measures, what will referred to articles 51, 63 and 64.

2. These regulations are without effect from the time when the people. ludides to the previous section 13.1 have given birth, or in the case that the statement about the paternity of her pregnancy in progress is expressly accepted by the other contraent and declared by the father, if he is alive. If the father is declared dead, it is necessary that, notified to the civil jurisdiction of the paternity Declaration of the widow to people who think interested, is not contested within fifteen days from the notification.

Chapter 5. Forms of celebration of the marriage Article 14 the legal system of the Principality of Andorra recognizes two forms of celebration of marriage: civil marriage.

The matrimony.

Article 15 1. The parties have full freedom to choose to either of the two forms of celebration of the marriage.

2. Only can opt for the two forms of celebration of the marriage if, in the first place, civil marriage contract.

Title II. Civil marriage Chapter 1. The legal and conceptual clarifications Article 16 civil marriage is governed by the General provisions of title I and to the homes of this title II.

Article 17 1. Whenever you make allusion to the kinship by blood in this title II, will be determined in accordance with the calculation romanístic.

2. Consanguinity is counted by lines and degrees.

3. To calculate the degree of kinship in a straight line, it counts the number of generations or people up to that with which makes the calculation. There are as many degrees as people, discounting the first.

4. To calculate the degree of kinship in the collateral line, it goes to the first ascending and goes down to the person which makes the calculation. There are as many degrees as people, discounting the first.

Chapter 2. The requirements of Article 18 civil marriage cannot marry under 16 years: 1. civil, unless they are dispensed of this impediment in accordance with article 20.

2. Those who are tied by a marriage bond.

Article 19 Not be civil married including: 1. The relatives in a straight line by consanguinity or adoption.

2. the online side relatives by blood up to the fourth degree.

3. The adopted with their adoptive brothers.

4. The condemned as authors or accomplices of the death of the spouse of any of them.

Article 20 jurisdiction, oït the judgement of the public prosecutor's Office, you can dispense with just cause and at the request of part, of the following requirements: 1. the old, as long as it's over the age of fourteen years, previously oint people who exercise their parental authority or guardianship, which in any case must be manifest if you give their assent to the marriage or if you oppose.

2. The online side of kinship in fourth grade.

3. deriving from the adoption.

4. In article 4, point 19.

Chapter 3. The transcript prior to the celebration of civil marriage Article 21 1. People who wish to marry must promote civil case, personally or by means of special person with power of Attorney, in front of the Civil Registry. This file will understand: 1.1) a letter, signed by both parties, in which they must state the name, the surname, the State, the place and date of birth, nationality, profession, residence and domicile of each of the parties; the first and last names of their parents, as well as the place of celebration of the marriage, in which they manifested their desire to marry.

1.2) a birth certificate for future parties.

1.3) a document certifying the marital status.

1.4) Are documents that prove the domicile and the residence effective parties.

2. If the parties are unable to provide proof of your marital status, the civil registrar must request the input of new evidence proving.

Article 22 1. The celebration of civil marriage must be preceded by the publication of proclamations, marriage in which expressed all the data referred to in article 21.1.

2. The publication of proclamations is effected by the Civil Registry, in accordance with its legislation.

Article 23 The civil marriage can be held from the fifth day after the date on which they have met the deadline for publication. If within six months after the civil marriage is not, you will have to repeat it the publication.

Article 24 the reduction of the period of publication of proclamations, is established in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Civil Registry.

Article 25 the approval or denial of the civil marriage is governed by the legislation of the Civil Registry.

Chapter 4. Article 26 consent there is No marriage valid civil marriage without consent.

Article 27 cannot provide a valid consent to people who do not have enough use of reason at the time of contract civil matrimony or psychic causes can not take on the essential obligations of marriage.

To verify these cases, the civil registrar must order a medical-psychiatric opinion.

Article 28 the error about the person or the refusal of a quality of marriage prevent the validity of marriage consent.

Article 29 cannot provide a valid consent who enters into civil marriage fooled by fraud, caused by obtaining your consent, on a quality of the other contraent, which by their nature can disrupt severely the conjugal life.

Article 30 cannot provide a valid civil marriage enters into marriage consent who by violence or serious fear coming from an external cause, although it has not been caused intentionally, to release it.

Article 31 the condition, the term and the mode is always considered as not made.

Chapter 5. The form of celebration of civil marriage Article 32 1. Civil marriage is celebrated publicly in the House of common, in the presence of two witnesses are of legal age and in front of the Consul of the parish in which one of the parties has the effective residence or in which they have freely decided to celebrate the marriage.

2. The senior Consul may delegate its functions in celebration of civil marriage in the Consul minor, or a member of the Common Council of the Church.

Article 33 1. The Consul or his delegate, in the presence of two witnesses and parties, is limited to reading to articles 8, 9, 10 and 11 and asks each of the parts if you want to marry with the other.

2. after the parties have verbally expressed, or, in case of not being able to speak, for equivalent signs, the matrimonial consent, the Consul or his delegate are declared in marriage.

3. The Consul or his or her delegate, the parties and the witnesses sign followed by the civil marriage act, in two copies, according to the established model.

4. A copy of the record of marriage is sending by Consul or by his delegate in the Civil Registry on the first business day following the celebration of the marriage. The other remaining copy is preserved in the archives of the corresponding Common.

Article 34 1. In the event of imminent danger of death of one of the parties, any Consul, after their previous report of a physician or coroner, accompanied by two witnesses, proceeds to the celebration of civil marriage without the previous transcript or proclamations. It is sufficient to the affidavit of the parties and of witnesses, stating that there is no obstacle between them, which is not dispensable in accordance with this law.

2. In the event of a serious reason, the Consul can move the domicile or residence of one of the parties, to celebrate the marriage.

Article 35 The Consul cannot refuse to proceed with the celebration of marriage by himself or by his delegate. In the event that it considers that there is some reasonable reason against the celebration of the marriage, you should immediately inform the Registrar, which will have to be resolved in a maximum period of three working days, without prejudice to the provisions of article 25.

Chapter 6. The annulment of civil marriage Article 36 is null the civil marriage concluded: 1. between people concerned by some of the constraints established by articles 18 and 19, except in the case of exemption set out in article 20.

2. Without consent or with the vices of consent established by articles 27, 28, 29 and 30.

3. Without the intervention of Consul or the person delegated by him or without the presence of witnesses.

4. Without the authorization required by article 25, except for the case provided in article 34.

Article 37 civil marriage that is void by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 4 of this title it passes if the parties live together for a year to count: 1. Of their coming of age, invàlidament have entered into marriage by reason of the age impediment established by article 20.

2. The time in which they die even the error or will discover fraud or cease violence or fear, what will referred to articles 28, 29 and 30.

Article 38 Declaration of annulment of civil marriage does not invalidate the effects produced in respect of the children and the contraent or parties of good faith, which it is assumed if there is no proof to the contrary.

Chapter 7. The separation Article 39 Are causes of separation: 1. The unjustified desertion of the conjugal home.

2. marital infidelity.

3. the serious abuse, insults and other causes that the conjugal life too difficult.

4. The alcoholism, the drug dependency or mental disturbances, as long as the interest of the other spouse or of the family require the suspension of coexistence.

5. severe and repeated violation of the duties towards the children.

6. The effective termination of the conjugal cohabitation, without just cause, for a period of one year.

7. The mutual consent of both spouses.

8. In general, any other causes which, in the opinion of the competent jurisdictional bodies, it is enough to believe that it is not possible or appropriate to a normal cohabitation between spouses.

Article 40 the judgment of separation, separation agreement or approval referred to in article 61, produce the suspension of common life and the other conditions provided by the law.

Article 41 the spouses may, by common agreement, to cease the effects of the judgment or of the agreement mentioned in the previous article, by an express declaration that explain it in the Civil Register and the civil jurisdiction.

Chapter 8. The dissolution of the civil marriage validly contracted marriage Article 42 is dissolved for the following reasons: 1. The death of one of the spouses.

2. The Declaration of death of one of the spouses.

3. divorce.

Article 43 1. The causes of divorce are: 1.1) The mutual consent of both spouses, spent at least a period of one year after presentation of the demand for separation, or have signed an agreement for marital separation reliably.

1.2) The effective cessation of cohabitation for at least two years without interruption, after the filing of the demand for separation, whether or not judicial resolution has returned there this year.

1.3) the cessation of cohabitation for at least three consecutive years.

1.4) The condemnation by a firm judgment of one spouse to have attack against the life of the other, of ancestors or descendants.

1.5) The condemnation by a firm judgment of a spouse to a effective deprivation of liberty exceeding one year, provided that in the case of a crime.

2. If the divorce is requested by both spouses, or one with the consent of the other, should have proposed the agreement relating to the children and to the goods referred to in article 61.

Title III. The matrimony

Article 44 The civil effects of matrimony are governed by the General provisions of title I of this law.

Article 45 The canonical marriage produces civil effects filled from your celebration.

Article 46 The Civil Register legislation establishes the obligation and the procedure for the registration of matrimony in the Civil Registry.

Second part. Procedural rules in the matrimonial title IV. General provisions common to all legal regimes of marriage Chapter 1. Competent jurisdiction Article 47 the causes of separation, annulment or divorce actions brought before civil jurisdiction is substancien in accordance with this law.

Article 48 The Andorran courts have no competence to understand the causes that affect the marriage bond and that they have to be substanciades in application of a foreign law, except the case in which one of the spouses, at least, is Andorra.

Article 49 The civil jurisdiction of the Principality of Andorra is responsible for the following: 1. matrimonial separation, divorce and annulment of civil marriage celebrated in Andorra governed by this law.

2. Separation and divorce of spouses to matrimony, if the defendant has the domicile and residence in Andorra.

3. separation of spouses to civil marriage held outside Andorra, if the defendant has the domicile and residence in Andorra.

4. Separation and divorce of the spouses andorrans or residents, married in Andorra, prior to this law.

5. Separation and divorce of two Andorran spouses, or a spouse of Andorra with a foreign spouse, married canonically civil or abroad, if the marriage figure registered in Andorra.

Article 50 In the event of a conflict of jurisdictions competent civil jurisdiction.

Chapter 2. The provisional measures for demand for annulment, separation or divorce Article 51 1. The civil jurisdiction, at the request of the spouse who has formulated demand for annulment, separation or divorce, or who intends to formulate it, appreciating the necessity and the urgency of the case and taking into account the interests most family protection needs, you can have the provisional measures with a view to the separation of the spouses, in the attribution of the use of the family home , and oït the public prosecutor, to the guardianship and care of children under the age of, to the contribution of the spouses in the loads of the marriage, and to the conservation and management of the assets of the marriage and the establishment of the pension for the children.

2. When these measures have been adopted prior to the admission of the demand for annulment, separation or divorce, left without effect if within a period of 30 days does not get that demand.

Chapter 3. Effects of the Declaration of annulment of marriage, separation and divorce Article 52 the sentences of Declaration of annulment of marriage, divorce or separation of the spouses does not exempt the parents from their obligations towards children.

Article 53 all measures on education and children are adopted in the interest and profit. The civil jurisdiction takes measures, after hearing if possible in the judgement of the children under the age of oït, the public prosecutor's Office.

Article 54 1. The exercise of parental authority, understood as an obligation of parents, corresponds to both partners. A consort can lose this exercise in virtue of judicial resolution.

The judicial decision that parental authority does not attribute the consort to which it has been entrusted the guardianship of the children must be motivated.

In any case, the Court decision also determines under what conditions the spouse who does not exercise parental authority can visit your children, communicate with them and have them in your company.

2. The civil jurisdiction, oït the public prosecutor, may limit the right of visit, and referred to in the preceding paragraph to company and, exceptionally, even suspend it, in case of serious breach of the duties imposed by the decision of the competent authority and if you give very serious circumstances call for it.

3. The wedding functions do not affect the parental authority, that exercise without any intervention of the new spouse.

Article 55 The firm judgment of separation, of divorce, annulment or dissolution of marriage, determines the economic regime.

Article 56 the use of the family home and its objects, which are not of personal each of the spouses, is determined, to a lack of agreement, taking into account the spouse more need and interest of the children.

Article 57 1. In the case of separation or divorce, the spouse who experience an economic imbalance in relation to the other and that results in a worsening compared to their previous location in the marriage, you are entitled to a pension that will be fixed in the Court ruling, in attention to the circumstances of the case and the following aspects: a) the agreement of the spouses.

b) the age and State of health.

c) The professional qualifications and the chances of access to a job.

d) the financial resources and needs of each spouse.

e) eventual loss of a right to a pension.

f) the duration of the marriage and conjugal cohabitation.

g) The last and future commitment to the family.

h) collaboration with his work in commercial, industrial or professional activities of the other spouse.

2. The pension is fixed, as well as the update of the Board and the guarantees for your payment, you will be able to modify to substantial alterations of the financial resources of either spouse.

3. The Board set can be replaced, by means of the Agreement agreed to at any time, by the Constitution of a lifetime, a usufruct on certain goods or the delivery of a capital in goods or money.

4. the right to the pension is terminated by the cessation of the cause that led, for compliance with the deadline established, to collapse the creditor a new marriage or to live maritalment with another person; not be terminated by the death of the debtor, but their heirs may legally request the reduction or suppression of the pension, if the flow is not hereditary can satisfy the debt or the Board affects their rights legitimaris.

Article 58 1. In process of execution of sentences firm and ultimate of separation, of divorce or annulment, jurisdiction shall take all appropriate measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the tenor of these sentences.

2. On demand of any of the parties to the civil jurisdiction and judgments or other canonical resolutions firm and ultimate relative to the dissolution or annulment of the marriage bond, have full civil effectiveness in accordance with the legal system of the Principality

of Andorra.

Title v. Procedural Rules in the matrimonial jurisdiction before Chapter 1. Causes of annulment of marriage and divorce Article 59 the causes of divorce and annulment of civil marriage is arranged according to the common rules of the declaratory procedure abbreviated, with the exceptions contained in the articles of this title.

Article 60 1. The action to request the Declaration of annulment of civil marriage or divorce is: a) to spouses.

b) to the public prosecutor.

c) who has been the victim of violence, fear of serious or deception, which refer to the article 29 and 30.

d) to people who have a direct and legitimate interest. In this case the civil jurisdiction has been pronounced previously about the existence or non-existence of the said interest, oït the public prosecutor's Office.

2. The action to request the Declaration of divorce will be terminated due to the death of any of the spouses and to the reconciliation, which should be expressed when takes place after the filing of the demand.

Reconciliation after the divorce does not produce legal effects, but the divorced can marry among themselves a new marriage.

Chapter 2. Requirements for the separation of the spouses Article 61 1. The spouses can separate by mutual agreement, if established in a written agreement a regime of separation, they understand all aspects required by the provisions of articles 52 to 57, and the agreement is approved by the civil jurisdiction, which must ensure that the rights of both spouses and of children remain protected enough.

2. Before refusing the approval of the separation agreement, the same civil jurisdiction has to invite the spouses to establish a new agreement that includes the stipulations that the jurisdiction are indicated, in accordance with the law.

62 article except in the case provided by the preceding article, are applicable to the causes of separation of the spouses the provisions of Chapter 1 of this title.

Chapter 3. Provisional measures Article 63 1. The procedure for the adoption of interim measures, referred to in article 51, it starts by demand in the civil jurisdiction, accompanied by the relevant tests or of their proposition.

2. The civil jurisdiction gives immediately transfer of the claim to the other party at the same time, setting the date to present both sides. In the event of appearance has been attempting to reconcile or to answer the demand for providing or proposing the relevant evidence, and you can make a counterclaim. In the latter case the civil jurisdiction grants a period of fifteen days to the plaintiff to answer the demand reconvencional.

3. Put the test, the parties can make notice of findings within a period of eight days, and, then, the civil jurisdiction dictates aute adopting the suitable measures.

64 article in cases of necessity or urgency, and express demand part, the Mayor can take personal measures provided for in article 51, and agree on the essential economic aid, before transfer of the claim to the other party or at any time subsequent to this and prior to the hearing.

Article 65 The appeals against the decisions on provisional measures, do not have suspensive effect regarding the implementation of these measures, except the express decision due in the event of acceptance of the appeal.

Article 66 The Civil Register Act establishes what are the acts which can be registered and the procedure to be followed.

First transitional provision provisionally, while not been enacted the Civil Register Act, all acts and decisions that are the competence of the future Registrar, exclusively about civil marriage, are assumed by a mayor of the Administrative Section; as a result, whenever in the present Law are mentioned the words "Civil Registry" or "Registrar" is to be understood by "Batllia" or "Mayor".

Second transitional provision To the present Law creates the temporary Civil Register, in charge of the Council, Administrative Section, transitory form and up to the date of commissioning of the Civil Register of Andorra, where you have to register only the facts or acts relating to civil marriage, held in accordance with the present law.

Third transitional provision while not applicable the law of the Civil Register, the procedure prior to the celebration of civil marriage and their registration in the registry is as follows: 1. In order to formalize the file prior to the celebration of civil marriage in Andorra, both parties must appear before the Batllia, signing a declaration of marriage according to the model established by the provisional Government Regulation , accompanied by a certificate of marital status and a certificate of residence, asking who will proceed to the proclamations. Once you have received a statement, the Mayor he examines the sufficiency and the origin of marriage celebrador, examining both the requirements of validity and application, oït, if this is the case, the public prosecutor's Office and takes one of the following decisions: to) Suspend the processing of the file for data failure or disagreement.

b) Deny motivadament the continuation of their studies.

c) Continue their studies.

In the first two cases the decision of the Mayor is recurrible in front of the Hall-administrative of the High Court of Justice.

In the third case it must have made the proclamations to be made according to the regulations of the Government.

2. Five days after having exhausted the display time of the proclamations and in view of the possible claims of impediments and the formalization of the oppositions to marriage, the Mayor takes one of the following decisions: a) in the case where the following conditions are met: 1 cumulativament) That there is no element, which the Mayor in the classification function, love that is opposed to the validity and legality of the projected marriage, and 2) That there is no complaint or objection, States authorize the celebration.

b) in the case where there are allegations of impediment, but without registering their opposition, the Mayor gives the transfer from the file to the public prosecutor, which, within a period of five days, if there is a legal basis, faces opposition to marriage celebrador in front of the ordinary civil jurisdiction. In this case, as the case in which opposition to the marriage is formalized by third parties, it sobreseu the authorization until until firm judgment authorizing or denying it.

3. In the case in which the marriage is celebrador abroad between future parties one of which is resident in Andorra or Andorran, the Mayor makes proclamations

in the way that has been said above, at the request of the parties or at the request of the foreign body that request.

In the case where the foreign body ask for the practice of the proclamations in Andorra, a Consul or a judicial body of Andorra, these reported by the request, the warrant or the rogatòria Commission received without providing anything, even if it comes from a foreign judicial body, the Mayor that qualifies the request, and gives you the appropriate course. The responses to the Commission rogatòries, and exhorts the requests, the address the Mayor for the channel that is fixed by Regulation of the Government.

4. If as a result of the proclamations made by virtue of the preceding paragraph, the Mayor receives complaints of impediment or formalized oppositions in Andorra, the applicable law and the competent jurisdiction for understanding of the constraints and of the oppositions are: a) The Andorra if at least one of the parties is of Andorra and in this case we proceed as stated in the transitional provisions second and third 1 , or b) of the national parties or the venue, according to proceed, if none of them are Andorra, and only some of them is resident in Andorra.

In both cases the judge notifies the foreign body that has requested the proclamations the decision, making explicit mention of the present transitional provisions. Under no circumstances can make proclamations in Andorra when the same proclamations or celebrador marriage constitutes fraud in national law or violates the internal public order.

5. The waivers from having to complete the transcript and the waivers of proclamations are agreed by the Chairman of the magistrates, in joint petition of the two parties, oït the public prosecutor's Office and the competent Mayor. The waivers are scored in the marriage registration at the time of taking.

6. Are enrolled in the registry of the Batllia, civil marriages held in Andorra in accordance with this law.

Also register civil marriages celebrated abroad between spouses, one of whom, at least, is Andorra or resident in Andorra. To its registration in the register of the Batllia, the marriage is not registered do not harm the rights acquired in good faith by third parties.

7. The registration of civil marriages held in Andorra is done as follows: The Consul authorizing or his delegate Act extend the celebration of marriage in two copies according to the pattern determined by Regulation of the Government, and the signing along with spouses and two witnesses living space. A copy of the minutes remaining in common, the only effects of file, without being able to deliver certification on the basis of the same Act. The other copy will be submitted to the Mayor within the first working day following the celebration of the marriage and will be registered within a period of twenty-four hours of receipt by signing the minutes the Sun batlle, and will be filed in the corresponding file. The mayor accused received from the sender to Consul.

8. The registration of marriages celebrated abroad between spouses, one of which at least is resident in Andorra or Andorran, must be promoted by the Andorran spouse or resident in) if the civil marriage is must register the literal certification of registration in the Civil Register in the country where the marriage is celebrated within the seven days following the celebration;

b) If marriage is canonical has to register the certificate delivered by the competent canonical canonical literal, notified through the ordinary of Andorra.

In both cases the request for registration must be signed by the two parties, which have also signed the register along with the Mayor.

Fourth transitional provision on the date of entry into force of the Civil Register Act, the competent judge, ex officio, forward the whole of the Civil Registry of the Batllia in the civil registrar, being incorporated in the way that the Civil Register Act I set.

Final provision this law will come into force from their publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Casa de la Vall, 30 June 1995, Josep Dalleres Codina Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Jacques Chirac President of the French Republic, Co-prince of Andorra