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Law 22/2010, Of 3 June, Extraordinary Credit In Order To Finance The Costs Of The Execution Of Several Key Projects Of Development Of The Infrastructure And The Services Of The Andorran Telecommunications Service

Original Language Title: Llei 22/2010, del 3 de juny, de crèdit extraordinari per finançar les despeses derivades de l’execució de diversos projectes clau de desenvolupament de les infraestructures i dels serveis del Servei de Telecomunicacions d’Andorra

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Law 22/2010, of 3 June, extraordinary credit in order to finance the costs of the execution of several key projects of development of the infrastructure and the services of the Telecommunications Service of Andorra since the General Council in its session of June 3rd, 2010 has approved the following: law 22/2010 of 3 June , extraordinary credit in order to finance the costs of the execution of several key projects of development of the infrastructure and the services of the Andorran telecommunications service preamble The infrastructure and communication technologies evolve at a sustained pace and unstoppable. In the same proportion do the needs and legitimate expectations of the users, whether for residential use, whether for professional or business use. Keep aligned with the progress of the information society is one of the most important challenges of the present in advanced societies, and Andorra you can't stay on the sidelines.

Andorra has become in recent years a model of progress and modernity, as it has proved, and has positioned itself as a leading country with the implementation of terrestrial digital television and analogue switch-off in 2007, and it is doing with the massive deployment of the new fiber-optic network to the home at 100% of the territory (FTTH).

Today, in line with the strategic development axes that were set four years ago, the Andorra telecommunications service, is immersed in a process of profound change that affects all their production infrastructures such as the knew each other until now. These changes began with the deployment of fiber to the home, go through the migration towards the so-called "next generation network" (NGN) and should culminate with the development of the network of mobile services, fixed-mobile convergence with optics.

These developments, which are accompanied by a simplification and adaptation of the commercial offer, must serve to promote the economic and social competitiveness of the country, and at the same time to ensure an advanced, scalable infrastructure model and adapted to the increasing demand both in capacity, such as in speed, and in diversity of means of access and communication.

It is worth noting that the effects of the global economic situation on certain suppliers of equipment and services of maintenance and support of the institution, contribute to accelerate certain strategic projects which otherwise could be faced with less pressure. This is the case of the migration of the mobile phone network should start refund this year, to avoid a risk of collapse of the current network that could become irreversible within a period of 2 years.

The portfolio of projects for the year 2010 contains actions that should not be postponed and that they should ensure the continuity of the projects started, the evolution and the integration of new platforms, the improvement and the introduction of new services on these platforms and above the rest, and the anticipation of preventive actions to avoid embarrassing situations or delicate about the networks that support the economic and social activity across the country. These factors justify the urgent character and the need to dispose of the necessary budget for the expenses arising from these actions.

The budget bill for the 2010 tax year foresaw the budgetary items in order to finance the costs of these actions programmed for the year 2010.

When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the costs of capital, with the exception of the transfers in the Commons and investment expenses provided for in the draft budget, pending approval that had been approved with the character of long-term costs and that the head of Government with the prior agreement of the Government, can make effective and can put in force, respectively. In this case, the general law on public finance determines the extension of current spending budget of the preceding financial year and the effect of the credits approved by multi-annual character, in addition to the authorization to the Executive to make effective transfers in the Commons.

As a result, the Andorra telecommunications service does not have credits to cope with the cost of real investment already mentioned, which add up to a total of 13,354,675 euros for the year 2010, and 9,434,550 euros of expenses with pluriannual 1,011,500 euros of which corresponding to current expenses relating to the maintenance for the year 2011 of some of these new investment projects.

Seen the report of the General intervention;

Seen the governmental agreement of 14 April 2010;

Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for a total amount of EUR 22,789,225, of which 13,354,675 euros for the financial year 2010 and 9,434,550 euros for the financial year 2011, to meet the expenses arising from the implementation of several key projects for the development of the infrastructures and services of Telecommunications in Andorra, for budgetary and the following amounts: Department Subconcepte Project Amount Amount Total Marketing and sales G999 2010 2011 106-28 Office and computer equipment 60610 15,000 0 15,000

Marketing and sales G999 106-29 60610 computer equipment and Office information systems 3,000 0 3,000 107 06P92-48 64050 35,000 50,000 85,000 107 applications 08P69 information systems-43 64050 185,000 0 185,000 107 08P76 information systems applications-31 64050 165,000 75,000 240,000 107 09Q64 information systems applications-32 64050 80,000 0 80,000 107 09R13 information systems applications-40 64050 60,000 0 60,000 107 09R16 information systems applications-37 computer information systems 09R55 40,000 0 40,000 107 Applications 64050-41 64050 computer applications
115,000 0 115,000 107 09S05 information systems-33 100,000 50,000 150,000 107 09S09 information systems applications 64050-35 64050 35,000 0 35,000 107 10A04 information systems applications-36 computer information systems 45,000 0 45,000 107 Applications 64050 10A10-39 64050 55,000 0 55,000 107 10A11 information systems applications-45 64050 30,000 65,000 95,000 107 10A25 information systems applications-47 64050 65,000 40,000 105,000 107 applications 10A35 information systems-49 64050 30,000 50,000 80,000 107 applications information systems

10A36-50 64050 70,000 60,000 130,000 107 10A39 information systems applications-51 64050 30,000 70,000 100,000 107 10A47 information systems applications-34 64050 65,000 0 65,000 107 applications 10A49 information systems-44 64050 55,000 0 55,000 107 10A50 information systems applications-38 64050 65,000 0 65,000 107 10A52 information systems applications-46 64050 60,000 0 60,000 107 10A55 information systems applications-42 64050 120,000 0 120,000 107 applications information systems G999/001-60 computer Applications Systems 85,000 150,000 235,000 107 64050 II01 information/301-56 64050 355,000 500,000 855,000 107 II01 information systems applications/303-57 64050 265,000 300,000 565,000 107 applications information systems II01/304-55 64050 195,000 100,000 295,000 107 applications information systems II01/304-59 64050 76,000 110,000 186,000 107 applications information systems II01/304-61 64050 110,000 200,000 310,000 107 applications information systems II01/305-58 64050 135,000 190,000 325,000 107 applications information systems II01/306-52 64050 95,000 150,000 245,000 107 applications information systems II01/307-54
computer information systems 80,000 50,000 130,000 107 Applications 64050 II03/010-53 64050 73,000 225,000 298,000 107 applications information systems II03/020-62 64050 66,000 0 66,000 133 corporate services applications IE02/005-60200 27 buildings and other constructions 125,000 75,000 200,000 133 Corporate Services 10P10/02-60200 23 buildings and other constructions IE01 120,000 0 120,000 133 Corporate Services/004-60200 25 buildings and other constructions IE01 140,000 0 140,000 133 Corporate Services/008-60200 26 buildings and other constructions 100,000 0 100,000

Corporate Services 133 IE02/005-60200 24 buildings and other constructions 60,000 0 60,000 141 engineering and develop your army.
07P54/03-12 Central Equipment Engineering and 400,000 0 400,000 141 60340 develop your army.
07P56/05-6 Central Facilities 60340 750,000 0 750,000 141 engineering and develop your army.
07P56/05-8 Central Equipment Engineering and 200,000 0 200,000 141 60340 develop your army.
08P71-4 Central Equipment Engineering and 100,000 0 100,000 141 60340 develop your army.
09R21-11 Central Equipment Engineering and 300,000 0 300,000 141 60340 develop your army.
09R29-13 Central Equipment Engineering and 750,000 0 750,000 141 60340 develop your army.
09S01-1 Central Equipment Engineering and 300,000 0 300,000 141 60340 develop your army.
09S01-2 Central Equipment Engineering and 100,000 0 100,000 141 60340 develop your army.
Central Equipment Engineering and 150,000 0 150,000 141 60340 09S09-5 develop your army.
09S10-7 Central Equipment Engineering and 90,000 0 90,000 141 60340 develop your army.
10A04-3 Central Equipment Engineering and 275,000 0 275,000 141 60340 develop your army.
10A79-10 Central Equipment Engineering and 2 million 5 million 7 million 141 60340 develop your army.
10A80-15 central Equipment Engineering and 250,000 0 250,000 141 60340 develop your army.
10A81-16 Central Equipment Engineering and 150,000 0 150,000 141 60340 develop your army.
10A82-14 Central Equipment Engineering and 300,000 0 300,000 141 60340 develop your army.
10A84-17 Central Equipment Engineering and 150,000 0 150,000 141 60340 develop your army.
IC01/012-9 Central Facilities 60340 100,000 0 100,000 142 monitoring and keep up.
IC01/005-70 Central Facilities 60340 130,000 0 130,000 142 monitoring and keep up.
IX01/006-69 60310 450,000 0 450,000 142 National Network supervision and to keep up.
IX01/007-68 60310 200,000 0 200,000 142 National Network supervision and to keep up.
IX01/013-64 60310 national network 426,000 0 426,000 142 monitoring and keep up.
IX01/013-65 60310 202,000 0 202,000 142 National Network supervision and to keep up.
IX01/013-66 60310 200,000 0 200,000 142 National Network supervision and to keep up.
IX01/013-67 60310 national network 07P54 Operations 403,000 0 403,000 144/03-12 21030 Mant. technical installations 07P56 Operations 0 18,000 18,000 144/05-6 21030 Mant. technical installations 07P56 Operations 0 90,000 90,000 144/05-8 21030 Mant. technical installations 0 4,000 4,000 144 08P71 Operations-4 21030 Mant. technical installations and computer equipment 0 5,000 5,000 144 09P73 60610-85 Operations of 50,000 0 50,000 144 09P73 Operations Office-85 64050 130,000 25,000 155,000 144 applications Operations 09R16-37 21030 Mant. technical installations 0 17,000 17,000 144 09R21 Operations-11 21030 Mant. technical installations 09R29 Operations 0 22,500 22,500 144-13 21030 Mant. technical installations and computer equipment 0 45,000 45,000 144 09R75 60610-84 Operations of 200,000 50,000 250,000 144 09S01 Operations Office-1 blanket, 21030. technical installations 0 15,000 15,000 144 09S01 Operations-2 21030 Mant. technical installations 09S09 Operations 0 10,000 10,000 144-5 21030 Mant. technical installations 10A04 Operations 0 10,000 10,000 144-3 blanket, 21030. technical installations 0 25,000 25,000 144 10A79 Operations-10 21030 Mant. technical installations 0 600,000 600,000 144 10A80 Operations-15 21030 Mant. technical installations 10A81 Operations 0 30,000 30,000 144-16 21030 Mant. technical installations 0 17,000 17,000 144 10A82 Operations-14 21030 Mant. technical installations 0 15,000 15,000 144 10A84 Operations-17 21030 Mant. technical installations G004 Operations 0 10,000 10,000 144-63 21030 Mant. technical installations G004 Operations 0 58,000 58,000 144-86 21030 Mant. technical installations 0 10,000 10,000 144 G999 Operations/001-78 64050 150,000 153,000 303,000 144 applications IA01 Operations/005-74 Central Facilities 60340 32,000 0 32,000 144 IC01 Operations/012-72 60340 Central Facilities Operations 110,000 0 110,000 144 IC01/012-9 21030 Mant. technical installations IC07 Operations 0 10,000 10,000 144/008-60340 Central Facilities II01 Operations 80,400 82,000 162,400 144 79/001-76 64050 60,050 61,050 121,100 144 applications II01 Operations/015-81 60610 computer equipment and Office Operations 60,300 62,000 122,300 144 II01/015-81 64050 25,125 26,000 51,125 144 applications Operations II01/021-II01 Operations/45,225 47,000 92,225 144 77 applications 64050 032-80 60610 computer equipment and Office Operations 30,150 32,000 62,150 144 II01/032-82 60610 computer equipment and Office 262,900
268,000 530,900 144 II01 Operations/050-83 60610 computer equipment and Office Material and tools-IM01 Operations 105,525 107,000 212,525 144 60370 11,000 0 11,000 144 IR01/Operations 71 004-75 60350 Equipment repeaters 17,000 0 17,000 144 IX01 Operations/003-73 Central Facilities 60340 6,000 0 6,000 Article 2

The special credit for the year 2010 for an amount of 13,354,675 euros is financed by incorporating remnants of Treasury of the Andorran telecommunications service.

The credits of expenditure with pluriannual, as well as their financing, an amount of 9,434,550 euros, respectively, will be included in the budget of 2011 when this is insufficient, in accordance with article 29 of the general law on public finance.

Final provision this law enters into force on the same day to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Casa de la Vall, 3 Josep Dallerès Codina General Syndic of June 2010 We the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra