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Law 66/2010, Of 22 September, Extraordinary Credit And Credit Supplement To Finance Several Investment And Costs Of Operation Of The Police Department

Original Language Title: Llei 66/2010, del 22 de setembre, de crèdit extraordinari i de suplement de crèdit per finançar diverses despeses d’inversió i de funcionament del Departament de Policia

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Law since the General Council in its session of the 22nd September 2010 has approved the following: Law 66/2010, of 22 September, extraordinary credit and credit supplement to finance several investment and costs of operation of the Police Department of the preamble the Mission of the police is to ensure public safety , both in the preventive aspect as in the repressive aspect. To fulfill this mission, the Police Department should have the technical means necessary to maintain and even improve the level of security available today, the Principality of Andorra.

To carry out this task successfully, the police force must be able to carry out the necessary annual investments to allow the exercise of all the missions you are assigned and which are derived from the application of the legislation on protection of citizens. This investment will enable, on the one hand, renew certain material that has become obsolete and that it is essential to ensure the safety of the police officers in the performance of its functions; on the other hand should allow to equip the police force of new technical resources necessary to improve the security of the State and allow it to reach the same technical level that police States neighbors. You also need to do deal with various operating costs as the maintenance of diverse technological equipment and rent and the costs of the facilities at the border point with France.

The budget for the financial year 2010 foresaw the credits necessary to deal with these expenses for the year 2010. When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the cost of real investment, with the exception of the expenses planned investment budget project pending approval, that had been approved with the character of long-term costs, and that the head of Government, with the prior agreement of the Government, can be put into effect. In this case, the general law on public finance determines the extension of current spending budget for the financial year immediately prior.

As a result, the Government does not have a number of credits that had been planned for the year 2010 to carry out the necessary investment, or long-term credits to deal with the acquisition of automatic finger identification system, which is necessary even though it is not included in the project budget. The Executive also does not have funding to meet the costs of existing operations, since they were not valued sufficiently in the budget for the financial year 2009.

Seen that the character of urgency and necessity of these costs is justified by the fact that the Government should have the budgetary credits needed to deal with the amounts arising from the acquisition of the material and the equipment necessary to perform its functions in accordance with the requirements set, so as to be able to meet the commitments;

Seen the report of the General intervention;

Seen the governmental agreement of 27 May 2010;

Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 382,327.23 euros for the following budgetary items: 720 720-police department public safety Area and Citizen Proximity-PROJ-0007 public safety and citizen proximity-60300 security facilities, for a total of 6,439.60 euros 720 720-police department public safety Area and Citizen Proximity-PROJ-0007 public safety and citizen proximity-60500 Furniture , for an amount of € 3,600 720 720-police department public safety Area and Citizen Proximity-PROJ-0007 public safety and citizen proximity-60870 Security Facilities, for a total of 26,527.33 euros, 720-721 police department Criminal Police area-PROJ-0002 Criminal Police-21300 repair and maintenance of machinery, installations and equipment, for an amount of 42,555.68 euros, 720-721 police department Criminal Police area-PROJ-0002 Criminal Police-60300 security installations and equipment , for an amount of 7,831.98 euros for the financial year 2010, 31,327.92 euros for the financial year 2011, 31,327.92 euros for the year 2012 and 33,495.94 euros for the financial year 2013 720 police department-Criminal Police area 721-PROJ-0002 Criminal Police-Office Equipment 60510, for an amount of € 720 175.10 Police Department-Criminal Police area 721-PROJ-0002 Criminal Police-Security Equipment 60870, for an amount of € 720 722 5,590 Police Department-technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-60300 security installations and equipment , for an amount of 261.04 euros, 720-722 Police Department technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-60510 Office Equipment, for a total of € 720 722 175.10 police department-technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-60610 equipment for processes of information, for an amount of EUR 22,500 720 police department-722 technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-60870 Security Facilities, for a total of € 720 722 8,850 Police Department-technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-60880 communications Material , for an amount of € 720 722 3,616 Police Department-technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area – 61310 Replacement and improvement of material and equipment, for an amount of 2,667.82 euros, 720-722 Police Department technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-61610 Replacement and improvement of computer equipment, for a total of € 720 722 54,480 police department-technical area-PROJ-0008 technical area-64050 computer applications, for an amount of 74,698.60 euros 720 police department-723 SG managed. and budget. Police-PROJ-0001 Direc. gesture. Police Service-60870 Security Facilities, for a total of 26,207.20 euros.

Article 2 approves a fee credit for the following budget base: 720 720-police department public safety Area and Citizen Proximity-PROJ-0007 public safety and citizen proximity-20000 Rent land and natural goods, for an amount of 64,029.12 euros.

Article 3 This extraordinary credit and credit fee is financed through budgetary follows: 220-221 Heritage Department of budget and expenses and financial transactions-credit policy Interests 33010-PROJ-0008 expenses and financial operations, for an amount of 350,204.57 euros.

The capital spending credits with multi-annual character and its funding, for a total amount of € 96,151.78, will be included in the respective budgets when they drafted the corresponding projects, in accordance with article 29 of the general law on public finance.

Final provision this law comes into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Casa de la Vall, 22 September 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra