Law 16/2013, of 10 October, amending the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration because the General Council in its session of October 10th, 2013 has approved the following: reason In the session of 31 May 2012, the General Council approved the law 9/2012 , May 31, to amend the law of immigration, by which, among other things, they create new types of immigration authorizations that completed the whole force. However, the passage of this law on modification of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration, has been considered a necessity to create, among others, three types of new immigration permits.
It is planned to create a work permit without residence, motivated by the necessity of the Andorran companies to hire staff who work and reside outside of Andorra. Likewise it creates a work permit on their own, which is motivated by the fact of developing the law 10/2012, June 21, foreign investment in the Principality of Andorra, as well as the modification contained in the same Law relative to the letter a of paragraph 1 of article 5, of the law 6/2008, May 15, on the exercise of liberal professions and educational institutions and professional associations , with the aim of ensuring that the immigration regulations do not constitute an obstacle to those changes in legislation. At the same time, taking into account the shortcomings of the law in this sense, it has created a residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care centers in private, which allows the holder to reside for more than 90 days per calendar year in the Principality, being admitted in a nursing or medical or therapeutic care privately.
Similarly, this law has wanted to take into account the new needs of the current economic situation and, for this purpose, are allowed all kinds of work of short duration, not exceeding 30 calendar days per calendar year. Together, this law expands the possibility of computing, within the period of permanent residence and effective, a shift of employment abroad agreed with the pattern in the framework of the realization of certain projects with a duration of no more than 12 months may be extended if it is sufficiently justified. With the same purpose it is anticipated that, in the event that the employer pay the rate generated by the provision of one of the administrative services mentioned in sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 23 of article 152, and within a maximum period of one month, proves that the foreign person for the contract which it has pleased the rate has desisted from his working place unilaterally , you can request another immigration authorization of the same characteristics as the previous one without having to pay the fee, and with respect, however, the criteria of social cohesion provided for in article 36 of the law so the other requirements established by the law and regulations in force.
Equally, it has regulated the need to expand the authorization until now in force for studies, training or work experience research, and for sports training activities, and establishes the possibility of allowing training practices, sports training and research are paid within the framework of agreements awarded with schools or foreign sports.
To have more control with regard to immigration, is expected to be the obligation of holders of authorisations of residence and work, and for reasons of rally of register of the parish in which reside within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of obtaining the application for immigration, and noting the same within 3 months for other holders of authorisations of immigration that until now had this obligation ,-although the deadline was a year, to keep up with the fingers deadlines.
This Law also made other modifications necessary to implement duly detailed modifications above, as well as other necessary to clarify certain aspects that could lead to confusion of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration.
In conclusion, this modification of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the immigration law fits the needs of the country's immigration to the new legislative regulations in force, as well as the current economic situation, and resolves some drawbacks which in practice was devoted to the current system, without modifying the structure and the current immigration system in the Principality.
This law is made up of 49 articles, a repealing and two final provisions.
Article 1 adds a new article 22 bis to the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 22 bis.
Common registration obligation All foreign person the holder of an authorization of immigration of residence and work, and any person residing by reason of regrouping, have the obligation to register in the parish common in which reside within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of grant of the authorization of immigration and to justify this registration within the same term by the Immigration Service. "
Article 2 modifies the section 10 of article 23 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "10. The number of residence permits without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection and for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions and for deposit in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres private income that can be granted in a certain time is fixed periodically in accordance with the economic and social circumstances of the Principality of Andorra. The determination of the maximum number of permissions is done by via in the same regulatory rule that note the contributions of immigration permits or in another of the same hierarchy. All of these residence permits will be calculated within the approved quota, with the exception of those relating to the persons who access to resident status without lucrative activity, in accordance with the provisions of articles 91, 93 and 94. Nor does it count the people who are in one of the situations referred to in article 97. "
Article 3
Added two new sections, 11 and 12, in article 23 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way: "11. The number of immigration permits without residence is set periodically through regulatory, from immigration policy and defined in accordance with the economic and social circumstances of the Principality of Andorra.
12. The number of immigration permits of residence and work on their own is set periodically through regulatory, from immigration policy and defined in accordance with the economic and social circumstances of the Principality of Andorra. "
Article 4 modifies the paragraph 6 of article 27 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "6. A person or company wishing to employ the services of a foreign company or a foreign freelance for short duration, that is to say that in no case exceeds 30 calendar days per calendar year , should not request any authorization of immigration, although they must take prior written communication to the Immigration Service, and if the recruitment is greater than or equal to 5 working days, the corresponding fee must be paid, the payment of which is fixed by regulations. "
Article 5 adds an article 28 bis of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 28 bis.
Work permit without residence 1. The foreign person who requests and obtains a work permit without residence is authorised to work abroad for a company legally in Andorra, and must also reside abroad, under the conditions determined by law.
2. The work permit without residence is delivered by an initial duration of one year and can be renewed three times for periods of two years.
3. After seven years from the date of grant of the authorisation, the successive renewals are handed out for periods of a duration of ten years. "
Article 6 adds an article 28 ter to the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 28 ter.
Residence permit for self-employed work and 1. The foreign person who requested and obtained a residence permit for self-employed work is authorized to reside and work in the Principality of Andorra, under the conditions determined by law.
2. The residence permit for self-employed work and is delivered by an initial duration of one year and can be renewed three times for periods of two years.
3. Once after seven years from the date of grant of the authorisation, the successive renewals are handed out for periods of a duration of ten years. "
Article 7 modifies the article 30 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 30.
Immigration clearance for studies, training practices, for sports training or research 1. The foreign person who requests and obtains an authorization from immigration to education, in training practices, to sports practice or for research, is authorized to study, to carry out internships, to perform sports or training to carry out scientific research or similar and to reside in the country only as long as the duration of the studies, practices, training or research for which he has received this authorization. You must attach to the application a calendar of the activities of research, practice, training or studies that will want to check with a specific forecast of completion.
2. With regard to the previous section of this article, it is understood to internships, sports training or research, paid or unpaid activity, within the framework of a given agreement between the Ministry responsible for education and sports, and the sports school or recognised overseas, as appropriate, developed by a company located in Andorra and with a purpose, sports training or research only. In any case, with regard to authorisations for internships or research, it is necessary that the applicants have the relevant academic or professional qualification, or are doing paperwork for it, but have not been integrated into the labour market.
3. The authorization for immigration in an establishment of education based in the Principality of Andorra and recognized by the Government or the authorization of immigration in internships, to sports practice or research, presupposes in all cases the justification of an insurance policy that covers in a sufficient and valid for the Principality of Andorra any kind of medical or health-related spending. The sufficiency of the insurance is determined by the regulations.
4. The authorization of immigration by studying, in internships, to sports practice or research in a minor requires the express permission of the person who is the legal guardian or representative, as well as the accreditation that Andorra will be under the guard of an institution or entity legally incorporated or a person of legal age. If the keeper of the minor lies in an institution or entity legally constituted, this institution or entity should be in Andorra, and if falls on a person, it should be of Andorran nationality or resident in the Principality of Andorra and was the holder of an authorization for immigration legislation at least for the period of duration of studies, training practices, sports training or research projected.
5. The authorization of immigration by studying, in internships, to sports practice or to search can be extended only if it proves that it has been impossible to execute in the forecasts and the temporary limits the maximum indicated in the schedule attached to the request.
6. The authorization of immigration by studying, in internships, to sports practice or research requires justify that it has sufficient financial means to live in the Principality of Andorra for the duration of the studies, practices, training and research, and adequate housing. The reliance of the media and of the housing are determined by the regulations. "
Article 8
Added a new article 30 bis of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 30 bis.
Residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care in private centres 1. The foreign person who requested and obtained a residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care centres private income is authorized to reside in the Principality of Andorra, in accordance with the specific provisions laid down in Title IX bis of this law.
2. The initial authorization of residence for entry in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres private income is granted for a period of one year and may be extended. Renewals are granted for periods of one year. "
Article 9 modifies the paragraph 2 of article 32 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "2. The initial authorization of residence without lucrative activity is awarded for a period of two years, extendable. The first renewal is granted for a period of two years, and the second and later, for a period of three years. "
Article 10 article 34 of the law is modified 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 34.
Definition the status of person resident in the Principality of Andorra and the rights deriving from it attributed to all foreigners holding a valid immigration permit, with the exception of frontier workers and of foreigners holding a work permit without residence. "
Article 11 modifies the article 36 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 36.
Social cohesion criteria prior to the presentation of a request for authorisation of immigration, the applicant company must justifiably that the demand cannot be satisfied by the job market and must be made at the same time, all the paperwork required by the regulations by the competent body in the field of employment. Excepts of these requirements the immigration permits delivered by the exercise of an activity for its own account and the permissions without residence. "
Article 12 adds a new article 38 bis to law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 38 bis.
Criteria for the granting of the authorisations of immigration without residence 1. The foreign person who requests get immigration authorization without residence for work abroad on behalf of a company legally in Andorra, although reside abroad, you can obtain an authorization of immigration without residence, according to what the article 23.11 of the law.
2. In the granting of authorisations of immigration without residence, it is necessary that the foreign person who request meets the following conditions: a) demonstrate have been hired by a company legally established in the Principality of Andorra with a fixed salary exceeding three times the minimum wage in force at any time in the Principality of Andorra during the term of the employment relationship.
b) to justify and keep in force that the company has hired private insurance coverage and disease, for the applicant for all the time of validity of the authorization of immigration, as well as for their families in charge, if the country in which they pay actually does not enjoy an agreement with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
c) fulfil the other conditions laid down by this law. "
Article 13 is added a new article 38 ter of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 38 ter.
Criteria for the granting of the authorisations of immigration of residence and work on their own 1. The foreign person requested to live permanently in the Principality of Andorra and to exercise a self-employed activity may obtain an authorization of immigration of residence and work on their own, as set forth in article 23/12 of the Act.
2. In the granting of authorisations for immigration to exercise an activity for its own account, it is necessary that the foreign person who request meets the following conditions: A) in the case of a liberal professional: a) Certify, within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of entry of the application for authorization of immigration, which has obtained the authorization of exercise of the profession by the liberal government.
b) Certify, within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of entry of the application for authorization of immigration, which has obtained the licensing by the relevant professional association where appropriate.
c) fulfil the other conditions laid down by this law.
While not providing evidence of the conditions laid down in points a and b above, the authorization of immigration is on hold.
B) In all other cases: a) Having obtained authorisation from the relevant foreign investment by setting up a company in Andorra in which have a higher participation in the 10% and have legally constituted the society of reference.
b) play a position in the administrative organ of the same society.
c) Certify, within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of entry of the application for authorization of immigration, that the company legally and in reference to point to is the owner of a registered trade and activity in the Principality of Andorra.
d) comply with the other conditions laid down by this law. "
In accordance with this law, the commercial activity provided for in point c above should be demonstrated with the income generated by the company and by the (s) your trade (s) (s).
Article 14 modifies the article 39 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 39.
Conditions for the granting of authorisations for immigration, on internships, to sports training or research
The Government can condition the granting of authorizations for immigration, on internships, to sports practice or to search for the existence of specific agreements or the principle of reciprocity with the country of origin of the applicant. "
Article 15 modifies the article 40 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 40.
The principle of priority in the granting of authorisations The authorisation of temporary residence and work, immigration, border, border of a temporary, residence and work on their own, without residence and of residence without work, are granted in the first place in the national of the United States who have signed and ratified an agreement with the Principality of Andorra, then nationals of the Member States of the European Union or of the European economic area and nationals of other States eventually. "
Article 16 modifies the article 45 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 45.
Accommodation the accommodation of the applicant must comply with the minimum legal conditions of occupancy required by the regulations, if this person must certify a home in Andorra. "
Article 17 article 46 of the law is modified 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 46.
Age the applicant must be over eighteen years of age, except in cases of family regrouping and immigration permits for studies in educational practices, to sports practice or by searching or other expressly excepted by this law. "
Article 18 adds a new paragraph 5 to article 52 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "5." also will be counted in the permanent and effective exercise of the professional activity, the development of a professional activity abroad, under the conditions provided for in article 28 bis. "
Article 19 article 53 of the law is modified 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 53.
Permanent residence and effective 1. To obtain the renewal of any immigration permission, the person who is the owner must have resided permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra from the start date if it is an initial authorisation, or of the date of the last renewal in other cases. Are exempt from this rule are holders of an authorization of immigration of the border and are holders of a work permit without residence.
2. Will be calculated during the period of permanent residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra the absences caused by holidays, for medical treatment abroad due to an illness or an accident, to a cycle of training abroad under the conditions defined in article 52.3, or by a shift of employment abroad, agreed to by the employer in the framework of the realization of certain projects with a duration of no more than 12 months, extendable by justified by the employer and with an authorization from the Immigration Service. "
Article 20 adds a new article 58 bis to law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 58 bis.
Renewal of the work permit without residence for the renewal of a work permit without residence, the person who is the owner must have worked abroad for a company legally in Andorra and must have resided abroad during the entire period of the authorization.
The Immigration Service refused the renewal if the initial authorization was obtained in fraud of law or if the conditions of insurance, salary or others have ceased to be the exposed in the papers 28 bis and 38 bis. "
Article 21 adds a new article 58 ter of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 58 ter.
Renewal of the residence permit and work on their own for the renewal of a residence permit and work on their own, the person who is the owner must have resided and worked in the Principality of Andorra on a permanent basis and effective. Likewise, in the case of a person liberal professional, for the renewal of the authorization must have fulfilled the requirements set forth in article 38 ter. 2. during the term of the authorization and that the follow met. In other cases, the foreign person who wishes to obtain the renewal of his residence permit and work on your own, you must have fulfilled the requirements set forth in article 38 ter. 2. B during the term of the authorization and that the follow met.
The Immigration Service refused the renewal if the initial authorization was obtained in fraud of law or if the conditions stated in articles 28 ter and 38 ter of the law are not met. "
Article 22 modifies the paragraph c of article 67 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "(c)) the fact of change of economic sector during the first year of the permit, when this law forbidding."
Article 23 Will modify the sections a, b and d of article 73 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "to) that the holder of the authorization of current immigration not residing in the Principality of Andorra on an ongoing basis and effective, except for holders of authorisations without border and residence.
b) That the holder of the authorization of immigration legislation that authorizes you to work not work permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra and that is not in one of the specific situations provided for in articles 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 62.2 and 28 bis.
d) that the holder of the authorization of the economic sector has changed during the first year of the authorization, when the law prohibits it. "
Article 24 are added four sections, h, i, j and k, in the article 73 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way:
"h) that finds that the holder of an initial authorization obtained in application of the provisions of article 28 bis resides in the Principality of Andorra.
and finds that the person) which is the holder of a residence permit for self-employed work and has not met or does not meet any of the requirements laid down in article 38 ter applicable in each case.
j) that finds that the holder of an authorisation for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care centre in private, not the record indeed admitted in a centre of enforcers themselves features.
k) that cancel the authorization of immigration or finds the lack of effective and permanent residence of the people who requested the family regrouping in accordance with article 102 of this law, or cancel the authorisation of residence without immigration the main holder described in Title IX of this law, for the people who have been the subject of the rally provided in article 103 of this law , as well as for the people in charge provided for in article 91 of this law. "
Article 25 modifies paragraph g of article 79 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "g) the lack of justification of the common registration where lies the holder of a residence permit without lucrative activity, a residence permit for professional reasons , a residence permit for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, an immigration authorization of residence and work or an authorization for a rally after three months of obtaining the same authorization. "
Article 26 is deleted the paragraph 2 of article 80 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration.
Article 27 modifies the article 81 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 81.
Obtaining of a renewable authorization expired after the expiry date of the authorization, the holder may request the regularization of their situation if justified, when appropriate, which has resided permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra from the date on which it was granted the last authorization and also if they meet all other requirements set forth in this law to renew their authorization. "
Article 28 modifies the paragraph 1 of article 89 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "1. The provisions of this title are applicable to concession and the extinction of the immigration permits of residence without work mentioned in articles 32 and 33 of this law."
Article 29 modify the sections c and d of article 97 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way: "c) the person who request and obtain an authorization of immigration to study or further study or perform research or training or sports training in any public or private centre of Andorra, as long as it complies with the requirements of this law.
d) the person who resides temporarily and for a duration of less than 90 days in the Principality of Andorra to continue medical treatment, as long as they can prove this fact and limit their stay at the duration of the treatment. "
Article 30 is added a section to the article 97 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "e) the person you request and obtain an authorization of immigration for deposit in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres in private, as long as it complies with the requirements which requires that law , and submit specifically to the specificities of the title IX bis of the law. "
Article 31 is added a new title IX bis of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Title IX bis. Immigration permits of residence for entry in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres in private "Article 32 adds a new article 101 bis to law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows:" Article 101 bis.
Concept of person resident for deposit in private nursing homes or centers for medical or therapeutic care in private centres 1. A person is considered resident for income in private nursing homes, or for medical or therapeutic care centers in private, in accordance with this law, the individual who does not have the Andorran nationality and established his permanent residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra in a private geriatric centre or in a medical care centre or private therapeutic for at least 90 days per calendar year , without exercising any occupational or professional activity.
2. However, the resident person to enter nursing homes or private centres for medical or therapeutic care in private centres can develop the activities necessary for the management of their own heritage and, in particular, the functions that correspond as administrator of the entities in the capital or in the own funds of which have a stake greater than or equal to 50 per cent , and whenever the Office of administrator is not paid. "
Article 33 is added a new article 101 ter to the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 101 ter.
Applicable to get an immigration authorization of residence for entry in private nursing homes, schools or medical care centers for entry in therapeutic or private, the applicant shall meet the following requirements: a) to be of legal age or lower emancipat, or minor or incapacitated with the express permission of the person who is the representative or legal guardian.
b) demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means, in accordance with the requirements established by the regulations, which allow the applicant reside in the Principality of Andorra for all the time of validity of the residence.
c) to justify and keep in force in the Principality of Andorra and insurance coverage for illness, disability and old age for the applicant for all the time of validity of the authorization, with the exception of minors and are over the age of sixty years, which must be accountable and be in force in the Principality of Andorra and insurance coverage for illness.
d) Demonstrate documented that has been admitted to enter in a geriatric Center or to enter in a medical or therapeutic care privately.
e) the signature of the applicant of a commitment to be admitted permanently and effectively in a private geriatric centre or in a medical care centre or private therapeutic. "
Article 34 modifies paragraph of point 1 of article 103 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "to) the spouse or a member of the stable Union of a couple."
Article 35 modifies the article 105 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 105.
Requirements for proof of marriage, the stable Union of a couple, filiation or guardianship marriage, the stable Union of a couple, filiation or guardianship could be for the family regrouping must be duly accredited. The conditions for accreditation are set by regulation and the Immigration Service can carry out the appropriate checks in this regard. "
Article 36 adds a new section to the article 115 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "e) The holder of a work permit without residence that resides habitually in the Principality of Andorra. If that person returns to reside outside the territory of Andorra, you can continue working abroad, in the terms of their authorisation, without prejudice to the sanctions that may be imposed. "
Article 37 modifies the paragraph 2 of article 138 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "The employer who hires the services of a foreign person the holder of a temporary immigration permit has the obligation to notify the Immigration Service the cessation of the work of the worker."
Article 38 modifies the title of title XIII of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "the 13TH Title. The obligations of the employer or of the person of the provision of services or of the holder of the nursing or medical or therapeutic care centre private "Article 39 is added a new third chapter to the title XIII of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded in the following way : "the third Chapter. Obligations of the holder of a private geriatric centre or the centre of private medical or therapeutic care "Article 40 is added a new article 139 bis of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows:" Article 139 bis.
Detail of the obligations of the holder of a private geriatric centre or a medical or therapeutic care center suite has the obligation to notify the Immigration Service any final discharge from the center of any holder of an authorization of immigration for deposit in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres in private, within a maximum period of 15 calendar days from the date of final discharge from the holder of the authorization of immigration. "
Article 41 has added four new sections, i, j, k and l, in article 140 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way: "and Who resides or habitually or pernocti) to work in the Principality of Andorra being holder of a work permit without residence.
j) Who certifies as a person admitted in a private geriatric centre or in a medical care centre or private therapeutic in the Principality of Andorra after the expiration of their immigration authorization.
k) The holder of a private geriatric centre or a medical or therapeutic care center suite that does not comply with the obligation to report within the deadline set in the Immigration Service any final discharge from the center of any holder of an authorization of immigration for deposit in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres in private, in accordance with article 139 bis.
the) anyone who met with delay in the obligation to register in the parish common in which it resides. "
Article 42 will add a paragraph to section b) to the article 141 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "b") The pattern that makes them work in the Principality of Andorra a foreign person in conditions and inadequate methods to their immigration authorization.
It is understood in this case the employer that pays workers a lower wage or modify the work day that consists in the application of immigration authorization presented at Immigration Service. "
Article 43 amending sections e and of article 141 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way: "e) the individual beneficiary of the services rendered by foreign workers dependent on a foreign company or foreign self-employed workers, who let do the work before obtaining the authorization of temporary immigration for workers of foreign companies or that do the work of short duration without having the immigration service in advance or without having satisfied the rate provided for in article 27.6.
l) Who work in the Principality of Andorra and was the holder of an authorisation for residence without immigration or without residence. "
Article 44 modifies section 8 of article 152 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "8. The delivery of immigration for a permit, on internships, to sports training or research."
Article 45
Eight new sections are added, from 23 to 30, in article 152 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way: "23. Delivery of work permit without residence (initial).
24. Delivery of work permit without residence (renewal).
25. Delivery of residence permit and work for their own account (initial).
26. Delivery of residence permit and work for their own account (initial for family regrouping).
27. Delivery of residence permit for self-employed work (renovation).
28. Delivery of residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care in private centres (initial).
29. The delivery of residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care centers in private (renewal).
30. Rate for work of short duration. "
Article 46 modifies the article 153 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "Article 153.
Taxable 1. The pattern is required of the tax generated by the provision of one of the administrative services mentioned in sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 23 of the previous article.
2. The person who requests the transfer tax is required for administrative services set forth in sections 10, 12, 13, 16 and 26 of the previous article.
3. The foreign person that is requesting a work permit for self-employed tax is required for administrative services set forth in section 25 of the previous article.
4. The foreign person that is requesting a work permit of residence for entry in private nursing homes, schools or medical care or therapeutic centres in private is required for tax administrative services set forth in section 28 of the previous article.
5. The person or company you want to hire the services of a foreign company or a foreign freelance for short duration is the tax rate generated by the provision of the administrative service mentioned in paragraph 30 of the previous article.
6. The person of foreign nationality who apply for the provision of administrative service is required of the tax generated by the provision of other administrative services mentioned in the preceding article. "
Article 47 modifies section 8 of article 154 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "8. The delivery of immigration for a permit, on internships, to sports training or research."
Article 48 will add eight new sections, from 23 to 30, in article 154 of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which are written in the following way: "23. Delivery of work permit without residence (initial) 179.90 24. Delivery of work permit without residence (renovation) 21.30 25. Delivery of own residence and work authorisation (initial) 179.90 26. Delivery of own residence and work authorisation (initial for family regrouping) 21.30 27. Delivery of own residence and work permit (renewal) 21.30 28. Delivery of residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care in private centres (initial) 179.90 29. Delivery of residence permit for entry into nursing homes or private medical or therapeutic care centers in private (renovation) 30-21.30. Fee for the work of short duration 179.90 tax dues rates in the area of immigration can be updated by the law of the budget. "
Article 49 adds a paragraph 2 to article 155, law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded as follows: "2. In the event that the person must tax the rate generated by the provision of one of the administrative services mentioned in sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 23 of article 152 to pay the fee and , within a maximum period of one month, certified in the manner provided for by regulations that the foreign person for the contract which it has pleased the rate has desisted from his place of employment unilaterally, you can request a second and only immigration authorization of the same characteristics as the previous one, without having to pay the fee, and must respect but, the criteria of social cohesion provided for in article 36, as well as the other requirements established by the law and the regulations in force. "
Repealing provision abolishes all provisions of equal or lower rank that conflict with what is established in this law.
First final provision is responsible to the Government that, within a maximum period of three months from the date of entry into force of this law, published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra, by Legislative Decree, and the revised text of the articles of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration, including all modifications provided by this law.
Second final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, October 10, 2013 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
François Hollande Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra