lo26051007 Law 18/2014, July 24, to amend the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security since the General Council in its session of July 24 2014 has approved the following: law 18/2014, July 24, to amend the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security reason I) The Andorran social security system has become , since it was set up in 1968, the basic pillar on which implements the collective action for the protection of citizens in situations of need and ensuring the welfare of workers and their families in the health field. The evolution of the demography and economic expansion have allowed to have, for decades, a system that recognized broad benefits, mainly financed through contributions of the same affiliates comparatively less onerous than in most other countries.
The importance of maintaining this protective action committed the constituent legislator, which has awarded the democratic and social rule of law, the guarantee of the social security system. This high responsibility obliges the public authorities to continue ensuring the rights of social protection of citizens and future generations, through a coordinated action of efficiency in the administration of resources and benefits, and of production rules that adjust the system to the context and to the projections for the future.
The law 17/2008, of 3 October, social security has represented a qualitative change in the adjustment of the system of social protection. The strong involvement of the State introduced with the law regulating the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, of 18 December 1997, and with the law 4/2006 of 7 April urgent and specific measures for reform of the social security system, ends with that rule, that reformulates the contributory and non-contributory benefits, and funding , you must enable it. The law aims to ensure the viability and sustainability of the general branch and the branch in retirement.
II) The social security system should continue to guarantee health care and sufficient social benefits, facing important challenges in the long term, derived from the trends of demographic evolution, the increase in life expectancy and the socio-economic context. At the same time, the inescapable duty to ensure and improve the sustainability of the system requires to reinforce its most appropriate relationship between establishing a contributory effort carried out in quotations throughout the working life and the benefits to be received, and on the other hand, foresee and define the contributions, in the form of general budget transfer, must be carried out every year by the Government.
The current moment requires a strengthening of the universal character of the regime of benefits and solidarity to avoid situations of precariousness of effectively through the coordination and complementarity of social security benefits with the foreseen in the law on social services and social welfare.
Reform measures contained in this Bill are aimed, therefore, to strengthen the system to remain stable and solid to ensure the widest possible coverage against social risks present and sufficient social benefits for future generations.
III) with regard to the general branch, the funding of the Andorran health system has been conditioned by the growth of the offer of services. The funding model must allow to strengthen the sustainability of the health system, facing the current challenges of healthcare, the rational use of medicines and the adaptation to the actual duration of the therapeutic treatments based on the real needs of the population, keeping, however, the current levels of social protection, taking into account all the time criteria of efficiency and quality of care.
As for the retirement, the common challenge of European social security systems in relation to the sustainability of the pension system is advised to implement reform measures that allow us to reference the pensions to the evolution of the economic and social circumstances of the country. International recommendations in the field of pensions, insist on the need to anticipate the potential risks faced by the system arising from the aging of the population, as well as of retirement over the next few years of numerous groups of the population. To meet these challenges we must adopt reforms that will allow them to extend the active life of the workers to improve the balance between professional life and the length of retirement, increasing the contributions to keep pension levels next to current, and thus avoid sudden corrections and traumatic in the future. Unfortunately, the severe and sustained economic crisis hampers the adoption of these measures in the short term, that would put at risk the economic recovery is desired. However, the obligations acquired by the system, and derived from the quotes require immediate temporary actions that allow them to delay the retirement of the deficit the years needed to assess the level of the reforms that need to be made, and ensure the exercise of the Government's responsibility in the maintenance of the pension system. In this sense, the law foresees that, without increasing the total percentage of contribution, the branch of retirement receives two more points at the expense of the general branch and that the State is compromised with respect to future deficit in the retirement, ensuring minimum reserves. In addition, and in line with the proposed Europe, included the application of a factor of sustainability to update pensions that are established by law, in order to lighten the obligations mentioned above and get an effective impact on the sustainability of the system. At the same time, maintaining the CPI as an option in the revaluation of pensions and annually, by the law of the budget, will determine how to update the pensions.
Finally, the branch of family benefits, non-contributory in nature and funded directly by the general budget of the State, ceases to be administered by the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. Benefits for dependent children are included, in accordance with the newly enacted law on social services and social welfare, in the socioassistencials portfolio of services provided by the Government.
IV) this law to reform the law 17/2008, of 3 October, is divided into 107 articles, 7 3 transitional provisions and final provisions.
With respect to the first book, dedicated to the General provisions and scope of application, the most important reforms are the inclusion of paid athletes among people assimilated to the employees and the setting of deadlines for the affiliation and the high-salaried workers.
In book two, of the management and the organisation of the system, will require several issues related to the functioning of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social and electoral procedure. With respect to financial management, is the introduction of the new commitments of the State in the area of financing of Add-ons for contributing not some pensions and retirement of the deficit, the Elimination of contribution classes in this branch, the reduction of surcharges, the modification of the respective weight of the contribution in the general branches and retirement on the terms that have the laws. It should also be noted the establishment of a policy of increased transparency and information to the public through an annual appearance in front of the General Council of the president of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, the obligation of the company to answer within the period of one month the consultations made by the businessmen and the people affiliated to the interpretation of this law , and the regular publication of the documentation of your web page. In addition, the law also reinforces the role of the elected members representing the electoral colleges.
In the third book, which develops the benefits offered by the system, the reforms are multiple. With regard to the general branch, establishes a new system of updating of the benefits that cease to be referred exclusively to the consumer price Index (CPI) to be able to hold, when they foresee the law of budget, when constant does not undermine, to a factor of sustainability which takes into consideration the relationship between cotitzants and beneficiaries of the system, the variation of wages and of the CPI. The refund provisions are defined by their type and purpose, and to the conditions of provision of the health service. In the temporary disability benefits are reduced in the longest running low, and, in the field of disability benefits are remarkable changes in the amounts, for the variation of percentages with respect to benefits that have labour source, whether by reference to the efforts regarding the contribution that have origins in a non-occupational injury or common illness , which together are grouped into only two classes of disability. The expected effect of reducing the amount of the pensions that stems from this change will be pal·lia by the contributory not disability. It also modifies the maximum amount of the benefit of capital due to death. And with regard to the benefits of rollback, it added new requirements for the payment of pensions for widow's pensions. It keeps the contributory widow's/widower's pensions not premium annuities until it is possible to perceive the pensions of Government solidarity.
In the branch retirement remains as ordinary retirement age are 65 years, with the possibility to anticipate the beginning of 61 years, or delayed without timelimit. To calculate the pensions applies a new formula, the effect of which is to modulate the increase of the pension on the basis of a certain level to reduce the imbalance between contributions and benefits in the higher pensions. Conversion factor happens to 9.6. Removed the contributory retirement, not premium in the regular benefits of solidarity by the law on social services and health, and also eliminates the increase to the age of the spouse.
The law introduces a new special scheme, provided for in article 223 quater, referred to people insured in the voluntary general branch and for the fact that all the people with a minimum of residence in Andorra may have access to health coverage.
In the fourth book, dedicated to the proceedings and sanctions, modifies the classification of some speeding tickets, the amount of the penalties and the regulation of administrative resource, including the potestativa intervention of a doctor in the litigation on issues of medical character.
In the transitional provisions remains the principle of application of the more favourable law.
Article 1 modifies article 6 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 6 Structure 1. The Andorran social security system is divided into two branches: the general branch and the branch out of retirement.
2. The general branch covers the refund provisions, temporary disability, maternity leave, paternity leave, risk during pregnancy, disability, death pension and capital of orphanhood.
3. retirement branch covers the situation of loss of income for being out of work or economic activity arising from the age and is made to the retirement pension and the widowhood pensions and annuities. "
Article 2 modifies the article 8 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 8 types of benefits The social security benefits are the following: a. reimbursement benefits, intended to compensate for the health costs defined in this law and the regulations that develop it.
B. economic benefits, which are divided into: a) for temporary disability Benefits, designed to offset partially the loss of income straight to the temporary interruption of the professional activity by reason of illness or accident.
b) benefits for maternity, paternity and risk during pregnancy, intended to compensate for the loss of income straight to the temporary interruption of the professional activity for maternity, paternity and risk during pregnancy.
c disability Pensions), intended to offset partially the loss of income resulting from the reduction of the ability of gain due to the premature deterioration of the body by reason of common illness or non-work related injury or resulting from a damage to the integrity of the body resulting in a work-related accident or an occupational disease.
d) Capital to death, intended to compensate for the expenses related to the death of the insured person.
e) Pensions for unwinding, intended to offset partially the loss of income resulting from the death of the insured person.
f) Retirement Pensions, aimed at giving back the rights acquired by retirement. "
Article 3 modifies article 13 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 13 people insured indirect 1. Are people insured indirect those found by a person insured directly, provided you are not themselves direct insured persons, except in the case of the special regime is regulated in article 224, which does not exercise any professional activity or profit-making purposes, who reside legally in Andorra and that they are included in any of the following sections : a) the spouse of a person guaranteed direct.
b) the children of the insured person your spouse's direct or indirect secured, provided that they are under the age of eighteen years.
c) people who are totally in charge of the direct or indirect insured insured spouse, provided that they are under the age of eighteen years.
of) the person minor which appoints a tutor by judicial decision or the keeper of the trust to a person who is neither the father nor the mother, provided that in the latter case it is not the responsibility of their parents.
e) the daughter or son of eighteen years of insured directly, which does not work and takes care of one or more brothers or sisters under the age.
f) legally incapacitated person to which it appoints a tutor or curator.
g) the grandson or granddaughter of a person insured directly, when you're in charge of a son or daughter under the age of eighteen.
2. The status of insured person indirectly stays up until the age of twenty-five years old when the people included in the previous section, which is required to be under eighteen years old enrolled in a teaching establishment recognized and do not work on a regular basis. The accreditation of these requirements is fixed by regulation.
3. For regulation you can set and regulate that, in situations of separation, of divorce or termination of the stable Union of a couple, the children can be insured and meet indirect responsibility, simultaneously, from both parents. "
Article 4 modifies the article 18 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 18 employees and assimilated Persons are included in the Group of people rely on and assimilated in the general scheme of social security for people who belong to any of the following groups: a) rely on people.
b) partners who provide a service or carry out a work on behalf of the society of which they are members, under the direction of corporate bodies in Exchange for a periodic remuneration, provided that in accordance with the labor law may have the qualification of people rely on.
c) people who work in the public service.
of) people who take up public office and/or political jobs.
e) pastors.
f) athletes jobs, according to what is set by regulation. "
Article 5 modifies article 25 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 24 registration of companies 1. The companies, as a prerequisite to the beginning of its activities, should be requested to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social their registration in the social security system.
Registration requests are formulated in the model and, if this is the case, by means of specific system set up for this purpose.
2. The communication of data changes contained in the registration is made on the official form, within a period of six calendar days counted from the date on which they occur, and is compulsory for companies in cases to be determined by regulation.
3. Companies report the ultimate cessation of its activity to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social using the official form and within the period of six calendar days following the day on which the cessation of activity and the cancellation of the business have been duly registered in the corresponding register of the Government.
4. When the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social knowledge of failure to comply with these obligations, proceed ex officio to undertake the actions corresponding to the registration of the company. "
Article 6 modifies the article 27 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 27 Deadline to apply for the affiliation Are compulsory subjects must submit the application for membership within seven days prior to the start of the employment relationship and, as a maximum, the same day that the person sector started to work."
Article 7 modifies the article 35 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 35 Form, term and effects of applications of high, low and variations of data people employees 1. The start in the provision of services to the company or the termination of those employees are connected by means of the official models corresponding application, accompanied by the documents set forth for this purpose in this law and the regulations that develop it, or by the special procedures established.
2. the compulsory subjects must submit the application for affiliation within seven days prior to the start of the employment relationship and, as a maximum, the same day that the person sector started to work.
3. The application for termination must be submitted within the first three days of the time the situation occurred that motivates, from effects of cessation in the provision of services and terminated the obligation to make contributions from this time, as long as they have access to the model or officially means established and within the deadlines set.
4. The application for change of details should appear within the first three days of the time the situation occurred that motivates and because the effects from the moment in which occurs if it is reported in time and form to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. "
Article 8 modifies the article 36 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 36 form, and the purpose of the requests for registrations, cancellations and changes in data from the people who perform an activity for own account
1. it is the obligation of the people who perform an activity for own account to communicate the start, the end of the activity exercised or any variation of data by means of the corresponding official models of application, accompanied by documents or by special procedures established by the regulation.
2. The application for affiliation must appear within the first three days of the start of the activity on the part of the person who performs a self-employed activity.
3. The application for termination must be submitted within the first three days of the time the situation occurred that motivates, produces effects from the cessation in the provision of services and terminated the obligation to make contributions from this time, as long as they have access to the model or medium officially established and within the deadlines set.
4. The application for change of details should appear within the first three days of the time the situation occurred that motivates and because the effects from the moment in which occurs if it is reported in time and form to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
5. The Government, in the manner established by regulation, informs the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social on the high, the low and the changes of owners of businesses or industries and of administrators of companies registered in the records of trade and industry, of liberal professions, of agricultural and cattle farms and companies. "
Article 9 modifies the article 38 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 38. Use of electronic, computer or telematic media 1. The registration of the company, the membership, the high and the low and the variation of data can also be completed supplying documents and the corresponding data by electronic, computer or telematic means or procedures, under the conditions laid down by regulation.
2. La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social you can also use the media or electronic, computer or telematic procedures for service and notifications in accordance with the applicable legislation on administrative notification by electronic means.
3. The data of the affiliates are covered by the legislation on protection of personal data of Andorra. The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social guarantees and is responsible for these data remain protected from any fraudulent use. It also establishes the technical and organization necessary to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data that will be object of treatment. "
Article 10 article 47 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 47 Powers Are powers of the Board of Directors: a) representing the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, legal actions and extrajudicialment, with faculty of partial delegation on any of its members or in the General direction.
b) Appoint the person who assumes the duties of the president.
c) Naming the person who assumes the functions of director-general.
d) Control the execution of the decisions taken, the guidelines given to the General management and the correct operation of the entity.
e) Create, where appropriate, delegate committees.
f) at the proposal of the Directorate General, appoint and separate, if justified reasons are met, people who assume roles of Assistant director, Department directors, heads of the services, as well as the staff assimilated.
g) at the proposal of the Director General, to hire staff in the service of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
h) Issuing reports to the Government when the Law so provides, when it proposes the modification of benefits or contributions or when the same Board of Directors deems such modifications.
I) Conclude the adoption of agreements with professional associations, health service providers and health establishments in Andorra and abroad in the way that regulates this law.
The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social should inform the Government of the adoption of these agreements.
j) Resolve administrative appeals referred to in article 257.
k) apply the technical and administrative rules for the application of treaties and international agreements.
l) Examine and, if appropriate, to approve the annual financial statements, in accordance with article 87.
m) Examine and, if appropriate, adopt the draft budget, in accordance with article 88.
n) keeping track of the financial management of the retirement fund, general branches and backup, and commissioned the actuarial studies that analyse the financial viability of the retirement.
or develop and submit to the Government) the draft bills to extraordinary credit or credit charge.
p) Issue reports and make proposals to the Government when they make legal texts or regulatory provisions that have a direct impact on the Organization, the functioning or the financial structure of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
q) draw up an internal regulation of operation of the Board of Directors and publish it in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
r) approved and published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra the necessary internal regulations to regulate and organize the work of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
s) any other competition or faculty that the legislation may set. "
Article 11 modifies the article 54 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 54 Periodicity of meetings and events 1. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month, unless justified. The president convenes the meetings on its own initiative, at the request of the Directorate-General or of three members of the Board of Directors, with an agenda that should include the date, time and place of the meeting. Unless an agreement to the contrary of the Board of Directors, may not start any deliberation about a certain issue with a minimum of five days has not been distributed to each Member of the documentation relating to the issue the subject of deliberation.
2. Each session, the Secretariat n extends the Act. Each record includes at least the number and identity of the attendees, date, all of the resolutions adopted and the records requested by the attendees.
3. After the approval of the Board of Directors, the minutes the sign the Chairman and Secretary, is custody at the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social and provides a copy to the members of the Board of Directors that request. "
Article 12 is added to the law 17/2008, of 3 October, social security, article 55 bis, with the following wording: "Article 55 bis policy of information and transparency 1. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social appears annually before the Legislative Commission of the General Council appointed to follow up the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, to present a report on the economic-financial situation of the various branches that make up the social security system and of the proposals for improvement to be applied at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2. Employers and the people affiliated to the social security scheme can make enquiries relating exclusively to the interpretation of the articles of the law that need to be answered, within a maximum period of one month, to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. The Government has to establish the regulations the terms and the scope in which they can carry out these consultations.
3. the members elected on behalf of the electoral colleges described in article 44 act as intercessory between the group in which they represent and the Board of Directors. According to this function, raise the Board of Directors any questions and requests for information of general character that are reported by the insured and cotitzants attached to the electoral college who represent and communicate to these recent responses or information that agrees to the Board of Directors.
4. The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social publishing to your website: a) The resolutions of the Board of Directors of general character that may have repercussions on the insured.
b) the proposal to update the quotes, conversion factor or the technical coefficient mentioned in article 202.
(c)) actuarial study mentioned in article 88.
d) the settlement of the budget or the State of the accounts approved by the Board of Directors at the end of each budget year.
e) documents and reports to the Board of Directors approved and delivered to the Government.
f) information, with annual periodicity, on the composition and evolution of the Reserve Fund of the retirement.
g) the documents relating to the portfolio of services, the rates of responsibility, the table of pathologies, the nomenclature of technical AIDS and prostheses, orthopaedic articles and the scale of measurement of the degree of disability.
h.) the answer to the queries of a general nature made in relation to the articles of the law.
and) any other document or information of interest for policyholders. "
Article 13 article 62 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 62 delegation of signing With the prior agreement of the Board of Directors, the director-general may delegate their signing in the Assistant director and the directors of the Department, in order to meet the needs of the service. These branches are published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra. "
Article 14 modifies the article 67 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 67 right to vote 1. All the people insured to the general branch in the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social over the age of eighteen have the right to vote to elect the person or people representatives of the community of cotitzants to which they belong.
2. Is it possible to be electoral person in more than one electoral college, but in each College each voter has only one vote.
3. In the event that the employer is a legal person, or a community of property, the right to vote exercised by the representative counted by the legal person or the community of goods represented. "
Article 15 article 68 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 68 polling is instituted, in effect merely three electoral colleges which include the people cotitzants to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social with right to vote, and are as follows: a) the electoral college of the people insured employees and assimilated as well as the people included in the special regimes of the articles 221, 223 and 224 bis bis.
b) The electoral college of pensioners, which integrates the beneficiaries of a pension of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, as well as people who are included in the special regimes of articles 222 and 225.
c) the electoral college of the employers, the people who perform an activity on your own and people included in the special regimes of articles 223 223 ter and quater. "
Article 16 modifies the article 69 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 69 candidates 1. All candidates to the function of a member elected to the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social or alternate must meet the following conditions: a) Was of legal age and reside legally in the Principality of Andorra.
b) have paid contributions for a minimum of eight years during the last ten immediately prior to the date of announcement of elections in any of the groups.
c) have contributed to the last five years prior to the date of the call in one of the groups that make up the electoral college for which are presented to the election, except in the case of the Association of pensioners, the minimum is three months.
d) be aware of payment of contributions, surcharges and penalties agreed by resolution firm.
e) submit a minimum number of signatures of cotitzants of the electoral college in which are presented the election both the candidate as the understudy, which is specified below: and) Fifty signatures for candidacy to represent pensioners.
II) Fifty signatures for candidacy to represent the Group of entrepreneurs and the self-employed.
III) one hundred signatures to the nomination to represent the persons insured employees and the rest of the cotitzants.
2. The same person can only be present in the election in a single electoral college, the title of candidate or alternate. "
Article 17
Modifies the article 79 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 79 competent bodies 1. The functions referred to in the previous article, in accordance with the organization approved by the Board of Directors at the proposal of the Directorate-General, the exercise: a) the area of sanitary Control.
b) the area of Administrative Control.
c) the legal department.
2. These bodies can undertake all the actions necessary for research, in collaboration, where appropriate, the competent departments of the Government, within the limits established by the legislation on protection of personal data.
3. The functions of the Department of sanitary Control: a) Summon any person who can provide information.
b) request information to all the people who think convenient.
c) give the authorization for medical benefits that require prior agreement of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
d) Expedite medical high.
e) press the relevant ups related to performance.
f) inform the insured about benefits and the good use of health services.
g) participate in the commissions that are due to regulations.
h) Assess the degree of invalidity, the son of a Commission created to this end, specifying, in detail, the elements that have been taken into account for the determination of the degree of invalidity.
4. The functions of the Department of Administrative Control: a) Summon any person who can provide information.
b) file in any place of work to carry out the controls related to compliance with the rules.
c) request information to all the people who think convenient.
d) prepare reports and raise record of the facts and the circumstances that may constitute infringements to the regulations on social security in accordance with article 78.2.
e) participate in the instruction of disciplinary procedures.
f) presented at the domicile of the insured persons in a situation of low for temporary disability for work in order to verify that they are at home in the relevant time zone according to what is established by regulation.
g) automatic access to data related to the ownership of companies and societies, in order to check that the owners do not consist as people insured and indirect by direct insured.
h) See all infringements or the mancaments committed by the subject against the social security scheme.
and high administrative Issue).
5. The functions of the legal department: a) Summon any person who can provide information.
b) request information to all the people who think convenient.
c) participate in the instruction of disciplinary procedures.
d) Solve all the difficulties or discrepancies that may occur in the application of the social security scheme.
e) effect and already the actions against the third person responsible for and/or your insurance company in the actions of compensation by a third person.
f) Inform about all the resources presented in the Board of Directors and to propose the appropriate resolutions.
g) collect and provide on a quarterly basis to the Board of Directors established jurisprudence of the jurisdictional organs. "
Article 18 modifies the article 86 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 86 sources of financing 1. The social security system is financed by the contributions corresponding to the insured persons, the amounts collected as surcharges, penalties and other similar features, the complementary systems of funding from the Government budget and, if necessary and in the terms that are fixed by law, through the use of reservations or any other source that you determine.
2. The assets of the funds of the retirement you have to keep at least the amount present on 31 December of the year prior to the first year in which the income from surcharges receipt of this branch are inferior to the contributory charge more appropriate administrative expenses.
3. The budget of the general administration fund the following costs of the social security system: a) The Add-ons not contributing the retirement pensions granted in application of article 203 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
b) The Add-ons not contributing the widowhood pensions granted in application of article 184.
c) The part corresponding to the amounts earmarked for the payment of retirement points awarded on the basis of article 41 of the technical regulation of the social security in force up to the date of entry into force of this law.
d) old-age pensions supplements contributing not awarded on the basis of article 2 of the law 4/2006 of 7 April urgent and specific measures for reform of the social security system in force up to the date of entry into force of this law.
e) The family benefits granted in application of articles 207 to 216 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
f) supplements not contributing the pensions of invalidity, regulated in article 170 bis.
g) the budget deficit that can be produced in the branch and in the area of retirement. "
Article 19 article 87 is modified of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 87 1 resource management. The management of the branches and retirement entails the collection of resources and the application separately.
2. the annual financial statements, including deductions to cover the costs of management, the impact of the results and investments, are clearly distinct form for each of the branches according to the accounting plan established by the regulations.
3. The Board of Directors, by a majority of the five eighth parts of its members, to examine and approve financial statements and submit them to the Government. "
Article 20 of the 88 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 88 Budget
1. the Board of Directors submits annually to the Government the proposal budget and includes, where applicable, the proposed update of the calculation of the conversion factor regulated by article 201 and reducing the technical coefficient mentioned in article 202.
The Government through the budget bill proposes the distribution of contributions between the sector and the business part, when applicable, and the annual revaluation of pensions and relayed to the General Council to be approved.
2. The budget for each of the branches has to keep a balance, either through the adaptation of the contributions or loans between branches, within the limits of the provisions of article 89.
In the event that this balance cannot be maintained in the terms mentioned, the State budget must provide sufficient resources to achieve this objective, without prejudice to the use of the reserve fund in the terms that are fixed by law.
3. The budget of the branch of contributory retirement, must tend to a balance in the long term.
The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social have to elaborate, at least every three years, an actuarial study and to send it to the Government, proposing the necessary measures for maintaining the future viability of the retirement.
4. The budget of the branch of retirement has to be accompanied by the pertinent actuarial study updated the corresponding year make it according to the preceding section. "
Article 21 modifies article 90 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 90 Compensation on behalf of a third person responsible for 1. If a condition suffered by an insured person has been caused by a third person in charge, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social may require this third party in charge and their insurance company, severally, the payment of an amount that may reach the totality of the costs occasioned by the full health care of the insured person to have as a result of the injury and the other benefits that you have paid for this item without prejudice to other compensation to which the law may have injured insured.
2. In the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social claimed the third responsible for the amount of all benefits paid to the insured person in application of the legislation, including the contribution that has assumed the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, in accordance with article 105, and the capital to death. If necessary, the medical benefit or pension paid to the victim or their family members can be capitalitzada.
Established by regulation the scale used to capitalize on the pensions or medical benefits.
3. The Andorran Social Security can pay the claim directly to the third party responsible for and/or severally to the insurance company.
If there is lack of agreement, can claim the expenses incurred and the legal interests of delay to the third person responsible for and/or your insurance company for the civil in accordance with the procedure appropriate or in the criminal process, claiming the whole of the costs incurred in accordance with the provisions of the code of criminal procedure in force.
4. In the event that the responsibility of the appropriate part in the third person and in part to the victim, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social can only retrieve the corresponding ratio.
5. La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social may not be required in any case, the compensation of an amount higher than that the courts point as compensation you have to pay the third person responsible.
6. The claim of benefits prescribed five years counting from the consolidation of the injury or the death of the victim.
7. Public administrations and individuals must provide to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social data that are required in order to understand and quantify the right to compensation on the part of a third person responsible. "
Article 22 modifies the article 91 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 91 Compensation in case of employment injury or occupational disease 1. Without prejudice to the preceding article, when the cause of the accident or occupational disease is regarded as a reference of the employer, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social may require the costs that have led to this accident or occupational disease, with the same amplitude recognized in article 90.
2. To this end, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social Entrepreneur can claim a supplementary contribution calculated according to the average salary, which can be perceived for as long as necessary until the total compensation.
3. It is understood as "missing reference" lack committed by the employer to recklessness or negligence regardless of the elementary rules of security set out in the regulations. "
Article 23 modifies article 93 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 93 Fees 1. Once after the deadline of payment without that occurred deposit of quotations, is paid a fee of 0.05% per each day of delay on the amount of the contributions due for the first six months of non-payment. After the deadline of six months applies a surcharge of 20% on the unpaid amount and that amount, from the date of the commencement of enforcement proceedings and up to the date of payment of the debt, paid a moratori interest equivalent to double the legal interest is established for each year in the general budget Act.
2. The enforcement procedure is initiated by the notification of an enforcement provision in the person indebted in which la Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social identifies the outstanding debt, liquidated the corresponding surcharges and urged to make the payment.
3. On the imposition of surcharges is considered especially if the delay in the payment of contributions is due to an administrative error the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social; If so, cancels.
4. In the case of good faith and absence of gross negligence or of reoffending, the surcharges are reduced by 50% if the offender entered the amount of the payment of contributions due before that requires the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. Are reduced by 30% if the offender entered the amount of the settlement within ten days of the requirement.
5. For the purposes of this article, it is considered "recidivism" the imposition of a surcharge for a firm resolution during the past two years. "
Article 24 article 97 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 97 Subject of the contribution of the people rely on 1. Are subject to the obligation to pay contributions which rely on people, in terms of their activity, are included in its scope of application and business owners for that work.
2. The contribution corresponding to those employees comprises two contributions: a) the contribution of the employer.
b) the contribution of the worker.
3. The contribution of the worker in the quotation is exclusive, and all of the Covenant to the contrary is null.
The employer discounts to its employees, at the time of making them effective remuneration, the input that corresponds to each of them.
4. The employer, having carried out this discount, do not enter within the deadline the contributions for their employees incurred in responsibility and in front of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, without prejudice to the criminal and administrative responsibilities that are coming from.
5. The non-payment of contributions does not involve the loss of the rights to benefits.
The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social proceeds to the payment of these benefits, without prejudice to the claim to the employer contributions and the corresponding surcharges. "
Article 25 modifies the article 99 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 99 Requirement of minimum wage 1. To be entitled to the benefits of the general branch, the global listed monthly contribution base for the individual sector, as well as for the person who performs a self-employed activity, must be equal to or greater than the amount of the official monthly minimum wage.
2. The individual sector or who performs a self-employed activity with a global lower monthly contribution base the amount of the official monthly minimum wage, provided that not included in the scope of application of one of the special schemes provided for in articles 223 and 224 bis, must complement the contribution with an amount that, coupled with the contribution made , is equal to the minimum base, under the conditions established by regulation. "
Article 26 of the 100 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 100 Percents of the people rely on 1. The percentages of contributions to the general branch, when it also trades on the retirement, are: Part 6% Business Rate Payer sector Part 2% 2. When, in accordance with the stipulated in this law, people rely on traded only in the general branch, the contribution percentage is 10%. In this case the business part assumes the 7% of the contribution.
3. Any modification of the percentage of contribution to the general branch will be carried out by the law of the budget for each tax year. "
Article 27 modifies article 101 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 101 of the people who perform an economic activity for own account 1. The contributions of the people who perform an activity for the meets directly the person concerned.
2. The contribution base is the overall average monthly salary contributed by all of the people rely on the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social of the immediately preceding calendar year.
3. The contribution percentage is 8% If you traded equally to the retirement. In the event that, in accordance with this law, only persons in the general branch, the contribution percentage is 10%.
4. Any modification of the percentage of contribution to the general branch will be carried out by the law of the budget for each tax year. "
Article 28 is deleted the article 102 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
Article 29 modifies the article 103 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 103 of the people rely on 1. The base of the people rely on is the same that applies to the contribution to the general branch.
2. the contribution percentages are: 8.5% Percentage Payer business Part Part sector 3.5% 3. Any modification of the percentage of contribution to the retirement will be carried out by the law of the budget for each tax year. "
Article 30 article 104 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 104 of the people who perform an activity for own account 1. The basis of the people who perform an activity for own account is the same that applies to the contribution to the general branch.
2. The contribution percentage is 12%. "
Article 31 modifies the article 108 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 108 Procedure 1. The volunteer fundraising period begins on the date of the beginning of the statutory period of payment and prolongation, if there is no payment or another cause of extinction of the debt, to the issue of the provision of constraint, which begins the debt collection period.
2. the regulatory payment period has elapsed without payment of the debt, apply the corresponding surcharges and interest moratoris established in the present law.
3. La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social may proceed to the collection by means of constraint, in accordance with the rules that regulate the procedure of tax collection in Executive period; You can also go to saig for forced execution. In any case, the dispute in administrative or Court of the Act which is run by the forced execution until the event becomes firm. The competent body to arrange and Transact the forced execution is the Directorate-General, which may delegate to the Deputy director, or on one or more heads of service.
4. The procedure of collection promotes ex officio in all their paperwork and only suspended in the cases established by regulation.
5. The termination of the recaptatori procedure, in both voluntary period as Executive, occurs in cases of cancellation or termination of a haunted debit in the terms and conditions established by regulation.
6. In all matters not foreseen in this law applies the procedure established by the code of the Administration and the law of the administrative and tax jurisdiction.
7. In the event of cessation of payments and/or bankruptcy of a company, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social claims the contributions due date as a preferred creditor.
This preference does not apply in relation to the wages owed to the company. "
Article 32 of the 109 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 109 prescription quotes and charges 1. The quotations prescribe after five years counted from the last day of the period indicated in article 96.2. The prescription of the contribution the surcharges and any other accessory that you get because of the contribution prescribed.
Once you have paid the contribution but not the surcharges and the accessories, the period of prescription of the claim of surcharges and other accessory duties also is five years, counted from the same term indicated in the previous section.
2. The recognition of the debt or claim to interrupt the prescription. "
Article 33 modifies the article 110 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 110 protective action of the social security system 1. The protective action of the social security system includes the features covered in this law, both contributory and non-contributory.
2. The social security benefits of a monthly amount equal to or less than the minimum wage cannot be subject to retention, total or partial cession, compensation or discount, except when it is a question of compliance with the obligations in favour of the spouse and the children food.
3. the part between the minimum wage and double their amount, you can retain the fifty percent. This amount is reduced by ten percent for each child or ascendant who are in charge of the individual beneficiary of the provision. That exceed twice the minimum wage can be retained in its entirety. "
Article 34 modifies the article 111 of law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 111 conditions of entitlement to benefits 1. People included in the scope of application of the social security cause right to your benefits when, in addition to the characteristics required for the respective provision, meet the general requirement of being affiliated and or in a situation assimilated to affiliation, in the contingency occur or protected status, except express legal provision against it.
2. In granting benefits or amount of which requires certain contribution periods are only effectively calculable the contributions made or expressly assimilated to these quotes, without prejudice to the automaticitat regime is regulated in article 97.5.
3. The situations of temporary disability or maternity, paternity or risk during pregnancy, and the corresponding to accrual of pensions for invalidity, are calculable for the purposes of the respective previous periods of contribution required.
4. Do not require previous periods of contribution to the right to the benefits that are derived from work-related injury or occupational disease, except express legal provision against it. "
Article 35 article 113 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 113 payment of the benefits the payment of benefits is made ordinarily by bank transfer and does not generate any cost for the beneficiary when the provision is perceived in Andorra. If the provision is perceived outside Andorra spending at the expense of the beneficiary is regulated by regulation. "
Article 36 modifies the article 118 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 118 Benefits for the people who perform an activity on their own.
1. The people who perform an activity for own account are entitled to all the benefits provided for in this branch when, in addition to particular requirements required by each provision are in a situation of high labour in the contingency occur are protected and up to date of payment of your quotes, except that this law note otherwise.
The granting of deferment for the payment of the contributions of the people who perform an activity for own account gives the right to the benefits provided for in this branch as long as they give comply with the conditions of the postponement.
2. If those people at the time of applying for the demand for benefits, they are not aware of the payment of their contributions and do not meet the conditions of the postponement, but find themselves in a situation of high employment, will not be able to issue any document on taking office and receive the benefits that are applicable at the time in which retroactive way made the payment without prejudice to the penalties that will be imposed.
3. The benefits derived from work-related injury or occupational disease do not require previous periods of contribution. "
Article 37 article 121 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 121 calculation of benefits 1. The basis of calculation of the benefits for an individual sector is its global wage average monthly of the last twelve months worked within twenty-four months immediately prior to the date of granting.
If the wage earning person has worked less than 12 months within a period of twenty-four months preceding the granting, the basis of calculation is the overall average monthly salary for the period actually worked.
If the insured person does not justify any period declared during the twenty-four months prior to the triggering, the basis of calculation that is taken into consideration is the minimum wage.
2. The basis of calculation of the benefits for a person who performs a self-employed economic activity corresponds to the average overall salary contributed to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social Group of people rely on the year immediately prior to the date of granting.
3. It is understood as a "triggering event", to the economic benefit for temporary disability, the issuance of the certificate mentioned in article 144; for motherhood and fatherhood, the date of delivery or the effective arrival of the child in the family in the event of adoption; for risk during pregnancy, on the same day that starts the corresponding leave period, in accordance with the regulation of the law on safety and health at work; for the disability, the date on which it suffers the capacity reduction of earnings or the moment that declares the premature deterioration of the body; and for the widowhood and orphanhood, the death of the insured person directly.
4. The basis for calculation in other situations is determined by regulation. "
Article 38 modifies the article 122 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 122 Update benefits 1. The economic benefits are updated through the law of the budget according to the provisions of article 200 bis.
2. The economic benefits for temporary disability, maternity, paternity and risk during pregnancy remain constant throughout the period in which they received the benefit. "
Article 39 modifies the article 132 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 132 Object in accordance with the system of nomenclature mentioned in articles 134 and 136, the refund provisions are intended to compensate the people insured with: a) the coverage of the costs of the events, processes and health services of the hospital , primary health care and outpatient health for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
b) the coverage of the costs of medicines, medical devices and the dieteticoterapèutics.
c) the medical transport.
of) The travel expenses and accommodation of the sick person and a companion, in the conditions established by regulation. "
Article 40 modifies the article 133 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 133 beneficiaries 1. Have the right to enjoy the benefits of refund, as long as they comply with the requirements of article 99 of this law, people rely on, the people who perform an activity for its own account, the people included within any of the special schemes, beneficiaries of economic benefits and pensions for the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social or Government, as well as the persons insured indirect , under the conditions defined in this law.
2. To be entitled to the refund provisions, the person who is the recipient of a retirement pension must have accumulated at least 500 points.
3. You will only be entitled to the refund benefits the person who is the beneficiary of a widow's pension if the deceased spouse, at the time of the death, he had accumulated at least 500 points. "
Article 41 modifies the article 134 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 134 Nomenclature 1. The refund provisions are set forth by a system of nomenclature and in accordance with the portfolio of services and products of health set by the Government that it should be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
2. The nomenclature refers: to) the events, services, processes and health products covered;
b) lenders authorized to carry out the service with charge to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social;
c) to the conditions of provision;
d) on the compatibility or incompatibility with other events;
e) on the rates of responsibility.
3. The Government approves this system of nomenclature for the regulation, after the mandatory report but not binding on the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. "
Article 42 modifies the article 135 of law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 135 Rates of liability 1. It is understood by "rates of responsibility" the value assigned to the events, processes, products, and services included in the nomenclature.
2. The prices of medicines and products are set based on the unit prices or reference.
3. The rates be indexed in function of the volume of events billed. "
Article 43 modifies the article 136 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 136 Establishment of nomenclature and rates of liability 1. And the update of the nomenclature and the rates of responsibility can be made to act professional, to the process of care, for products or services, for, by global budget or for any other unit in use, in accordance with the established by the regulation, with the previous report of the Board of Directors.
2. When the liability rates refer to the processes of health care in which involved several lenders, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social refund the full amount of the fee the lender with the obligation that the main remaining lenders lender paid labour. The regulations must define the main provider in the processes in which made use of a variety of health service providers. "
Article 44 modifies the article 138 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 138 collaboration between the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social and health service providers
1. The collaboration between the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social and health service providers established in Andorra is established through agreements in accordance with the following: a) The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, to establish agreements with health providers, are negotiating with the various professional associations directly impacted and, once completed, the health service providers can adhere. Membership can lead to specific conditions for certain specialists according to the particularity of the service offered.
In the event that la Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social and a professional association directly affected did not reach to conclude any agreement, the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social can set an individual agreement with the health service providers.
These rules also apply in the event of a modification of an agreement.
b) the Convention should define the relations of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social with people and organisations providing services, as well as the obligation of these persons and entities to apply a certain fare conditions and nomenclature, and providing the services under the conditions established by the regulations in force at any given time.
c) to sign the agreement are health professionals must be duly accredited by the Ministry responsible for health in accordance with the criteria established by regulation.
d) the agreements include healthcare quality objectives as well as rationalization of expenditure in accordance with the budgetary and health policy of the Government.
e) the collaboration between a healthcare provider and the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social may include all or part of the services offered by the lender to fare conditions set in the agreement.
f) In the agreements must include the reasons of desconvenció in accordance with the provisions of this law and its regulatory development.
2. The collaboration between the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social and lenders and other organisations of health services and health establishments established abroad regulates in accordance with specific agreements signed and in accordance with the criteria of health planning that establishes the Government. "
Article 45 article 139 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 139 Refund of benefits 1. The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, in accordance with articles 132 and following, refund, in whole or in part, the rates of liability corresponding to the benefits included in the nomenclature when they are made, prescribed and provided by health service providers who have signed the agreement with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social or have adhered, both national and foreign.
2. La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social refund 33% of the prices of the services included in the nomenclature when they are made by health service providers that do not have or do not have adhered to an agreement with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. This percentage can be modified by the law of the budget.
3. If the provision has been made for a health service provider not to convencionat in terms of urgency justified in a geographic area in which there is no lender convencionat, the refund of the provision is carried out in the same conditions as if it were a lender based in Andorra that has signed an agreement with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. This assumption is regulated by regulation.
4. The costs of health care benefits can be paid to the insured or the lender.
5. Are paid on 100% of the fees and in accordance with the nomenclature in force the costs of the benefits made or prescribed as a result of an accident at work or of an occupational disease.
6. Also have the right to a refund of 100% of the fees of the following individuals: a) The disabled persons who receive a pension of solidarity and people who, as a result of a disability, are exempted from to exercise any professional activity.
b) people with insufficient financial resources, in accordance with the requirements established by regulation.
c) orphans up to 18 years old, or up to 25 years if studying in a teaching establishment recognized.
of) the people who are under the supervision of the Government.
7. The Government, after the report of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, may establish regulations other cases in which certain groups are entitled to a refund up to 100% of the fees of responsibility.
8. The rest of benefits are paid based on the participation of the beneficiary person set forth in article 139 bis. "
Article 46 is added to the law 17/2008, of 3 October, social security, article 139 bis, with the following wording: "Article 139 bis. Participation of the individual beneficiary 1. The participation of the beneficiary person in the rates of the events, products and processes included in the nomenclature may represent a fixed amount or a value proportional to the fees. In the latter case, the beneficiary person, participates in the following percentages: a) up to 10% of the fees for the costs of hospital care.
b) up to 25% of the fees for expenses arising from other events, products, or processes of health care. However, in the case of those new products or processes health care or health professionals that can progressively developed and included in the overall performance of the nomenclature within the framework of the deployment of the Andorran Health care Model (MAAS), this percentage can vary between 10% and 50% of the fees, depending on the type of provision and their possible technological developments , the terms of dispensation of the attention, the kind of centre or establishment that provides the services and the Group of affected population.
2. The participation of the beneficiary person in the different rates of the events, products and processes included in the nomenclature can be modified by the law of the budget report of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
3. By the law of the budget you can also set limits on the share of spending on hospital care and in other events, products and services of the beneficiaries whose low resources or chronic diseases. "
Article 47
Modifies the article 140 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 140 Termination of benefits 1. The benefits of refund granted as a result of an accident or an illness established before or after the date of cessation of employment or completion of the professional activity, it reembossen during the illness or the effects of the accident and provided that the affected person keep residency in Andorra, in accordance with the following limits: in) up to sixty days after the date of termination or the end before the demand for services has contributed less than six months.
b) up to 90 days after the date of termination or the end before the demand for services has contributed between six and thirty-six months.
c) up to one hundred and twenty days after the date of termination or the end before the demand for benefits have contributed to more than thirty-six months.
For the purposes of this article, the requirement of residence in Andorra equates to the fact of having work permit for frontier workers.
2. The limits established in the previous issue, if at the time of the date of termination or the end will receive economic benefits for temporary disability or maternity leave, counting from the time when the right to receive the benefit to which the person is entitled beneficiary. "
Article 48 modifies the article 141 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 141 regime of granting of benefits 1. Is meant by "third party payer" regime in which la Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social paid directly to the service provider for the costs that are borne by social security.
2. La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social returned in third party payer system, under conditions to be fixed by the regulations, the costs of the following benefits: a) the benefits that have the right to reimbursement of 100% of the fees detailed responsibility in article 139;
b) hospital services;
c) the performance in which the participation of the beneficiary person is limited to a maximum amount annually, in accordance with article 139 bis 3;
d) benefits in which the beneficiary person participates in a fixed amount or for which the rate is indexed to the number of minutes billed.
3. For Regulation may establish other cases in which the benefits will be reembossen in third party payer.
4. in the cases where it is not applicable to the third party payer system, the insured person pays directly to lenders and then ask for a refund at the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. "
Article 49 modifies the article 142 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 142 refund in case of maternity leave 1. Have the right to enjoy the benefits of refund in the event of maternity leave, provided they meet the requirements of article 99 of this law, people rely on, the people who perform an activity for its own account, the people included within any of the special schemes, beneficiaries of economic benefits and pensions for the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social or Government as well as the indirect, insured persons under the conditions defined by this law.
2. The refund in case of maternity include: a) the payment of the price of the part corresponding to the fees of the doctor or of the llevador.
b) The reimbursement of the costs of the stay in the clinic or at the hospital.
c) coverage of medical expenses, hospitalization and pharmacy that may occur occasionally as a result of childbirth.
d) prenatal checks defined by regulation.
e) expenses derived from the health of the baby while you are entered in the clinic or at the hospital.
3. The costs of health acts carried out as a result of motherhood are paid on 100% of the fees and in accordance with the nomenclature of health acts in force.
4. When you have exhausted the payment of the financial benefits for maternity and the beneficiary person cannot rejoin to work for health reasons, is sector or perform an activity for its own account, upon issuance of certificate pointed out in the article 144, has the right to her and her son to receive the refund, in accordance with the regulation of article 139 bis. "
Article 50 modifies article 144 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 144 medical consultation and certificate 1. For any interruption of the professional activity due to illness or accident, the insured person should consult a physician or dentist, get the certificate to which this article refers and follow the prescribed medical treatment.
2. When you run a application for economic benefits for temporary disability, the insured person must present a certificate established by a doctor or dentist convencionat that atesti that the insured person is temporarily unable to exercise his or her professional activity, the reason for the barrier, and the number of days necessary for the healing process is expected.
The deadline for the presentation of this certificate, its regulation and the encoding of the causes of interruption of employment are determined by the regulations in accordance with international standards.
Applications will not be accepted of these economic benefits that are presented within the deadline which the company has to communicate to the working person in accordance with article 35, except that derived from a duly accredited accident and become during the employment relationship.
3. Can certify the temporary disability and prescribe the extensions allowed in this law are doctors and dentists and convencionats, in situations where it is not possible the intervention of a doctor or dentist convencionat, a doctor of the health control area. "
Article 51 modifies the article 145 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 145 table of pathologies, and duration of the specialty of physicians
1. It has to be established by regulation a table that relates the most common diseases, the number of days that are usually a maximum of each pathology and persons providing health services to prescribe low and any extensions.
This relationship is based on studies prepared by the World Health Organization or other international bodies and is done with the consultation prior to the persons providing health services in exercise in Andorra and the schools that they represent.
2. If the download has been extended, the doctor trying to, at the request of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, must submit a medical report detailed supplemental to justify the extension. "
Article 52 article 146 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 146 supplementary Examination 1. The area of sanitary control of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social can convene, during the entire period in which the insured person perceives the economic benefit, the beneficiaries of economic benefits and perform any activity you have to check the maintenance of the facts and the situation that was the cause of origin the benefit.
2. When the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, in view of its activities in check and after listening to the health service providers that have prescribed low, considering that the insured person is in a position to go back to work, you have to give him the medical discharge.
3. La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social communicates the decision to the person assured medical discharge, to the company if it is an individual sector, as well as to the health provider has prescribed low.
4. Non-presentation to the announcements of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social without justified reason, not found at the address in the time according to what is established by regulation, or any conduct contrary to the healing process in the period of temporary disability and the realization of non-justified delay in treatment, entails high administrative and the suspension of the benefit. "
Article 53 is added the article 146 bis to the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, with the following wording: "Article 146 bis contribution Period 1. To access the economic benefits for temporary disability arising from non-occupational injury or common illness, the insured person must prove one of the following specific conditions: a) ninety days of contributions within the period of six months prior to the date of the triggering event.
b) one hundred and eighty days of contributions within the period of twenty-four months prior to the date of the triggering event.
2. In the case of employment injury or occupational disease, does not require any previous contribution period. "
Article 54 modifies the article 147 of law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 147 of the benefit Calculation 1. The modalities of payment of the financial benefits for temporary disability benefits are the following: a) For occupational diseases and work-related accident:-until the thirtieth day, including unemployment, the daily cash benefit is equal to 66% of the thirty part of the basis of calculation.
-starting from the thirty-first day, including unemployment, the daily cash benefit is equal to 70% of the 30 part of the basis of calculation.
-On the basis of the five hundred forty days of unemployment the daily cash benefit is equal to 60% of the thirty part of the base of calculation.
b) For common disease and non-occupational injury:-until the thirtieth day, including unemployment, the daily cash benefit is equal to 53% of the thirty part of the basis of calculation.
-starting from the thirty-first day, including unemployment, the daily cash benefit is equal to 66% of the thirty part of the basis of calculation.
-On the basis of the five hundred forty days of unemployment the daily cash benefit is equal to 60% of the thirty part of the base of calculation.
2. The perception of the economic benefit for temporary disability is compatible with the perception of other pensions, in the terms that follow.
If the insured person in a situation of temporary disability receives a pension for invalidity or retirement pension, you have to choose between perceiving only the Board and not the benefit for temporary disability, or perceive the monthly amount is to implement, on the sum of the Board and of the basis of calculation of the provision for temporary disability, the corresponding percentages in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, depending on the type of illness or accident and the time during which nothing both benefits.
In the latter case it reduces the amount of the temporary benefit because it does not exceed the limit stated in the previous section. "
Article 55 modifies the article 165 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 165 of the economic Board 1. After having set the degree of disability, the insured person is entitled to a capital or a pension under the conditions of the following sections.
2. If you have a reduction of up to 20% of capacity in order to exercise a professional activity, has the right to a capital, which is calculated as follows: a) If the reduction is less than or equal to 10%, the capital is the equivalent to two times the calculation base date.
b) if the reduction is higher than 10% and less than or equal to 20%, the capital is the number of times the base of calculation that results from the application of the following table: decreased appreciated n. times the basis of calculation between 10% and 11% 2.5 Between 11% and 12% 3 Between 12% and 13% 3.5 Between 13% and 14% 4 Between 14% and 15% 4.5 Between 15% and 16% 5 Between 16% and 17% 5.5 Between 17% and 18% 6
Entre 18% i 19%
Entre 19% i 20%
3. If the decrease appreciated is between 20% and 50%, the insured person is entitled to a pension calculated by applying to the calculation base date, in accordance with article 121, 50% of the percentage of invalidity recognised.
4. If the reduction appreciated is between 51% and 65%, is entitled to a pension calculated by applying to the calculation base date, in accordance with article 121, the 75% of the percentage of invalidity recognised.
5. If the decrease is valued higher than 65%, is entitled to a pension calculated by applying to the calculation base date, in accordance with article 121, the 100% of the percentage of invalidity recognised. "
Article 56 of the Act modifies the 167 article 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 167 beneficiaries 1. To be entitled to the disability pension, the insured person must meet the General requirements regulated in articles 117, 118 and 120.
2. When the situation that produces the right to apply for the pension for invalidity is the result of a non-occupational injury or a common disease, the insured person must have paid contributions to the general branch before the final certificate for temporary disability which has become overriding, mentioned in the article 144, or before the date of the triggering event in the event that there is no certificate , the following periods: a) if the person insured has among fifty-seven and sixty-four years, one hundred and twenty months.
b) if the insured person has between twenty-and-one and fifty-seven years, the minimum number of months resulting from the application of the formula (age x 3)-51; the age is calculated in years of age by the person concerned.
c) if the person insured has less than twenty one years, twelve months. "
Article 57 article 169 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 169 Categories of beneficiaries insured persons receiving a disability pension are classified in two groups: Group 1: persons insured who can continue working.
Group 2: insured persons that are exempted from to exercise any professional activity. "
Article 58 modifies the article 170 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 170 of the Board 1. For the purposes of determining the pension for invalidity due to common illness or non-work related injury, will take into account the actual retirement points acquired so far to cause right to a pension, plus the points that the person concerned had eventually generated up to the date that meets the age of ordinary access to the retirement pension, in accordance with article 196.
2. For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the disability pension is determined according to the following rules: a) determine the points pensionables of the insured person (PPA), in accordance with the provisions of article 200, and are calculated as follows: PPA = retirement Points acquired/(12 x number of months of contribution) b) is determined by the number of months of theoretical contribution (NMCT) , which is the number of months between the date on which entitlement to a pension and the date on which the insured person would fulfil the age of access to the ordinary retirement pension.
NMCT = (ordinary Retirement Age x 12)-age, in months, of the insured at the time when entitlement to disability pension c) is calculated theoretical pension of retirement, as follows: theoretical Pension retirement = PPA x (number of months contribution + NMCT) x selling price of the retirement of point) if the insured person is able to exercise any professional activity , his pension corresponds to 50% of the theoretical pension of retirement.
e) if the insured person is incapacitated to exercise any professional activity, his pension corresponds to 100% of the theoretical pension of retirement.
Article 59 is added to the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security article 170 bis, with the following wording: "Article 170 bis contributory disability pensions not Premium 1. Complying with the conditions laid down in this article, have the right to receive a disability pension non-contributory premium the insured people who maintain their legal residence in the Principality of Andorra, which has been awarded a disability pension arising from non-occupational injury or common illness and who do not have the right to a pension of solidarity of those included in the law on social services and social welfare.
2. The contributory not premium is equal to the difference between the amount of the pension for invalidity (adding that register in Andorra with which eventually register of foreign public bodies) and 40% of the minimum wage for people insured in the Group 1, and 80% of the minimum wage for people insured in the Group 2.
3. The contributory disability pension not premium added to the amount of the disability pension cannot exceed the base of calculation stipulated in article 121. If so happens, that contribution add-on does not have to reduce until the sum with the pension does not exceed the base of calculation.
4. The contribution is paid not premium while pay pension for invalidity, without prejudice to the possibility to apply for a pension of solidarity when the disability becomes retirement pension. "
Article 60 article 172 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 172. Compatibility of the disability pension with work 1. The disability pension is compatible with the performance of an activity sector or professional, except in the event that the insured person assigned to them the Group 2 in accordance with the regulation of article 169.
2. The person's disability pension beneficiary who, in addition, is sector is reduced in the amount necessary to ensure that, once added to complement contributory pension and other not abroad by the same concept, together with the salary that he receives, the resulting amount does not exceed the global average monthly salary, has been enhanced in accordance with the CPI, which he received before ascertained the pathology that has been overriding.
3. The invalidity of the individual beneficiary, in addition, carried out activities for own account is reduced by the amount necessary to ensure that, coupled with contributory not premium and with the income obtained by the professional activity, the resulting amount does not exceed the global average monthly salary, has been enhanced in accordance with the CPI, contributed to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social Group of people rely on the year immediately prior to the confirmation of the pathology that has resulted overriding. This section is regulated by regulation. "
Article 61 modifies the article 173 of law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 173 of the disability pension for Compatibility with other pensions 1. The perception of a disability pension is compatible with the perception of other pensions, except in the case of retirement.
2. The perception of a disability pension is compatible with the perception of a disability pension, provided both are not intended to repair the same prejudice.
3. When you receive two or more pensions for invalidity, the amount that is perceived as a sum of the different pensions may not exceed 100% of the basis of calculation of the pension amount to be higher.
4. When there are different contingencies in the loss of ability to gain, a work-related accident or occupational disease, and the other for non-occupational injury or common illness, as long as they are not designed to repair the same prejudice, the calculation of the pension is carried out as follows: a) in the event of loss of ability to gain arising from non-occupational injury or common disease give right to a pension , add up both pensions.
b) in the event of loss of ability to gain arising from non-occupational injury or common illness don't give right to a pension, the percentage of disability for work-related injury or occupational disease can be increased up to the maximum that would be if both situations of loss of ability to have profit as its a non-occupational injury or a common disease.
5. If the insured person has felt the economic benefit in the form of capital and then undergoes a new reduction of the ability of gain due to an accident at work or an occupational disease that, coupled with the above, is equal to or higher than 20%, the worker will receive the financial benefit that corresponds according to the total decrease, in accordance with the provisions of article 165 of the law of Social Security. If the new capacity reduction of profit is due to a common illness or non-professional accident that does not give right to a pension will take into account the provisions of paragraph b) of point 4. However you will need to return the registered capital up to date by means of deduction of up to 25% of the monthly disability pension until fully charged capital liquidity. Alternatively, the insured may choose to retain the registered capital and, in this case, in the evaluation of the reduction in capacity gain is not considered the first disability. "
Article 62 article 174 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 174 disability pension upon reaching 65 years 1. When you reach 65 years, the beneficiaries of a disability pension have to assert their rights to retirement based on the rules established in articles 194 and following.
2. If the resulting retirement pension is lower than in the pension amount of invalidity without counting, in his case, the contributory retirement pension, no premium is increased automatically to match the amount of the disability pension, without the contribution add-on does not, which is registered.
3. If the person receiving a disability pension, when you reach 65 years of age, has the right to retirement capital, you can choose between perceiving it or register a retirement pension equal to the pension for invalidity without the add-on does not have the right to receive contribution, without receiving the retirement capital correspond. "
Article 63 is added to the law 17/2008, of 3 October, social security, article 174 bis, with the following wording: "Article 174 bis maximum amount of disability pensions in any case the monthly amount of pension may not be higher than 2.5 times the monthly minimum wage for workers 18 years of official or over at the time of their creation."
64 article modifies the article 178 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 178 Amount the amount of capital to death equals justified expenses arising from the death, with a maximum amount equivalent to three times the official minimum wage in force at the time of the triggering event."
Article 65 article 179 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 179 Object 1. The rollback are intended to compensate for the loss of earnings resulting from the death of the insured person directly.
2. There are two types of pensions for rollback: widowhood and orphanhood.
3. When a situation where the beneficiary of a temporary pension widow's pension with one or more beneficiaries of pensions of orphanhood, the sum of the respective pension amounts, including Add-ons do not exceed 100%, not contributing to the pension, including the eventual contribution not premium, or the salary that the insured deceased person registered it – or the sum of both if that person was the one and the other – or the contribution base corresponding to the insured on their own at the time triggering if this was included in this group. In the event that you give this too much, the amount of the pension is reduced proportionally.
4. The individual beneficiary of a widow's/widower's pension for life that exists in any of the assumptions of the preceding section does not have the pension reduction for this circumstance. "
Article 66 article 181 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 181 beneficiaries 1. Has the right to the widow's/widower's pension, when the insured person dies, the surviving spouse or the person that was attached to that forming a stable Union of a couple convivent at the time of the death.
When the dead have due to a non-occupational injury or a common disease, it also requires that the marriage or registration in the Civil Register as a stable Union of a couple to have a term of at least two years before the date of the death, or that there are common children.
2. They also have the right to a widow's pension or to a temporary widow's annuity, in the conditions established in articles 182 to 186, the people who have been linked to the deceased insured person, by marriage or stable Union of a couple and there is separation, divorce or termination of the stable Union of a couple, as long as these people : in) have been linked with the deceased insured person by marriage or stable Union of a couple during a term of at least two years, or that there are common children;
b) have not been returned to get married or form a new stable Union as a couple;
c) and, in addition, have the right to receive the deceased at the time of death a compensatory or alimony, or prove that the deceased insured person satisfied, at the time of the triggering event, all or part of the dependent family members that correspond to the spouse or the surviving person of the couple.
3. In the case of the spouse of the deceased person to attend or person assimilated and one or more of the people mentioned in the second issue of this article, the distribution of the pension will be paid in accordance with the provisions of article 186. "
67 article modifies the article 182 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 182 temporary Pensions and amounts 1. Have the right to a widow's pension, which is granted for a limited duration, calculated on the basis of the basis of calculation of the deceased: a) the widows or the widowed of less than fifty years at the time of the death of the insured person.
b) widows or are widowed of fifty years or more and less than fifty-five years old at the time of the death of the insured person, who does not receive a widow's pension for life in accordance with article 183.2.
2. The basis of calculation is set according to what regulates in article 121.
The basis of calculation resulting from the death of a pensioner due to retirement is the amount of the retirement pension that registered at the time of the transfer.
3. The amount of the pension is 50% of the basis of calculation, with a minimum of 60% and a maximum of 120% of the official minimum wage.
4. The length of the Board is as follows: a) Thirty months, for the widows or the widowed less than 30 years.
b) fifty-four months, for the widows or the widowed 30 years or more and less than forty-five years.
c) Sixty months, for the widows or the widowed forty-five years or more and less than fifty-five years. "
Article 68 modifies the article 183 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 183 annuities and amount 1. The widows or the widowed of fifty-five years of age or older at the time of the death of the insured person paid a pension equal to half of the retirement pension which the deceased person was paid or that should be corresponded at the time of retirement.
2. The widows or the widowed 50 years or more and less than fifty-five years, to form a Union by marriage or existing stable couple with the insured person at the time of the death have had a force equal to or greater than ten years, can elect to collect a pension equal to half of the retirement pension which the deceased person was paid or that should be corresponded at the time of retirement. In this case, do not have the right to receive the temporary widow in accordance with article 182.
3. In the event that the deceased person had the right to capitalize on their retirement pension, the widow or widower shall be entitled to receive half of the capital that would have corresponded to the deceased. "
Article 69 article 184 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 184 from contributory annuities not Premium 1. If the sum of the contribution to the general branch of the deceased insured person is equal to or higher than it is to add two hundred forty monthly minimum wage that at any given time is in force, the widows or the old widowed between fifty and fifty-nine, inclusive, who receive a pension in accordance with article 183 , they should receive, at a minimum, a widow's pension equal to 50% of the official minimum wage, as long as they keep the legal residence in the Principality of Andorra and the income of the person concerned are lower than the global average monthly salary contributed by all of the people rely on the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social of the immediately preceding calendar year.
The calculation of the amount listed is regulated by regulation, but takes into account the following issues: a) the contribution bases that are equal or superior to the minimum wage in force at any given time is counted in full.
b) the contribution bases in periods of temporary disability or maternity, paternity or risk during pregnancy, regardless of its amount, are understood by a value equal to its base of calculation.
c) the contribution bases that are lower than the minimum wage in each time be in force can add until the sum is equal to or higher than the minimum wage that at any given time is in force; in this case, will be calculated in full.
2. How to update the minimum wages in force at any given time and the method in the periods in which there was no minimum wage is determined by regulation, taking into account the number of points that should have been purchased during the time in which it has not yet had regulated the official minimum wage.
3. The difference between the minimum pension and widow's pension that would have been determined in application of article 183 is called "non-contributory widowhood pension part" and its financing is in charge of the Government's budget, in accordance with which regulates in article 86. "
Article 70 article 185 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 185 of the widow's/widower's pension arising from work-related accident or occupational disease
In the event that the deceased had died for work-related accident or occupational disease, the surviving spouse or the person that was attached to that forming a stable Union of a couple, if you have more than fifty-five years, you can choose between cashing a pension equal to half of the retirement pension which the deceased person was paid or that should be corresponded at the time of retirement , or register a monthly temporary for a duration of 60 months calculated in accordance with article 182. "
Article 71 article 186 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 186 payment of pensions in the event of separation, divorce or dissolution of a stable Union of a couple, and distribution of the pension between the beneficiaries 1. In the event of separation, divorce or dissolution of a stable Union of a couple, the person or people who have perceived each one of them the amount of the pension or temporary widow's left by the insured person only in proportion to the time of coexistence of each one of them with the person insured, taking into account the time contributed to this person on social security. In the event that the insured person would have had the right to receive a retirement pension, widow's/widower's capital is also proportional to the time of coexistence, in relation to the total time of the insured person.
2. In cases in which the spouse or the common-law privilege enjoyed by the insured at the time of the death, permanent damage to the widow's/widower's pension, with other beneficiaries who fulfil the requirements of article 181, it applies to all of them the rate mentioned in the first section of this article, while the spouse or partner who maintained the link and coexistence at the time of the death of the insured person they perceive , a minimum of 50% of the total amount of the widow's/widower's pension.
3. In the event that the widowed spouse or assimilated person receives a temporary Board and goes to other beneficiaries, this temporary pension widow's widowed spouse or assimilated person is reduced by the same percentage of the pension attributed to the other beneficiaries.
4. In all cases provided for in the preceding paragraphs, in the time of the death of the beneficiaries mentioned in the first section of this article, or in the event that these persons contraguin new marriage or forming a new partner, the widowed spouse or person assimilated that held the bond and living together at the time of the death, accumulate the pension part or percentage that perceived those. On the contrary, if they are the spouse or person assimilated widower who perceive the art. leave for any reason, the other beneficiaries maintain the same Board had attributed, without which they can accumulate the Board perceived the widowed spouse or person assimilated art.. The buildup also applies between the beneficiaries mentioned in the first section of this article. "
Article 72 article 188 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 188 Compatibility the widow's pension is compatible with any income arising from the professional activity of the spouse or the surviving partner.
It is also compatible with the perception, on the part of the spouse or the surviving partner, any economic Board of the social security system. "
Article 73 article 189 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 189 beneficiaries 1. Have the right to the pension for orphanhood, provided that they are under the age of eighteen years, the following individuals: a) the children of a deceased insured person.
b) the children of the surviving spouse contributed to the marriage or to the couple in fact if they lived and were dependent on the deceased insured person financially and do not charge any other pension of orphanhood, generated by the parent who is not part of this marriage or de facto couple.
2. These persons also have the right to the pension for orphanhood, if you are between eighteen and twenty-five years and meet the following requirements: a) Taken at a recognised teaching establishment and do not receive regular income from salaried work or professional activity of an amount equal to or higher than the official minimum wage in annual calculation.
b) are disabled and do not charge a pension of solidarity, nor any other pension arising from the situation of disability outside Andorra. "
74 article modifies the article 195 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 195 Requirements to generate the right capital 1. To have the right to generate capital for retirement, the person insured must have reached sixty-five years old and must have paid contributions in the area of retirement between sixty and one hundred and eighty monthly payments.
2. You also have the right to receive the capital for retirement, if they prefer, the insured person who is the recipient of a retirement pension of an amount less than or equal to 5% of the official minimum wage. "
Article 75 article 196 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 196 Requirements to generate the right to Board 1. Has the right to a retirement pension the insured person who has reached sixty-five years and has contributed to the retirement of at least one hundred and eighty monthly payments.
2. If you do not comply with this age also has the right to a retirement pension when they have accumulated four hundred and eighty monthly payments of contributions, in accordance with which regulates in article 202. "
Article 76 article 197 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 197 amount of retirement capital 1. In the event that the insured person meets the requirements regulated in article 195, the payment of the share capital is to return to the insured the contributions to the retirement made, updated in accordance with the annual budget Law unless the CPI each year have otherwise.
2. In any case, does not apply any update of the quotes to return during the period corresponding to twenty-four months prior to the year in which the retirement capital.
3. To update the contributions prior to the year 1998, the average of the CPI French and Spanish. "
77 article modifies the article 200 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 200 calculation of the amount of the Board 1. The retirement pension is determined on the basis of the contributions made and takes into account the following concepts: 1.1. Retirement points acquired: they are the result of dividing the contribution of the insured person in retirement, for the purchase price of the point.
1.2. The purchase price of the point: amount fixed annually in accordance with the law of the budget in which the indexed acquisition costs of retirement.
1.3. The sales price of the item (PV): value of retirement points acquired in the time to fix the retirement pension. Shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of article 201.
1.4. pensionables Points of the person insured on the date of entry into force of the present law (PP (ƒv)): are the points resulting from the following formula: DB (fv) = retirement Points acquired before the entry into force of the present law/12 * MC (ƒv) Being MC (ƒv) the number of months of contribution by the insured person before the entry into force of the present law.
1.5. pensionables Points of the person insured on the basis of the entry into force of the present law (PP (ƒv-ƒj)): are the points resulting from the following formula: DB (ƒv-ƒj) = retirement points acquired from the entry into force of the present law/12 * MC (ƒv-ƒj) Being MC (ƒv-ƒj) the number of months of contribution by the insured person on the basis of the entry into force of the present law.
1.6.: pensionables pensionables Points are the points acquired PP1, after the entry into force of the present law, are required to obtain a retirement pension of an amount equivalent to 200% of the minimum monthly official, with 480 months of contribution.
PP1 = 200% of the minimum wage (480 * PV) 1.7. Pensionables points pensionables points: are the PP2, acquired after the entry into force of the present law, are required to obtain a retirement pension of an amount equivalent to 250% of the official minimum wage monthly, with 480 months of contribution.
PP2 = 250% minimum wage (480 * PV) 1.8. Pensionables points pensionables points: are the PP3, acquired after the entry into force of the present law, are required to obtain a retirement pension of an amount equivalent to 300% of the official minimum wage monthly, with 480 months of contribution.
PP3 = 300% minimum wage (480 * PV) 2. The amount of the retirement pension is fixed as follows: 2.1. With respect to the points acquired before the entry into force of the present Law the monthly amount of the pension is as follows: Pension = selling price the point * number of months * pensionables points or P (fv) = PV * MC (ƒv) * PP (ƒv) 2.2. When the points acquired pensionables from the date of entry into force of this law up to the date of retirement are equal or less than the amount of the monthly pension PP1 is the following: Board (p) = PV * MC (ƒv) * PP (PV) + PV * MC (ƒv-ƒj) * PP (ƒv-ƒj) 2.3. When the points acquired pensionables from the date of entry into force of the law to the date of retirement, to be above PP1 (ƒv-ƒj), but equal to or less than PP2 (ƒv-ƒj), the monthly amount of the pension will be: Pension = PV * MC (ƒv) * PP (ƒv) + PV * MC (ƒv-ƒj) * [PP1 + (PP (ƒv-ƒj)-PP1)) * CR1] 2.4. When the points acquired pensionables from the date of entry into force of this law up to the date of retirement, to be above PP2 (ƒv-ƒj), but equal to or less than the monthly amount of the PP3 is as follows: Pension = PV * MC (ƒv) * PP (ƒv) + PV * MC (ƒv-ƒj) * [PP1 + (PP2-PP1) * CR1) + (PP (ƒv-ƒj)-PP2) * CR2] 2.5. And when the points acquired pensionables from the date of entry into force of the present Law are higher than PP3, the amount of the pension is calculated monthly by applying the following formula: Pension = PV * MC (ƒv) * PP (ƒv) + PV * MC (ƒv-ƒj) * [PP1 + (PP2-PP1) * CR1) + (PP3-PP2) * CR2) + (PP (ƒv-ƒj)-PP3) * CR3] 2.6. In all previous cases, the reduction coefficients (CR) have the following values: CR1 CR2 CR3 = 0.25 0.75 = 0.50 = 3. The amount of the retirement pension is updated annually in accordance with the established law of the budget, in the terms provided for in article 200 bis. "
Article 78 is added the article 200 bis to the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, with the following wording: "Article 200 is. Revaluation of pensions, the selling price of the point of retirement and the purchase price of the point of retirement.
1. The update of the amount of the pension, the selling price of the point of retirement and retirement point of the purchase price will be calculated according to the following table: a) consumer price index (CPI);
b) sustainability Factor.
2. The sustainability factor is calculated taking into account the following variables: a) the year or years of the year of application;
b) the consumer price index corresponding to the periods of application;
c) the ratio of average quotes for a pensioner in retirement;
their overall average monthly salary) to the contributions of retirement;
e) the contribution rate or percentage of contribution to the general branch and the branch of retirement in each of the years considered.
3. The regulations establishes the formula for calculating the factor of sustainability, of the average number of cotitzants in the area of retirement, of the average number of pensioners in retirement and global average monthly wage paid contributions.
4. The law of the budget has to establish the non-application of the update or the update of the pensions and the sale prices and purchase of retirement point by applying one of the index indicated in paragraph 1 of this article.
5. The law of the budget you can set the modulation of these update index when the pensions are less than a certain amount. In any case, the applied sustainability factor through the revaluation may have a negative value. "
79 article modifies the article 201 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 201. Conversion factor 1. Conversion factor to the point of retirement, that is to say, the number resulting from the Division of the purchase price for the sale price, is 9.6.
2. Any modification in relation to the conversion factor from the point of retirement is carried out by the law of the budget for each tax year and must assume the increase of the contribution in the area of retirement so that they can maintain or increase the rate of replacement, without prejudice to the provisions of article 200. "
Article 80 article 202 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 202 retirement pension before the sixty-five years or early retirement pension 1. The insured person who has completed sixty-one years old, he has listed more than four hundred and eighty monthly payments and not working as a sector or self-employed, you can assert your rights to retirement.
2. The calculation of the amount listed is regulated by the regulation, in accordance with the following criteria: to) the contribution bases that are equal or superior to the minimum wage in force at any given time is counted in full.
b) the contribution bases in periods of temporary disability, maternity, paternity or risk during pregnancy, regardless of its amount, are understood by a value equal to its base of calculation.
c) the contribution bases that are lower than the minimum wage in each time be in force can add until the sum is equal to or higher than the minimum wage that at any given time is in force; in this case, will be calculated in full.
3. The early retirement pension is calculated by applying a technical coefficient reducer of 7% on the Board resulting from article 200, for each year or fraction of a year at the time of requesting the present Board to reach the retirement age established in article 196.1.
4. Modification of this reducer technical coefficient is fixed by the law of the budget and requires report of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. "
Article 81 deleted the article 203 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
Article 82 article 204 of the Act is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 204 retirement pension after sixty-five years or delayed retirement pension The insured person, upon reaching sixty-five years, you can elect to defer the payment of the pension or retirement capital in what may be entitled as long as you continue making contributions to the general branch and the branch of retirement until the time of the effective retirement. "
83 article modifies the article 205 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 205 compatibility with a labour activity 1. The insured person who is receiving a retirement pension can continue working as a sector or on their own.
2. If the individual beneficiary of a retirement pension begins, after which you will be granted a pension, an activity sector or for own account, either in Andorra or abroad, the payment of the pension is suspended until they stop working.
3. The individual sector or do an activity for its own account and is the recipient of a retirement pension only trades on the general branch as any other insured person and is entitled to the benefits of this branch, except in that it regulates the article 175.2. "
Article 84 deleted the article 206 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
Article 85 is deleted the title IV of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
Article 86 of 219 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 219 types are special schemes are corresponding to the following individuals: a) orphans of father and mother and other people the tutelage or guardianship of which it entrusts to the State.
b) The people interned in prisons.
c) people with disabilities.
d) rely on people who charge a salary below the minimum wage and are indirect rates.
e) people prejubilades.
f) 25 to 30 students people years.
g) The people registered at the employment service who do not receive the financial benefit for involuntary unemployment.
h) people insured in the voluntary general branch and the branch retirement.
and voluntary insured persons in the general branch). "
Article 87 article 220 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 220 orphans of father and mother and other people the tutelage or guardianship of which it entrusts to the State 1. Are included within this special scheme for people under the age of the tutelage or guardianship of which entrusts to the State by judicial or administrative decision.
2. The Government is obliged to apply for the membership of these people in the social security system in accordance with articles 25 and below.
3. The Government is obliged to communicate the beginning or the end of this situation of these people so that they are given, respectively, high or low in accordance with articles 33 and following.
4. The register must request from the date of the firm resolution, judicial or administrative, that entrusts the guardianship or guardianship to the State in accordance with the applicable regulations in the field of children and tutelars organisms.
5. The low should be taken at the time in which it dictates a firm resolution, judicial or administrative, that cancels or revokes the tutelage or guardianship of the minor person in charge of the State or until the person reaches the age of majority.
6. The Government, charged to the budgets of the State, must make the payment of the totality of the contribution to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
7. The contribution basis corresponds to the official minimum wage monthly.
8. The obligation to pay contributions only refers to the contribution corresponding to the branch general. The contribution percentage is 10%.
9. These people have the right to enjoy the benefits of refund according to the regulated regime in accordance with articles 132 and following. "
88 article modifies the article 221 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 221 People interned in prisons 1. Are included within this special scheme for people interned in prisons settle in the Principality of Andorra, in temporary prison regime or to meet a firm judgment.
2. The Government is obliged to apply for the membership of these people in the social security system in accordance with the system regulated in articles 25 and below.
3. The Government is obliged to communicate the beginning or the end of the situation of these people so that they are given, respectively, high or low according to the system regulated in articles 33 and following.
4. The register must request from the date of cash internally prison as a provisional measure or to meet a penalty of deprivation of liberty.
5. The low should be taken at the time in which the person but is released.
6. The Government, charged to the budgets of the State, has to meet the payment of the contribution to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
7. The contribution basis corresponds to the official minimum wage monthly.
8. The obligation to pay contributions refers to the general branch. The contribution percentage is 10%.
9. These people have the right to enjoy the benefits of refund according to the regulated regime in accordance with articles 132 and following.
10. When these people work as people employees are entitled to all the benefits of the general branch.
In this case, the contribution is governed by the general system of the people rely on workers with the following differences: a) if the provision of services takes place within the prison, the Government, charged to the budgets of the State, should assume the payment of the employer's portion of the contribution to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, including retirement branch , and retain and enter the sector part of the compensation to the insured person. The contribution basis corresponds to the salary actually agreed.
b) if the provision of services takes place outside the prison, and the salary that perceives this person is lower than the official minimum wage monthly, the Government, charged to the budgets of the State, should assume the payment of the part of the contributions, the general branch and the branch retirement, up to this monthly minimum wage. "
Article 89 of the 222 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 222 People with disabilities 1. Are included within this special scheme for people with disabilities, subject to the scope of application of the law on guarantees of the rights of persons with disabilities.
2. These people are applying the general rules provided in this law, except in all provisions in the legislation regulating the rights of persons with disabilities. "
Article 90 is deleted the article 223 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
91 article modifies the article 223 ter of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 223 ter voluntary insured Persons in the general branch and the branch of retirement 1. People who are not required to make contributions for any other reason, they are living in Andorra and, together, they have completed fifty years and have paid contributions in Andorra for a minimum of one hundred and eighty monthly instalments, will be host to the special regime provided in this article.
2. These people have the right to enjoy retirement benefits and reimbursement, except the refund up to 100% due to insufficient financial resources, in accordance with the regulating in this law, provided that they are aware of the payment of their contributions.
3. These people have to request their affiliation to the social security in accordance with the system regulated in articles 25 and below. At the same time, they must communicate the beginning or the end of this situation so that they are given, respectively, high or low according to the system regulated in articles 33 and following.
4. The contribution basis corresponds to global average monthly salary contributed by all of the people rely on the immediately preceding calendar year. The contribution percentage is established in articles 101 and 104.
5. The obligation to pay contributions correspond to people insured in this special scheme.
6. The people who are making contributions to this special scheme and that they are listed as insured to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, may not return to ask in this scheme until you have passed at least twenty-four months. "
Article 92 is added the article 223 quater of law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, with the following wording: "Article 223 quater voluntary insured Persons in the general branch 1. Are included within this special scheme for people who have been benefited from a retirement capital, as long as they are not subject to any other regime, proving to have resided in Andorra during the ten years immediately prior to the membership in the special regime and while kept this residence.
It can also include people of legal age that could be stated in the preceding paragraph, the insured people indirectly.
2. These people have to request their affiliation to the social security in accordance with the system regulated in articles 25 and below.
3. These people have to communicate the beginning or the end of this situation so that they are given, respectively, high or low according to the system regulated in articles 33 and following.
4. The contribution in this special scheme only gives the right to enjoy the benefits of refund (except the refund to 100% by insufficient financial resources), with the following differences: a) the obligation to make contributions to the general branch, which must take on themselves. The contribution percentage is 10%.
b) the contribution base corresponds to the global average monthly salary contributed by the Group of people rely on the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social of the immediately preceding calendar year.
c) the reimbursement will cover counting from the first day of the date of the application registered in the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
d) To be entitled to the benefits the insured person must keep track of the contributions.
5. The persons insured in a special scheme can only give right to membership of persons insured indirect minors. "
Article 93 of the 224 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 224
People rely on that charge a salary below the minimum wage and are indirect rates 1. Are included within this special scheme for people for part-time employees with a overall lower monthly salary at minimum wage official monthly are indirect rates.
2. Benefit from the social security system as anyone sector, without the need to complement their contribution in accordance with the system regulated in article 99.
3. The basis of calculation applicable to the various benefits take into account the salary really registered.
4. These people have the right to enjoy the benefit of retirement according to the regulated regime in accordance with articles 194 and following, with the following differences: a) in addition to the contribution for retirement that is made on the occasion of the employment contract, they can take on themselves the payment of a contribution premium in retirement.
b) the contribution base of this add-on corresponds to the official minimum wage monthly.
c) contribution periods while the person is located within this special scheme calculated not to be entitled to contributory widow's/widower's pensions not premium annuities regulated in article 184. "
Article 94 of the 225 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 225 People prejubilades 1. Are included within this special scheme for people who have fifty years or more; you are connected to the company, entity or public administration for which they have provided services, without making any provision of services or receive any remuneration by way of salary, and they charge a fixed amount periodically for early retirement.
2. Companies must request their affiliation to the social security in accordance with the system regulated in articles 25 and below.
3. Companies must communicate the beginning or the end of this situation so that they are given, respectively, high or low according to the system regulated in articles 33 and following.
4. The contribution base for both the general branch and the branch of retirement, is made up of the regular fixed amount received for early retirement. When the prejubilada person perceives a fixed amount less than the monthly minimum wage and official periodical is not guaranteed indirectly, should complement the general branch contributions up to an amount equivalent to the minimum wage.
You don't have to complement the contribution if, in accordance with section 7, receives a salary that, coupled with the early retirement pension, the official minimum wage monthly.
5. The percentages of contributions are regulated in articles 100 and 103.
6. These people are entitled to the benefit of reimbursement and to the retirement pension.
7. The inclusion in this scheme is compatible with the performance of any activity, whether self-employed or wage earning, as well as to the perception of any kind of economic benefit or pension. In these cases the insured must make contributions also to the activity they perform or the benefit or pension you receive in accordance with the General rules.
8. This regulation applies without prejudice to the application of specific regimes regulated in other laws. "
Article 95 modifies the article 230 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 230 Resolution the resolution of administrative files defined in this title corresponds to the General direction of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
The resolution will need to be motivated, and will contain at least an exhibition of all the background of the fact that there is in the record, the allegations made by the insured, the evidentiary elements that support the decision adopted, regulatory rules applied, as well as the resource that they offer. "
96 article modifies the article 238 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 238 offences 1. Are offences of entrepreneurs: a) the high and the low of their workers after the deadline without a justified reason.
b) Presented the work-related injury claims after the deadline without a justified reason.
c) does not retain the amounts which is deducted from the salary of the person working on the concept of contribution of the sector.
2. the offences of the people who perform an activity for own account: a) the high and the low for medical work deadline, without that there's a reason justified.
b) Presented the work-related injury claims after the deadline without a justified reason.
c) does not appear in the announcements of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social without justified reason.
d) do not communicate at the time in which they occur, but justified, the determinants of suspension or termination of a benefit.
3. Are offences of people rely on, of the applicants for benefits and beneficiaries of benefits: a) does not appear in the announcements of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social without justified reason.
b) Presented the high and the low for medical work deadline, without that there's a reason justified.
c) do not communicate at the time in which they occur, but justified, the determinants of suspension or termination of a benefit.
4. lack of health service providers Is mild: in) does not work with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social in obtaining the documentation related to the compliance with the regulations on social security. "
Article 97 modifies the article 239 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 239 serious offences 1. Are serious offences of entrepreneurs: a) Affiliate, to register or of a person as a sector when there is no reason to justify it.
b) Presented the contribution sheet with delay if this delay is greater than one month and less than three months.
c) filed a false statement of work-related injury or not present it when there is no obligation to do so.
d) to carry out acts that have to recover the wage earning person all or part of the business contribution, although the card is OK.
e) Do any maneuver, false statement or submit documentation not true because a third person get any social security benefit.
f) does not retain, for five years, the records and computer media containing the data that prove the fulfilment of the obligations of membership, registrations, cancellations and other events in the area of social security.
2. Are serious offences of the people who perform an activity for own account: a) affiliate, to high or low when there is no reason to justify it.
b) filed a false statement of work-related injury.
c) Make any false statement or documentation presented, maneuver not true for any provision of the social security system.
d) collaborate in the behaviour carried out by the people providing services that are classified as serious or very serious offences.
e) does not work with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social in obtaining the documentation related to the compliance with the regulations on social security or obstruct the work of this service.
3. Are serious faults of people, employees of the beneficiaries and applicants for benefits: a) to collaborate in the behaviour carried out by the company or by the persons providing services that are classified as serious or very serious offences.
b) Make any false statement or documentation presented, maneuver not true for any provision of the social security system.
4. Are serious offences of health service providers: a) Obstruct the work of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social in obtaining the documentation related to the compliance with the regulations on social security.
b) Prescribe periods of low respect that foresee the regulation referred to in article 145.
c) without prejudice to point out a previous date as start of granting, issuing medical certificates with retroactive date.
d) sell products obsolete or products without warranty of return or repair.
e) Not, serious or repeated, the obligations or prohibitions contained in the agreement signed with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social relating to the fulfilment of the requirements for the provision of certain services, the objectives of healthcare quality or rationalization of health care spending. "
Article 98 of the Act modifies the 240 article 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 240 very serious offences 1. Are very serious offences of entrepreneurs: a) Not to join or to register a person in the social security sector within the legal time limits regulated in this law.
b) declare a false date of contract in order to evade any responsibility.
c) Present the delayed contributions, if this delay is more than three months.
d) Do contain intentionally false information in the quotes.
e) Retain, without entering the social security, the amounts deducted from the salary of the person working on the concept of contribution of the sector.
f) Deduct amounts from salary by way of contribution of the sector to the social security over the corresponding legally.
g) give employment to a person while working in low period for temporary incapacity for work, maternity leave, paternity or risk during pregnancy.
h) unduly Increase the contribution base of the working person to cause an increase in the benefits you provide.
2. Are very serious offences of the people who perform an activity for own account: a) to register the payment of the costs arising from the performance of reimbursement without having carried out the sanitary acts corresponding to these expenses.
b) Acting fraudulently in order to Obtain improper benefits or superior to those who provide or extend unduly the enjoyment.
c) professional activities during the period of temporary disability, maternity, paternity or risk during pregnancy.
3. Are very serious offences of those employees, the applicants for benefits and beneficiaries of benefits: a) to register the payment of the costs arising from the performance of reimbursement without having carried out the sanitary acts corresponding to these expenses.
b) Acting fraudulently in order to Obtain improper benefits or superior to those that provide or extend the enjoyment of unduly.
c) professional activities during the period of temporary disability, maternity, paternity or risk during pregnancy.
4. Are very serious offences of health service providers: a) Check and/or declare medical activities are not carried out.
b) Charge fees higher than the rates agreed for the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social.
c) Make any false statement or documentation presented, maneuver not true to get or obtain any provision of the social security system.
d) professional activities during the period of temporary disability, maternity, paternity or risk during pregnancy. "
99 article modifies the article 244 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 244 Recidivism 1. For the purposes of this law, it is understood by "recidivism" the fact that at the time of committing an offence exists a firm resolution to another infringement of the same or more gravity, or by two or more infractions of less severity, committed during the period of two years immediately prior to the Commission of the offence today.
2. in case of recidivism is imposed the penalty on the basis of their top half. "
Article 100 article 245 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 245 Type infringements established in this law will penalize: a) The mild, with a warning or fine of an amount equivalent to the price of sale of the retirement point of between twenty-five and fifty points.
b) the grave, with a fine of an amount equivalent to the price of sale of the retirement point of between fifty-one and five-hundred points.
c) The very serious, with a fine of an amount equivalent to the price of sale of the retirement point between five hundred and twenty thousand points. "
Article 101 article 246 of the law is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 246 accessory Penalties
1. the Commission of these specific behaviour implies, in addition to the appropriate sanction in accordance with the regulated in the previous article, accessory sanctions provided for in the following sections.
2. The omission of duty to join or to register a person in the social security sector entails the reimbursement by the employer to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social of all benefits paid to the person for worker causes produced during the period in which these obligations are omitted.
3. The receipt of benefits as a result of the facts constituting the infringement involves the obligation to return to the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social the amount of benefits received unduly.
With this obligation, are responsible for solidarity with the person who has received benefits all people, physical or legal entities or communities of goods, including health providers, which have been expressly declared to be responsible.
4. the Commission of serious offences and serious service providers can lead to the desconvenció with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social for a period of three months to ten years depending on the severity and recidivism in the infraction committed. "
102 article modifies the article 247 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 247 prescribing penalties 1. The penalties imposed for minor offences prescribed after two years; the serious offences are imposed by three years, and imposed for very serious offences, after five years.
2. The period of limitation will be counted from the date on which the sanctions have become stronger. "
Article 103 article 252 of the Act is modified 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 252 Resolution at the end of the instruction of the sanctioning transcript after practice the tests or to refuse them motivadament, it has to raise in the General direction of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, which is the competent body to resolve the motivadament , both with regard to consider or not consider credited the Commission of the infringement or infringements that appear in the list of charges, such as with regard to the imposition of sanctions and proposed commercial and also with regard to the final approval of the settlement proposals of the quotas for quotes, surcharges and other debts resulting of the facts allegedly constituting infringement. "
104 article modifies the article 255 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 255 Decisions and resolutions of the General direction 1. Against the decisions and resolutions of the General direction of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social in conjunction with the administrative procedures and disciplinary proceedings in matters of social security, regulated in titles II and III of this book, the interested party can resort to administrative in front of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social within a month , to be counted from the date of the notification or communication in the form of notice to the person concerned.
2. The decision of the Board of Directors of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social exhausted administrative remedies and leaves open the Court. "
105 article modifies the article 256 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security which is worded as follows: "Article 256 administrative silence after a period of two months from the filing of an administrative appeal against a decision or resolution dictated in the context of a disciplinary or non-disciplinary record without having notified the corresponding resolution , the resource is considered deprecated; with the exception of those resolutions that have the purpose of compliance with the requirements and conditions established by this law and the regulations that develop in order to be entitled to the benefits of the social security, in which case the appeal shall be considered resolved favorably. ".".
Article 106 of the 257 article modifies the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system, which is worded as follows: "Article 257 resolutions of the Board of Directors 1. Against the express or tacit resolutions of the Board of Directors may lodge an appeal within a period of one month before the administrative jurisdiction, in accordance with the procedure in force.
2. In the administrative resources with the objective of assessing the State of health of the insured person, the Board of Directors, before to solve, you can request a medical report must be prepared by a specialist doctor without any relationship with the parties.
This report will be required when the request the insured person in your resource.
The issuance of the said medical report are in charge of the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social, unless you ask the person appellant; in this case, this person has to meet a third of the cost. "
Seventh additional provision deleted article 107 of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, of the social security system.
First transitional provision 1. The social security benefits granted before the time of entry into force of this law, as long as you have a continuity after the legislative change, regulate by legislation in force at the time of the triggering event, unless new legislation is more favourable to the insured person and after request of the insured within a period not exceeding one year from the entry into force of this law.
2. The insured person, beneficiary of a disability benefit at the time of the entry into force of this law continues to receive the amount in accordance with the law applicable at the time of their creation, without prejudice to that, if they meet the requirements set forth in article 170 bis, can apply for the add-on does not contributory. The periodic update of the corresponding provision is carried out in accordance with the provisions of this law.
It also applies this law if it is more favourable to the insured person and this person so request within the period provided for in paragraph (1) above, or as of the moment in which it finds a change in the condition of the insured person. In the latter case, however, the amount of the new pension cannot be less than the pension you received if a worsening of the disease, regardless of the contribution generated by the Board.
3. Those widows who, subsequent to the entry into force of the law 17/2008, of 3 October the social security, was awarded a widow's/widower's pension, temporary in application of article 182 of that law, they may choose to register the widow's annuity provided for in article 183 of the law, enrolled with the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social , in the way that you remember for regulation, the difference between the amount of the registered temporary residence and the amount that would have been paid if they had felt a widow's pension for life from the beginning of the triggering event, calculated in application of this law.
Second transitional provision The applications for benefits from the social security scheme made before the entry into force of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, or any of its amendments, regulate by legislation in force at the time of the request, except that the beneficiary person consider that the new legislation is more favourable and prompt the application within a period not exceeding six months from the entry into force.
Third transitional provision The periods in which a registered insured pensions disability and temporary disability benefits awarded prior to the 1 of November 2009-assimilated periods of contribution to the general branch, for the purpose of generating orphanhood, widowhood and pension rights, as well as for the purpose of calculating the pensions provided for in article 186.
Fourth transitional provision during the five years following the entry into force of this law shall be entitled to the retirement capital provided for in article 197.1, if they have fulfilled the age indicated in the article 195.1, insured persons who prove a quotation to the retirement of at least twelve months.
Fifth transitional provision people who at the time of the entry into force of this law were affiliated to the special regime of article 223 may go to a special regime of article 223 ter although do not meet the requirement of contribution of one hundred and eighty months or have fulfilled 50 years.
Sixth transitional provision from the entry into force of this law and as long as it is not modified by the law of the budget, the costs of benefits made or prescribed as a result of a non-occupational injury or a common illness are paid in the percentages established by law 25/2011, of 29 December, on modification of the law 17/2008 , 3 October, of the social security system and the regulations that develop it.
Seventh transitional provision The people insured at the time of the entry into force of this law shall receive the retirement pension by reason of the age of the spouse, as was regulated in article 206, can keep it as long as you keep the coexistence.
First final provision The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social is empowered to extend the budgetary credits needed to provide the tools that require the application of the last modification of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, during the first year from the date of publication of this last modification.
Second final provision is entrusted to the Government the drafting of a consolidated text of the articles of the law 17/2008, of 3 October, social security, with all changes and additions provided by law 25/2011, from 29 December; by law 9/2013, 23 May, and by this law. The text must be approved and released within a period not exceeding three months from the date of publication of this law.
Third final provision this law enters into force on the first day of the month following the period of six months to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, July 24 2014 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
François Hollande Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra