lo26065008 law 22/2014, 16 October, the creation of the Association of Dietitians Nutritionists in Andorra since the General Council in its session of October 16, 2014 has approved the following: law 22/2014, 16 October, the creation of the Association of dieticians, Nutritionists of Andorra a dietician nutritionist is a health professional , recognized as an expert in food, nutrition and dietetics, with the capacity to intervene in the diet of a person or group of people. The profession of dietitian-nutritionist responds to certain social needs of public interest that gives solution with specific actions. The academic recognition and training of this profession is the result of the curricular design of the trainings for the specific qualification to exercise it.
One of the objectives of the Organization schoolboy is the regulation and organisation of the exercise of the professional activity related to Dietetics and nutrition in any of its forms, and also the safeguarding and observance of its ethical principles, legal and ethical criteria. To this end, it has jurisdiction to consider and monitor compliance with the profession, subject to the laws, and oversees the protection of the health of the people and the respect of ethical principles and ethical criteria.
In accordance with the provisions of article 15 of the Legislative Decree of 26-02-2014 of publication of the revised text of the law 6/2008, of 15 may, in the exercise of professions and professional associations and colleges graduates, which regulates the extension of the organization by the association law in professions that are lacking, it is considered appropriate and necessary the creation of Association of Dietitians Nutritionists to integrate all the professionals who , with the specific qualification, play their own roles.
Article 1 the official College of Dietitians/Nutritionists in Andorra, an entity with legal personality and full capacity to act and enforce their purposes.
Article 2 the object of the Organization schoolboy of the dietetics and nutrition is the regulation and organisation of the exercise of a professional activity in any of its forms, and also the safeguarding and observance of its ethical principles, legal and ethical criteria.
Article 3 the territorial scope of the official Association of Dietitians Nutritionists is the Principality of Andorra.
Article 4 the official College of Dietitians/Nutritionists in Andorra brings together the professionals of the dietetics and nutrition with a duly recognized academic qualifications in the Principality of Andorra. The integration has been done in accordance with the provisions of the articles of Association and the regulations of the professional associations.
Article 5 the internal structure and the functioning of the Association must be democratic. The Association is governed in its activities by the State regulations on professional associations, to this law of creation, by their own statutes, to the rest of the internal regulations and all that will be of general application or subsidiary.
Article 6 the Association has to relate with the ministries of the Government of Andorra which have competence in the area of health and certified professions, and with other public administrations, when required, for their professional activities.
First transitional provision the members of the governing body of the Association of dieticians, nutritionists, within a period of six months from the entry into force of this law, shall convene an extraordinary general Assembly, which will have the character of constituent Assembly of Association of Dietitians/Nutritionists in Andorra, which must approve the definitive statutes of the Association and to choose the people who will occupy the corresponding positions in the governing bodies of the institution.
Second transitional provision The definitive statutes, once approved, together with the certification of the minutes of the constituent Assembly, they have to refer to the register of qualified Professionals, schools and professional associations, to the appropriate effects.
Third transitional provision the official College of Dietitians/Nutritionists in Andorra obtains the full capacity to act from the Constitution of their governing bodies.
Fourth transitional provision in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree of 26-02-2014 of publication of the revised text of the law 6/2008, of 15 may, in the exercise of professions and professional associations and colleges graduates, the requirement of licensing occurs when this law comes into force for the people who are carrying out the tasks of the dietetics and nutrition , and are in possession of the required academic qualifications. These two requirements have to be accredited to the Governing Board within a period of six months from the entry into force of this law.
Final provision this law comes into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 16 of October of 2014 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília François Hollande Bishop of Urgell, President of the French Republic Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra