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Decision 17/1999/QD-BNN-TCCB: On setting up the Board for Renewal of Enterprises in the Agriculture and Irrigation Electro- Engineering Corporation

Published: 1999-01-20

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Number: 17/1999/QD-BNN-TCCB
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , January 20, 1999

DECISION No.17/1999/QD/BNN-TCCB of January 20, 1999 on setting up the Board for Renewal of Enterprises in the Agriculture and Irrigation Electro- Engineering Corporation

To set up the Board for Renewal of Enterprises in the Agriculture and Irrigation Electro-Engineering Corporation, to be headed by the chairman of the Corporation�s Managing Board.

The Board for Renewal of Enterprises in the Agriculture and Irrigation Electro- Engineering Corporation shall have the following major tasks: To work out the plan on renewal and equitization of the Corporation�s enterprises for consideration and submission to the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development by the Corporation�s leading board; to organize the implementation of the plan on renewal and equitization of the Corporation�s enterprises after it is approved; to inspect, urge and guide the boards for renewal of enterprises at the member units in the latter�s performance of the tasks of renewal and equitization of enterprises.- (Summary)