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RULE §41.5 Movement of livestock

Published: 2015

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(a) When livestock are moved from any quarantined area the
person moving the livestock must have in his or her possession a copy of any
certificate or permit required for movement.
(b) A permit or certificate is void unless the livestock begin
movement to the stated destination immediately upon issuance.
(c) Movement must be direct to the destination stated on the
permit or certificate. No livestock may be unloaded at any destination not
shown on the permit or certificate.
(d) Any livestock that become exposed during movement must
be scratch inspected and dipped within 14 days of the exposure.
(e) No certificate for movement will be issued unless the owner
of the livestock has fully complied with these regulations.
(f) When livestock are allowed to move after a required dip,
the livestock must be loaded in the transporting conveyance wet, or held on
a premise for a period of time approved by an authorized representative of
the commission.
(g) Livestock may not move when a dip is required prior to
movement, if rain or exposure to water results in the dip dripping to the
ground before the dip dries. In such event, the certificate for movement is
void, and another dip is required before movement.
(h) Gently using horses, which can be handled and utilized,
(may be certified for movement within and from the systematic area upon close
inspection and spraying every 14 days. In all cases, a final spraying must
be certified by an Authorized Representative of the Commission for an animal
to be relieved of the 14 day spraying requirement. The 14 day interval may
be extended due to circumstances beyond the control of the owner upon approval
by an authorized representative of the Commission. In no event will the extension
be more than three days. If the extension is granted, the animal may not be
removed from the 14 day pass until the next treatment on the regular 14 day
(i) Movement of cattle imported or originating from Mexico
shall meet the requirements contained in §41.11 of this Chapter (relating
to Protest of Designation of Area or Premise).

Source Note: The provisions of this §41.5 adopted to be effective June 23, 2002, 27 TexReg 5175