Published: 2015
Key Benefits:
[Rev. 12/7/2017 12:26:25 PM]
[NAC-573 Revised Date: 12-17]
573.010 Applicability of chapter.
573.015 Definitions.
573.016 “Department” defined.
573.018 “Public livestock auction” defined.
573.020 Expense for sales not held on working day.
573.030 Notice of cancellation or nonuse of sale day.
573.040 Notification of continuance of sale.
573.050 Fee for license.
573.100 Presence of accredited veterinarian required; penalties for violation.
NAC 573.010 Applicability of chapter. (NRS 573.130) This chapter does not apply to any organization or association exempted under NRS 573.180.
[Dep’t of Agriculture, No. 56 § III, eff. 11-30-67]
NAC 573.015 Definitions. (NRS 561.105) As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 573.016 and 573.018 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.
(Supplied in codification; A by Bd. of Agriculture by R214-05, 6-28-2006)
NAC 573.016 “Department” defined. (NRS 561.105) “Department” means the State Department of Agriculture.
(Added to NAC by Bd. of Agriculture by R214-05, eff. 6-28-2006)
NAC 573.018 “Public livestock auction” defined. (NRS 561.105) “Public livestock auction” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 573.010.
(Added to NAC by Bd. of Agriculture by R214-05, eff. 6-28-2006)
NAC 573.020 Expense for sales not held on working day. (NRS 573.130) Expenses incurred because a public livestock sale is not held on a regular working day must be paid by the operator of the public livestock auction by reimbursement to the Department upon demand.
[Dep’t of Agriculture, No. 56 § I par. 1, eff. 11-30-67]
NAC 573.030 Notice of cancellation or nonuse of sale day. (NRS 573.130)
1. The operator of a public livestock auction shall notify the Department at least 10 regular working days before the cancellation of a sale or the nonuse of a regularly scheduled sale day.
2. Failure to so notify the Department makes the operator of the auction responsible for reimbursement to the Department for the labor expenses incurred. Continued failure may be considered cause for the revocation of a regularly scheduled sale day.
[Dep’t of Agriculture, No. 56 § I par. 2, eff. 11-30-67]
NAC 573.040 Notification of continuance of sale. (NRS 573.130) A public livestock sale which is held on a regular sale day but is not completed by 6 p.m. may continue into the next day as a regular sale day if the operator of the auction yard notifies regulatory personnel in adequate time to service the sale. This will not be considered an added expense if the continuing day falls on a regularly scheduled working day.
[Dep’t of Agriculture, No. 56 § II, eff. 11-30-67]
NAC 573.050 Fee for license. (NRS 561.105, 573.040) The fee for the issuance or renewal of a license to operate a public livestock auction is $150 per year.
(Added to NAC by Bd. of Agriculture by R214-05, eff. 6-28-2006)
NAC 573.100 Presence of accredited veterinarian required; penalties for violation. (NRS 573.130, 573.190)
1. The operator of a public livestock auction shall ensure that an accredited veterinarian is present for not less than 2 hours on each regularly scheduled sale day to assess the health of the animals at the public livestock auction.
2. An operator of a public livestock auction who fails to ensure that an accredited veterinarian is present on each regularly scheduled day of a public livestock auction as required by subsection 1 shall, for each such violation, pay to the Department the administrative fine imposed pursuant to NRS 573.190.
3. The Department may consider as cause for the revocation of a regularly scheduled sale day the continued failure by an operator of a public livestock auction to meet the requirements of subsection 1.
4. As used in this section, “accredited veterinarian” has the meaning ascribed to it in NAC 571.602.
(Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture by R016-15, eff. 12-21-2016)