(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when
used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Control--the ability to order or dictate the delivery
or the manner of delivery of any services or tasks. Consulting with
another person regarding a service or task, or assisting in the performance
of a service or task, does not constitute control.
(2) Intervene--directly altering the practice of veterinary
medicine. Recommending or providing a service or supply or performing
management services under this section does not constitute intervention.
(3) Management services--those services and activities
relating to the operation of a veterinary practice exclusive of the
practice of veterinary medicine.
(4) Management services organization--a person or entity
that provides management services.
(5) Veterinary medical personnel--persons under the
direct or general supervision, as defined by the Veterinary Licensing
Act, Texas Occupations Code, §801.002, of a veterinarian who
perform duties directly related to the practice of veterinary medicine.