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RULE §25.81 Out-of-State Service Eligible for Credit

Published: 2015

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A member may obtain out-of-state service credit for qualified
employment in public educational institutions which are maintained
in whole or in part by one of the states in the United States of America;
by a commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States of
America; or by the United States government. Public educational institutions
of the United States government must have been maintained for the
primary purpose of educating the children of United States citizens
either in foreign countries or in locations within the United States
where state and local government have not provided public educational
facilities. The service in eligible institutions must satisfy the
requirements for membership in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas,
except for the requirement that the employment be in Texas. Further,
the service must have been for at least 4 1/2 months of the school
year, or for at least a full semester of more than four calendar months,
or for at least 90 days of a school year as a substitute in a position
otherwise eligible for out-of-state service. For service rendered
in the 2011-2012 school year and after, a member must have worked
or received paid leave in a position otherwise eligible for out-of-state
service credit for at least the minimum amount of time required of
a member to receive service credit in that school year or worked for
at least 90 days in a school year as a substitute in a position otherwise
eligible for out-of-state service credit. A member may satisfy any
of these requirements by combining the out-of-state service with employment
in the Texas public schools that occurred in the same school year
and for which deposits are maintained in the member's account. A member
eligible to establish normal membership service credit for a school
year may not obtain out-of-state service credit for that year.