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Rule §125.3 The Issuer

Published: 2015

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Background information on the issuer must be given, including the following.   (1) The name, address, state in which organized, date organized, the type of legal entity, and purposes of the issuer.   (2) A brief history of the issuer, and its denominational affiliation, if any.   (3) A description of the general area and location of the issuer.   (4) Accreditation and regulation of the issuer, if any.   (5) A brief summary of the backgrounds of the key employees and those individuals responsible for the management and control of the issuer. In the case of religious organizations, a brief summary of the background of the minister or ministers and name and occupation of other responsible church officials must be included.   (6) A description of any current or past transactions, or of any proposed transactions, between the issuer and such persons mentioned in paragraph (5) of this
section, or any affiliate of such persons.   (7) A statement of all direct and indirect remuneration paid by the issuer or received by members of the issuer in connection with the offering.   (8) A statement of any affiliation between the issuer and the broker/dealer, or any officers of either, with any building contractor or supplier who has an interest in or may receive any of the proceeds of the issue.

Source Note: The provisions of this §125.3 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976.