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Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association - ADMINISTRATION - Meetings of Board: Submission by member of Board or Legislative Commission of item for inclusion on agenda; consideration of other items.

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[Rev. 12/7/2018 12:48:08 PM]

[NAC-385B Revised Date: 12-18]



385B.002            Definitions.

385B.004            “Affiliate school” defined.

385B.006            “All-star team” defined.

385B.008            “Association” defined.

385B.010            “Board” defined.

385B.012            “Charter school” defined.

385B.014            “Commissioner” defined.

385B.016            “Complaint” defined.

385B.018            “Count of enrollment” defined.

385B.020            “Executive Director” defined.

385B.022            “Game, contest or meet” defined.

385B.024            “Hardship” defined.

385B.026            “Homeschooled child” defined.

385B.028            “Legislative Commission” defined.

385B.030            “Magnet school” defined.

385B.032            “Member school” defined.

385B.034            “Non-association official” defined.

385B.036            “Participate” defined.

385B.038            “Recruit” defined.

385B.040            “Sanctioned sport” defined.

385B.042            “School” defined.

385B.044            “Season” defined.

385B.046            “Spirit squad” defined.

385B.048            “Sports official” defined.

385B.050            “Tournament” defined.

385B.052            “Transfer” defined.

385B.054            “Unit of credit” defined.

385B.056            “Zone of attendance” defined.

385B.058            Association and member schools: Responsibility for uniformity and coordination of interscholastic activities.



385B.100            Membership in National Federation of State High School Associations.

385B.102            Purchasing of supplies, equipment and services.

385B.104            Establishment of administrative regions; preparation of map of regions.

Board of Control

385B.106            Composition; role; nonvoting membership; terms of nonvoting members.

385B.108            Voting membership.

385B.110            Selection of members; vacancies in membership; terms of voting members.

385B.112            President and Vice President.

385B.114            Duties.

385B.116            Regular and special meetings.

Meetings and Other Actions

385B.120            Meetings of Board: Quorum.

385B.122            Meetings of Board: Procedure.

385B.124            Meetings of Board: Submission by member school of item for inclusion on agenda.

385B.126            Meetings of Board: Submission by member of Board or Legislative Commission of item for inclusion on agenda; consideration of other items.

385B.128            Meetings of Association or Board: Rules of conduct; motions.

385B.130            Board: Emergency action by telephone.

385B.132            Board: Selection of members to attend certain national meetings.

Legislative Commission

385B.140            Composition; voting; adoption of policies; meetings.

385B.142            Restrictions on authority to amend policies.

385B.144            Compensation of members or employees of Board or Legislative Commission while engaged in business of Association.

Executive Director

385B.150            Employment; duties; bond; annual financial statement.

385B.152            General duties.

385B.154            Interpretation of policies and regulations of Association; attendance of meetings of Legislative Commission; program to educate general public; newsletter.

385B.156            Fiscal duties.

385B.158            Duties regarding employees of Association.

385B.160            Legislative and other duties.

385B.162            Duties regarding play-offs and tournaments; program to encourage awareness and attendance; monitoring of travel.

385B.164            Establishment of procedures regarding inventory of tickets for events.

Regulations of Association

385B.170            Submission and notification of proposed amendment to regulations.

385B.172            Amendment of regulations by Board; submission of amendment to Legislative Counsel.


Membership in Association

385B.200            Submission of application by Nevada high school or affiliate school.

385B.202            Private high school.

385B.204            Provisional membership; academic requirements of pupil enrolled at school with such membership.

385B.206            Application for associate membership.

385B.208            Approval of application for associate membership; authority of high school with associate membership.

385B.210            Application for limited membership; approval of limited membership; authority of high school with such membership.

385B.212            Amount and payment of annual membership dues; imposition and amount of special assessment.

385B.214            Withdrawal and reinstatement of membership.

385B.216            Revocation of membership of affiliate school.

Principals of Member Schools

385B.220            Responsibility to Association; delegation of authority; approval of interscholastic activity.

385B.222            Registration of participants in sanctioned sports.

385B.224            Submission of information required to publish directory of schools.

385B.226            Supervision of team or group; member school responsible for acts of members.

Administrative Organization

385B.230            Appointment of members of administrative organization; election of officers.

385B.232            Powers and duties.

385B.234            Regular and special meetings.

Private Schools

385B.240            Selection and duties of liaison for Board; annual meetings.

Classification and Alignment of Schools

385B.250            General requirements; effective period; considerations; request for pupil or team to participate in another classification, league or region.

385B.252            Submission by school of recommendation for alignment.

385B.254            Appeal of classification and alignment by school.


General Provisions

385B.300            Scheduling of events in manner that results in minimum loss of school time.

385B.302            Establishment and submission of schedules of events; penalty.

385B.304            Postponement of game, contest or meet.

385B.306            Cancellation of game, contest or meet; participation in game, contest or meet after withdrawal of school from Association; penalty.

385B.308            Competition with certain out-of-state schools prohibited.

385B.310            Competition with certain schools prohibited without approval of Executive Director.

385B.312            Provision of sufficient physical training and suitable protective clothing to participants.

385B.314            Use of equipment provided by private company that sponsors participant.

385B.316            Security of field of play; encouragement of sportsmanlike behavior.

385B.318            Conduct of participants and spectators: Responsibility of school; authority of sports official.

385B.320            Use of cameras and other recording equipment.

385B.322            Possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages prohibited; enforcement.

Recruitment, Restrictions and Prohibited Acts

385B.330            Prohibition of activities on Sunday; exceptions.

385B.332            Limitations on participation of pupil during season and school year; transfer of pupil to another sanctioned sport.

385B.334            Participation by girl on team for boys and by boy on team for girls.

385B.336            Physical examinations: Requirements for pupils; maintenance and review of records; exemption from requirements.

385B.338            Pupil injured in sanctioned sport and treated by provider of health care.

385B.340            Pupil soliciting or seeking enrollment in return for receiving favorable conditions or treatment.

385B.342            Recruiting of pupil to participate in sanctioned sport prohibited; penalties.

385B.344            Restrictions on solicitation or encouragement of prospective pupil to enroll in school; prohibited representation of athletic program; duty of coach upon receiving certain notification regarding prospective pupil.

385B.346            Restriction on offer or provision of compensation or other inducement to pupil.


385B.350            Participation by team that participates in sanctioned sport prohibited; approval of Board regarding preseason and postseason competition; penalty.

385B.352            Approval by Association of competition; imposition of certain restrictions and requirements; submission of injury report and written summary of competition.

385B.354            Conditions under which pupil may participate in competition.


385B.370            Period of season and first day of practice for sanctioned sport; prohibited and authorized out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport.

385B.372            Restrictions on participation in out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport.

385B.374            Participation of pupil as amateur in sanctioned sport.

385B.376            Participation by member of team or spirit squad in certain activities other than as such member; establishment of requirements for eligibility of pupil to participate in postseason competition.

385B.378            Maximum number of games, contests or meets during seasons for sanctioned sports; exemption.

385B.380            Forfeiture of game, contest or meet if pupil exceeds maximum allowed for sanctioned sport.

385B.382            Treatment of game not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause.

385B.384            Tournaments; wrestling; swimming and diving, substitutions.

385B.386            Miscellaneous limitations.


385B.390            Designation; amendment of list; insufficient participation; prohibition.



385B.400            Date for beginning practice; end of season.

385B.402            Interschool scrimmages.

385B.404            Protest of game.

385B.406            Replay of suspended game.

385B.408            Determination of championship team.

385B.410            Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament.

385B.412            Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause.

385B.414            Use of coaching boxes and head protection.

385B.416            Limitations on participation by pitcher; penalty.

385B.418            Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games.


385B.420            Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages.

385B.422            Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team.

385B.424            Jerseys.

385B.426            Class 1A teams.


385B.430            General requirements.


385B.434            Date for beginning practice; end of season; games.

385B.436            Required practice; interschool scrimmages.

385B.438            Noncontact practice.

385B.440            Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team; play-offs; 45-point mercy rule.

385B.442            Jerseys.

385B.444            Limitations on participation by pupil.

385B.446            Provision of adequate facilities for participants in play-off.

Boys’ Golf

385B.450            Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament.

385B.452            Tournaments.

Girls’ Golf

385B.454            Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament.

385B.456            Tournaments.


385B.458            Date for beginning practice; end of season; games.

385B.460            Required practice; interschool scrimmages.

385B.462            Manual of alignment of schools; tournaments; determination of championship team.

385B.464            Availability of persons to provide soccer balls during game.


385B.470            Date for beginning practice; end of season.

385B.472            Interschool scrimmages.

385B.474            Protest of game.

385B.476            Replay of suspended game.

385B.478            Determination of championship team.

385B.480            Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament.

385B.482            Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause.

385B.484            Minimum length of official game.

385B.486            Use of coaching boxes.

385B.488            Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games.


385B.500            General requirements.


385B.510            General requirements.

Track and Field

385B.515            General requirements.


385B.520            Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages; conduct of games and matches.

385B.522            Format of games and matches; winner of match in which junior varsity or freshman team participates.

385B.524            Class 1A teams with fewer than 15 members.


385B.530            Date for beginning practice; end of season; rules and regulations; headgear.

385B.532            Tournaments.


385B.550            Compliance with Spirit Rules Book and applicable regulations; establishment of requirements for eligibility; sanctioning and nature of activities.

385B.552            Responsibilities of coach; duration of season; tryouts and selection for membership; activities between seasons.

385B.554            Number and membership of squads: Restrictions; authority of coach and school.

385B.556            Separate tryouts for fall and winter seasons; separate squad to perform stunts.

385B.558            Members of squads: Participation in sanctioned sports; participation in activities not sponsored by school.

385B.560            Attendance of and participation in certain competitions and events prohibited unless sanctioned by Association.

385B.562            Conduct of and reference to competitions and events.

385B.564            Application for sanctioning of competition or event: Requirements for submission; action on application; penalty for late submission.

385B.566            Attendance of or participation in competition or event: Ascertainment of sanctioning; penalty if not sanctioned; approval required; position of Association; prohibition; duty of coach.



385B.600            Determination of championship: Participation by school in only one series of play-off games, tournaments or elimination meets; declaration based on percentage rating for regular season.

State Tournaments

385B.602            Submission of schedule to member schools.

385B.604            Procedure when cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause.

385B.606            Replacement of qualifying participant; notice of intention to use alternate member of team.

Local, Regional and State Tournaments

385B.610            Determination of events for inclusion; location of events within State.

385B.612            Conduct at location other than school.

385B.614            Representation of participating school by band or other group.

385B.616            Manual of formats; establishment and approval of formats.

385B.618            Submission by class or league of proposed change in format.

385B.620            Establishment of price of admission; disposition of proceeds.

385B.622            Retention of proceeds by Association.

385B.624            Solicitation of spectator for purpose other than admission or related services.

385B.626            Director of regional or state tournament: Appointment; compensation.

385B.628            Sports officials for tournaments: Assignment; compensation.

385B.630            Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 1A or 2A region or regional tournament for Class 1A or 2A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports.

385B.632            Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 3A or 4A region or regional tournament for Class 3A or 4A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports.


385B.640            Presumption regarding game, contest or meet for varsity players; determination of standings for play-offs.

385B.642            Determinations by Executive Director.


385B.650            Determination of number; awarding of league and regional trophies and medals.

385B.652            Awarding of state trophies and medals; purchase of additional medals.

385B.654            Limitation on retail value.


General Provisions

385B.700            Registration of pupils: Applicability of certain provisions.

385B.702            Registration of pupils: Duties of school and pupil; rosters; scheduling of first game, contest or meet of season; penalty.

385B.704            Registration of pupils: Adoption by school district of additional requirements for eligibility.

385B.706            General requirements for eligibility of pupil.

385B.708            Maximum allowable participation by pupil.

385B.710            Limitation on and record of age of pupil.

385B.712            Residency of pupil: General requirements.

385B.714            Residency of pupil: Burden of proof; establishment of new residence; reestablishment of former residence.

385B.716            Presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school.

385B.718            Rebuttal of presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school; period of ineligibility of pupil who returns to former residence; deviation from certain provisions.

385B.720            Pupil who transfers to another school within same zone of attendance or after change in zone of attendance.

385B.722            Pupil who is approved to attend magnet school or vocational or technical school that offers sanctioned sport.

385B.724            Pupil who attends magnet school or vocational or technical school that does not offer sanctioned sport.

385B.726            Pupil who attends charter school; requirements of charter school relating to eligibility.

385B.728            Pupil assigned to option-zoned school; effect of rezoning of boundaries of certain school districts during school year.

385B.730            Pupil enrolled in high school located within community college; pupil who attends high school pursuant to certain alternative program.

385B.732            Pupil who attends private school that does not offer sanctioned sport.

385B.734            Homeschooled children.

385B.736            Siblings enrolled in high school and assigned to school pursuant to zoning regulations of school district.

385B.738            Foreign exchange students and international students; penalty.

385B.740            Practice or participation by pupil in any sanctioned sport for more than one school during season prohibited; waiver of prohibition.

385B.742            Reestablishment of eligibility of pupil after transfer.

385B.744            Waiver of requirements upon application of pupil transferring to another school.

385B.746            Transfer of pupil from school that ceases to offer or does not offer sanctioned sport.

Academic Eligibility

385B.750            Requirements for pupils; imposition of stricter requirements by school.

385B.752            Enrollment in ninth grade.

385B.754            Courses and units of credit.

385B.756            Adoption of certain alternative requirements by school district; continual review of academic progress.

385B.758            Passing grades during season; periodic reviews of pupil’s progress.

385B.760            Minimum grade point average.

385B.762            Passing grades during season and minimum grade point average.

385B.764            Change in recorded grade for pupil; completion of extra work to improve pupil’s grade.

385B.766            Pupil who qualifies for special education services.

385B.768            Homeschooled children.

385B.770            Incorrect determination of grade of pupil; date of eligibility of ineligible pupil who is allowed to practice with team.

385B.772            Assistance with interpretation of regulations relating to academic eligibility.

Eligibility of Pupils and Teams

385B.776            Attempts to circumvent requirements for eligibility of pupil.

385B.778            Ineligible pupil: Scope of ineligibility.

385B.780            Ineligible pupil: Participation in practice; participation in sanctioned sport.

385B.782            Ineligible pupil: Prohibition on participation in game, contest or meet.

385B.784            Penalties for participation of ineligible pupil; appeal of forfeiture or loss of position.

385B.786            Imposition of penalties after participation of disqualified or ineligible team or pupil pursuant to court order; postponement or cancellation of event.


385B.790            Minimum amount of practice for a pupil.

385B.792            Minimum amount of practice for a team.

385B.794            Exceptions to requirements.


385B.796            Accompaniment of team or pupil representing school; effect of ejection of coach from game, contest or meet.

385B.798            Required certification and courses.


Standards of Conduct

385B.800            General requirements for conduct of pupil; conduct of others; penalties for violation.

385B.802            Applicability of certain provisions.

385B.804            Requirements for pupils.

385B.806            Requirements for coaches.

385B.808            Requirements for sports officials.

385B.810            Requirements for school administrators.

385B.812            Period of compliance; penalties for violation.


385B.820            Reports of violations and of violence against sports official; review of reports and imposition of penalties.

385B.822            Ejection of pupil or coach from game, contest or meet.

385B.824            Prevention and control of bench-clearing incidents and physical altercations; penalties.

385B.826            Defamatory statements to media or through social media prohibited; investigation and imposition of penalty.

385B.828            Imposition of penalties: Authority; report.

385B.830            Coaches, school administrators and faculty members: Prohibited conduct; duties; reports of violations.


385B.850            Effect and protest of decisions.

385B.852            Registration, assignment and use of non-association officials.


385B.860            Issuance by Board of lifetime and courtesy passes.

385B.862            Lifetime pass: Prerequisites to issuance; use.

385B.864            Courtesy pass: Prerequisites to and restriction on issuance; use; duplicate pass; revocation.

385B.866            Courtesy pass: Member of Nevada State Officials’ Association.

385B.868            Issuance of pass by league or region; use of pass.

385B.870            Issuance of passes by director of tournament.


385B.874            Rights reserved by Association; authority of Board.

385B.876            Approval required to broadcast by television or radio or over Internet.

385B.878            Consideration of requests for permission to broadcast.

385B.880            Fees for approving requests to broadcast: Amount; obligations of person paying fee; waiver of fee.

385B.882            Approval required for agreement conferring exclusive right to broadcast.

385B.884            Issuance of pass to member of news media providing coverage.



385B.900            Appeal of certain determinations by aggrieved pupil or school; applicability of certain provisions.

385B.902            Appeal of certain determinations imposing hardship on pupil.

385B.904            Appeal by pupil who attends school in district of county whose population is 100,000 or more.

385B.906            Appeal by pupil enrolled in private school or school in school district of county whose population is less than 100,000.

385B.908            Appeal by pupil determined to be ineligible to participate in sanctioned sport.

385B.910            Appeal by pupil adversely affected by determination made on appeal of determination of ineligibility.

Complaints, Investigations and Reports

385B.920            Preparation and submission of complaints; response; action by Executive Director or designee; appeal of decision.

385B.922            Investigation of school: Cooperation required; penalty for failure to cooperate.

385B.924            Reporting of violations: Duties of principal of school or designee.

385B.926            Filing of complaint by person having knowledge of violation.


385B.950            Imposition of penalties by Executive Director; certain determinations and penalties not subject to appeal.

385B.960            Imposition of additional penalties by Association or Executive Director or during appeal; approval of suspension by Board.




     NAC 385B.002  Definitions. (NRS 385B.060)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 385B.004 to 385B.056, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R136-05, 6-1-2006; R105-06, 9-18-2007; R040-11, 12-30-2011; R060-15 & R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.600)

     NAC 385B.004  “Affiliate school” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Affiliate school” means a school that:

     1.  Is located in Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon or Utah;

     2.  Is recommended for membership in the Association by a member school; and

     3.  Complies with the requirements of the Association for an affiliate school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.601)

     NAC 385B.006  “All-star team” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “All-star team” means a team consisting entirely or partially of outstanding players in a sanctioned sport who are selected from among two or more schools to participate in the sanctioned sport, regardless of:

     1.  The manner in which the players are selected; or

     2.  The group or area the team represents.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.602)

     NAC 385B.008  “Association” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Association” means the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association created pursuant to NRS 388A.650.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.603)

     NAC 385B.010  “Board” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Board” means the Board of Control of the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.604)

     NAC 385B.012  “Charter school” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Charter school” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 0.0307.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R029-16, eff. 6-28-2016)

     NAC 385B.014  “Commissioner” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Sports Officials of the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.605)

     NAC 385B.016  “Complaint” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Complaint” means a charge filed with the Association by the principal of a school or any other person alleging that a school or a pupil, coach, administrator, faculty member or other representative of the school, or a sports official, has violated a provision of this chapter.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.606)

     NAC 385B.018  “Count of enrollment” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Count of enrollment” for any school year means:

     1.  The average daily enrollment of pupils for the first quarter of the immediately preceding school year as determined pursuant to NRS 387.123; or

     2.  The count of pupils enrolled in a private school based upon a report of enrollment submitted pursuant to NRS 394.130.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R060-15, eff. 6-28-2016)

     NAC 385B.020  “Executive Director” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.607)

     NAC 385B.022  “Game, contest or meet” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Game, contest or meet” means any competition, including, without limitation, any event, match, race, round or set, that is regularly scheduled by a school for any of its teams or pupils who participate in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.608)

     NAC 385B.024  “Hardship” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Hardship” means an unusual circumstance that:

     1.  Is beyond the normal control of a pupil or a parent or legal guardian of the pupil; and

     2.  Is not related to participation by the pupil in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.609)

     NAC 385B.026  “Homeschooled child” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Homeschooled child” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 385.007.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.610)

     NAC 385B.028  “Legislative Commission” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Legislative Commission” means the Legislative Commission of the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.611)

     NAC 385B.030  “Magnet school” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Magnet school” means a school that is established by a school district to create special programs to attract pupils in the school district to attend the magnet school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.612)

     NAC 385B.032  “Member school” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Member school” means a school:

     1.  Whose board of trustees or governing board has adopted the regulations of the Association as its code governing interscholastic activities;

     2.  That has paid the annual dues established by the Association; and

     3.  That has agreed to comply with the policies and regulations of the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.613)

     NAC 385B.034  “Non-association official” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Non-association official” means any sports official who is not a member of the Nevada State Officials’ Association or its successor organization.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.614)

     NAC 385B.036  “Participate” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Participate” means to engage in a sanctioned sport as a pupil beginning on the first day of practice for the sanctioned sport set forth in the schedule of activities of the Association for the school year in which that day of practice occurs.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.615)

     NAC 385B.038  “Recruit” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Recruit” means to use undue influence upon, or to provide or offer to provide an inducement to, a prospective pupil by a principal, administrator, faculty member, coach, alumnus or other person who is associated with a school to encourage or attempt to encourage the prospective pupil to attend or remain at that school for the purpose of participating in interscholastic activities.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.616)

     NAC 385B.040  “Sanctioned sport” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Sanctioned sport” means any athletic competition that is approved by the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.617)

     NAC 385B.042  “School” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “School” means any affiliate school or member school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.618)

     NAC 385B.044  “Season” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Season” means the period during which a sanctioned sport is conducted during a school year beginning on the first day of practice and ending upon completion of the state tournament for the sanctioned sport as specified in the schedule of activities established by the Association for the school year.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.619)

     NAC 385B.046  “Spirit squad” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Spirit squad” includes, without limitation, any cheer, stunt, dance, drill, pom and mascot group of a school, regardless of whether the school allows the group to engage in sideline chants or competitions.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6195)

     NAC 385B.048  “Sports official” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Sports official” means any person who serves as a referee, umpire or linesman, or in a similar capacity, for a sanctioned sport, regardless of whether the person is paid for that service.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.620)

     NAC 385B.050  “Tournament” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Tournament” means any series of games, contests or meets which is scheduled by the Association among member schools or by a school for any of its teams or pupils who participate in a sanctioned sport and which does not exceed 6 consecutive days, excluding Sundays.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R040-11, eff. 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6203)

     NAC 385B.052  “Transfer” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Transfer” means the withdrawal of a pupil from a school in which he or she is enrolled and the subsequent enrollment of the pupil in another school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R040-11, eff. 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6207)

     NAC 385B.054  “Unit of credit” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Unit of credit” has the meaning ascribed to it in NAC 389.040.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.621)

     NAC 385B.056  “Zone of attendance” defined. (NRS 385B.060)  “Zone of attendance” means the region established by the board of trustees or governing board of a school for the attendance of a pupil enrolled in the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.622)

     NAC 385B.058  Association and member schools: Responsibility for uniformity and coordination of interscholastic activities. (NRS 385B.060)  The Association and each member school shall carry out its duties in a manner that ensures uniformity and coordination of interscholastic activities in this State.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.666)



     NAC 385B.100  Membership in National Federation of State High School Associations. (NRS 385B.060)  The Association will maintain its membership in the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.625)

     NAC 385B.102  Purchasing of supplies, equipment and services. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Association will purchase all supplies, equipment and services for the lowest price after providing an opportunity for all vendors to submit a bid or price quotation for the purchase.

     2.  For each purchase of supplies, equipment or services pursuant to this section, the Board shall:

     (a) Obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended for the purchase;

     (b) Make the purchase without favor or prejudice;

     (c) Allow each qualified bidder to compete for the business of the Association;

     (d) Ensure that the best interests of the Association are served in all transactions;

     (e) Establish a group of responsible bidders;

     (f) Advertise the solicitation of bids for the purchase in the most appropriate manner; and

     (g) Establish specifications for the purchase that do not restrict the competitive bidding for the purchase or limit the Association in the procurement of any goods.

     3.  In addition to the requirements set forth in subsections 1 and 2, if the Board makes a purchase of supplies, equipment or services for $1,000 or more but less than $2,500, the Board shall obtain a bid from at least three responsible bidders. The Board may solicit a bid by telephone. If the Board obtains a bid by telephone, the Board shall include a record of the bid in a permanent file maintained by the Association concerning the purchase. If the Board determines that a bid is the lowest bid obtained by the Board for the purchase and that the bid is submitted by a responsible bidder, the Board may immediately make the purchase.

     4.  In addition to the requirements set forth in subsections 1 and 2, if the Board makes a purchase of supplies, equipment or services for $2,500 or more, the Board shall use sealed bids to make the purchase. Before making the purchase, the Board shall publicly advertise the requirements for submitting bids and shall, at the date, time and place specified in the public notice to bidders for the purchase, publicly open each bid that is submitted to the Board not later than the date set forth in the public notice. As soon as practicable after opening each bid, the Association will prepare an abstract and evaluation of the bid. As soon as practicable after preparing the abstract and evaluation of each bid, the Executive Director shall submit a recommendation to the Board concerning each bid. The Board shall notify the successful bidder within 10 days after the Board accepts the bid.

     5.  The Association will include in a manual prepared by the Association for that purpose:

     (a) The form for providing notice to bidders;

     (b) The form for providing an invitation to bid; and

     (c) The terms and conditions of each bid and invitation to bid.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.626)

     NAC 385B.104  Establishment of administrative regions; preparation of map of regions. (NRS 385B.060)  The Association will:

     1.  Establish four administrative regions in this State; and

     2.  Prepare a map of those regions.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.627)

Board of Control

     NAC 385B.106  Composition; role; nonvoting membership; terms of nonvoting members. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board consists of nine voting members selected from the administrative regions established pursuant to NAC 385B.104. The Board is the governing body of the Association.

     2.  In addition to the voting members specified in subsection 1, the Board includes the following nonvoting members:

     (a) The president of:

          (1) Each class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250;

          (2) The private schools selected pursuant to NAC 385B.240; and

          (3) The Nevada Athletic Directors Association or its successor organization;

     (b) A representative from Class 4A North who is not serving as a nonvoting member pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a);

     (c) A representative from Class 4A South who is not serving as such a nonvoting member;

     (d) A representative appointed by the Nevada Association of School Administrators or its successor organization;

     (e) A representative appointed by an association of sports officials approved by the Association; and

     (f) A representative from a charter school that is a member school.

     3.  Each nonvoting member specified in subsection 2 serves for a term of 2 years.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R065-07, 1-30-2008; R207-08 & R147-10, 5-5-2011; R060-15 & R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.628)

     NAC 385B.108  Voting membership. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The voting membership of the Board is as follows:

     (a) Two representatives from Administrative Region I, which consists of Washoe County;

     (b) One representative from Administrative Region II, which consists of Carson City and Churchill and Douglas counties;

     (c) One representative from Administrative Region III, which consists of Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Pershing, Storey and White Pine counties; and

     (d) Five representatives from Administrative Region IV, which consists of Clark County.

     2.  The President of the Board may vote on any item set forth on the agenda of the Board for which a vote is required.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.629)

     NAC 385B.110  Selection of members; vacancies in membership; terms of voting members. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school trustee and each person who is:

     (a) A superintendent of a school district;

     (b) An assistant or deputy superintendent of a school district;

     (c) A director of athletics of a school district; or

     (d) A principal of a high school,

Ê is eligible to be selected to serve as a member of the Board.

     2.  The school trustees of each administrative region established pursuant to NAC 385B.104 shall select the members of the Board from that region. The term of a selected member begins on July 1 after his or her selection. A member of the Board may be reselected.

     3.  If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Board, the Executive Director shall notify the school trustees of the administrative region from which the vacant member was selected. An unexpired term of a member of the Board must be filled by the school trustees of the administrative region in which the vacancy occurs. Each member selected to fill a vacancy serves for the remainder of the unexpired term.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, each voting member of the Board serves for a term of 3 years.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R207-08 & R147-10, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.630)

     NAC 385B.112  President and Vice President. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall, at a meeting conducted not later than March 31 of each odd-numbered year, elect a President and Vice President from among its voting members.

     2.  The President of the Board shall:

     (a) Preside at each meeting of the Board;

     (b) Represent the Association; and

     (c) Carry out any other duties of the office.

     3.  The President of the Board may call a special meeting of the Board in accordance with regulations adopted by the Board.

     4.  If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President of the Board, the Vice President of the Board shall serve for the unexpired term of the President. The Board shall elect a Vice President to fill the unexpired term of a Vice President who serves as the President of the Board pursuant to this subsection.

     5.  The Vice President of the Board shall carry out the duties of the President of the Board during any period in which the President, as determined by the Association, is unable to carry out those duties.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.631)

     NAC 385B.114  Duties. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board shall:

     1.  Employ an Executive Director, set and provide for the payment of his or her salary and, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, prescribe his or her powers and duties;

     2.  Provide facilities and equipment and hire employees required to conduct the business of the Association;

     3.  Adopt an annual budget for the Association and establish the dues required for membership in the Association in accordance with NAC 385B.212;

     4.  In accordance with NAC 385B.250, assign each member school to the required classes and approved leagues within those classes;

     5.  Provide for the organization, supervision and certification of sports officials for all interscholastic activities under its jurisdiction in accordance with this chapter;

     6.  Control each interscholastic activity in which a member school participates in accordance with this chapter; and

     7.  Authorize the Executive Director to conduct an investigation concerning any violation of the provisions of this chapter.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.632)

     NAC 385B.116  Regular and special meetings. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall conduct at least four regular meetings each year. The Board shall notify each member school in writing at least 10 days before conducting a regular meeting. Each written notice of a meeting must include an agenda for that meeting.

     2.  The Executive Director, President of the Board or a majority of the members of the Board may call a special meeting of the Board at any time and place by providing written notice of the meeting to each member of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.633)

Meetings and Other Actions

     NAC 385B.120  Meetings of Board: Quorum. (NRS 385B.060)  A majority of the voting members of the Board constitutes a quorum and a quorum may exercise the powers and duties of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.634)

     NAC 385B.122  Meetings of Board: Procedure. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board shall comply with the following procedure for each meeting conducted by the Board:

     1.  The President of the Board shall read each item set forth on the agenda for the meeting;

     2.  The President of the Board shall request the Executive Director and any other member of the staff of the Board to submit any comments relating to the item;

     3.  The Board shall discuss the item;

     4.  The President of the Board shall request the submission of comments relating to the item from any member of the general public who is present at the meeting;

     5.  The President of the Board shall call for a motion and a second to consider the item;

     6.  The Board shall discuss the motion and may request any clarification concerning the item; and

     7.  The Board shall vote on the item, if a vote is required for that item.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.635)

     NAC 385B.124  Meetings of Board: Submission by member school of item for inclusion on agenda. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a member school wishes to submit an item for inclusion on an agenda for a meeting of the Board, the member school shall, if required by the school district in which the member school is located, submit the item to the superintendent of schools of that school district. A member school shall not submit an item pursuant to this section in violation of any policy of the school district in which the member school is located.

     2.  Any item that is submitted to the Board pursuant to this section must be:

     (a) Signed by the principal of the member school; and

     (b) Submitted to the Board not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.636)

     NAC 385B.126  Meetings of Board: Submission by member of Board or Legislative Commission of item for inclusion on agenda; consideration of other items. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A member of the Board may submit an item for inclusion on an agenda for a meeting of the Board at any time before the meeting.

     2.  If a member of the Legislative Commission submits an item for inclusion on an agenda for a meeting of the Board not less than 14 days before the meeting, the Board shall include that item on the agenda and consider the item at the meeting.

     3.  The Board shall not consider an item that is submitted for inclusion on an agenda for a meeting of the Board pursuant to this section and NAC 385B.124 if the item is not submitted in accordance with those sections. The Board may, by a majority vote of the members of the Board at the beginning of a meeting of the Board, add to the agenda for that meeting an item for which the Board will not take any action.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.637)

     NAC 385B.128  Meetings of Association or Board: Rules of conduct; motions. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, Robert’s Rules of Order govern the conduct of each meeting of the Association or Board.

     2.  A motion to reconsider an item that has been voted on pursuant to NAC 385B.122:

     (a) Must be made during the same meeting the vote was cast for the item; and

     (b) May be made only by a member of the Board who voted affirmatively for the item, if the item was adopted, or negatively for the item, if the item was not adopted.

     3.  A motion to rescind an item specified in subsection 2 may be made at any time by a member of the Board.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a person may address the Board for not more than 5 minutes concerning any motion under consideration by the Board. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to any period during which a person responds to a question submitted to the person by a member of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.638)

     NAC 385B.130  Board: Emergency action by telephone. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If the President of the Board and the Executive Director determine that an emergency exists concerning an interscholastic activity, the Board may, by telephone, take any action concerning that emergency.

     2.  If the Board takes any action by telephone, the Board shall:

     (a) Before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board that is held after the Board takes the action, mail or electronically submit a copy of the results of the action to each member school, member of the Board and superintendent of schools of each school district in this State; and

     (b) Include a copy of the results of the action in the minutes of the meeting specified in paragraph (a).

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.639)

     NAC 385B.132  Board: Selection of members to attend certain national meetings. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Board shall, at a meeting of the Board conducted on or before March 31 of each year, choose the members of the Board who may attend any meeting of the National Federation of State High School Associations, or its successor organization, that is conducted during that year.

     2.  The Board may not choose a member of the Board to attend a meeting of the National Federation of State High School Associations, or its successor organization, if the meeting is conducted during the final year of his or her term as a member of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.640)

Legislative Commission

     NAC 385B.140  Composition; voting; adoption of policies; meetings. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Legislative Commission consists of the superintendent of schools of each school district in this State. Each member of the Legislative Commission is entitled to one vote on any matter on which the Legislative Commission takes action. The Legislative Commission may adopt policies for the Association.

     2.  If the superintendents specified in subsection 1 conduct a regularly scheduled meeting of the superintendents, the Legislative Commission shall, concurrently with that meeting, conduct a meeting of the Legislative Commission.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Legislative Commission shall, upon the request of a majority of its members, meet at such times and places as are designated by the Legislative Commission. The Legislative Commission shall, at least 10 days before conducting a meeting, provide a written notice of the meeting to each member of the Legislative Commission.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.641)

     NAC 385B.142  Restrictions on authority to amend policies. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Legislative Commission shall not, at a meeting of the Legislative Commission, amend any policy adopted by the Association unless the Executive Director provides a written notice of the proposed amendment to each member of the Legislative Commission at least 10 days before the meeting.

     2.  The Legislative Commission may, at any meeting of the Legislative Commission, waive the requirement of a written notice of a meeting specified in subsection 1 if each member of the Legislative Commission attends the meeting and votes to waive that requirement.

     3.  The Legislative Commission shall not amend a policy adopted by the Association at any meeting of the Legislative Commission unless the amendment is adopted by at least a two-thirds majority of the quorum present at the meeting.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.642)

     NAC 385B.144  Compensation of members or employees of Board or Legislative Commission while engaged in business of Association. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  While engaged in the business of the Association, each member or employee of the Board or Legislative Commission is entitled to receive reimbursement for the actual cost of transportation incurred by the member or employee if, as determined by the Executive Director, the transportation is conducted by the most economical means. In making such a determination, the Executive Director shall consider the total cost of the transportation, the time the member or employee spent traveling and the salary of the member or employee.

     2.  While engaged in the business of the Association, each member or employee of the Board or Legislative Commission is entitled to receive the per diem allowance provided for state officers and employees generally.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.643)

Executive Director

     NAC 385B.150  Employment; duties; bond; annual financial statement. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall employ an Executive Director for a term set forth in his or her contract of employment with the Board.

     2.  The Executive Director is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Association and shall carry out the duties set forth in the regulations of the Association and the contract of employment with the Board.

     3.  Before acting in the capacity of Executive Director, the Executive Director shall file with the Association a bond in an amount of not less than $20,000. The Association will pay the premium for the bond.

     4.  The Executive Director shall annually, after an audit of the Association is conducted by a certified public accountant, submit to the Association a financial statement concerning the Association. The Association will pay the cost of conducting the audit.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.644)

     NAC 385B.152  General duties. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director shall:

     (a) Carry out the duties and activities of the Association, including, without limitation, maintaining an office of the Association in accordance with the bylaws and policies of the Association;

     (b) Prepare and distribute to each school a directory of information that includes a list setting forth the name of each school and any other information specified by the Board;

     (c) Prepare and provide to each member of the Association any form or other information required to conduct the business of the Association;

     (d) Investigate any alleged violation of the regulations adopted by the Association that is reported to him or her or of which he or she otherwise becomes aware and report the results of the investigation and any action taken to the Board;

     (e) Review any dispute concerning a school that is submitted in writing to the Executive Director and issue a decision concerning the dispute in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Association and its bylaws;

     (f) Notify each member of the Board concerning any matter for which the member may be requested to provide information relating to the Association or any activity of the Association;

     (g) If required to conduct the business of the Association, request a member of the Board to assist in performing a duty of the Executive Director relating to that business;

     (h) Determine the eligibility of pupils in accordance with NAC 385B.700 to 385B.798, inclusive;

     (i) Carry out any request of the Board that is set forth in the minutes of any meeting of the Board;

     (j) Not less than 14 days before each meeting of the Board, prepare an agenda for the meeting that includes, without limitation, any information available to the Executive Director concerning an item on the agenda and any recommendation of the Executive Director, and distribute the agenda to each school and member of the Board;

     (k) Not later than 14 days after each meeting of the Board and any meeting called by the President of the Board, ensure that accurate minutes of each of those meetings are recorded and distributed to each member of the Board;

     (l) Make recommendations to and prepare for the Board a proposed amendment of any regulation adopted by the Board;

     (m) Monitor the effectiveness of each policy or bylaw of the Association and recommend to the Board any amendment of a policy or bylaw;

     (n) As soon as practicable after receiving any legal document concerning the Association, including, without limitation, any attorney’s opinion or contract of the Association, submit the document to the Board;

     (o) Organize, supervise and certify sports officials in the manner specified by the Board pursuant to subsection 5 of NAC 385B.114;

     (p) Within 45 days after any meeting of the Board in which a policy of the Association is adopted or amended, revise any publication of the Association that includes the policies of the Association to include the adopted or amended policy;

     (q) Recommend to the Board any activity that may promote an interscholastic activity other than an athletic program, including, without limitation, speech, drama and music festivals and any activity of the Nevada Association of Student Councils or its successor organization; and

     (r) Not later than May 1 of each year, prepare and submit to the Board an annual report summarizing the activities of the Association for the preceding year and any goals of the Association for the next fiscal year.

     2.  The Executive Director serves as an ex-officio member of the Board and Legislative Commission and any committee that is specified in the bylaws of the Association or whose members are appointed by the President of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.645)

     NAC 385B.154  Interpretation of policies and regulations of Association; attendance of meetings of Legislative Commission; program to educate general public; newsletter. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall:

     1.  Represent the Association and interpret the policies and regulations adopted by the Association for members of the general public and the media;

     2.  Upon request by a school, provide to the school an interpretation of any policy or regulation adopted by the Association;

     3.  Provide assistance to each officer of a class or league relating to the interpretation of the policies and regulations adopted by the Association;

     4.  If practicable, attend each meeting of the Legislative Commission with the President of the Board and, if requested by him or her, assist the President in interpreting any decision of the Board for the Legislative Commission;

     5.  Develop and recommend to the Board a program to educate the members of the general public concerning the Association and the programs, policies and regulations adopted by the Association; and

     6.  Periodically publish and distribute a newsletter concerning the activities of the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.646)

     NAC 385B.156  Fiscal duties. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall:

     1.  Maintain a system of accounting for the receipts and expenditures of the Association for each fiscal year beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of each year;

     2.  Prepare and submit to the Board a budget for the Association for each fiscal year specified in subsection 1;

     3.  Submit to the Board at each meeting of the Board a financial report that specifies:

     (a) The sources of revenue for the Association;

     (b) The expenditures of the Association; and

     (c) The beginning and ending balances for each category set forth in the budget of the Association;

     4.  Monitor the finances of the Association and recommend to the Board any measure that ensures that those finances remain fiscally sound;

     5.  Submit to the Board the name of an auditor for selection by the Board to conduct an audit of the accounts of the Association;

     6.  Ensure that the auditor selected pursuant to subsection 5 conducts an audit of the accounts of the Association not later than August 31 of each year;

     7.  If the Board conducts a meeting during September of any year, submit to the Board during that meeting a report which includes the results of the audit conducted for the immediately preceding fiscal year pursuant to subsection 6;

     8.  Receive all dues and other money paid to the Association and disburse the dues and money in accordance with the regulations, budget and policies of the Board;

     9.  Prepare and receive bids for purchases that exceed $2,500 in accordance with NAC 385B.102;

     10.  Collect any fees imposed by the Association in a timely manner;

     11.  Establish and carry out a program of investment for the Association;

     12.  Ensure that the Association does not incur expenses that exceed the amount of money available for expenditure by the Association for a fiscal year; and

     13.  Ensure that each donation received or made by the Association is approved by the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.647)

     NAC 385B.158  Duties regarding employees of Association. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall:

     1.  Upon approval by the Board, appoint and supervise each employee of the Association;

     2.  Recommend to the Board policies and regulations governing all matters relating to the employees of the Association, including, without limitation, the use of sick leave and other leave, vacation time, travel, attendance at out-of-state events, grievances, payroll and evaluations of performance;

     3.  Ensure that any legal matter concerning an employee of the Association is presented to the Board in a timely and complete manner;

     4.  Obtain the approval of the Board before authorizing the use of any money of the Association for out-of-state travel, other than travel that is approved by the President of the Board in an emergency; and

     5.  Ensure that each evaluation of an employee of the Association is:

     (a) Conducted within the period required for that evaluation pursuant to regulations adopted by the Association; and

     (b) Reviewed by the President and Vice President of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.648)

     NAC 385B.160  Legislative and other duties. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall:

     1.  During and after each session of the Legislature, review any legislation that is enacted relating to the Association or any interscholastic activity that is regulated by the Association;

     2.  Prepare and submit to the Board any recommendations for legislation to improve the Association or any program of the Association;

     3.  Upon approval by the Board, assist the President of the Board in conducting any lobbying activity during a session of the Legislature; and

     4.  Perform any other duty assigned to him or her by the Board or the President of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.649)

     NAC 385B.162  Duties regarding play-offs and tournaments; program to encourage awareness and attendance; monitoring of travel. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall:

     1.  Recommend to the Board the adoption of any policy or regulation that ensures that each tournament for a sanctioned sport is conducted in accordance with the policies and regulations adopted by the Association;

     2.  For each tournament that is conducted for a sanctioned sport:

     (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, appoint a director for the tournament;

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.450, 385B.454 and 385B.532, determine a suitable location and establish a schedule for conducting the tournament; and

     (c) Supervise compliance with the schedule established pursuant to paragraph (b);

     3.  If requested by the Board, serve as the tournament director for each state tournament for basketball and football;

     4.  If practicable, attend each play-off and state tournament for a sanctioned sport;

     5.  Establish a program to encourage awareness and attendance by members of the general public at any interscholastic activity that is sponsored by the Association;

     6.  As soon as practicable after each tournament for a sanctioned sport, prepare and submit to the Board a statement setting forth the amount of profit or loss for the Association for the tournament;

     7.  Develop and submit to the Board policies for making tournaments fiscally sound;

     8.  Negotiate any contract that is required to use any facility, equipment or service for conducting a play-off or state tournament;

     9.  Monitor each tournament that is sponsored by a member school; and

     10.  Monitor the amount of travel engaged in by each member school to attend an interscholastic activity in another state.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.650)

     NAC 385B.164  Establishment of procedures regarding inventory of tickets for events. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall establish or cause to be established a procedure for creating, auditing and distributing an inventory of all tickets that are used at any event sponsored by the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.651)

Regulations of Association

     NAC 385B.170  Submission and notification of proposed amendment to regulations. (NRS 385B.060)  A person who wishes to propose an amendment of a regulation adopted by the Association must submit the proposed amendment in writing to the Executive Director not less than 45 days before the meeting of the Board in which the proposed amendment will be considered by the Board. Not less than 10 days before each meeting of the Board, the Executive Director shall notify each member school of each proposed amendment of a regulation adopted by the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.670)

     NAC 385B.172  Amendment of regulations by Board; submission of amendment to Legislative Counsel. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 385B.060, the Board may amend any regulation adopted by the Association in the manner prescribed in NAC 385B.142.

     2.  If the Board amends a regulation pursuant to subsection 1, the Board shall, within 30 days after amending the regulation, submit the amended regulation to the Legislative Counsel.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.671)


Membership in Association

     NAC 385B.200  Submission of application by Nevada high school or affiliate school. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.208 and 385B.210, any public high school in this State may apply to the Board for membership in the Association. The application must be submitted:

     (a) On a form approved by the Association; and

     (b) Not later than July 1 of the year in which the school applies for membership in the Association.

     2.  The Board shall approve an application submitted pursuant to subsection 1 if:

     (a) The board of trustees or governing board of the school adopts the regulations of the Association as its code governing interscholastic activities;

     (b) The applicant pays the annual dues required pursuant to NAC 385B.212; and

     (c) The applicant agrees to comply with the policies and regulations of the Association.

     3.  A high school that is located in Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon or Utah may submit an application to the Board for admission as an affiliate school. The application must be submitted:

     (a) On a form approved by the Association; and

     (b) Not later than July 1 of the year in which the school applies for membership in the Association.

     4.  A high school that submits an application pursuant to subsection 3 may be admitted as an affiliate school if:

     (a) The school is recommended for membership in the Association by:

          (1) A member school; and

          (2) The committee appointed by the Executive Director to inspect the facilities of the school;

     (b) The school submits to the Association specific information relating to the athletic programs of the school and any other information that may assist the Association in considering the application;

     (c) The school complies with the requirements of the Association for accreditation;

     (d) After considering the possible effect the addition of the school will have upon out-of-state school time, costs of transportation, costs of per diem allowances, duration of seasons and factors concerning the level of competition among schools, the school is approved for membership by at least two-thirds of the schools that are assigned to the class and league of which the school will be a member;

     (e) The school pays a nonrefundable fee of $850 for the application; and

     (f) The Board and the Legislative Commission approve the application.

     5.  The Executive Director shall, within 30 days after the Board and Legislative Commission approve or deny an application, notify the applicant in writing of the decision of the Board and Legislative Commission.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R173-12, 2-26-2014; R128-13, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.652)

     NAC 385B.202  Private high school. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.110)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.208 and 385B.210, any high school in this State with an enrollment of less than 500 pupils may apply for membership in the Association by submitting a written request to the Executive Director.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, upon receipt of a written request submitted pursuant to subsection 1, the Executive Director shall place the school on independent status for 2 years beginning on the date the written request is received. A school that is placed on independent status may, during the period in which the school is on independent status, schedule a game, contest or meet with a member or affiliate school for a season for a sanctioned sport. The school may not, during the period in which it is on independent status, participate in any game, contest or meet for a sanctioned sport that is conducted after the regular season for that sanctioned sport.

     3.  A school that is placed on independent status shall, if the class into which the school is placed conducts a meeting of the class not later than August 31 of the year after the school is placed on independent status, attend the meeting of the class and submit a request for membership in the Association at that meeting. As soon as practicable after the meeting, the members of the class shall evaluate:

     (a) The facilities of the school; and

     (b) The extent to which the school has complied with:

          (1) The schedule of the school for participating in games, contests or meets pursuant to this section; and

          (2) The regulations of the Association concerning participation by the school in a sanctioned sport.

     4.  As soon as practicable after conducting an evaluation of a school pursuant to subsection 3, the class shall submit to the Board a recommendation to approve or deny the written request of the school for membership in the Association.

     5.  If the Board approves a written request for membership in the Association pursuant to subsection 4, the Board shall, in accordance with NAC 385B.250, place the school in a class and align it in a league for the school year after the Board approves the request.

     6.  On and after August 1, 2012:

     (a) Each school that submits a written request for membership in the Association pursuant to subsection 1 must have at least one athletic program for boys and at least one athletic program for girls during the fall season, winter season and spring season of each school year.

     (b) If the Board receives a written request for membership in the Association pursuant to subsection 1, the Board shall, based upon twice the number of pupils specified in the count of enrollment for the school year in which the Board considers the written request, place the school in a class and align it in a league pursuant to NAC 385B.250.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R207-08, 5-5-2011; R173-12, 2-26-2014; R128-13, 6-23-2014; R060-15 & R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.653)

     NAC 385B.204  Provisional membership; academic requirements of pupil enrolled at school with such membership. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board and the Legislative Commission may, by a majority vote, grant a provisional membership in the Association to a school that receives financial support from this State or any county in this State and only accepts pupils who are wards of a court. A school that is a provisional member of the Association:

     (a) Shall comply with the regulations of the Association; and

     (b) Upon approval by the Board, may participate in any league, regional or state tournament.

     2.  A pupil enrolled in a school that is a provisional member of the Association may, for 30 days after the school is granted provisional membership, participate in a sanctioned sport without complying with the provisions of NAC 385B.700 to 385B.798, inclusive, concerning academic eligibility. Upon the expiration of that period, the pupil must comply with those sections before participating in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.654)

     NAC 385B.206  Application for associate membership. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Any high school in this State may apply to the Board for associate membership in the Association. The application must be submitted:

     (a) On a form approved by the Association; and

     (b) Not later than:

          (1) July 1 of the year in which the school applies for associate membership, if the application is the initial application submitted by the school; or

          (2) November 1 of the year immediately preceding the year in which the school applies for associate membership, if the application is submitted by a current member school.

     2.  In addition to the provisions of subsection 1, an applicant for associate membership in the Association must submit, together with the application, a letter setting forth the reasons for submitting the application which is signed by:

     (a) If the applicant is a public school:

          (1) The principal of the school;

          (2) The superintendent of schools of the school district in which the school is located; and

          (3) The board of trustees of that school district; or

     (b) If the applicant is a private school:

          (1) The principal or other person in charge of the school;

          (2) The administrative head of the school; and

          (3) The governing body of the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R128-13, eff. 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6543)

     NAC 385B.208  Approval of application for associate membership; authority of high school with associate membership. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board may approve an application submitted pursuant to NAC 385B.206 if:

     (a) The board of trustees or governing body of the school adopts the regulations of the Association as its code governing interscholastic activities;

     (b) The applicant pays the annual dues required pursuant to NAC 385B.212;

     (c) The applicant agrees to comply with the policies and regulations of the Association; and

     (d) The Board determines that granting associate membership to the school will not compromise the competitive integrity of the league in which the school is aligned pursuant to NAC 385B.250.

     2.  A high school that is granted associate membership in the Association pursuant to this section:

     (a) May participate on a restricted schedule approved by the Board in each sanctioned sport against any member school or affiliate school;

     (b) May not participate in any state championship for a sanctioned sport; and

     (c) May not apply for or hold any other type of membership in the Association until the next time the Board aligns the school in a league pursuant to NAC 385B.250 after granting associate membership to the school.

     3.  If the Board grants associate membership to a high school pursuant to this section, the Board shall, at the time the Board aligns the school in a league pursuant to NAC 385B.250, determine the number of games, contests or meets in which the school may participate for each sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R128-13, eff. 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6546)

     NAC 385B.210  Application for limited membership; approval of limited membership; authority of high school with such membership. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Any high school in this State may apply to the Board for limited membership in the Association. The application must be submitted:

     (a) On a form approved by the Association; and

     (b) Not later than July 1 of the year in which the school applies for that membership.

     2.  The Board may approve an application submitted pursuant to subsection 1 if:

     (a) The board of trustees or governing board of the school adopts the regulations of the Association as its code governing interscholastic activities;

     (b) The applicant pays annual dues in the amount of $5,000; and

     (c) The applicant agrees to comply with the policies and regulations of the Association.

     3.  A high school that is granted limited membership in the Association pursuant to this section:

     (a) May participate on a restricted schedule in each sanctioned sport determined pursuant to subsection 4;

     (b) May not participate in a league, regional or state tournament for a sanctioned sport; and

     (c) May not include on its roster for any sanctioned sport a pupil who:

          (1) Is a resident of this State;

          (2) Has attended a high school for more than 4 years; or

          (3) Has received a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma.

     4.  For each high school that is granted limited membership in the Association pursuant to this section, the Board shall annually determine the number of games, contests or meets in which the school may participate for each season for each sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R173-12, eff. 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6549)

     NAC 385B.212  Amount and payment of annual membership dues; imposition and amount of special assessment. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.210, if a school enrolls less than 600 pupils during a school year, the annual dues for the membership of the school in the Association for that school year is $850. If a school enrolls at least 600 pupils during a school year, the annual dues for the membership of the school in the Association is $1.50 for each pupil who is enrolled in the school for that school year.

     2.  Each school shall pay the annual dues specified in subsection 1 not later than August 1 of each year. The Executive Director may require a school to pay a penalty in an amount determined by the Board if the school fails to pay the annual dues for the school later than August 21 of that year.

     3.  The Board may impose a special assessment against each school. Any special assessment imposed against a school pursuant to this subsection must not exceed 20 percent of the annual dues paid by that school for the year in which the Board imposes the special assessment.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R173-12, 2-26-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.655)

     NAC 385B.214  Withdrawal and reinstatement of membership. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Any school that wishes to withdraw its membership in the Association or wishes to reinstate its membership in the Association must apply to the Board. The application must be submitted on a form approved by the Board and include:

     (a) Such information as the Board requires to evaluate the effect of the proposed withdrawal or reinstatement of membership upon the interscholastic activities of the Association; and

     (b) A nonrefundable fee of $850.

     2.  Upon receipt of an application and fee pursuant to subsection 1, the Board shall solicit comments from each member of the Association concerning the extent to which the proposed withdrawal or reinstatement of membership affects the interscholastic activities of the Association, including, without limitation:

     (a) Out-of-state school time;

     (b) Costs of transportation and per diem allowances;

     (c) The duration of seasons; and

     (d) Factors concerning the level of competition among schools.

     3.  The Board shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the date, time and place of the hearing concerning the application. Representatives of the applicant and each member of the Association may appear at the hearing and testify before the Board concerning the effect of the proposed withdrawal or reinstatement of membership on the interscholastic activities of the Association. Before the Board may reinstate the membership of a school in the Association, the Board shall evaluate the reasons the school withdrew its membership in the Association and establish the conditions for reinstating any activity that was cancelled because of the withdrawal.

     4.  Not later than 30 days after conducting a hearing pursuant to subsection 3, the Board shall issue a decision relating to the application and mail a copy of the decision to the applicant and the Executive Director.

     5.  Not later than 15 days after a decision is issued pursuant to subsection 4, the Executive Director shall submit a written notice to the Legislative Commission indicating that the Executive Director has received the application and a copy of the decision of the Board. Upon receipt of the written notice, the Legislative Commission shall place the application on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Legislative Commission. The Legislative Commission shall mail to the applicant a notice setting forth the date, time and place of the meeting.

     6.  At the date, time and place fixed for the meeting, the applicant and a representative of the Board may testify before the Legislative Commission concerning the proposed withdrawal or reinstatement of membership.

     7.  Not later than 30 days after the hearing, the Legislative Commission shall issue its decision and mail a copy of the decision to the applicant and the Board.

     8.  The decision of the Legislative Commission is a final decision and binding on the applicant and the Board.

     9.  The office of the Executive Director shall:

     (a) Provide administrative, legal and clerical support for the Legislative Commission and the Board; and

     (b) If money is available for that purpose, reimburse any per diem and travel expenses incurred by the Legislative Commission or the Board in conducting a hearing or issuing a decision pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.656)

     NAC 385B.216  Revocation of membership of affiliate school. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director may revoke the membership of an affiliate school in the Association if:

     (a) A member school recommends the revocation;

     (b) The revocation is approved by at least two-thirds of the schools that are assigned to the class and league of which the school is a member; and

     (c) The Board and the Legislative Commission approve the revocation.

     2.  The Executive Director shall, within 30 days after the Board and Legislative Commission approve or deny the revocation of the membership of the affiliate school in the Association, notify the affiliate school in writing of the decision of the Board and Legislative Commission.

     3.  If the membership of an affiliate school is considered for revocation pursuant to this section, the Executive Director shall, until the affiliate school is notified in writing pursuant to subsection 2, notify the affiliate school of each hearing in which the revocation is considered. A representative or legal counsel of the affiliate school may appear at any such hearing to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.657)

Principals of Member Schools

     NAC 385B.220  Responsibility to Association; delegation of authority; approval of interscholastic activity. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The principal of each member school is responsible to the Association in all matters relating to interscholastic activities, including, without limitation, ensuring the eligibility of pupils at the member school to participate in a sanctioned sport.

     2.  If a principal of a member school delegates his or her authority pursuant to this chapter to a member of the staff of the member school, the principal remains responsible for any violation of those sections that is committed by the member of the staff during any period in which he or she exercises any authority delegated to him or her pursuant to those sections.

     3.  A member school shall not schedule or conduct an interscholastic activity without first obtaining the approval of the principal of the member school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.658)

     NAC 385B.222  Registration of participants in sanctioned sports. (NRS 385B.060)  The principal of each member school shall ensure that each pupil enrolled in the member school who participates in a sanctioned sport is registered pursuant to NAC 385B.702. The principal may not delegate the duty imposed pursuant to this section to another person.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.659)

     NAC 385B.224  Submission of information required to publish directory of schools. (NRS 385B.060)  The principal of each member school shall, not later than June 15 of each year, submit to the Executive Director, on a form provided by the Association, any information relating to the school that is required by the Executive Director to publish a directory of schools for the Association. Such information includes, without limitation, the name and telephone number of the principal and the name and telephone number of each coach of a sanctioned sport at the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.660)

     NAC 385B.226  Supervision of team or group; member school responsible for acts of members. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The principal of each member school or a designee thereof shall, as a representative of the member school, accompany each team or group from the member school to each game, contest or meet in which the team or group participates. The principal or designee shall exercise reasonable care in supervising the team or group during any period in which he or she accompanies the team or group pursuant to this subsection.

     2.  Each member school is responsible for all acts of the members of a team or group during any period in which the team or group is conducting an athletic trip.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.661)

Administrative Organization

     NAC 385B.230  Appointment of members of administrative organization; election of officers. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school that is placed in a class pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may appoint a principal, assistant principal or athletic director of the school to serve as a member of an administrative organization for the class.

     2.  Each administrative organization may, on or before the last day of the first week in May of each year, elect from among its members a president, vice president and secretary.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.662)

     NAC 385B.232  Powers and duties. (NRS 385B.060)  An administrative organization established pursuant to NAC 385B.230:

     1.  Shall comply with the provisions of this chapter;

     2.  Shall not adopt a regulation that conflicts with a provision of this chapter, except that the administrative organization may adopt a regulation relating to participation in a sanctioned sport by a school that is placed in the class that is stricter than any provision of those sections;

     3.  Shall not prohibit a person or school from appealing any decision to the Executive Director in accordance with this chapter;

     4.  May approve a schedule for the class for participation in a sanctioned sport;

     5.  May establish qualifications for participation in a state tournament for a team of a school that is placed in the class; and

     6.  May conduct a league, regional or state tournament in the manner specified by the Board and the tournament committee for the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.663)

     NAC 385B.234  Regular and special meetings. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each administrative organization established pursuant to NAC 385B.230 shall conduct at least two regular meetings of the administrative organization each year. The administrative organization shall, at least 10 days before conducting a meeting pursuant to this section, provide a written notice of the meeting to each school that is placed in the class pursuant to NAC 385B.250. A written notice of a regular meeting provided to a school pursuant to this section must include an agenda for the meeting.

     2.  An administrative organization may, at any regular meeting of the organization, take action on any item regardless of whether the item is set forth in the written notice or agenda for the meeting.

     3.  The president of an administrative organization or a majority of the schools that are placed in a class pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may call a special meeting of the administrative organization by providing at least 10 days’ written notice of the special meeting to each school in that organization setting forth the date, time and place of the meeting.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.664)

Private Schools

     NAC 385B.240  Selection and duties of liaison for Board; annual meetings. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The private schools in this State that are member schools shall, every 2 years, select a principal or an athletic administrator of such a school to serve as a liaison for the Board for a term of 2 years. A principal or athletic administrator who is selected as a liaison for private schools pursuant to this section:

     (a) Serves as the president of the private schools during the period in which he or she serves as a liaison for the Board;

     (b) Shall conduct the annual meeting of private schools required pursuant to subsection 2; and

     (c) Shall communicate with the private schools concerning issues of the Association during each year as required by the Board.

     2.  Each president selected pursuant to subsection 1 shall conduct an annual meeting. Each private school specified in subsection 1 shall attend the meeting. At least 10 days before the meeting, the president shall submit a written notice to each of those private schools setting forth the date, time and place of the meeting. The written notice must include an agenda for the meeting. The agenda must:

     (a) Set forth each item that will be discussed at the meeting; and

     (b) Include at least one item relating to membership of private schools in the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R207-08, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.665)

Classification and Alignment of Schools

     NAC 385B.250  General requirements; effective period; considerations; request for pupil or team to participate in another classification, league or region. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.210, the Board shall, not later than September 1, 2006, and every 4 years thereafter, appoint a committee to place each school in a class and align that school in a league or region. The committee must consist of the members of the Board who are selected by the Board for that purpose and one or more representatives from each classification of schools who are selected by the Board for that purpose. As soon as practicable after the creation of the committee, the committee shall consider the requirements for the classification of each school pursuant to subsection 3 along with any relevant considerations set forth in subsection 4 and submit to the Board a written recommendation for the classification and alignment of each school. The written recommendation must be submitted on or before the date specified by the Board for that purpose.

     2.  As soon as practicable after receiving the written recommendation, the Board shall conduct a public hearing to consider the written recommendation. The Board shall provide a notice to each school setting forth the date, time and place of the hearing. The classification and alignment of each school must be determined by a majority vote of the Board. A determination of the Board relating to a written recommendation of the committee is final and binding on each school. The initial classification and alignment of a school approved by the Board pursuant to this section becomes effective on August 1, 2008. A classification and alignment of a school approved after that date and before August 1, 2012, becomes effective on August 1, 2012. Each 4 years thereafter, any classification and alignment made during the 4-year period becomes effective on August 1 at the end of the 4-year period.

     3.  The Board and the committee appointed pursuant to subsection 1 shall, based upon any points or other competitive factors set forth in a rubric approved by the Board and any consideration set forth in subsection 4 or based upon the count of enrollment for the school year in which the Board and the committee consider the classification and alignment of a school pursuant to subsection 1, place the school in:

     (a) Class 1A, if not more than 169 pupils are enrolled in the school;

     (b) Class 2A, if not less than 170 but not more than 460 pupils are enrolled in the school;

     (c) Class 3A, if not less than 461 but not more than 1,200 pupils are enrolled in the school; or

     (d) Class 4A, if 1,201 or more pupils are enrolled in the school.

     4.  In determining the classification and alignment of a school pursuant to this section, the Board and the committee may consider:

     (a) Any geographic factors relating to the school;

     (b) The requirements of the school to travel to an interscholastic activity;

     (c) Any traditional rivalries of the school;

     (d) Any financial factors relating to any interscholastic activities conducted at or by the school;

     (e) Any competitive factors relating to the school; and

     (f) On and after August 1, 2012, whether the school has at least one athletic program for boys and at least one athletic program for girls during the fall season, winter season and spring season of a school year.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Board shall not revise the classification or alignment of a school more than once every 4 years.

     6.  If, during the 4 years after a school is classified and aligned pursuant to this section, the enrollment of pupils in the school, based on the count of enrollment for any school year during that period exceeds the maximum number required for its classification pursuant to subsection 3 or falls below the minimum number of pupils required for that classification based on that count of enrollment, the school shall notify the Association of that fact.

     7.  If a school notifies the Association pursuant to subsection 6 that the number of pupils in the school exceeds the maximum number of pupils required for its classification pursuant to subsection 3, the Board shall:

     (a) As soon as practicable after receiving the notice, notify the school that the Board will make a determination of the classification of the school for the next school year pursuant to paragraph (b).

     (b) Based upon the count of enrollment for the next school year, determine whether the number of pupils enrolled in the school exceeds the maximum number of pupils required for its classification. If the Board determines that the number of pupils enrolled in the school exceeds the maximum number required for its classification based on the count of enrollment, the Board shall designate the school for placement into the next highest classification for the next school year and the school year immediately following that school year. If the Board determines that the number of pupils enrolled in the school does not exceed the maximum number required for its classification based on the count of enrollment, the Board shall allow the school to remain in the classification into which it was placed at the time the school submitted the notice to the Association pursuant to subsection 6.

     8.  If, during the second school year in which a school is designated for placement into a higher classification pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 7, the Board determines that, based on the count of enrollment for the second school year, the number of pupils enrolled in the school:

     (a) Continues to exceed the maximum number of pupils required for the classification into which it was placed at the time the school submitted the notice to the Association pursuant to subsection 6, the Board shall place the school into the higher classification in which the school was designated for placement pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 7.

     (b) Does not continue to exceed the maximum number required for the classification into which it was placed at the time the school submitted the notice to the Association pursuant to subsection 6, the Board shall allow the school to remain in that classification.

     9.  If a school notifies the Association pursuant to subsection 6 that the number of pupils enrolled in the school is less than the minimum number of pupils required for its classification pursuant to subsection 3, the Board shall:

     (a) As soon as practicable after receiving the notice, notify the school that the Board will make a determination of the classification of the school for the next school year pursuant to paragraph (b).

     (b) Based upon the count of enrollment for the school for the next school year, determine whether the number of pupils enrolled in the school is less than the minimum number of pupils required for its classification. If the Board determines that the number of pupils enrolled in the school is less than the minimum number of pupils required for its classification based on the count of enrollment, the Board shall designate the school for placement into the next lowest classification for the next school year and the school year immediately following that school year. If the Board determines that the number of pupils enrolled in the school is not less than the minimum number of pupils required for its classification based on the count of enrollment, the Board shall allow the school to remain in the classification in which it was placed at the time the school submitted the notice to the Association pursuant to subsection 6.

     10.  If, during the second school year that a school is designated for placement into a lower classification pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 9, the Board determines that, based on the count of enrollment for the second school year, the number of pupils enrolled in the school:

     (a) Continues to be less than the minimum number of pupils required for the classification into which it was placed at the time the school submitted the notice to the Association pursuant to subsection 6, the Board shall place the school into the lower classification for which the school was designated for placement pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 9.

     (b) Does not continue to be less than the minimum number required for the classification into which it was placed at the time the school submitted the notice to the Association pursuant to subsection 6, the Board shall allow the school to remain in that classification.

     11.  Within each classification established pursuant to this section, the Board:

     (a) Shall align at least two leagues within the classification consisting of at least two schools in each of those leagues; and

     (b) May align not less than two regions within the classification consisting of at least two leagues in each of those regions.

     12.  If a school believes that a pupil or team of the school is unable to participate successfully in a sanctioned sport or that it is in the best interests of the pupil or team to participate in the sanctioned sport in a classification that is higher or lower than the classification of the school or in a league or region that is aligned in a classification other than the classification of the school, the school may submit a written request to the Board to allow the pupil or team, based upon the considerations set forth in subsection 4, to participate in a classification, league or region other than the classification, league or region in which the school is placed or aligned pursuant to this section. The Board shall include each written request received pursuant to this subsection on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, if the Board receives the written request before that meeting or before any other date specified by the Board for the submission of items for that meeting. Each school that submits a written request pursuant to this subsection has the burden of establishing that, if the written request is approved, the participation of the school in another classification will improve the competitive balance among the schools to which the written request applies. To become effective for a school year, each appeal submitted pursuant to NAC 385B.254 concerning the written request must be heard and a final decision rendered on the appeal at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board held during September or November of that school year. Any written request that the Board approves pursuant to this subsection:

     (a) Is subject to any term or condition specified by the Board for the written request, including, but not limited to, the year or season in which the placement of a school into another classification pursuant to this section will begin; and

     (b) Is a final decision and binding on each school to which the written request applies.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007; R207-08, 5-5-2011; R173-12, 2-26-2014; R060-15 & R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.667)

     NAC 385B.252  Submission by school of recommendation for alignment. (NRS 385B.060)  Each school that is placed in a class pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may, on or before September 1 of each year, submit a recommendation to the Board relating to the alignment of a school in a league pursuant to that section.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.668)

     NAC 385B.254  Appeal of classification and alignment by school. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)  On or before September 1 of each year, each school that is placed in a class and aligned in a league or region pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may, for any reason specified by the Board, appeal the placement or alignment to the Board pursuant to NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R105-06, eff. 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.6685)


General Provisions

     NAC 385B.300  Scheduling of events in manner that results in minimum loss of school time. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each class and league established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 shall, if practicable, schedule each game, contest or meet in a manner that results in a minimum loss of school time for a school to participate in and travel to the game, contest or meet.

     2.  The Board shall comply with the provisions of subsection 1 if the Board approves any league, regional or state tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.675)

     NAC 385B.302  Establishment and submission of schedules of events; penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school shall establish a schedule of events for each season for a sanctioned sport in which the school participates. After establishing the schedule, the school shall submit a copy of the schedule to the Association not later than:

     (a) June 15 of each year, if the schedule is established for a sanctioned sport that is conducted during the fall of that year;

     (b) September 15 of each year, if the schedule is established for a sanctioned sport that is conducted during the winter of that year; or

     (c) January 15, if the schedule is established for a sanctioned sport that is conducted during the spring of that year.

     2.  The Association will impose a penalty of $100 against each school that fails to submit to the Association a schedule for a sanctioned sport within the periods prescribed in subsection 1.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.676)

     NAC 385B.304  Postponement of game, contest or meet. (NRS 385B.060)  A school shall not postpone a game, contest or meet unless the school:

     1.  Obtains the approval of the principal of each school that will participate in the game, contest or meet; and

     2.  Complies with the regulations of the Association for the appropriate class for the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.677)

     NAC 385B.306  Cancellation of game, contest or meet; participation in game, contest or meet after withdrawal of school from Association; penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school shall not cancel a game, contest or meet unless it obtains the approval of the Executive Director.

     2.  If a school withdraws its membership in the Association during a season, the school shall indicate on its record “no contest” for each game, contest or meet that is completed by the school after the withdrawal.

     3.  The Association may suspend the membership of a school in the Association if the school violates any provision of this section.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.678)

     NAC 385B.308  Competition with certain out-of-state schools prohibited. (NRS 385B.060)  A school shall not conduct a game, contest or meet with any school that is located in another state if that school is suspended or prohibited from participating in the authorized athletic association of that state.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.679)

     NAC 385B.310  Competition with certain schools prohibited without approval of Executive Director. (NRS 385B.060)  A school shall not, without the approval of the Executive Director, engage in any game, contest, meet or tournament with another school if that school:

     1.  Is not a member school or an affiliate school of the Association; or

     2.  Has been suspended or expelled from the athletic association of the state in which the school is located.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.680)

     NAC 385B.312  Provision of sufficient physical training and suitable protective clothing to participants. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school shall:

     (a) Ensure that each pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport receives a period of training that is sufficient to condition the pupil physically to participate in the sanctioned sport; and

     (b) Provide suitable protective clothing to each pupil specified in paragraph (a), if such clothing is required to participate in the sanctioned sport.

     2.  Each coach and athletic director of a school shall require each pupil for whom he or she is a coach or athletic director to comply with the requirements of the school relating to training for the sanctioned sport in which the pupil participates.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.681)

     NAC 385B.314  Use of equipment provided by private company that sponsors participant. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at a school and who is sponsored by a private company may wear any equipment provided by the private company if:

     1.  The equipment does not replace the uniform for the school or any portion of that uniform; and

     2.  The colors of the equipment are the same as the official colors of the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.682)

     NAC 385B.316  Security of field of play; encouragement of sportsmanlike behavior. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school that hosts a game, contest or meet shall provide a sufficient number of sports officials to ensure that spectators or any other unauthorized persons remain off the field of play during the game, contest or meet.

     2.  Each school that hosts or participates in a game, contest or meet shall encourage each person who attends the game, contest or meet to behave in a sportsmanlike manner while attending the game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.683)

     NAC 385B.318  Conduct of participants and spectators: Responsibility of school; authority of sports official. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school is responsible for the conduct of each coach, athlete, pupil and spectator before, during and after each game, contest or meet in which the school participates.

     2.  If a coach, athlete, pupil or spectator specified in subsection 1 engages in conduct that interrupts or adversely affects the manner in which the game, contest or meet is conducted, the sports official assigned to the game, contest or meet may:

     (a) Issue a warning to the coach, athlete, pupil or spectator to refrain from engaging in that conduct; or

     (b) Regardless of whether the sports official issues a warning pursuant to paragraph (a), order the offending school to forfeit the game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.684)

     NAC 385B.320  Use of cameras and other recording equipment. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A person who attends a game, contest or meet during the regular or postseason for a sanctioned sport in accordance with this chapter may, at his or her expense, use a camera or other equipment to record, on film or videotape, the game, contest or meet or any participant at the game, contest or meet.

     2.  The provisions of subsection 1 do not require any school that hosts a game, contest or meet specified in that subsection to provide assistance to a person using a camera or other equipment pursuant to that subsection.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.685)

     NAC 385B.322  Possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages prohibited; enforcement. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A person shall not, during any interscholastic activity that is sponsored by the Association, possess, sell or consume any alcoholic beverage on the property on which the activity is conducted.

     2.  A person who violates a provision of subsection 1 may be:

     (a) Removed from the property on which the activity is conducted; or

     (b) Arrested for trespass upon that property.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.686)

Recruitment, Restrictions and Prohibited Acts

     NAC 385B.330  Prohibition of activities on Sunday; exceptions. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section:

     (a) A school shall not schedule or conduct on a Sunday any game, contest or meet or a practice for any game, contest or meet that is sponsored or sanctioned by the Association.

     (b) A pupil or team of a school that participates in a sanctioned sport or a coach of the pupil or team shall not, on a Sunday, engage in any activity relating to the sanctioned sport with any other pupil, team or coach of a school, including, without limitation, conducting an informal practice, general workout, meeting or film session with such a pupil, team or coach.

Ê The provisions of this subsection do not apply to skiing.

     2.  A school may authorize a pupil or team to participate in a game, contest or meet outside this State that is held on a Sunday if the school obtains approval from the Executive Director for the game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.816)

     NAC 385B.332  Limitations on participation of pupil during season and school year; transfer of pupil to another sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil may not participate in:

     (a) More than one sanctioned sport during a season; or

     (b) The same sanctioned sport more than once during a school year.

     2.  A pupil enrolled in a school who participates in a sanctioned sport at the school may transfer to another sanctioned sport that is offered by the school during the same season if:

     (a) The transfer occurs before the first scheduled game, contest or meet for each sport; or

     (b) The Executive Director, principal of the school and the coach for each sanctioned sport approve the transfer.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.817)

     NAC 385B.334  Participation by girl on team for boys and by boy on team for girls. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a school has a team for boys for a sanctioned sport but does not have a team for girls for that sanctioned sport, the school shall allow each girl who is a pupil enrolled in the school, and who is otherwise eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport, to qualify for and participate on the team for boys for the sanctioned sport.

     2.  If a school has a team for girls for a sanctioned sport but does not have a team for boys for that sanctioned sport, the school shall allow each boy who is a pupil enrolled in the school, and who is otherwise eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport, to qualify for and participate on the team for girls if the opportunities for girls to participate in all sanctioned sports at the school are greater than the opportunities offered to boys to participate in those sanctioned sports.

     3.  A request by a boy to qualify for or participate on a team for girls pursuant to subsection 2 must be submitted in writing to the principal of the school and set forth the reasons for the request. If the principal approves the written request, the principal shall submit the request to the Executive Director for approval at least 15 days before the beginning of the season for the sanctioned sport in which the boy wishes to participate.

     4.  If a school has a team for boys and a team for girls for a sanctioned sport, each pupil enrolled in the school may participate only on the team:

     (a) For boys, if the pupil is a boy; or

     (b) For girls, if the pupil is a girl.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.818)

     NAC 385B.336  Physical examinations: Requirements for pupils; maintenance and review of records; exemption from requirements. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each pupil who wishes to participate in any sanctioned sport for the first time:

     (a) Must submit to a physical examination that is conducted by:

          (1) A physician who is licensed pursuant to chapter 630 of NRS;

          (2) A homeopathic physician who is licensed pursuant to chapter 630A of NRS;

          (3) An osteopathic physician licensed pursuant to chapter 633 of NRS;

          (4) A chiropractor who is licensed pursuant to chapter 634 of NRS;

          (5) An advanced practice registered nurse licensed pursuant to chapter 632 of NRS; or

          (6) A physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 630 or 633 of NRS or certified pursuant to chapter 630A of NRS; and

     (b) After completing the physical examination, must be approved for participation in a sanctioned sport by a physician, homeopathic physician, osteopathic physician, chiropractor, advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant specified in paragraph (a) on a form approved by the Association.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each pupil who wishes to participate in a sanctioned sport and has complied with the provisions of subsection 1 shall, for each year he or she participates in a sanctioned sport, complete the form which is approved by the Association for that purpose. If the pupil submits an affirmative response to any question on the form, the pupil must submit to a complete physical examination in accordance with subsection 1 before he or she is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport. If, on or after the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year, the pupil enrolls in a school as a freshman, the pupil must submit to such an examination for the first and third years in which he or she participates in the sanctioned sport.

     3.  Each school shall:

     (a) Maintain a record of each form submitted to the school pursuant to this section; and

     (b) Ensure that the athletic director, athletic trainer or school nurse reviews each form specified in paragraph (a) before each season in which the pupil participates in a sanctioned sport.

     4.  If the religious beliefs of a pupil prohibit him or her from submitting to a physical examination to participate in a sanctioned sport, the pupil and a parent or legal guardian with whom he or she resides shall execute a release which indemnifies and holds harmless the school, school district and Association from all liability which may arise because of the pupil’s participation in the sanctioned sport.

     5.  A pupil may obtain the form for the release specified in subsection 4 from the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R098-05, 7-14-2006; R147-10, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.819)

     NAC 385B.338  Pupil injured in sanctioned sport and treated by provider of health care. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a pupil is injured in a sanctioned sport and is treated for that injury by a provider of health care, the school shall not allow the pupil to resume participation in the sanctioned sport unless the provider of health care submits a written statement signed by him or her and addressed to the principal of the school indicating that the pupil may resume participation in the sanctioned sport.

     2.  If a school receives a written statement pursuant to subsection 1, the school shall include the written statement in the records of the pupil maintained by the school.

     3.  As used in this section, “provider of health care” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 629.031.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.820)

     NAC 385B.340  Pupil soliciting or seeking enrollment in return for receiving favorable conditions or treatment. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil may not solicit or seek enrollment in a school for the purpose of participating in a sanctioned sport in return for receiving favorable conditions or treatment at the school.

     2.  A pupil who violates the provisions of subsection 1 is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for 180 school days.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.821)

     NAC 385B.342  Recruiting of pupil to participate in sanctioned sport prohibited; penalties. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A person shall not recruit or attempt to recruit a pupil to participate in a sanctioned sport.

     2.  A pupil who is recruited in violation of a provision of this section is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for not less than one semester and not more than 180 school days as determined by the Executive Director.

     3.  A school that violates the provisions of subsection 1 may be fined and placed on probation for 1 year in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960.

     4.  A coach who violates the provisions of subsection 1 may be suspended for 2 years in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.822)

     NAC 385B.344  Restrictions on solicitation or encouragement of prospective pupil to enroll in school; prohibited representation of athletic program; duty of coach upon receiving certain notification regarding prospective pupil. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A person who is associated with a school shall not:

     (a) Use or attempt to use undue influence on a prospective pupil to solicit or encourage the pupil to enroll in the school; or

     (b) Request any other person to solicit or encourage a prospective pupil to enroll in the school.

     2.  A school, or any person acting on behalf of a school, shall not give any speech or other presentation or distribute any written material, including an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine or other publication, which states or implies that the athletic program of the school is superior to the athletic program of any other school, or that it is more advantageous for a prospective pupil to participate in athletics at that school.

     3.  The provisions of this section do not prohibit a school from conducting a program to attract pupils to enroll in the school based upon the educational and extracurricular programs of the school.

     4.  If a pupil enrolled in a junior high, middle school or high school, or a parent or legal guardian of that pupil, notifies a coach of another school concerning the possibility of attending the coach’s school, the coach shall immediately refer the pupil, parent or legal guardian to the principal of the school or any other person at that school who is responsible for enrolling prospective pupils.

     5.  As used in this section, “undue influence” includes, without limitation:

     (a) Initiating or arranging communication, including calls by telephone, questionnaires, cards or letters, with a prospective pupil or member of his or her family with the intent to solicit or encourage the pupil to enroll in a school;

     (b) Visiting or entertaining a prospective pupil or a member of his or her family with the intent to solicit or encourage the pupil to enroll in a school;

     (c) Providing transportation for a prospective pupil or a member of his or her family to visit a school or to meet with a person who is associated with a school with the intent to solicit or encourage the pupil to enroll in the school;

     (d) Attending a game, contest or meet of a grade school, junior high or middle school to evaluate and recruit a prospective pupil who is not assigned by a school district to a zone of attendance;

     (e) Requesting a pupil or an alumnus of a school or a member of a club or other organization that supports a team at the school to notify a prospective pupil or a member of his or her family in person or by telephone, letter or any other form of communication to discuss the merits of the athletic program of the school;

     (f) Allowing a pupil who is enrolled in a junior high or middle school to participate in a high school program of conditioning, lifting weights, open gymnasiums, intramurals or team practices before the pupil completes the eighth grade at the junior high or middle school; and

     (g) Any other communication with a prospective pupil of a school or a member of his or her family with the intent to solicit or encourage the pupil to enroll in the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.823)

     NAC 385B.346  Restriction on offer or provision of compensation or other inducement to pupil. (NRS 385B.060)  A school shall not provide or offer to provide to a pupil any compensation or other inducement if the compensation or inducement is not made available to each pupil who enrolls in or applies for enrollment in the school. The compensation or inducement includes, without limitation, providing or offering to provide:

     1.  Money or any other valuable consideration, including, without limitation, free or reduced tuition during the regular school year or summer school by a person who is associated with the school;

     2.  Room, board, textbooks, clothing or money for textbooks or clothing;

     3.  Payment for work that is not performed by the pupil or that exceeds the amount regularly paid for such work;

     4.  Free transportation by a person who is associated with the school;

     5.  A residence with a person who is associated with the school;

     6.  Any privilege that is not provided to all pupils of the school;

     7.  Free or reduced rent for a parent or legal guardian of a pupil;

     8.  Payment for the moving expenses of a parent or legal guardian of a pupil, offering or providing assistance in moving the parent or legal guardian of the pupil or authorizing or requesting a person to move the parent or legal guardian of the pupil;

     9.  Employment to a parent or legal guardian of a pupil to encourage the family of the pupil to move to a community, if the employment is offered or provided by a person who is associated with the school; and

     10.  Assistance in obtaining an athletic scholarship to a college.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.824)


     NAC 385B.350  Participation by team that participates in sanctioned sport prohibited; approval of Board regarding preseason and postseason competition; penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A team that participates in a sanctioned sport shall not engage in any game, contest or meet with an all-star team.

     2.  The Board shall approve each sponsor, participant and guideline relating to any preseason or postseason game, contest or meet in which an all-star team participates during the school year. A school or pupil who is enrolled in a school and who violates a provision of this subsection is subject to suspension or a determination of ineligibility, or both.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.690)

     NAC 385B.352  Approval by Association of competition; imposition of certain restrictions and requirements; submission of injury report and written summary of competition. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.070)

     1.  The Association may approve any game, contest or meet for an all-star team for a sanctioned sport if the game, contest or meet is conducted during the season for any other sanctioned sport. To obtain final approval of a game, contest or meet pursuant to this subsection, the director of the game, contest or meet must submit to the Association:

     (a) An agreement indemnifying and holding the Association harmless against any loss associated with the all-star game, contest or meet;

     (b) A roster setting forth the name, school of enrollment and grade of each participant in the all-star game, contest or meet;

     (c) A signed statement from each parent or legal guardian of a participant in the all-star game, contest or meet who is under 18 years of age authorizing him or her to participate in the all-star game, contest or meet;

     (d) A statement verifying that each participant in the all-star game, contest or meet will not be charged a fee to participate in the all-star game, contest or meet;

     (e) A certified check or money order in an amount equal to:

          (1) Two hundred fifty dollars, which must be received by the Association at least 90 days before the all-star game, contest or meet; and

          (2) Five hundred dollars, which must be received by the Association at least 30 days before the all-star game, contest or meet; and

     (f) Proof satisfactory to the Association that:

          (1) The person hosting or sponsoring the all-star game, contest or meet is a nonprofit organization and that all proceeds of the game, contest or meet will be used for charitable purposes;

          (2) The person hosting or sponsoring the all-star game, contest or meet has obtained a comprehensive policy of liability insurance which insures the person against any liability for personal injuries and property damage with coverage of at least $1,000,000 per claim and at least $3,000,000 per occurrence and which names the Association as an additional insured under the policy;

          (3) Any applicable safety standard will be complied with concerning any equipment used in the all-star game, contest or meet;

          (4) A sports official who is certified by the Association to officiate a sanctioned sport will officiate the all-star game, contest or meet;

          (5) Any applicable requirement for security specified by the school district in which the all-star game, contest or meet will be conducted will be complied with;

          (6) Any applicable requirement of the National Collegiate Athletic Association or its successor organization concerning amateurism will be complied with;

          (7) Each holder of a lifetime pass issued pursuant to NAC 385B.862 or a courtesy pass issued pursuant to NAC 385B.864 will be admitted to the all-star game, contest or meet free of charge;

          (8) Any fees for admission to the all-star game, contest or meet will not exceed $10 per person; and

          (9) At least one trainer who is certified as an athletic trainer by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association or its successor organization will attend and be available to provide services at the all-star game, contest or meet and each practice for the all-star game, contest or meet.

     2.  The Association may:

     (a) Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.330, restrict the date, time and place of an all-star game, contest or meet approved pursuant to subsection 1 to avoid, if possible, any conflict with a game, contest or meet for another sanctioned sport.

     (b) Impose reasonable requirements on the director of the all-star game, contest or meet to protect the eligibility, health, safety or welfare of any pupil who participates in the all-star game, contest or meet.

     3.  Not more than 72 hours after the completion of an all-star game, contest or meet that is approved pursuant to subsection 1, the director of the all-star game, contest or meet shall submit to the Executive Director a report discussing each injury, if any, suffered by a participant in the all-star game, contest or meet.

     4.  Not more than 30 days after the completion of an all-star game, contest or meet that is approved pursuant to subsection 1, the director of the all-star game, contest or meet shall submit to the Executive Director a written summary of the all-star game, contest or meet. The written summary must be submitted on a form approved by the Association and must include, without limitation:

     (a) A statement setting forth the amount of money paid and received for attendance at the all-star game, contest or meet; and

     (b) A reconciliation statement concerning the revenue and expenditures of the all-star game, contest or meet.

     5.  If the director of an all-star game, contest or meet that is approved pursuant to subsection 1 fails to submit a report pursuant to subsection 3 or a written summary pursuant to subsection 4, the Association may refuse to approve any other all-star game, contest or meet conducted by that director.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R012-14, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.691)

     NAC 385B.354  Conditions under which pupil may participate in competition. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.070)  A pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport may participate in a game, contest or meet for an all-star team that is conducted for that sanctioned sport if:

     1.  The pupil is an amateur in the sanctioned sport in accordance with NAC 385B.374;

     2.  The game, contest or meet is not held during the season for the sanctioned sport; and

     3.  The principal or other person in charge of the pupil’s school, the athletic director of that school and the head coach of any team of which the pupil is a member at the time the all-star game, contest or meet is conducted:

     (a) Provide written approval for the pupil to participate in the all-star game, contest or meet; and

     (b) Notify the Association of that approval.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R012-14, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.694)

Limitations on Participation

     NAC 385B.370  Period of season and first day of practice for sanctioned sport; prohibited and authorized out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The season for each sanctioned sport begins on the first day of practice for the sanctioned sport established by the Board pursuant to this subsection and ends upon the completion of the state tournament for the sanctioned sport. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, not later than September 1 of each year, the Board shall:

     (a) Establish the date for the first day of practice for each sanctioned sport for the school year; and

     (b) Prepare a schedule of activities that includes each date established pursuant to paragraph (a).

     2.  Each school shall ensure that a practice for a sanctioned sport is conducted on the date established for that practice pursuant to subsection 1.

     3.  A school shall not provide uniforms or transportation for a pupil or team to participate in any out-of-season competition for a sanctioned sport, including, without limitation, a camp, summer league or travel to a foreign country or another state, territory, district or possession of the United States. A school may engage in an activity to obtain money for an out-of-season competition and deposit any money obtained as a result of that activity in an account maintained by the school or by a bank or other financial institution in this State.

     4.  A coach of a school that complies with subsections 2 and 3 may assist a pupil in an activity that is related to a sanctioned sport and that is conducted during a period that is not the season for the sanctioned sport. The participation of the pupil in the activity must be voluntary and must not be a condition for qualifying for a team or for accepting the pupil as a member of a team during the season for the sanctioned sport.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a coach or pupil specified in subsection 4 may, if approved by the school and the school district in which the school is located, use any facility or equipment of the school to engage in an activity specified in that subsection. A coach or pupil may use the following equipment for football during any period that is not the football season:

     (a) Footballs;

     (b) Football shoes;

     (c) Shorts and sweatshirts; and

     (d) A helmet and shoulder, hip and thigh pads, and any other protective equipment.

     6.  A coach or pupil shall not use a blocking dummy or sled, or any similar device for football pursuant to subsection 5.

     7.  A school or school district in which a school is located may require each pupil of the school who engages in an activity relating to a sanctioned sport pursuant to subsection 5 to maintain a policy of health insurance in an amount determined by the school or school district.

     8.  A coach or pupil shall not engage in an out-of-season activity relating to a sanctioned sport pursuant to subsection 5 if the activity interferes with an in-season sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R050-05, 12-29-2005; R144-07, 1-30-2008; R207-08, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.695)

     NAC 385B.372  Restrictions on participation in out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A person shall not require a pupil to participate in any athletic program for a sanctioned sport that is conducted before or after the season for that sanctioned sport.

     2.  Each team that participates in a sanctioned sport must be selected, and practices for that team conducted, during the season for that sanctioned sport.

     3.  A pupil may engage in any out-of-season activity relating to a sanctioned sport if:

     (a) The pupil engages in that activity voluntarily;

     (b) The activity is conducted to improve the pupil’s ability to participate in the sanctioned sport;

     (c) The activity is not conducted between two or more schools, including, without limitation, any competition, scrimmage or practice for the sanctioned sport; and

     (d) The activity is not conducted during the week before or the week of tryouts for another sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007; R144-07, 1-30-2008) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.696)

     NAC 385B.374  Participation of pupil as amateur in sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport must be an amateur in each sanctioned sport in which he or she participates. A pupil is not an amateur in a sanctioned sport if he or she:

     (a) Participates in a sanctioned sport for money or any other thing of value, other than allowable expenses for travel, meals or lodging;

     (b) Receives any award, equipment or prize that has a retail value of more than $200, including, without limitation, any award or prize to attend a camp for instruction or an all-star game; or

     (c) Executes a contract to play as a professional athlete in a sanctioned sport.

     2.  For the purposes of this section, a pupil specified in subsection 1 who accepts a fee for providing instruction for or supervising or officiating an organized program of sports or recreation for a minor does not, by accepting the fee, forfeit his or her status as an amateur in a sanctioned sport.

     3.  If a pupil specified in subsection 1 forfeits his or her status as an amateur in a sanctioned sport pursuant to this section, the pupil may, upon the expiration of 1 year after the forfeiture, apply to the Association to reinstate eligibility to participate in the sanctioned sport.

     4.  A pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport during any period other than the season for that sanctioned sport shall comply with the requirements, if any, prescribed by the agency governing that sanctioned sport for participating in the sanctioned sport as an amateur.

     5.  As used in this section, “amateur” means a person who engages in an athletic competition solely for the physical, mental or social enjoyment obtained from engaging in that athletic competition.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.697)

     NAC 385B.376  Participation by member of team or spirit squad in certain activities other than as such member; establishment of requirements for eligibility of pupil to participate in postseason competition. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If, during the school year, a pupil participates in a sanctioned sport as a member of a team or engages in an activity as a member of a spirit squad for a school, the pupil may participate as a member of any other team or event for the sanctioned sport or spirit squad if:

     (a) The coach for the sanctioned sport or spirit squad and the principal or other person in charge of the school or his or her designee approve the pupil’s participation on the team or in the event; and

     (b) The other team or spirit squad is not a team or spirit squad for a school, does not have the same coach or members and is otherwise not the same team or spirit squad as the team or spirit squad of which the pupil is a member.

     2.  In addition to the requirements of subsection 1, if the team or spirit squad of which the pupil is a member is a team or spirit squad of a high school, and if the pupil participates in an interscholastic activity other than as a member of the team or spirit squad, the pupil’s participation in the interscholastic activity must be approved by the head coach of the high school. The pupil is not required to substitute games, contests or meets to participate as a member of the team or spirit squad.

     3.  Each league, region or class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may establish the requirements for eligibility for a pupil who is in the league, region or class to participate in any competition for a sanctioned sport or spirit squad that is conducted after the expiration of the regular season for the sanctioned sport or spirit squad.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007; R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.698)

     NAC 385B.378  Maximum number of games, contests or meets during seasons for sanctioned sports; exemption. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a school or a pupil enrolled in a school who participates in a sanctioned sport shall not, during the season for the sanctioned sport, participate in more than:

     (a) For the fall season:

          (1) Fourteen cross-country meets;

          (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 of NAC 385B.434, nine football games;

          (3) Sixteen matches for girls’ golf;

          (4) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 of NAC 385B.458, eighteen soccer games and two tournaments for soccer;

          (5) Eighteen tennis matches; or

          (6) Eighteen matches for girls’ volleyball and two tournaments for girls’ volleyball.

     (b) For the winter season:

          (1) Eighteen basketball games and two tournaments for basketball;

          (2) Eighteen bowling competitions and two tournaments for bowling;

          (3) Fourteen ski races; or

          (4) Fifteen wrestling contacts or meets.

     (c) For the spring season:

          (1) Twenty-one baseball games and two tournaments for baseball;

          (2) Sixteen matches for boys’ golf;

          (3) Twenty-one softball games and two tournaments for softball;

          (4) Twelve swim meets;

          (5) Fourteen track and field meets; or

          (6) Eighteen matches for boys’ volleyball and two tournaments for boys’ volleyball.

     2.  For each sanctioned sport specified in subsection 1, the Executive Director may exempt from the provisions of this section not more than one contact, game, match or meet for the sanctioned sport that is conducted against a school that is placed on independent status pursuant to NAC 385B.202.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R147-10, 5-5-2011; R060-15 & R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.699)

     NAC 385B.380  Forfeiture of game, contest or meet if pupil exceeds maximum allowed for sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)  If, during a school year, a pupil participates in a sanctioned sport as a member of a team and if, during that school year, the pupil exceeds the total number of games, contests or meets in which he or she may participate in the sanctioned sport pursuant to NAC 385B.378, the team of which the pupil is a member forfeits each game, contest or meet in which he or she participates as a member of the team that is conducted after exceeding that number.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.700)

     NAC 385B.382  Treatment of game not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a scheduled game is not completed because of weather or a natural disaster, or any other unforeseeable and unavoidable cause, a school participating in the game shall not count the game as part of the season for the sanctioned sport for which the game is conducted unless each school participating in the game agrees to count the game as part of that season. If such an agreement is entered into, the game may be replayed or continued in accordance with the agreement beginning from the place and time at which the game was interrupted.

     2.  As used in this section, “game” means any competition for a sanctioned sport that is conducted between two teams if:

     (a) Admission is charged for the competition;

     (b) A paid sports official is used for the competition;

     (c) The competition is conducted during periods that are timed and of regular length; or

     (d) A record of the competition and the scores for the competition are publicized.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.701)

     NAC 385B.384  Tournaments; wrestling; swimming and diving, substitutions. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  In addition to any limitation concerning the number of games, contests or meets in which a school or pupil may participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to NAC 385B.378:

     (a) A team that participates in a sanctioned sport may participate in not more than two tournaments during a year.

     (b) A pupil who participates in wrestling as a sanctioned sport, including, without limitation, a pupil who is a member of the junior varsity team and the varsity team for wrestling during the same season, may participate in not more than 15 contacts during a year.

     (c) A pupil who participates in swimming and diving as a sanctioned sport may participate in not more than 12 competitions during a year.

     2.  A school that participates in a sanctioned sport may substitute not more than:

     (a) One tournament for not more than three games, contests or meets for the sanctioned sport; or

     (b) Three games, contests or meets for not more than one tournament for the sanctioned sport.

     3.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Competition” means a dual, triangular or quadrangular invitational meet. The term does not include a league, regional or state tournament.

     (b) “Contact” means a dual, double dual or triple dual. The term does not include a league, regional or state tournament.

     (c) “Tournament” means any contest between more than two teams that participate in a sanctioned sport to determine the winner for the season for that sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R098-05, 7-14-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.702)

     NAC 385B.386  Miscellaneous limitations. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport may not participate in more than one level of competition for that sanctioned sport during a day. If a school is unable to complete its schedule for a sanctioned sport during the season for that sanctioned sport because the number of pupils who participate in the sanctioned sport at the level of junior varsity is insufficient, the school may submit a request to the Executive Director to waive the provisions of this subsection. Before approving a request for a waiver pursuant to this subsection, the Executive Director shall obtain the approval of the request from each school that competes against the school that submits the request in the sanctioned sport for the season.

     2.  A pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport other than basketball or football may participate in any number of games for the sanctioned sport during a day. A coach who participates in a sanctioned sport shall consider the safety and well-being of a pupil before allowing that pupil to participate in more than one game for a sanctioned sport pursuant to this subsection. If a pupil participates in more than one game for a sanctioned sport pursuant to this subsection, the pupil shall include that game in the total number of games in which he or she may participate pursuant to NAC 385B.378.

     3.  A school that is placed in Class 1A pursuant to NAC 385B.250 and that participates in volleyball or basketball as a sanctioned sport:

     (a) May not submit a request for a waiver pursuant to subsection 1; and

     (b) Shall comply with the provisions of NAC 385B.426 or 385B.524 concerning volleyball or basketball.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, a pupil may not participate in a sanctioned sport as a member of:

     (a) The freshman team for the sanctioned sport unless the pupil is in the 9th grade; or

     (b) The junior varsity team for the sanctioned sport unless the pupil in the 9th, 10th or 11th grade.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.706, a pupil who is qualified to participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to this chapter may participate in the sanctioned sport as a member of the varsity team for the sanctioned sport regardless of the grade in which he or she is enrolled during his or her participation as a member of that team.

     6.  The president of the class or league in which a school is placed or aligned pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may waive the provisions of subsection 4 if the school:

     (a) Submits a written request to the president;

     (b) Submits a copy of the written request to the Executive Director; and

     (c) Sets forth in the written request the reasons for requesting the waiver and the level of skill of each pupil for whom the school requests the waiver.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.703)


     NAC 385B.390  Designation; amendment of list; insufficient participation; prohibition. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Association hereby designates each of the following sports as a sanctioned sport:

     (a) For boys:

          (1) Baseball;

          (2) Basketball;

          (3) Bowling;

          (4) Cross-country;

          (5) Football;

          (6) Golf;

          (7) Skiing:

          (8) Soccer;

          (9) Swimming and diving;

          (10) Tennis;

          (11) Track and field;

          (12) Volleyball; and

          (13) Wrestling; and

     (b) For girls:

          (1) Basketball;

          (2) Bowling;

          (3) Cross-country;

          (4) Golf;

          (5) Skiing;

          (6) Soccer;

          (7) Softball;

          (8) Swimming and diving;

          (9) Tennis;

          (10) Track and field; and

          (11) Volleyball.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the Board may amend the list set forth in subsection 1. If the Board determines that the number of schools participating in a sanctioned sport is insufficient, the Board may take such action as is required to provide for the sponsorship of the sanctioned sport by a school.

     3.  The Board shall not approve boxing as a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.669)



     NAC 385B.400  Date for beginning practice; end of season. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a baseball season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for baseball.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.705)

     NAC 385B.402  Interschool scrimmages. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A team that participates in baseball as a sanctioned sport may, before participating in the first regularly scheduled game of a season, participate in not more than two interschool baseball scrimmages. The team shall not participate in a scrimmage after it participates in the first baseball game of the season.

     2.  As used in this section, “scrimmage” means a practice baseball game in which:

     (a) The score is not kept;

     (b) Unpaid sports officials are used;

     (c) A coach may substitute a player in the game for another player in the game; and

     (d) A coach may temporarily stop the game to correct an error committed by a player in the game for whom he or she is a coach.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.706)

     NAC 385B.404  Protest of game. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A coach of a team that participates in a baseball game as a sanctioned sport may protest the game by notifying an umpire for the game of that fact. The protest must be submitted to the umpire:

     (a) At the time the play that is the subject of the protest is completed, but before the next pitch after that play; or

     (b) If the play that is the subject of the protest is the final play of the game, before the umpire leaves the field of play.

     2.  An umpire who is notified of a protest pursuant to subsection 1 shall, if he or she is not the umpire-in-chief for the game, bring the protest to the attention of the umpire-in-chief. If a protest is brought to the attention of the umpire-in-chief pursuant to this subsection, the umpire-in-chief shall immediately inform the coach of the opposing team and the scorekeeper of the game that the game is played under protest.

     3.  If a coach protests a game pursuant to subsection 1, the coach or the school for which he or she coaches shall, within 48 hours after completion of the game, submit the protest in writing to the Commissioner. Each written protest submitted pursuant to this subsection must:

     (a) Describe clearly each play for which the written protest is submitted; and

     (b) Include a statement setting forth any adverse or unusual circumstances under which the play was conducted.

     4.  As soon as practicable after receiving a written protest pursuant to subsection 3, the Commissioner shall confer with the Executive Director concerning the protest. As soon as practicable after conferring with the Executive Director, the Commissioner shall provide a written report to each school that participated in the game for which the protest was submitted. The written report must include the determination of the Commissioner relating to the protest.

     5.  If the Commissioner upholds a protest pursuant to subsection 4 and determines that the game must be replayed, each team that participated in the game shall replay the game in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.406.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.707)

     NAC 385B.406  Replay of suspended game. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each team that participates in a suspended baseball game shall, if the suspended game is replayed:

     (a) Begin the game from the point at which the game was suspended; and

     (b) Subject to the rules of the game, use the same lineup and batting order of players that were used by those teams during the suspended game.

     2.  If a team is not located in Carson City, Fallon, Henderson, Las Vegas, Minden, Reno or Sparks, Nevada, or South Lake Tahoe, California, the suspended game must be replayed:

     (a) Before the beginning of the first game that is conducted after the suspended game, if the teams that participated in the suspended game are scheduled to play each other again during the season in which the suspended game was played; or

     (b) At a location that is agreed upon by each team that participated in the suspended game, if those teams are not scheduled to play each other again during the season in which the suspended game was played.

     3.  If a team is located in Carson City, Fallon, Henderson, Las Vegas, Minden, Reno or Sparks, Nevada, or South Lake Tahoe, California, the suspended game must be replayed on the next date that is available on the schedule of games for each team that participates in the replayed game.

     4.  As used in this section, “suspended game” means a baseball game:

     (a) That is stopped for any reason, including, without limitation, the failure of any artificial lights or water system used for the game; and

     (b) For which a winner is not determined.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.708)

     NAC 385B.408  Determination of championship team. (NRS 385B.060)  The championship team for baseball for each class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 must be determined in the manner specified by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.709)

     NAC 385B.410  Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a team that is undefeated during a league, regional or state tournament for baseball is the home team for each game of the tournament. If both teams that participate in the same game of the tournament have been defeated during the tournament, the team that is seeded highest for the tournament is the home team for the game.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, if a team that participates in a championship game of a league, regional or state tournament for baseball is undefeated during the tournament, and if the other team that participates in the game has been defeated during the tournament, the team that has been defeated is the home team for the game.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, for each game of a regional or state tournament for baseball in which teams that are seeded similarly have equal scoring records during the tournament, the home team for the game must be determined by the toss of a coin.

     4.  For the championship game of a regional tournament for class 4A baseball, the home team must be determined by the toss of a coin if, during the tournament, the winner of each subbracket for the tournament is undefeated or has an equal scoring record after completing the subbracket.

     5.  For each game of a league, regional or state tournament for baseball, the home team may choose the dugout that it will use for the game.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.710)

     NAC 385B.412  Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a league, regional or state tournament for baseball is cancelled or not completed because of weather or any natural disaster, or other unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause, the director of the tournament shall:

     (a) If arrangements for travel and weather permit, reschedule the tournament for completion on the next date that is available for each team that participates in the tournament; or

     (b) If arrangements for travel and weather do not permit, declare the team with the fewest losses for the tournament to be the championship team for the tournament. If no games have been conducted for the tournament or each team has an equal number of winning games for the tournament, the director of the tournament shall declare each team to be co-champions for the tournament. If the director of a tournament declares co-champions for a tournament pursuant to this paragraph and if that declaration affects the placement of a team in a bracket for a state tournament, the director of the tournament shall toss a coin to determine the bracket placement for the team for the state tournament.

     2.  The director of a league, regional or state tournament for baseball shall not schedule a game pursuant to this section for completion on a Sunday.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.711)

     NAC 385B.414  Use of coaching boxes and head protection. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A coach of a team that participates in a baseball game as a sanctioned sport may coach from the first or third base coaching box during that game if the team for which he or she is a coach is at bat.

     2.  A coach may allow a pupil to coach from the first or third base coaching box during the game if:

     (a) The pupil is in uniform and wears a protective batting helmet during any period in which he or she is in the first or third base coaching box;

     (b) The pupil is a registered member of the team; and

     (c) The team of which the pupil is a registered member is at bat.

     3.  Each pupil who participates in a baseball game as a sanctioned sport shall wear appropriate equipment to protect his or her head from injury during any period in which the pupil enters the batter’s box located on the field of play for the game until the completion of the play for which he or she is a batter or runner.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.712)

     NAC 385B.416  Limitations on participation by pitcher; penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who is a pitcher on a team that participates in baseball as a sanctioned sport during a baseball season shall not, during 4 consecutive days of that season, pitch more than 11 innings or more than 33 outs, including, without limitation, any inning that is conducted to break a tie score between two or more teams.

     2.  For the purposes of this section, each inning of a baseball game consists of three outs and an out is one-third of an inning.

     3.  If a pupil specified in subsection 1 violates a provision of that subsection, the team of which he or she is a member forfeits the game in which the violation occurs.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.713)

     NAC 385B.418  Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each baseball game must be conducted in accordance with the rules of baseball adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization.

     2.  The 10-run rule set forth in the rules of baseball specified in subsection 1 applies upon the completion of four and one-half innings of each baseball game.

     3.  A team that participates in a baseball game as a sanctioned sport at the level of junior varsity may not begin a new inning of the game after the expiration of 2 hours and 15 minutes after the first pitch of the game unless the game is tied.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.714)


     NAC 385B.420  Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a basketball season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for basketball.

     2.  A school shall not, after completion of the state tournament for basketball for that season, organize a basketball team or conduct a practice for the team until the date established by the Board for the beginning of practice for the next basketball season.

     3.  A team that participates in basketball as a sanctioned sport may not participate in more than two interschool basketball scrimmages during the period beginning on or after the date established by the Board for the season in which the scrimmage is played and ending on the first day of that season. The team shall not participate in a basketball scrimmage after it participates in the first basketball game for that season. As used in this subsection, “scrimmage” means a practice basketball game in which:

     (a) The score is not kept;

     (b) Unpaid sports officials are used;

     (c) The period of play is divided into a number of equal segments with running time kept; and

     (d) Spectators are not encouraged to attend.

     4.  A team specified in subsection 2 shall not participate in more than two basketball games during a day.

     5.  If a team specified in subsection 3 participates in a basketball game between the team and an alumni association for the school or a similarly organized group, the school shall include that game in the total number of games in which the team may participate pursuant to NAC 385B.378.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.715)

     NAC 385B.422  Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  As soon as practicable after aligning a school that participates in basketball as a sanctioned sport in a league pursuant to NAC 385B.250, the Board shall include that alignment in a manual prepared by the Association for that purpose.

     2.  The championship team for each class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 must be determined in the manner specified by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.716)

     NAC 385B.424  Jerseys. (NRS 385B.060)  Each pupil who participates in a basketball game shall, if the game:

     1.  Is conducted at the school where the pupil is enrolled, wear a light-colored jersey during the game; or

     2.  Is not conducted at the school where the pupil is enrolled, wear a dark-colored jersey during the game.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.717)

     NAC 385B.426  Class 1A teams. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a pupil who is enrolled at a Class 1A school and who participates in basketball as a sanctioned sport may, during the same day, participate in a basketball game for junior varsity players and a basketball game for varsity players. A coach of a basketball team at such a school shall not:

     (a) During the same day, allow a pupil who is a member of the team to participate in:

          (1) A basketball game for junior varsity players and a basketball game for varsity players if the sole reason for allowing the pupil to participate in the game is to win the game;

          (2) A basketball game for junior varsity players if the pupil is a starting member of the basketball team for varsity players at the school; or

          (3) More than five quarters during a basketball game; or

     (b) Allow a pupil who is in the 12th grade and who is a member of the team to participate in a basketball game for junior varsity players unless, before the game:

          (1) The school notifies the Executive Director and the opposing school that the school proposes to allow the pupil to participate in the game; and

          (2) The Executive Director approves, in writing, the pupil’s participation in the game.

     2.  If a pupil participates in a basketball game for junior varsity players and a basketball game for varsity players during the same day, the school where the game is conducted shall ensure that the game for junior varsity players is conducted before the game for varsity players.

     3.  If a team of a Class 1A school participates in a basketball game and the membership of that team consists of junior varsity players and varsity players for the game pursuant to this section, the coach of the team shall, at least 10 minutes before the game:

     (a) Identify at least five varsity players who are members of the team for which he or she is a coach who will not participate in a basketball game for junior varsity players during the same day; and

     (b) Submit the name of each pupil identified pursuant to paragraph (a) to the scorekeeper for the game.

     4.  If a pupil who is a junior varsity player participates in a basketball game for varsity players pursuant to this section, the pupil shall, during the period in which he or she participates in the game, wear a jersey that displays a number that is distinguishable from the numbers displayed on the jerseys of the varsity players who participate in the game.

     5.  If a dispute arises between two schools relating to a provision of this section, each school shall submit the dispute to its principal or athletic director. If the dispute is not resolved after it is submitted to those principals or athletic directors, the schools shall submit the dispute to the president of the class in which the schools participate. If the dispute is not resolved after it is submitted to the president, the schools shall submit the dispute to the Executive Director.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.718)


     NAC 385B.430  General requirements. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a cross-country season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for cross-country, which must be conducted at the date, time and place specified by the Board.

     2.  The rules of the National Federation of State High School Associations, or its successor organization, relating to cross-country govern each cross-country meet. The rules are in addition to any requirements for conducting the meet adopted by the Association.

     3.  A school shall not schedule a cross-country meet that is conducted for practice between schools.

     4.  A pupil shall not participate in more than one event for a cross-country meet during a day.

     5.  The length of the course for a league, regional or state tournament for cross-country must be 5,000 meters. The length of the course for a cross-country meet that is conducted for practice or during the regular season may be less than 5,000 meters.

     6.  Each team that participates in a cross-country meet must consist of at least seven members.

     7.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, to determine the total score of a team that participates in a cross-country meet, the team:

     (a) Must use the scores of the members of the team who completed the meet in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth places on the team; and

     (b) Must not use the scores of the members of the team who completed the meet in the sixth or seventh place on the team.

     8.  The places of the members of a team specified in paragraph (b) of subsection 7 for the meet must not be used to reduce the scores of an opposing team for the meet.

     9.  If a school enters at least one participant in an invitational cross-country meet, the school shall include that meet in the total number of meets in which the school may participate pursuant to NAC 385B.378.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.719)


     NAC 385B.434  Date for beginning practice; end of season; games. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a football season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for football.

     2.  A school shall not participate in a football game that is scheduled during the regular season after the play-offs begin for the league in which the school is aligned pursuant to NAC 385B.250.

     3.  Each postseason football game must be approved by the Board.

     4.  The Executive Director shall determine the date, time and place for conducting each football play-off game.

     5.  A school shall not, without the approval of the Board, allow a football team to participate in more than nine games, other than a play-off game that is approved by the Executive Director, during the regular season in which the team participates in football.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.720)

     NAC 385B.436  Required practice; interschool scrimmages. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school shall not participate in:

     (a) An interschool football scrimmage unless the football team for the school completes at least 8 days of team practice, including at least 3 days of noncontact practice pursuant to NAC 385B.438; or

     (b) An interschool football game unless the football team completes at least 10 days of team practice, including at least 3 days of noncontact practice pursuant to NAC 385B.438.

     2.  A pupil at a school shall not participate in:

     (a) An interschool football scrimmage unless the pupil completes at least 6 days of team practice, including 3 days of noncontact practice pursuant to NAC 385B.438; or

     (b) An interschool football game unless the pupil completes at least 10 days of team practice, including at least 3 days of noncontact practice pursuant to NAC 385B.438.

     3.  A football team may participate in not more than two interschool scrimmages before the first regularly scheduled game for the football season for the team. The team shall not participate in an interschool scrimmage after completing that game.

     4.  Each school and each pupil who participates in football as a sanctioned sport shall, before participating in a scheduled interschool football game, complete at least 10 days of team practice, including 3 days of noncontact practice.

     5.  A school or pupil may count not more than one practice each day toward the total number of practices required pursuant to this section. If the school or pupil completes more than one practice during a day, that day counts as one day of practice for the purposes of this section.

     6.  As used in this section, “scrimmage” means a practice football game in which:

     (a) Each team alternates in carrying the football;

     (b) The score is not kept;

     (c) The coach of each team is present on the field of play to direct the team for which he or she is a coach;

     (d) Unpaid sports officials are used;

     (e) Admission is not charged;

     (f) Donations are not accepted or solicited; and

     (g) Spectators are not encouraged to attend.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R050-05, 12-29-2005) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.721)

     NAC 385B.438  Noncontact practice. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school that participates in football as a sanctioned sport shall designate the first 3 days of practice for each season in which the school participates in football as a period of noncontact practice. A pupil may use the following equipment during any period of noncontact practice:

     (a) Footballs;

     (b) Helmets;

     (c) Mouth guards;

     (d) Football shoes;

     (e) Shorts; and

     (f) Sweat suits.

     2.  A pupil who participates in a period of noncontact practice pursuant to subsection 1 shall not:

     (a) Use any equipment that is not specified in subsection 1, including, without limitation, pads, blocking dummies, sleds or similar equipment, unless the coach for the pupil authorizes the pupil to use the equipment after determining that the pupil may safely use the equipment; or

     (b) Engage in any drill or other activity that is intended to cause physical contact with another pupil during the period of noncontact practice.

     3.  A school that conducts a noncontact practice pursuant to subsection 1 may count that practice toward the number of practices required before participating in an interschool football game or scrimmage pursuant to NAC 385B.436.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.722)

     NAC 385B.440  Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team; play-offs; 45-point mercy rule. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  As soon as practicable after aligning a school that participates in football as a sanctioned sport within a league pursuant to NAC 385B.250, the Board shall include that alignment in a manual prepared by the Association for that purpose.

     2.  The championship team for each league into which a school is aligned pursuant to NAC 385B.250 must be determined in the manner specified by the Board.

     3.  The Executive Director shall ensure that the first game of the play-offs for a football season is conducted 1 week after each school that participates in the play-offs completes its final football game for that season. If a football game results in a tie score for the game during a regular football season or during a play-off game for that season, each school that participates in the game shall break the tie using the procedure for breaking ties set forth in the rules of football adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, the 45-point mercy rule set forth in the rules of football specified in subsection 3 applies during any football game in which a school uses a team consisting of eight members.

     5.  The provisions of subsection 4 do not apply to a football game that is conducted during the state tournament for a football season.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.723)

     NAC 385B.442  Jerseys. (NRS 385B.060)  Each pupil who participates in a football game shall, if the game:

     1.  Is conducted at the school where the pupil is enrolled, wear a dark-colored jersey during the game; or

     2.  Is not conducted at the school where the pupil is enrolled, wear a light-colored jersey during the game.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.724)

     NAC 385B.444  Limitations on participation by pupil. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who participates in football as a sanctioned sport shall not participate in more than:

     (a) One game of interscholastic football during 5 consecutive days; or

     (b) Nine regular games during a football season.

     2.  For the purposes of this section, a pupil participates in a football game if competing in at least one scrimmage down during that game.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.725)

     NAC 385B.446  Provision of adequate facilities for participants in play-off. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school that hosts a football play-off shall provide adequate facilities to each team that participates in the play-off. The facilities must be at least equal to the facilities the school provides to its football team and must include, without limitation:

     (a) An equal amount of space for spotters and for persons communicating from the sideline of the field of play;

     (b) Adequate space to record the play-off on film or videotape;

     (c) Portable heaters and any other warming devices; and

     (d) Adequate seating for the fans of each visiting team.

     2.  Each school that fails to provide facilities pursuant to subsection 1 may not host a play-off for 2 years after it fails to provide those facilities.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.726)

Boys’ Golf

     NAC 385B.450  Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a season of boys’ golf at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for boys’ golf. The state tournament must be conducted at the time and date specified by the Board. The Executive Director and the director of each state tournament shall, before the beginning of the state tournament, select the location for that tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.727)

     NAC 385B.452  Tournaments. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The rules of golf established by the United States Golf Association or its successor organization govern the conduct of each state tournament for boys’ golf.

     2.  Each team that participates in a state tournament for boys’ golf must consist of five or six members. Each state tournament for boys’ golf must be:

     (a) Completed in 2 days during which 36 holes are played; and

     (b) Scored as 2 events consisting of 18 holes for each event.

     3.  Each league or regional tournament for boys’ golf must be completed in not more than 2 days, as determined by:

     (a) The league or region;

     (b) The director of the tournament; and

     (c) The Executive Director.

     4.  A team or a pupil who is a member of a team that participates in a state tournament for boys’ golf shall not, within 7 days before the tournament, participate in a practice round or play any hole on the course designated for that tournament. If a team violates a provision of this subsection, the director of the tournament shall impose a penalty of 10 strokes against that team for the violation for the tournament. If a pupil violates a provision of this subsection, the director of the tournament shall impose a penalty of 2 strokes against that pupil for the violation for the tournament.

     5.  A school that hosts a state tournament for boys’ golf shall not, within 7 days before the tournament, conduct a golf tournament on the course designated for the state tournament. A league or region shall not, during a season of boys’ golf, host a league or regional tournament for boys’ golf if the course designated for the league or regional tournament is the course designated for the state tournament for that season.

     6.  If the scores of a team that participates in a state tournament result in a tie score for the team for the tournament or for a round of golf played by the team during that tournament, the team shall break the tie in the manner specified by the Association.

     7.  If approved by the owner or operator of the golf course where a state tournament is played, a spectator may enter the golf course to view the tournament in any area of the golf course designated by the owner or operator for that purpose.

     8.  Each coach of a team that participates in a state tournament shall, at least 45 minutes before the tournament begins, meet with the director of the tournament and the coaches of the other teams that will participate in the tournament to discuss the rules and regulations for the tournament and to receive any instructions from the director of the tournament concerning the tournament. The meeting must be conducted at a location specified by the director of the tournament.

     9.  The director of a state tournament:

     (a) Shall ensure that a scorer who is at least 18 years of age accompanies each group of participants in the tournament during any period in which the group participates in a round of golf for the tournament; and

     (b) May authorize a member of a team that participates in the tournament to use a pull cart during the tournament.

     10.  Before a state tournament begins, the director of the tournament shall appoint a person to interpret the rules for the tournament. A decision made by a person appointed pursuant to this subsection relating to those rules is a final decision and may not be appealed.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.728)

Girls’ Golf

     NAC 385B.454  Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a season of girls’ golf at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for girls’ golf which must be conducted at the time and date specified by the Board. The Executive Director and the director of a state tournament shall, before the beginning of the state tournament, select the location for that tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.729)

     NAC 385B.456  Tournaments. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The rules of golf established by the United States Golf Association or its successor organization govern the conduct of each state tournament for girls’ golf.

     2.  Each team that participates in a state tournament for girls’ golf must consist of five or six members. Each state tournament for girls’ golf must be:

     (a) Completed in 2 days during which 36 holes are played; and

     (b) Scored as 2 events consisting of 18 holes for each event.

     3.  Each league or regional tournament for girls’ golf must be completed in not more than 2 days, as determined by:

     (a) The league or region;

     (b) The director of the tournament; and

     (c) The Executive Director.

     4.  A team or a pupil who is a member of a team that participates in a state tournament for girls’ golf shall not, within 7 days before the tournament, participate in a practice round or play any hole on the course designated for that tournament. If a team violates a provision of this subsection, the director of the tournament shall impose a penalty of 10 strokes against that team for the violation for the tournament. If a pupil violates a provision of this subsection, the director of the tournament shall impose a penalty of two strokes against that pupil for the violation for the tournament.

     5.  A school that hosts a state tournament for girls’ golf shall not, within 7 days before the tournament, conduct a golf tournament on the course designated for the state tournament. A league or region shall not, during a season of girls’ golf, host a league or regional tournament for girls’ golf if the course designated for the league or regional tournament is the course designated for the state tournament for that season.

     6.  If the scores of a team that participates in a state tournament result in a tie score for the team for the tournament or for a round of golf played by the team during that tournament, the team shall break the tie in the manner specified by the Association.

     7.  If approved by the owner or operator of the golf course where a state tournament is played, a spectator may enter the course to view the tournament in any area of the course that is designated by the owner or operator for that purpose.

     8.  Each coach of a team that participates in a state tournament shall, at least 45 minutes before the tournament begins, meet with the director of the tournament and the coaches of the other teams that will participate in the tournament to discuss the rules and regulations of the tournament and to receive any instructions from the director of the tournament concerning the tournament. The meeting must be conducted at a location specified by the director of the tournament.

     9.  The director of a state tournament:

     (a) Shall ensure that a scorer who is at least 18 years of age accompanies each group of participants in the tournament during any period in which the group participates in a round of golf for the tournament; and

     (b) May authorize a member of a team that participates in the tournament to use a pull cart during the tournament.

     10.  Before a state tournament begins, the director of the tournament shall appoint a person to interpret the rules for the tournament. A decision made by a person appointed pursuant to this subsection relating to those rules is a final decision and may not be appealed.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.730)


     NAC 385B.458  Date for beginning practice; end of season; games. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a soccer season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for soccer.

     2.  Each school where a soccer game is conducted shall ensure that the game is timed in the manner prescribed by the Board. A school shall not participate in a soccer game that is scheduled during the regular season after the play-offs begin for the league in which the school is aligned pursuant to NAC 385B.250.

     3.  Each postseason soccer game must be approved by the Board.

     4.  The Executive Director shall determine the date, time and place for conducting each soccer play-off game.

     5.  A school shall not allow a team of the school that participates in soccer as a sanctioned sport to participate in more than 18 games or more than 2 tournaments, other than a play-off game that is approved by the Executive Director, during the regular season in which the team participates in soccer. If a member of the team is selected to participate in the United States Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program and, after being selected, the member participates in a game conducted for that Program, the game must not be counted toward the maximum number of games or tournaments in which the team may participate pursuant to this subsection.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.731)

     NAC 385B.460  Required practice; interschool scrimmages. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school that participates in soccer as a sanctioned sport shall not participate in an interschool soccer scrimmage unless the school completes at least 5 days of team practice.

     2.  A school that completes the number of days of practice specified in subsection 1 may, before the date established by the Board for the beginning of soccer practice pursuant to NAC 385B.458, participate in not more than two interschool soccer scrimmages.

     3.  A school shall not participate in an interschool soccer scrimmage after conducting the first regularly scheduled game of the soccer season.

     4.  Each school and each pupil who participates in soccer as a sanctioned sport shall, before competing in a scheduled interschool soccer game, complete at least 10 days of team practice.

     5.  As used in this section, “scrimmage” means a practice soccer game in which:

     (a) The score is not kept;

     (b) The coach for each team is present on the field of play to direct the team for which he or she is a coach;

     (c) Admission is not charged;

     (d) Donations are not accepted or solicited; and

     (e) Spectators are not encouraged to attend.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.732)

     NAC 385B.462  Manual of alignment of schools; tournaments; determination of championship team. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  As soon as practicable after the Board aligns a school that participates in soccer as a sanctioned sport in a league pursuant to NAC 385B.250, the Board shall include that alignment in a manual prepared by the Association for that purpose.

     2.  Each league in which a school is aligned shall, in the manner prescribed by the Board, conduct a regional tournament for each soccer season to determine the schools in the league that may participate in the state play-offs for that season. The championship team for each class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 must be determined in the manner specified by the Board.

     3.  If a state, league or regional soccer tournament ends in a tie score, not more than 2 sudden-death overtime periods, consisting of 15 minutes each, may be conducted. If the score remains tied upon the expiration of the second overtime period, the winning team must be determined by kicks from the mark.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.733)

     NAC 385B.464  Availability of persons to provide soccer balls during game. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school where a soccer game is conducted shall, before the beginning of the game, ensure that at least two persons are available to provide soccer balls during the game.

     2.  If a school fails to comply with the provisions of subsection 1, the sports official for the game shall, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the violation, report the violation to the Executive Director.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.735)


     NAC 385B.470  Date for beginning practice; end of season. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a softball season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for softball.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.736)

     NAC 385B.472  Interschool scrimmages. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A team that participates in softball as a sanctioned sport may, before participating in the first regularly scheduled softball game of a season, participate in not more than two interschool softball scrimmages. The team shall not participate in a scrimmage after it participates in the first softball game of the season.

     2.  As used in this section, “scrimmage” means a practice softball game in which:

     (a) The score is not kept;

     (b) Unpaid sports officials are used;

     (c) A coach may substitute a player in the game for another player in the game; and

     (d) A coach may temporarily stop the game to correct an error committed by a player in the game for whom he or she is a coach.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.737)

     NAC 385B.474  Protest of game. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A coach of a team that participates in a softball game as a sanctioned sport may protest the game by notifying an umpire for the game of that fact. The protest must be submitted to the umpire:

     (a) At the time the play that is the subject of the protest is completed, but before the next pitch after that play; or

     (b) If the play that is the subject of the protest is the final play of the game, before the umpire leaves the field of play.

     2.  An umpire who is notified of a protest pursuant to subsection 1 shall, if he or she is not the umpire-in-chief for the game, bring the protest to the attention of the umpire-in-chief. If a protest is brought to the attention of the umpire-in-chief pursuant to this subsection, the umpire-in-chief shall immediately inform the coach of the opposing team and the official scorekeeper of the game that the game is played under protest.

     3.  If a coach protests a game pursuant to subsection 1, the coach or the school for which he or she coaches shall, within 48 hours after completion of the game, submit the protest in writing to the Commissioner. Each written protest submitted pursuant to this subsection must:

     (a) Describe clearly each play for which the written protest is submitted; and

     (b) Include a statement setting forth any adverse or unusual circumstances under which the play was conducted.

     4.  As soon as practicable after receiving a written protest pursuant to subsection 3, the Commissioner shall confer with the Executive Director concerning the protest. As soon as practicable after conferring with the Executive Director, the Commissioner shall provide a written report to each school that participated in the game for which the protest was submitted. The written report must include the determination of the Commissioner relating to the protest.

     5.  If the Commissioner upholds a protest pursuant to subsection 4 and determines that the game must be replayed, each team that participated in the game shall replay the game in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.476.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.738)

     NAC 385B.476  Replay of suspended game. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each team that participates in a suspended softball game shall, if the suspended game is replayed:

     (a) Begin the game from the point at which the game was suspended; and

     (b) Subject to the rules of the game, use the same lineup and batting order of players that were used by those teams during the suspended game.

     2.  If a team is not located in Carson City, Fallon, Henderson, Las Vegas, Minden, Reno or Sparks, Nevada, or South Lake Tahoe, California, the suspended game must be replayed:

     (a) Before the beginning of the first game that is conducted after the suspended game, if the teams that participated in the suspended game are scheduled to play each other again during the season in which the suspended game was played; or

     (b) At a location that is agreed upon by each team that participated in the suspended game, if those teams are not scheduled to play each other again during the season in which the suspended game was played.

     3.  If a team is located in Carson City, Fallon, Henderson, Las Vegas, Minden, Reno or Sparks, Nevada, or South Lake Tahoe, California, the suspended game must be replayed on the next date that is available on the schedule of games for each team that participates in the replayed game.

     4.  As used in this section, “suspended game” means a softball game:

     (a) That is stopped for any reason, including, without limitation, the failure of any artificial lights or water system used for the playing field; and

     (b) For which a winner is not determined.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.739)

     NAC 385B.478  Determination of championship team. (NRS 385B.060)  The championship team for softball for each class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 must be determined in the manner specified by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.740)

     NAC 385B.480  Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a team that is undefeated during a league, regional or state tournament for softball is the home team for each game of the tournament. If both teams that participate in the same game of the tournament have been defeated during the tournament, the team that is seeded highest for the tournament is the home team for the game.

     2.  If a team that participates in a championship game of a league, regional or state tournament for softball is undefeated during the tournament, and if the other team that participates in the game has been defeated during the tournament, the team that has been defeated is the home team for the game.

     3.  For each game of a regional or state tournament for softball in which teams that are seeded similarly have equal scoring records during the tournament, the home team for the game must be determined by the toss of a coin.

     4.  For each game of a league, regional or state tournament for softball, the home team may choose the dugout that it will use for the game.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.741)

     NAC 385B.482  Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a league, regional or state tournament for softball is cancelled or not completed because of weather or any natural disaster, or other unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause, the director of the tournament shall:

     (a) If arrangements for travel and weather permit, reschedule the tournament for completion on the next date that is available for each team that participates in the tournament; or

     (b) If arrangements for travel and weather do not permit, declare the team with the fewest losses for the tournament to be the championship team of the tournament. If no games have been conducted for the tournament or each team has an equal number of winning games for the tournament, the director of the tournament shall declare each team to be co-champions of the tournament. If the director of a tournament declares co-champions for a tournament pursuant to this paragraph and if that declaration affects the placement of a team in a bracket for a state tournament, the director of the tournament shall toss a coin to determine the bracket placement for the team for the state tournament.

     2.  The director of a league, regional or state tournament for softball shall not schedule a game pursuant to this section for completion on a Sunday.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.742)

     NAC 385B.484  Minimum length of official game. (NRS 385B.060)  A softball game is official for the purposes of this chapter if, upon the expiration of:

     1.  Four and one-half innings, the game is stopped for any reason and the home team is ahead in the score at the time the game is stopped; or

     2.  Five innings, the game is stopped for any reason and the visiting team is ahead in the score at the time the game is stopped.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.743)

     NAC 385B.486  Use of coaching boxes. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A coach of a team that participates in a softball game as a sanctioned sport may coach from the first or third base coaching box during that game if the team for which he or she is a coach is at bat.

     2.  A coach may allow a pupil to coach from the first or third base coaching box for the game if:

     (a) The pupil is in uniform and wears a protective batting helmet during any period in which he or she is in the first or third base coaching box;

     (b) The pupil is a registered member of the team; and

     (c) The team of which the pupil is a registered member is at bat.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.744)

     NAC 385B.488  Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each softball game must be conducted in accordance with the rules of softball adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization.

     2.  The 10-run rule set forth in the rules of softball specified in subsection 1 applies upon the completion of four and one-half innings of each softball game.

     3.  A team that participates in a softball game as a sanctioned sport at the level of junior varsity may not begin a new inning of the game after the expiration of 2 hours after the first pitch of the game unless the game is tied.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.745)


     NAC 385B.500  General requirements. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a swimming season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for swimming.

     2.  Each event that is held during a regional or state tournament for swimming must be conducted in the manner specified by the Board and the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization. The Executive Director shall, before each regional or state tournament, provide to each school that participates in the tournament a list setting forth each event for the tournament and the order in which each event will be conducted.

     3.  A pupil who participates in swimming as a sanctioned sport shall not participate in more than four events during any swim meet. The events must not include more than two individual events.

     4.  Each school that enrolls a pupil who participates in swimming as a sanctioned sport at that school shall comply with the rules of swimming adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization. Each pupil enrolled in that school who participates in swimming as a sanctioned sport shall, if wishing to establish a record of the performance in that sanctioned sport during a season, comply with those rules during any swim meet in which he or she participates.

     5.  The Association will not accept the qualifying times of a pupil for the state tournament for swimming unless the pupil:

     (a) Participates in a regional swimming championship; and

     (b) Obtains those times during that regional championship.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.746)


     NAC 385B.510  General requirements. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a tennis season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for tennis. The state tournament must be conducted at the date, time and place specified by the Board.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, each tennis game must be conducted in accordance with the rules of tennis adopted by the United States Tennis Association or its successor organization.

     3.  A 45-point round-robin format must be used for each regular or postseason tennis game. Each team that participates in tennis as a sanctioned sport must consist of three members who play singles games and six members who play as members of three doubles teams. A member of a team may not play both singles games and doubles games.

     4.  Each member of a team who plays singles games must play one set consisting of six games against each member of an opposing team who plays singles games. If the member wins a set, the member is entitled to receive two points for that set.

     5.  Each doubles team must play one set consisting of six games against each opposing doubles team. If a doubles team wins a set, the team is entitled to receive three points for that set. A doubles team may not receive more than 27 points for winning sets during a tennis match.

     6.  No person, other than a coach for a school, may provide instruction to a member of a team during a changeover that occurs during a set. Each coach shall ensure that each member of the team for which he or she is a coach wears a school uniform for tennis during the period in which the member participates in a tennis game as a member of that team. A school uniform for tennis is not required to consist of the colors of that school.

     7.  The individual portion of a league or regional tournament for tennis consists of a 32-singles draw and a 32-doubles draw. The two best teams in each league must qualify to participate in a regional tournament by using a 45-point round-robin format.

     8.  If a tennis match results in a tie score, the winner of the match must be determined in the manner specified in the manual prepared by the Association for that purpose.

     9.  Each state tournament for tennis must be conducted in accordance with the manual prepared by the Association for that purpose.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.747)

Track and Field

     NAC 385B.515  General requirements. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a track and field season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for track and field.

     2.  Each event that is held during a regional or state tournament for track and field must be conducted in the manner specified by the Board and the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization. The Executive Director shall, before each regional or state tournament, provide to each school that participates in the tournament a list setting forth each event for the tournament and the order in which each event will be conducted.

     3.  A pupil who participates in track and field as a sanctioned sport shall not participate in more than four events during any track and field meet, including, without limitation, any relay race.

     4.  Each school that enrolls a pupil who participates in track and field as a sanctioned sport at that school shall comply with the rules of track and field adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization. Each pupil enrolled in that school who participates in track and field as a sanctioned sport shall, if wishing to establish a record of the performance in that sanctioned sport during a season, comply with those rules during any track and field meet in which he or she participates.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.748)


     NAC 385B.520  Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages; conduct of games and matches. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a volleyball season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for volleyball.

     2.  A school shall not, after completion of the state tournament for volleyball for that season, organize a volleyball team or conduct a practice for the team until the date established by the Board for the beginning of practice for the next volleyball season.

     3.  A team at a school that participates in volleyball as a sanctioned sport may participate in not more than two interschool volleyball scrimmages during the period beginning on or after the date established by the Board for the season in which the scrimmage is played and ending on the first day of that season. The team shall not participate in a volleyball scrimmage after it participates in the first volleyball game of that season. As used in this subsection, “scrimmage” means a practice volleyball game in which:

     (a) The score is not kept;

     (b) Unpaid sports officials are used;

     (c) The period of play is divided into a number of equal assignments with running time kept; and

     (d) Spectators are not encouraged to attend.

     4.  If a team specified in subsection 2 participates in:

     (a) A match between the team and an alumni association for the school or a similarly organized group, the school shall include that match in the total number of matches or meets in which the team may participate pursuant to NAC 385B.378; or

     (b) A match between the team and any other team for a charitable purpose, the school shall include that match in the total number of matches or meets in which the team may participate pursuant to NAC 385B.378.

     5.  Each volleyball game must be conducted in accordance with the rules of volleyball adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization.

     6.  Before each volleyball match, the home team for the match shall select the bench where the home team will sit during the match. The sports official who is assigned to the match shall, by tossing a coin, determine the team that will serve first for the match. The captain of the visiting team for the match shall call the toss of the coin. If the captain wins the toss, he or she may choose whether his or her team will serve or receive. For the deciding game of the match, the captain of the home team shall call the toss of the coin. If the captain wins the toss, he or she may choose whether his or her team will serve or receive for that game. Any time-out that is taken during the match must not exceed 60 seconds if each team participating in the match is prepared to play during the time-out.

     7.  A pupil who participates in volleyball as a sanctioned sport shall not wear any jewelry during any volleyball match or warm-up activities for the match.

     8.  Before each volleyball match, each team that participates in the match may engage in:

     (a) Warm-up activities for the match for not more than 7 minutes; and

     (b) Shared serving for the match for not more than 2 minutes.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.749)

     NAC 385B.522  Format of games and matches; winner of match in which junior varsity or freshman team participates. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The following format applies to each volleyball game or match:

     (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, if a team wins three out of five games during a match, including any match that is conducted during a double-header, that team is the winner of the match;

     (b) Each game conducted during a match must consist of 25 points and must be won by at least 2 points;

     (c) Each deciding game of a match must consist of 15 points, which must be won by at least 2 points;

     (d) Each game must allow for the commission of a let-serve; and

     (e) Each team that participates in a game must be allowed not more than two time-outs during that game.

     2.  If a junior varsity or freshman team of a school participates in volleyball as a sanctioned sport, and if the team wins two out of three games during a volleyball match, that team is the winner of the match.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.750)

     NAC 385B.524  Class 1A teams with fewer than 15 members. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a pupil who is enrolled at a Class 1A school and who participates in volleyball as a sanctioned sport at that school may, during the same day, participate in a volleyball game for junior varsity players and a volleyball game for varsity players. A coach of a volleyball team at such a school shall not allow a pupil who is:

     (a) A member of the team to participate, during the same day, in a volleyball game for junior varsity players and a volleyball game for varsity players if the sole reason for allowing that participation is to win the game; or

     (b) A varsity player on the team to participate in a volleyball game as a junior varsity player if the team has a sufficient number of junior varsity players to participate in the game.

     2.  If a pupil participates in a volleyball game for junior varsity players and a volleyball game for varsity players during the same day pursuant to this section, the school where the game is conducted shall ensure that the game for junior varsity players is conducted before the game for varsity players.

     3.  If a team of a Class 1A school participates in a volleyball game and the membership of that team consists of junior varsity players and varsity players for the game pursuant to this section, the coach for the team shall, at least 10 minutes before the game:

     (a) Identify each junior varsity player and each varsity player on the team for the game; and

     (b) Submit the name of each pupil identified pursuant to paragraph (a) to the scorekeeper for the game.

     4.  A pupil of a Class 1A school shall not participate in a volleyball game for junior varsity players and a volleyball game for varsity players during the same day pursuant to this section unless each school against whom the pupil competes during that day agrees to allow the pupil to participate in that manner.

     5.  If a pupil who is a junior varsity player participates in a volleyball game for varsity players pursuant to this section, the pupil shall, during the period in which he or she participates in the game, wear a jersey that displays a number that is distinguishable from the numbers displayed on the jerseys of the varsity players who participate in the game.

     6.  The provisions of this section do not apply to a volleyball team that consists of 15 or more members.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.751)


     NAC 385B.530  Date for beginning practice; end of season; rules and regulations; headgear. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall establish the date upon which a school may begin practicing for a wrestling season at least 2 years before the beginning of the season. Each season ends upon completion of the state tournament for wrestling.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, each wrestling contest or meet must be conducted in accordance with the rules of wrestling adopted by the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization.

     3.  The regulations of the Association apply to each pupil who represents his or her school in wrestling.

     4.  Each pupil who participates in wrestling as a sanctioned sport shall, during any period in which he or she participates in a contest or meet for wrestling, wear headgear in the manner specified by the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.752)

     NAC 385B.532  Tournaments. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Before the beginning of each regional or state tournament for wrestling:

     (a) The Association will determine the date, time and place of the tournament; and

     (b) The Executive Director shall appoint a director for the tournament, unless the Board appoints the Executive Director to serve as the director of the tournament pursuant to NAC 385B.626. If the Executive Director appoints the director for the tournament, the director of the tournament must, as determined by the Executive Director, be qualified to supervise a wrestling tournament.

     2.  Each state tournament for wrestling must be conducted:

     (a) In accordance with the method of scoring set forth in the Wrestling Rules Book of the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization; and

     (b) In the manner specified by the Board.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.650 and 385B.652, the Association will purchase and present awards for recognition of achievement in each state tournament for wrestling.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.753)


     NAC 385B.550  Compliance with Spirit Rules Book and applicable regulations; establishment of requirements for eligibility; sanctioning and nature of activities. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each spirit squad shall comply with the provisions of the Spirit Rules Book of the National Federation of State High School Associations and any applicable regulations of the Association during any period in which the spirit squad participates in a competition or event that is sanctioned by the Association.

     2.  Each school district in this State may, for each school in the district, establish the requirements for eligibility for a pupil to become a member of the spirit squad of the school, including, without limitation, the requirements for academic eligibility for the pupil to become or remain a member of the spirit squad.

     3.  Any competition or other activity engaged in by a spirit squad:

     (a) Must be sanctioned by the Association pursuant to NAC 385B.564.

     (b) Is not a sanctioned sport for the purposes of this chapter.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R136-05, 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.754)

     NAC 385B.552  Responsibilities of coach; duration of season; tryouts and selection for membership; activities between seasons. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school may require a coach of a spirit squad of the school to report to the athletic administrator or athletic director of the school concerning any activities of the spirit squad. The coach shall cooperate with each member of the administration of the school to promote sportsmanship and encourage school spirit and pride.

     2.  The season for a spirit squad of a school begins on the first day in which the football team of the school may begin noncontact practice pursuant to NAC 385B.438. The spirit squad may not begin practice for the season before the first day of that noncontact practice. Each season for a spirit squad ends:

     (a) Upon the completion of the state tournament for basketball; or

     (b) Upon the expiration of 7 days after the completion of the state tournament for basketball, if the spirit squad participates in the state tournament for spirit squads.

     3.  A school may conduct tryouts for membership on a spirit squad of the school for not more than 5 consecutive days:

     (a) Beginning on or after the date of completion of the state tournament for basketball for a school year and ending on the final day of that school year; or

     (b) Beginning on the first day of the season for the spirit squad for a school year beginning in August.

     4.  Each coach of a spirit squad of a school may select the members of the spirit squad in accordance with the procedures established by the coach for that purpose.

     5.  During any period that is not the season for a spirit squad for a school, a member of the spirit squad may engage in conditioning or participate in activities at a camp for spirit squads for not more than 15 days as determined by the school and the coach of the spirit squad.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7541)

     NAC 385B.554  Number and membership of squads: Restrictions; authority of coach and school. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school may establish not more than the following number of spirit squads to perform cheers or stunts:

     (a) One varsity spirit squad;

     (b) One junior varsity spirit squad; and

     (c) One freshman spirit squad.

     2.  Each varsity spirit squad that performs cheers or stunts must not exceed 20 members, not including the mascot for the school, each junior varsity spirit squad that performs cheers or stunts must not exceed 14 members and each freshman spirit squad that performs cheers or stunts must not exceed 12 members. The coach of each such spirit squad may determine the placement of each member on the spirit squad.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a school may specify the number of members of a spirit squad that may perform during an event. If a spirit squad performs as a stunt, dance, drill or pom group and the spirit squad is combined with a spirit squad that performs cheers, the number of members of the combined spirit squad must not exceed 20 members.

     4.  The coach of a spirit squad of a school may, during any play-off game for football in which the school participates or for any performance conducted during the halftime of a football or basketball game in which the school participates, specify the number of members of the spirit squad who may perform during the play-off game or halftime. The coach shall not allow a pupil to engage in activities as a member of the varsity spirit squad, junior varsity spirit squad or freshman spirit squad pursuant to this subsection unless the pupil is a regular member of the spirit squad.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7542)

     NAC 385B.556  Separate tryouts for fall and winter seasons; separate squad to perform stunts. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school may conduct separate tryouts for spirit squads for the fall season and the winter season of a school year. The number of members of a spirit squad formed pursuant to this subsection must not exceed the number of members of the appropriate spirit squad specified in NAC 385B.554.

     2.  A school may establish a separate spirit squad to perform stunts during a season specified in subsection 1. The number of members of such a spirit squad must be included in the maximum number of members allowed for the spirit squad pursuant to NAC 385B.554.

     3.  The provisions of this section do not authorize a school to extend or limit the duration of seasons for spirit squads established pursuant to NAC 385B.552.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7543)

     NAC 385B.558  Members of squads: Participation in sanctioned sports; participation in activities not sponsored by school. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who is a member of a spirit squad at a school may participate in a sanctioned sport during the season for the spirit squad if the coach of the spirit squad and the principal of the school approve the participation of the pupil in the sanctioned sport.

     2.  A pupil who is a member of a spirit squad at a school:

     (a) Shall comply with the provisions of NAC 385B.376; and

     (b) May not engage in an activity as a member of a spirit squad that is not sponsored by the school during the season for the spirit squad. The provisions of this subsection do not prohibit a pupil from engaging in practice or enrolling in a class relating to spirit squads during that season.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7544)

     NAC 385B.560  Attendance of and participation in certain competitions and events prohibited unless sanctioned by Association. (NRS 385B.060)  A spirit squad of a school shall not attend or participate in any of the following competitions or events unless the competition or event is sanctioned by the Association:

     1.  Any competition or event that is conducted in this State and is sponsored or cosponsored by an organization other than a member school;

     2.  Any competition or event that is conducted in this State and is sponsored by a member school, regardless of whether the competition or event includes a school from another state; or

     3.  Any competition or event that:

     (a) Is conducted in another state;

     (b) Is attended by a member school; and

     (c) Is sponsored or cosponsored by:

          (1) A school that is a member of the authorized athletic association of the other state; or

          (2) An organization other than a school specified in subparagraph (1).

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7545)

     NAC 385B.562  Conduct of and reference to competitions and events. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each school that sponsors or cosponsors a competition or event for spirit squads that is sanctioned by the Association shall ensure that the competition or event is conducted in accordance with:

     (a) The Spirit Rules Book of the National Federation of State High School Associations;

     (b) The rules of the school; and

     (c) The laws and regulations of the state in which the school sponsors or cosponsors the competition or event.

     2.  A school or organization that sponsors or cosponsors a competition or event for spirit squads that is sanctioned by the Association in this State shall not refer to the competition or event as a Nevada state competition.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7546)

     NAC 385B.564  Application for sanctioning of competition or event: Requirements for submission; action on application; penalty for late submission. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each application for the sanctioning of a competition or event by the Association must be submitted on a form furnished by the Association. The application must:

     (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, be submitted to the Association not later than 30 days before the competition or event; and

     (b) Be accompanied by:

          (1) A copy of each regulation or rule applicable for conducting the competition or event;

          (2) Proof of liability insurance;

          (3) A list setting forth the name of each state, school or group that is invited to attend the competition or event; and

          (4) Any other information required by the Association.

     2.  As soon as practicable after receiving an application, the Executive Director or a person designated by the Executive Director shall review the application. As soon as practicable after approving or denying the application, the Association will submit a written notification of the approval or denial of the application to the applicant and each member school. If an applicant fails to submit the application within the period specified in subsection 1, and if the application is approved, the applicant must pay to the Association a penalty in the amount of $100.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7547)

     NAC 385B.566  Attendance of or participation in competition or event: Ascertainment of sanctioning; penalty if not sanctioned; approval required; position of Association; prohibition; duty of coach. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school may determine whether the Association has sanctioned a competition or event by accessing the website of the Association at or

     2.  If a spirit squad of a school attends or participates in a competition or event that is not sanctioned by the Association, the Association may impose a penalty against the school in the amount of $500.

     3.  Before a spirit squad of a school may attend or participate in a competition or event that is sanctioned by the Association, the principal of the school or a designee thereof must approve the attendance or participation of the school in the competition or event.

     4.  The Association:

     (a) Encourages each school to authorize each spirit squad of the school to attend or participate in not more than three sanctioned competitions or events during the season for the spirit squad.

     (b) Does not require or encourage a school to attend or participate in any competition or event sanctioned by the Association.

     5.  A spirit squad of a school shall not participate in any competition for spirit squads that is conducted after the end of the season for the spirit squad established pursuant to NAC 385B.552. Each coach of a spirit squad shall ensure that the spirit squad complies with the provisions of subsection 1 of NAC 385B.550.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R136-05, eff. 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.7548)



     NAC 385B.600  Determination of championship: Participation by school in only one series of play-off games, tournaments or elimination meets; declaration based on percentage rating for regular season. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school shall not participate in more than one series of league, regional or state play-off games, tournaments or elimination meets to determine the championship for a sanctioned sport.

     2.  The provisions of this section do not prohibit the Executive Director from declaring a champion in a sanctioned sport based on a percentage rating for a school for the regular season for the sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.755)

State Tournaments

     NAC 385B.602  Submission of schedule to member schools. (NRS 385B.060)  As soon as practicable after scheduling a state tournament for a sanctioned sport, the Executive Director shall submit the schedule for the state tournament to each member school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.768)

     NAC 385B.604  Procedure when cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.412 and 385B.482, if a state tournament is cancelled or not completed because of weather or a natural disaster, or any other unforeseeable and unavoidable cause, the director of the tournament:

     (a) Shall, if practicable, complete the state tournament in accordance with the schedule for the state tournament by using any available means, including, without limitation, imposing a delay or postponement or using an abbreviated schedule for the state tournament; or

     (b) May, if unable to complete the state tournament pursuant to paragraph (a), reschedule the state tournament for completion within a reasonable period and at a location that is convenient to each school competing in the state tournament if the superintendent of schools of each school district that is involved in the state tournament approves the rescheduling.

     2.  The director of a tournament shall not schedule a game, contest or meet pursuant to this section for completion on a Sunday.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.769)

     NAC 385B.606  Replacement of qualifying participant; notice of intention to use alternate member of team. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a pupil, after qualifying to participate in a state tournament, is unable to participate in that tournament because of an illness or injury that is verified by a physician or because of academic ineligibility or any other justifiable cause:

     (a) The pupil who is the next best qualifier in the tournament for the school may participate in the tournament; and

     (b) Each member of the team may advance one place. If a participant who is in the lowest place is not available to advance to the next highest place, the lowest place must remain unfilled for the school during the tournament.

     2.  If a coach intends to use an alternate member of a team to participate in a state tournament, the coach shall notify the director of the tournament of that fact at least 24 hours before the tournament begins.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.770)

Local, Regional and State Tournaments

     NAC 385B.610  Determination of events for inclusion; location of events within State. (NRS 385B.060)  Before each league, regional or state tournament for a sanctioned sport, the Board shall determine each event that must be included in the league, regional or state tournament. The Board shall ensure that each event for a state tournament is conducted in this State unless the Board and the league or region for which the Board conducts the state tournament agree upon a location for the event that is outside this State.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.756)

     NAC 385B.612  Conduct at location other than school. (NRS 385B.060)  If a league, regional or state tournament is conducted at a location other than a school:

     1.  Any facility that the Association uses or retains for the tournament shall be deemed to be the property of a school during the period in which the tournament is conducted; and

     2.  Any statute, regulation, ordinance or policy that applies to the use of any property of a school shall be deemed to apply to any facility specified in subsection 1 during the period specified in that subsection.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.757)

     NAC 385B.614  Representation of participating school by band or other group. (NRS 385B.060)  Any band or other group from a school that participates in a league, regional or state tournament may, if approved by the director of the tournament, represent the school at the tournament. The band or group:

     1.  Shall comply with any requirements imposed by the director of the tournament relating to any activities of the band or group at the tournament;

     2.  May not appear on behalf of the school during any period other than the halftime for each game in which the school participates; and

     3.  May attend the tournament without paying admission if the band or group dresses in uniform during each period in which the band or group appears on behalf of the school during the tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.758)

     NAC 385B.616  Manual of formats; establishment and approval of formats. (NRS 385B.060)  The Association will set forth in a manual prepared by the Association for that purpose the format for each tournament for a sanctioned sport for each class established pursuant to NAC 385B.250. Each format included in the manual must be:

     1.  Established by:

     (a) The committee appointed pursuant to NAC 385B.250; and

     (b) Each league for the sanctioned sport established pursuant to NAC 385B.250; and

     2.  Approved by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.759)

     NAC 385B.618  Submission by class or league of proposed change in format. (NRS 385B.060)  Each class or league established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may submit to the Executive Director any proposed change in the format of a state tournament or a tournament for the class or league. A proposed change submitted pursuant to this subsection must include, without limitation, the following information for the proposed change:

     1.  The proposed brackets for the tournament;

     2.  The results of a survey of each school conducted by the class or league concerning the benefit of the proposed change;

     3.  The estimated expenses for travel to and from the tournament;

     4.  The estimated time away from classes that each pupil will incur to participate in the tournament; and

     5.  The estimated cost of the proposed change.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.760)

     NAC 385B.620  Establishment of price of admission; disposition of proceeds. (NRS 385B.060)  Before each league, regional or state tournament, the Board shall establish the price of admission for the tournament. All proceeds received from the tournament, after deducting any allowable expenses, must be submitted to the Executive Director for use by the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.761)

     NAC 385B.622  Retention of proceeds by Association. (NRS 385B.060)  The Association will retain, after deducting any allowable expenses, all proceeds received from conducting a league, regional or state tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.762)

     NAC 385B.624  Solicitation of spectator for purpose other than admission or related services. (NRS 385B.060)  Unless approved by the Executive Director, a person shall not, during any play-off game or tournament that is conducted by the Association, solicit a spectator at the game or tournament for any purpose other than for admission to the game or tournament or for any related services at the game or tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.763)

     NAC 385B.626  Director of regional or state tournament: Appointment; compensation. (NRS 385B.060)  Before each regional or state tournament for a sanctioned sport, the Executive Director shall, unless the Board appoints the Executive Director to serve as the director of the tournament:

     1.  Appoint a director for the tournament; and

     2.  Determine the compensation for each director appointed pursuant to subsection 1 for the tournament for which he or she is appointed.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.764)

     NAC 385B.628  Sports officials for tournaments: Assignment; compensation. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director or a designee thereof shall assign sports officials for each league, regional or state tournament. The Board shall determine the amount of compensation for each of those sports officials for the tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.765)

     NAC 385B.630  Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 1A or 2A region or regional tournament for Class 1A or 2A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director shall not schedule or conduct:

     (a) A state tournament for a sanctioned sport for a Class 1A or 2A region unless at least nine teams from the region participate in the region during the season for the sanctioned sport; or

     (b) A regional tournament for a sanctioned sport for a Class 1A or 2A league unless at least three teams from the league participate in the league during the season for the sanctioned sport.

     2.  For the purpose of this section, a team that participates in a sanctioned sport specified in this subsection must consist of the following number of participants for that sanctioned sport, as determined by the roster of participants prepared by the Association for that purpose for the season for the sanctioned sport:

     (a) Cross-country, not less than five participants;

     (b) Golf, not less than five participants;

     (c) Tennis, not less than four participants;

     (d) Track and field for boys or girls, not less than one participant in each of at least 14 events; and

     (e) Wrestling, not less than one participant in each of at least seven weight classifications.

     3.  If, during a season for a sanctioned sport specified in subsection 2, the number of participants in the sanctioned sport falls below the number of participants required for the sanctioned sport pursuant to that subsection, the reduction in that number does not affect the status of the team for the season.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.766)

     NAC 385B.632  Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 3A or 4A region or regional tournament for Class 3A or 4A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director shall not schedule or conduct:

     (a) A state tournament for a sanctioned sport for a Class 3A or 4A region unless at least nine teams from the region participate in the sanctioned sport during the season for the sanctioned sport; or

     (b) A regional tournament for a sanctioned sport for a Class 3A or 4A league unless at least four teams from the league participate in a sanctioned sport during the season for the sanctioned sport.

     2.  For the purposes of this section, a team that participates in a sanctioned sport specified in this subsection must consist of the following number of participants for that sanctioned sport, as determined by the roster of participants prepared by the Association for that purpose for the season for the sanctioned sport:

     (a) Cross-country, not less than five participants;

     (b) Golf, not less than five participants;

     (c) Tennis, not less than four participants;

     (d) Track and field for boys or girls, not less than one participant in each of at least 14 events; and

     (e) Wrestling, not less than one participant in each of at least seven weight classifications.

     3.  If, during a season for a sanctioned sport specified in subsection 2, the number of participants in the sanctioned sport falls below the number of participants required for the sanctioned sport pursuant to that subsection, the reduction in that number does not affect the status of the team for the season.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.767)


     NAC 385B.640  Presumption regarding game, contest or meet for varsity players; determination of standings for play-offs. (NRS 385B.060)  Except as otherwise provided in a contract or other agreement between two or more schools to conduct a game, contest or meet, the Association will:

     1.  Presume that each game, contest or meet for varsity players for a sanctioned sport in which at least two schools participate is between the strongest representative team for each of those schools; and

     2.  Use each game, contest or meet for a sanctioned sport specified in subsection 1 in determining the standings for scheduling and bracketing for play-offs for the sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.771)

     NAC 385B.642  Determinations by Executive Director. (NRS 385B.060)  The Executive Director shall determine the date, time and place for conducting each play-off game, including the manner in which a tiebreaker must be conducted within a league, regional or state play-off.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.772)


     NAC 385B.650  Determination of number; awarding of league and regional trophies and medals. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section and NAC 385B.652, the Board shall determine the number of awards for each sanctioned sport for each season for that sanctioned sport.

     2.  The Executive Director shall award a league and regional trophy to the championship team for each league and region for each season for a sanctioned sport. If a play-off or tournament is not conducted for a league or region for a season, the Executive Director shall award a trophy to the championship team for the league or region. If a tournament for the championship in a sanctioned sport results in a tie score for the tournament, the Executive Director shall award a trophy to each team with a tie score for the tournament.

     3.  The Executive Director shall award medals for each league and region as follows:

     (a) Cross-country, to the first six places.

     (b) Girls’ golf, to the first five places.

     (c) Swimming, to the first five places in each event.

     (d) Tennis, to the first four places in singles and doubles competition.

     (e) Track and field for Class 1A and 2A, to the first four places in each event.

     (f) Track and field for Class 3A for the Northern League, to the first five places in each event.

     (g) Track and field for Class 3A for the Southern League, to the first three places in each event.

     (h) Track and field for Class 4A, to the first five places in each event.

     (i) Wrestling for Class 2A, to the first four places in each weight classification.

     (j) Wrestling for Class 3A for the Northern League, to the first five places in each weight classification.

     (k) Wrestling for Class 3A for the Southern League, to the first three places in each weight classification.

     (l) Wrestling for Class 4A, to the first five places in each weight classification.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.773)

     NAC 385B.652  Awarding of state trophies and medals; purchase of additional medals. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director shall award a state trophy to each state champion and each second place contestant in each sanctioned sport.

     2.  The Executive Director shall award state medals as follows:

     (a) For the fall season:

          (1) Cross-country, to each member of the championship team, in addition to the first seven places.

          (2) Girls’ golf, to each member of the championship team, in addition to the first five places.

          (3) Football, to each member of the championship team.

          (4) Soccer, to each member of the championship team.

          (5) Tennis, to each member of the championship team, in addition to the first four places in singles and doubles competition.

          (6) Girls’ volleyball, to each member of the championship team.

     (b) For the winter season:

          (1) Bowling, to each member of the championship team.

          (2) Basketball, to each member of the championship team.

          (3) Skiing, to each member of the championship team.

          (4) Wrestling, to the first four places in each weight classification for an 8-man bracket or the first six places in each weight classification for a 16-man bracket.

     (c) For the spring season:

          (1) Baseball, to each member of the championship team.

          (2) Boys’ golf, to each member of the championship team, in addition to the first five places.

          (3) Softball, to each member of the championship team.

          (4) Swimming and diving, to the first four places in each event.

          (5) Track and field, to the first four places in each event.

          (6) Boys’ volleyball, to each member of the championship team.

     3.  If a state tournament for the championship in a sanctioned sport results in a tie score for the state tournament, the Executive Director shall award a trophy and medal to each team with a tie score for the state tournament.

     4.  A member school may purchase additional medals from any person who has contracted with the Association to provide medals to the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.774)

     NAC 385B.654  Limitation on retail value. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, if a pupil enrolls in a school and participates in a sanctioned sport at that school, the pupil shall not accept any medal, cup, trophy or other award for competing in an athletic event if the retail value of the medal, cup, trophy or award is more than $200.

     2.  The provisions of subsection 1 do not apply to a pupil specified in that subsection who qualifies for the “Operation Gold” program sponsored by the United States Olympic Committee.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.775)

Eligibility of Pupils and Coaches

General Provisions

     NAC 385B.700  Registration of pupils: Applicability of certain provisions. (NRS 385B.060)  The provisions of NAC 385B.702 and 385B.704 apply to each school concerning the registration of a pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.776)

     NAC 385B.702  Registration of pupils: Duties of school and pupil; rosters; scheduling of first game, contest or meet of season; penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A school shall ensure that each pupil who attends the school registers with the Executive Director before the pupil participates in any sanctioned sport. The registration must be completed on a form approved by the Executive Director.

     2.  A pupil must register separately for each sanctioned sport in which he or she participates during each school year.

     3.  Each initial roster prepared by a school must be mailed or transmitted by facsimile machine to the Executive Director and must be postmarked or dated by a facsimile machine on or before the date of the first game, contest or meet that is authorized for the sanctioned sport by the Association. Any name added to the initial roster must be received by the Executive Director before the pupil whose name is added to the roster is eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport.

     4.  A school shall not schedule the first game, contest or meet of a sanctioned sport until 10 days after the first day of the season for the sanctioned sport.

     5.  A school that fails to comply with subsection 3 shall pay a fine of $100 to the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.777)

     NAC 385B.704  Registration of pupils: Adoption by school district of additional requirements for eligibility. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 385B.170, any school district that has jurisdiction over a school may adopt additional requirements for eligibility that are stricter than the requirements for eligibility set forth in NAC 385B.700 to 385B.798, inclusive, if:

     (a) The school district that proposes to adopt stricter requirements submits a copy of the proposed requirements to the Executive Director at least 30 days before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board;

     (b) The proposed requirements identify the regulations adopted by the Association that the school district proposes to amend; and

     (c) The Board approves the proposed requirements at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

     2.  The Board shall, within 30 days after reviewing a proposed requirement pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 1, send a written notice of its decision to the school district.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.778)

     NAC 385B.706  General requirements for eligibility of pupil. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil is eligible to participate or practice in a sanctioned sport if the pupil:

     1.  Is enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade in a school where he or she is registered to participate in the sanctioned sport;

     2.  Resides within the zone of attendance of the school in accordance with NAC 385B.712;

     3.  Complies with the regulations of the Association, the school and the school district that has jurisdiction over the school relating to eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport;

     4.  Has not received a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma;

     5.  Is not enrolled full-time at a college, junior college or other postsecondary educational institution;

     6.  Has not participated on an athletic team of a college, junior college or other postsecondary educational institution; and

     7.  Has not participated in a sanctioned sport as a professional athlete.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011; R060-15, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.779)

     NAC 385B.708  Maximum allowable participation by pupil. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, after a pupil enrolls in the ninth grade, the pupil is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for not more than eight consecutive semesters.

     2.  A pupil is not eligible to participate:

     (a) For more than four seasons in any sanctioned sport; or

     (b) In the same sanctioned sport more than once during a school year.

     3.  A pupil who, because of substandard academic performance, enrolls in the ninth grade during the second academic semester of a school year shall be deemed to have been eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport as of the first academic semester of that school year. Such a pupil shall be deemed to be a member of the class which enrolled in the ninth grade during the first academic semester of the school year and the pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport after the school year during which the class is scheduled to graduate.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R050-05, 12-29-2005) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.780)

     NAC 385B.710  Limitation on and record of age of pupil. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil whose 20th birthday occurs during a season is ineligible to participate in any sanctioned sport during that season and any season that is conducted after that date.

     2.  Each school shall maintain a record indicating the age of each pupil who:

     (a) Is enrolled in the school; and

     (b) Participates in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.781)

     NAC 385B.712  Residency of pupil: General requirements. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  To be eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport, a pupil must attend the school that is located in the zone of attendance of the residence of a parent or legal guardian of the pupil as determined by the school district in which the residence is located. A pupil enrolled in a school based on an affidavit of residency is not eligible to participate in any sanctioned sport at the school.

     2.  A pupil whose parents are divorced or separated is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school that is located within the zone of attendance of the residence of the parent having primary physical custody of the pupil as determined by an order or decree issued by a court of competent jurisdiction establishing that the parent has been awarded primary physical custody of the pupil.

     3.  If the primary physical custody of a pupil whose parents are divorced or separated is jointly shared at the separate residences of the parents and if the pupil:

     (a) Was enrolled in a member school at the time of the divorce or separation, the pupil remains eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at that member school.

     (b) Was not enrolled in a member school at the time of the divorce or separation, the member school that is located within the zone of attendance of the residence of the pupil at the time of the divorce or separation is the pupil’s home school for the purposes of this chapter.

     4.  A pupil who begins ninth grade at a private school that serves all pupils who are located within the zone of attendance of the residence of a parent or legal guardian of the pupil is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at the private school.

     5.  For the purposes of this chapter, the Association will not recognize a temporary guardianship that is granted without the approval of a court pursuant to NRS 159.205 or 159.215.

     6.  A pupil is not eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at a school that is located within the zone of attendance of the legal guardian of the pupil unless the legal guardian has complied with subsection 3 of NAC 385B.718.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R050-05, 12-29-2005; R207-08 & R147-10, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.782)

     NAC 385B.714  Residency of pupil: Burden of proof; establishment of new residence; reestablishment of former residence. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The burden of proof rests with a parent or legal guardian of a pupil, or a pupil if he or she is 18 years of age or older and does not live with a parent or legal guardian, to prove to the satisfaction of the school district or the Executive Director, as appropriate, that the pupil has established a residence within the zone of attendance of a school.

     2.  A pupil who is 18 years of age or older and does not live with a parent or legal guardian must comply with subsection 6 of NAC 385B.718 to establish residency.

     3.  To establish residency pursuant to this section, a pupil or a parent or legal guardian of a pupil must submit to the school district or Executive Director, as appropriate, evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the school district or Executive Director the right of the pupil, parent or legal guardian to use the new residence, and other evidence establishing abandonment of the former residence by the pupil, parent or legal guardian. The evidence may include, without limitation:

     (a) A document indicating the sale of the former residence and the issuance of the deed for the new residence to the pupil, parent or legal guardian;

     (b) A document indicating the pupil, parent or legal guardian leases the new residence;

     (c) A bill for the payment of utility services, including a bill for telephone, power, sewer or garbage service at the new residence;

     (d) A driver’s license or certificate of registration of a vehicle that includes the address of the new residence;

     (e) A change of address included on a form for the registration of voters; and

     (f) Any other evidence indicating that the pupil or the parent or legal guardian resides at the new address.

     4.  If a pupil establishes eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to subsection 3 and, within 1 year after establishing that eligibility, reestablishes a residence in his or her former school district or zone of attendance, the pupil is ineligible to participate in interscholastic activities at the former school for 180 school days unless the pupil has complied with the provisions of NAC 385B.720.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.783)

     NAC 385B.716  Presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Any pupil who transfers to another school is presumed ineligible to participate in any sanctioned sport at the school to which the pupil transfers for 180 school days.

     2.  The presumption set forth in subsection 1 applies to a pupil who transfers from:

     (a) A school to another school within the same school district that has established zones of attendance for pupils who reside within that school district;

     (b) A school district to another school district; or

     (c) A public school to a private school, a private school to a public school or a private school to another private school within the zone of attendance.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, a pupil or a parent or legal guardian of the pupil may rebut the presumption set forth in subsection 1 by filing an appeal pursuant to NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive.

     4.  A pupil or a parent or legal guardian of a pupil may not rebut the presumption set forth in subsection 1 if the pupil transferred to another school within 1 year after the pupil:

     (a) Participated in an athletic event as a member of a team that is affiliated with the school to which he or she transferred, including, without limitation, an athletic event sponsored or conducted by the Amateur Athletic Union, the American Legion or a similar organization specified by the Executive Director; or

     (b) Received any athletic instruction from a person who is affiliated with that school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R147-10, 5-5-2011; R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.784)

     NAC 385B.718  Rebuttal of presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school; period of ineligibility of pupil who returns to former residence; deviation from certain provisions. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who transfers from a school to another school within the same school district or to another school district may, after filing an appeal pursuant to NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, rebut the presumption of ineligibility set forth in NAC 385B.716 if the pupil provides proof satisfactory to the Association that the parents or legal guardian of the pupil or, if the parents are divorced or separated, the parent who has legal custody of the pupil resides within the zone of attendance of the school or the boundaries of the school district to which the pupil transfers in accordance with the provisions of this section.

     2.  If the parents of a pupil specified in subsection 1 are not living together, the parent with whom the pupil resides must provide, in addition to the proof required by subsection 1, a certified copy of the order or decree issued by a court of competent jurisdiction establishing that the parent has been awarded physical custody of the pupil.

     3.  If a pupil specified in subsection 1 resides with a legal guardian, the legal guardian must provide, in addition to the proof required by subsection 1, a certified copy of the order or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction appointing that person as the legal guardian of the pupil and setting forth a specific finding by the court that the legal guardianship has not been established pursuant to NRS 159.205 or 159.215 and that:

     (a) The parents of the pupil are unfit or incapable of maintaining or caring for the pupil; or

     (b) The pupil is a delinquent who will benefit from the guardianship.

     4.  The exception set forth in subsection 3 applies only to a pupil for whom a legal guardian is appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction for the best interests of the pupil. If the Association determines that a legal guardianship has been established to circumvent the provisions of this chapter, the Association will refuse to recognize the legal guardianship and determine the eligibility of the pupil as if no legal guardianship existed.

     5.  If a guardianship is established for any reason other than the reasons set forth in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection 3, the legal guardian must provide, in addition to the proof required by subsection 1, proof satisfactory to the Association that a hardship exists.

     6.  If a pupil does not reside with a parent or legal guardian, the pupil must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she is living apart from the parent or legal guardian without financial support from any person or entity.

     7.  If a pupil or a parent or legal guardian of a pupil establishes by a preponderance of the evidence the matters set forth in subsection 1 at a hearing conducted pursuant to NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, the pupil is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport.

     8.  A pupil who is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to this section and who, within 1 year after becoming eligible, returns to the pupil’s former residence or a residence in the school district from which he or she transferred is ineligible to participate in the sanctioned sport for 180 school days after the date on which the pupil returns to that residence.

     9.  A school district consisting of more than one school is not required to comply with the requirements of this section if the school district imposes requirements that are stricter than the requirements set forth in this section.

     10.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 385B.170, if a high school is opened in a school district specified in subsection 9, the school district may submit a request to the Association to deviate from the regulations adopted by the Association relating to the transfer of pupils. Each request submitted pursuant to this subsection must include the regulations from which the school district wishes to deviate and the reason for each requested deviation. Upon approval of the request, the school district may, during the year in which the high school is opened, deviate from the regulations in the manner specified by the Association in its approval of the request.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007; R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.785)

     NAC 385B.720  Pupil who transfers to another school within same zone of attendance or after change in zone of attendance. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an eligible pupil who attends a school for at least 180 school days and transfers from a school to another school within the zone of attendance is ineligible to participate in any sanctioned sport in which the pupil’s name appeared on a roster of the Association for 180 school days after the date of the transfer. If the pupil transfers within the first 180 school days, he or she is ineligible:

     (a) For the remainder of the school year in which he or she transfers; and

     (b) For 180 school days after the date of the transfer.

     2.  A pupil who resides with a parent or legal guardian, or who is emancipated, and resides in an area that is affected by a change in the zone of attendance of a school, may transfer from a school to another school, regardless of whether the change in the zone of attendance was initiated to establish the zone of attendance for a new school or to carry out the rezoning of an existing school.

     3.  A pupil specified in subsection 2 may transfer from a school to another school pursuant to that subsection:

     (a) Not more than once; and

     (b) Only if the transfer is completed on or before the beginning of the school year in which the change in the zone of attendance occurred.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R144-07, 1-30-2008) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.786)

     NAC 385B.722  Pupil who is approved to attend magnet school or vocational or technical school that offers sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who does not reside within the zone of attendance of a magnet school or a vocational or technical school that is located within a school, and who obtains a waiver to attend the program of the magnet school or vocational or technical school, is eligible to participate in any sanctioned sport at the school.

     2.  To establish eligibility pursuant to subsection 1, the pupil must:

     (a) Comply with the requirements of the magnet school or vocational or technical school for filing an application;

     (b) Comply with the requirements to participate in the program of the magnet school or vocational or technical school;

     (c) Enroll in the courses required for pupils participating in the program of the magnet school or vocational or technical school; and

     (d) Maintain eligibility to complete the program of the magnet school or vocational or technical school.

     3.  During the period in which the pupil is enrolled in the magnet school or vocational or technical school, the pupil may participate only in a sanctioned sport that is offered by the school in which the magnet school or vocational or technical school is located.

     4.  A pupil who is approved to enroll in a magnet school or a vocational or technical school and fails to comply with the requirements of subsection 2, or who does not complete the program of the magnet school or vocational or technical school, becomes immediately ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school in which the magnet school or vocational or technical school is located for 180 school days.

     5.  A pupil who is accepted into the program of a magnet school or a vocational or technical school and who, after acceptance into the program, chooses to return to his or her school of residence, becomes ineligible for the remainder of the school year in which the transfer occurs and for an additional 180 school days in any sanctioned sport in which the pupil’s name appeared on a roster of the Association during the period he or she attended the magnet school or vocational or technical school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R207-08, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.787)

     NAC 385B.724  Pupil who attends magnet school or vocational or technical school that does not offer sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil who attends a magnet school or a vocational or technical school that does not offer a sanctioned sport remains eligible at his or her school of residence for the purpose of participating in any sanctioned sport that is not offered at the magnet school or vocational or technical school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R207-08, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.788)

     NAC 385B.726  Pupil who attends charter school; requirements of charter school relating to eligibility. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who attends a charter school remains eligible at his or her school of residence for the purpose of participating in any sanctioned sport that is not offered by the charter school.

     2.  A pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at his or her school of residence pursuant to subsection 1 must comply with the requirements for eligibility of the school he or she attends.

     3.  Any requirements of a charter school relating to eligibility for participation in a sanctioned sport must be approved by the Association or the school district in which the charter school is located.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R029-16, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.789)

     NAC 385B.728  Pupil assigned to option-zoned school; effect of rezoning of boundaries of certain school districts during school year. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who is assigned to an option-zoned school by a school district may establish eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport in accordance with this section.

     2.  A pupil specified in subsection 1 who attends his or her school of residence remains eligible at that school. The pupil may choose to attend an option-zoned school at any time, and is immediately eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at that option-zoned school. If the pupil transfers between schools that are located within an option zone, the pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for 180 school days after the initial transfer.

     3.  A pupil specified in subsection 1 who initially chooses to attend an option-zoned school is immediately eligible to participate in any sanctioned sport that is offered by the option-zoned school. A pupil who initially chooses to attend an option-zoned school and who, after attending the option-zoned school, transfers to his or her school of residence, becomes ineligible for the remainder of the school year in which the transfer occurs and for an additional 180 school days in any sport in which the pupil’s name appeared on a roster of the Association during the period he or she attended the option-zoned school.

     4.  If a school district has more than one school located within the school district and the school district rezones its boundaries during a school year, the school district is not required, during that school year, to comply with the provisions of NAC 385B.718. The provisions of subsection 2 of NAC 385B.720 apply to any pupil of a school who is affected by the rezoning. A pupil who is adversely affected by the rezoning may not appeal the decision of the school district to the Association.

     5.  As used in this section, “option-zoned school” means a school for which a school district authorizes a pupil who does not reside within the zone of attendance of the school to attend the school. The term includes a magnet school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R144-07, 1-30-2008) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.790)

     NAC 385B.730  Pupil enrolled in high school located within community college; pupil who attends high school pursuant to certain alternative program. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at a school that is located in the school district in which the pupil resides and who is enrolled in a high school that is located within a community college of the Nevada System of Higher Education pursuant to a program of a school district remains eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport at the school that is located in the school district in which the pupil resides.

     2.  A pupil who attends a high school pursuant to an alternative program specified in NRS 388.537 may submit a written appeal to the Association requesting a determination of eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport if the pupil has obtained approval to participate in the sanctioned sport from:

     (a) The principal of the high school at which the pupil is enrolled pursuant to the alternative program;

     (b) The principal of the school at which the pupil may participate in the sanctioned sport; and

     (c) The administrator of the school district in which the pupil resides.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007; R147-10, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.791)

     NAC 385B.732  Pupil who attends private school that does not offer sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil who attends a private school that does not offer a sanctioned sport is not eligible to participate in that sanctioned sport at his or her school of residence.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.792)

     NAC 385B.734  Homeschooled children. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.150)

     1.  To be eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport, a parent or legal guardian of a homeschooled child must submit to the school district in which the homeschooled child resides a written notice of intent to provide instruction for the homeschooled child at home. A parent or legal guardian of a homeschooled child who submits such a notice shall be deemed to be the teacher of the homeschooled child for all matters relating to participation by the homeschooled child in a sanctioned sport.

     2.  To be eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport, a parent or legal guardian of a homeschooled child must submit evidence satisfactory to the Executive Director that the homeschooled child has complied with the requirements for academic eligibility adopted by the school district in which he or she resides pursuant to NAC 385B.756. The evidence must be submitted to the person designated by the school pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 4.

     3.  A homeschooled child who withdraws from a school where he or she is enrolled:

     (a) Remains eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at that school if eligible to participate in that sanctioned sport at the time of withdrawal from the school; or

     (b) If not eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at the time of withdrawal from the school, must establish eligibility to participate in that sanctioned sport by complying with the requirements for academic eligibility specified in subsection 2.

     4.  If a homeschooled child resides within the zone of attendance of a school and notifies the school that he or she wishes to participate in a sanctioned sport at that school, the school shall provide to the parent or legal guardian of the homeschooled child:

     (a) A statement setting forth the requirements for academic eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport specified in subsection 2;

     (b) All schedules and requirements of the school relating to eligibility for participation in a sanctioned sport at the school; and

     (c) The name and telephone number of a person in the athletic department of the school with whom the homeschooled child or a parent or legal guardian of the homeschooled child may communicate relating to the academic eligibility of the homeschooled child to participate in the sanctioned sport.

     5.  A homeschooled child may participate in a sanctioned sport at a private school upon approval by the private school. The private school may charge and collect a fee for authorizing the participation of the pupil in the sanctioned sport. The fee must be uniform with respect to homeschooled children. The private school shall report any such fee to the Association. A homeschooled child who participates in a sanctioned sport pursuant to this section is subject to the provisions of this chapter governing transfers.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R050-05, 12-29-2005) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.793)

     NAC 385B.736  Siblings enrolled in high school and assigned to school pursuant to zoning regulations of school district. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The provisions of this section apply to a family that has more than one child who:

     (a) Is enrolled in a high school in this State; and

     (b) In accordance with the regulations of a school district relating to zoning, is assigned by the school district to a school.

     2.  The oldest child of a family specified in subsection 1 is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport only at the school to which that child is assigned by the school district.

     3.  Each younger child who is enrolled in a high school in this State at the time the regulations specified in paragraph (b) of subsection 1 are adopted by the school district and who qualifies for a variance in his or her zone of attendance pursuant to those regulations is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school within his or her zone of attendance or the school attended by the oldest child. If the younger child transfers to another school after making the initial choice of a school, he or she is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for 180 school days.

     4.  The provisions of subsection 3 apply to any member of a family who is approved for a variance specified in that subsection during any period in which another child of the family attends the school that is located within the zone of attendance of the family. If a member of the family chooses to attend his or her school of residence or if a member of the family does not attend the school of residence, the family must comply with the requirements for eligibility that are applicable to any other pupil enrolled in the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.794)

     NAC 385B.738  Foreign exchange students and international students; penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The provisions of this section govern the eligibility of:

     (a) A foreign exchange student; and

     (b) An international student who enrolls in a school and is not a foreign exchange student.

     2.  The Association will allow a foreign exchange student to participate in a sanctioned sport if the foreign exchange student:

     (a) Is sponsored by and placed with a host family in the United States by an international student exchange program that:

          (1) Is approved for listing by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel or its successor organization;

          (2) Is recognized by the United States Department of State; and

          (3) Assigns students to host families in a manner which ensures that a student, school or other interested party is unable to influence the assignment of the student to a host family for athletic or other purposes or in any other manner which ensures that the student is not chosen or placed because of his or her athletic interests or abilities;

     (b) Possesses a J-1 Visa issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security;

     (c) Attends the school on the first day of the school year and enrolls in a foreign exchange program at the school that is conducted for at least 1 year;

     (d) Is eligible for not more than 1 year at any school or combination of schools in this State or any other state beginning on his or her initial date of enrollment in a school in the United States;

     (e) Has not completed the 12th grade or its equivalent in the United States or any other country; and

     (f) Complies with any other requirements for eligibility of the Association during the period in which he or she is a pupil enrolled in a school.

     3.  If a foreign exchange student transfers to another school during the school year because of a change in residence by the student and the host family with whom he or she was placed at the time of enrollment in the original school, the transfer does not affect the student’s eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport. If the transfer occurs because the student is placed with another host family, the student is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school to which he or she transfers for the remainder of the school year.

     4.  If a school or coach of a school places or arranges for the placement of a student in violation of any provision of this section, the student is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport and the Association may impose a penalty against the school or coach pursuant to this chapter.

     5.  A student from a foreign country who is enrolled in a school because he or she has been issued an F-1 Visa by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security shall be deemed to be a transfer student. If the student is in the 12th grade, the student is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport. If the student is in the 9th, 10th or 11th grade, the student:

     (a) Must comply with the provisions for eligibility that are applicable to a transfer student; and

     (b) May only participate in a sanctioned sport at a level other than varsity in accordance with subsection 4 of NAC 385B.386.

     6.  For the purposes of this section, a foreign exchange student shall be deemed to be placed with a host family if:

     (a) The school that the student attends was not involved in the selection or assignment of the student; and

     (b) The principal office for the sponsoring organization approves the placement of the student.

     7.  As used in this section, “foreign exchange student” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 483.075.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.795)

     NAC 385B.740  Practice or participation by pupil in any sanctioned sport for more than one school during season prohibited; waiver of prohibition. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a pupil shall not practice or participate in any sanctioned sport for more than one school during the season for the sanctioned sport, including, without limitation, any school that is located outside the State of Nevada regardless of whether that school is an affiliate school.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the Executive Director may waive the provisions of subsection 1 if a pupil moves with his or her parent or legal guardian from the zone of attendance of a school to the zone of attendance of another school during a season.

     3.  The Executive Director shall not issue a waiver pursuant to subsection 2 if:

     (a) The move is completed after more than one-half of the season is completed; or

     (b) The pupil to whom the waiver applies:

          (1) Is dismissed from or is otherwise no longer a member of the team for the sanctioned sport; or

          (2) Is ineligible for any reason to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school from which he or she transferred.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R098-05, 7-14-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.796)

     NAC 385B.742  Reestablishment of eligibility of pupil after transfer. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil who is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport because of a transfer may reestablish eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport if he or she complies with the provisions of NAC 385B.700 to 385B.798, inclusive, and:

     1.  Completes 180 school days of ineligibility at the school to which the pupil transferred; or

     2.  Is determined to be eligible by the Executive Director, an administrator or a panel pursuant to NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.797)

     NAC 385B.744  Waiver of requirements upon application of pupil transferring to another school. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  A pupil who attends a school and wishes to transfer to another school may apply to the Association for a waiver from the requirements for eligibility at least 90 days before the date established by the Association for the season for which the pupil wishes to participate. The pupil must submit the application on a form approved by the Association. The Association may approve the application if the pupil complies with the regulations of his or her school district relating to the issuance of a variance in the zone of attendance of the pupil. If the Association approves the application, the pupil is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at any level other than varsity. A pupil may not apply more than once for a waiver pursuant to this section.

     2.  A pupil whose application for a waiver pursuant to subsection 1 is denied may appeal that decision in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive.

     3.  If a pupil is granted a waiver pursuant to subsection 1 and, after the waiver is granted, transfers to another school, including a school within his or her zone of attendance, the pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for 180 school days. A pupil whose request for a subsequent transfer is denied may not appeal that decision.

     4.  A waiver that is granted pursuant to subsection 1 becomes effective at the beginning of the next semester.

     5.  If any pupil or a parent or legal guardian of a pupil submits an application for a waiver pursuant to subsection 1 that includes any false information, the pupil becomes ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for 2 school years after the Association determines that the application includes false information.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R207-08, 5-5-2011; R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.798)

     NAC 385B.746  Transfer of pupil from school that ceases to offer or does not offer sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  If a pupil becomes eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at a school and, after becoming eligible, the school ceases to offer the sanctioned sport, the pupil may transfer to another school without changing his or her place of residence. If a school does not offer a sanctioned sport in which a pupil wishes to participate, the pupil may transfer to another school that offers that sanctioned sport without changing his or her place of residence. A pupil may not transfer to another school pursuant to this section more than once.

     2.  The provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, apply to a transfer made pursuant to this section. Each such transfer must be approved by the superintendent of the school district where the school is located or a person designated by the superintendent. If a school specified in subsection 1 is located in a school district that has more than one school, the pupil must transfer to a school that is located closest to the school from which he or she is transferring pursuant to this section.

     3.  If a pupil transfers to another school pursuant to this section and, after transferring to that school, returns to the school from which he or she transferred, the pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for 180 school days after returning to the school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.799)

Academic Eligibility

     NAC 385B.750  Requirements for pupils; imposition of stricter requirements by school. (NRS 385B.060)  To be eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport, a pupil must comply with the academic requirements set forth in NAC 385B.750 to 385B.770, inclusive. A school may impose stricter academic requirements for participation in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.800)

     NAC 385B.752  Enrollment in ninth grade. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil who enrolls in his or her first semester in the ninth grade in a school is academically eligible to participate in any sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.801)

     NAC 385B.754  Courses and units of credit. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  For each semester a pupil participates in a sanctioned sport, the pupil must enroll in a course of at least two units of credit consisting of at least four classes and regularly attend a school. The pupil must successfully complete a course of at least two units of credit for the immediately preceding semester. If a pupil fails to complete successfully the course for that semester, the pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for one semester unless, for the grading period for the first 9 weeks of the semester that is conducted immediately after that semester, he or she receives a passing grade for the two units of credit for the grading period, at which time he or she becomes eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for the remainder of that semester.

     2.  A pupil may enroll in a course for one unit of credit for each semester he or she enrolls in a correspondence course or attends any summer school, night school or any other school, including, without limitation, a postsecondary educational institution, and receive credit for the satisfactory completion of that course toward the satisfaction of the requirements for academic eligibility if the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled indicates in writing that the course qualifies for credit for the pupil’s requirements for graduation.

     3.  Any course taken or unit of credit received by a pupil pursuant to subsection 2 becomes a part of the pupil’s academic record and, after the grade for the course or unit of credit is recorded on his or her transcript, applies to the requirements for academic eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport.

     4.  A school shall ensure that each course or unit of credit in which a pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport is enrolled is reviewed in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.758, 385B.760 or 385B.762, as adopted by the school pursuant to the provisions of NAC 385B.756, to determine academic eligibility to participate in the sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R147-10, 5-5-2011; R128-13, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.802)

     NAC 385B.756  Adoption of certain alternative requirements by school district; continual review of academic progress. (NRS 385B.060)  Each school district in which a school is located must, before the beginning of each school year, adopt the provisions of NAC 385B.758, 385B.760 or 385B.762 for use by the school district in determining the academic eligibility of each pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at the school. The school shall, for the period during which each of those pupils participates in a sanctioned sport, continually review the academic progress of those pupils in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.758, 385B.760 or 385B.762 as adopted by the school district pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R147-10, 5-5-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.803)

     NAC 385B.758  Passing grades during season; periodic reviews of pupil’s progress. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If, pursuant to the provisions of NAC 385B.756, a school district adopts the requirements for academic eligibility set forth in this section, each pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at a school that is located in the school district must maintain a passing grade for each course he or she takes during the season. The school shall, in accordance with this section, review the pupil’s progress in each course at least once every 3 weeks, including any vocational, magnet, college or night courses taken by the pupil at a school other than the school where the pupil participates in a sanctioned sport.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsections 3 and 4, each school district shall establish the dates for conducting the reviews required pursuant to this section based on its academic calendar for each school year. The dates must be determined:

     (a) By beginning at the end of the first semester of the school year and counting back to the beginning of the school year in increments of 3 weeks; and

     (b) From the beginning of the second semester of the school year and counting forward to the end of the school year in increments of 3 weeks.

     3.  If approved by the Executive Director, a school district may establish a date for conducting a review pursuant to this section that occurs not more than 1 week before or after any date that the school district must establish pursuant to subsection 2. The Executive Director may waive the establishment of a date for conducting a review pursuant to this section if, as determined by the Executive Director, the review scheduled for that date is unnecessary.

     4.  A school shall not conduct the first review during a school year until after the first date on which a game, contest or meet may be scheduled for a season as determined by the schedule of activities established by the Association for that purpose.

     5.  Each review must indicate the pupil’s academic status for the period beginning on the first day of the semester and ending on the date on which the review is conducted and must be determined in accordance with the regulations of the school district in which the school is located. Each review may include the pupil’s cumulative semester grades or 9-week grades, or any combination thereof. Each school district shall declare the eligibility or ineligibility of a pupil to participate in a sanctioned sport based on the policy of the school district.

     6.  If a pupil receives a failing grade in an academic course after a review is conducted for the pupil pursuant to this section, the school that conducted the review shall place the pupil on probation for 1 week. A pupil who is placed on probation remains eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport in which he or she participates during the probationary week and must be reviewed on the Friday of the probationary week.

     7.  If a pupil who is placed on probation pursuant to subsection 6 continues to maintain a failing grade at the review conducted on the Friday of the probationary week, the school that conducted the review shall declare the pupil to be ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for the period beginning on the Monday after he or she is declared ineligible and ending on the first Saturday after that Monday.

     8.  If a pupil is declared ineligible after the probationary week, the school shall conduct a review of the pupil each week until the pupil becomes eligible, regardless of whether that period extends beyond the next scheduled review. If the pupil becomes eligible, the pupil must be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled review and is entitled to another probationary week.

     9.  If a review is scheduled pursuant to this section for the day before a holiday or vacation for the school, and if a pupil has received a failing grade at the time the review is conducted:

     (a) The pupil remains eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport during the holiday or vacation; and

     (b) The school that conducted the review shall place the pupil on probation beginning on the first school day after the holiday or vacation.

     10.  A pupil who is placed on probation the week before a school holiday or vacation is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport if the school determines that the pupil has maintained passing grades at the regularly scheduled review conducted immediately before the holiday or vacation. If the school determines that the pupil has not maintained passing grades after that review is conducted, the pupil remains ineligible during the holiday or vacation.

     11.  A pupil who is declared ineligible not more than 2 weeks before a school holiday or vacation remains ineligible to participate in the sanctioned sport until achieving a passing grade as determined by each weekly review conducted pursuant to this section.

     12.  If a pupil withdraws or is excluded from a class because he or she received a failing grade during a semester, the school shall, immediately after the record of the withdrawal or exclusion becomes available, declare the pupil ineligible to participate in the sanctioned sport for the period beginning on the Monday after he or she withdraws or is excluded and ending on the first Saturday after that Monday. The provisions of this subsection do not exempt a pupil from complying with the requirement set forth in subsection 1 of NAC 385B.754.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R104-06, 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.804)

     NAC 385B.760  Minimum grade point average. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If, pursuant to the provisions of NAC 385B.756, a school district adopts the requirements for academic eligibility set forth in this section, each pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at a school that is located in the school district must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 based on a 4.0 grading system during the immediately preceding semester. A pupil who fails to maintain such a grade point average for that semester is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport until his or her grades are reviewed after the first 9 weeks of the semester that is conducted immediately after that semester.

     2.  For the purposes of this section, the academic eligibility of a pupil must be determined on the day immediately after the school distributes the grades for the semester.

     3.  If the grade point average of a pupil is less than 2.0 at the end of a semester and after the school conducts a 9-week review pursuant to subsection 1, the pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for the remainder of the semester.

     4.  A pupil who receives an incomplete grade at the end of a semester must make up the grade within 3 weeks beginning on the date on which the grades are recorded for the grading period, as determined by the teacher who issued the incomplete grade, if the pupil has passed at least two units of credit and maintains a grade point average of not less than 2.0. Within 3 weeks after the grades are recorded for a grading period, a permanent grade for the pupil must be issued and used to determine the pupil’s grade point average. An incomplete grade must not be calculated in the grade point average of the pupil to determine academic eligibility pursuant to this section until the permanent grade is recorded for the class for which he or she received an incomplete grade.

     5.  If a pupil repeats a class during summer school, the grade for that class must be:

     (a) Computed in accordance with the regulations of the school district in which the class is taken; and

     (b) Used by the school in which the pupil is enrolled in a manner that benefits the pupil in establishing or maintaining academic eligibility to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school for the immediately preceding or current semester.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R128-13, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.805)

     NAC 385B.762  Passing grades during season and minimum grade point average. (NRS 385B.060)  If, pursuant to the provisions of NAC 385B.756, a school district adopts the requirements for academic eligibility set forth in this section, each pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at a school that is located in the school district must:

     1.  Receive a passing grade in each class in which he or she enrolls during the season for the sanctioned sport; and

     2.  Maintain a grade point average of not less than 2.0 for the immediately preceding semester,

Ê in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.758 and 385B.760.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.806)

     NAC 385B.764  Change in recorded grade for pupil; completion of extra work to improve pupil’s grade. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, if a school records a grade for a pupil for a semester or any 9-week period, the school or pupil shall not, after the grade is recorded, change the grade in a manner which establishes the academic eligibility of the pupil to participate in a sanctioned sport at the school. The school may change a grade specified in this subsection if the school submits evidence satisfactory to the Executive Director that the grade was issued incorrectly.

     2.  A school shall not allow a pupil who participates in a sanctioned sport at the school to complete any extra work to improve the pupil’s grade in a course of instruction unless the school allows all pupils in that course of instruction to complete extra work for that course of instruction. If a school allows a pupil to complete extra work pursuant to this subsection, the school shall ensure that the extra work is graded and included in the grade for the course of instruction for the semester or any 9-week period for the semester.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.808)

     NAC 385B.766  Pupil who qualifies for special education services. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  A pupil who qualifies for special education services pursuant to the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400, et seq., or NRS 388.417 to 388.453, inclusive, and chapter 388 of NAC must comply with the requirements for academic eligibility that are applicable to a pupil who is not qualified for those services.

     2.  Any exception to the academic requirements of the Association for eligibility for participation in a sanctioned sport set forth in the individual education plan of a pupil who qualifies for special education services pursuant to subsection 1 may be considered by the Association pursuant to the provisions for appealing a pupil hardship set forth in NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, if the exception is based on the disability of the pupil.

     3.  Any exception specified in subsection 2 that is included in the individual education plan of the pupil after he or she is declared academically ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport may not be appealed pursuant to the provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, until the beginning of the next period for conducting reviews.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.809)

     NAC 385B.768  Homeschooled children. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a homeschooled child enrolls in a school and wishes to become eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at that school, a parent or legal guardian of the homeschooled child must submit written evidence satisfactory to the school indicating that the homeschooled child received the instruction required by NAC 392.035 and maintained a grade point average of not less than 2.0 for the period in which he or she was a homeschooled child.

     2.  The written evidence required pursuant to subsection 1 may consist of a statement signed by a parent or legal guardian of the homeschooled child attesting to the written evidence.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.810)

     NAC 385B.770  Incorrect determination of grade of pupil; date of eligibility of ineligible pupil who is allowed to practice with team. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a teacher of a school incorrectly determines the grade of a pupil and, because of that determination, the pupil becomes ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport as determined by the principal of the school or a designee thereof, the school shall declare the pupil eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport immediately after the discovery of the incorrect determination.

     2.  A pupil who becomes academically ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at a school during a semester and practices with a team at that school after receiving approval from the principal of the school to do so becomes academically eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport beginning on the day the grades of the pupil are submitted to the computer system of the school if, on that day, the pupil is otherwise academically eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.811)

     NAC 385B.772  Assistance with interpretation of regulations relating to academic eligibility. (NRS 385B.060)  The office of the Association will assist any school with interpretation of the regulations of the Association relating to academic eligibility.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.812)

Eligibility of Pupils and Teams

     NAC 385B.776  Attempts to circumvent requirements for eligibility of pupil. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who circumvents or attempts to circumvent the requirements for eligibility of a school or school district or the Association, or any other state athletic association, is ineligible to participate in any sanctioned sport for not more than 360 school days as determined by the Executive Director or a designee thereof.

     2.  If reasonable cause exists to believe that a pupil has transferred from a school or a school district in which a school is located to another school or school district in which a school is located, or has transferred to a school from outside this State with the intent to circumvent the requirements for eligibility of the Association or any school or school district, or an out-of-state school, school district or state athletic association, the pupil must prove, in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, that the transfer was based on a reason that is unrelated to the circumvention of those requirements for eligibility.

     3.  If a pupil specified in subsection 2 fails to carry the burden of proof required by the provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, the Executive Director or the designee shall declare the pupil ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for the remainder of the school year in which the declaration is made and for an additional 180 school days after the expiration of the school year.

     4.  If the Executive Director or the designee determines that a pupil or his or her parent or legal guardian has falsified any records or information relating to a transfer, the Executive Director or the designee shall declare the pupil ineligible to participate in all sanctioned sports for 2 years after the date of the last game, contest or meet in which the pupil participated.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R028-07, 10-31-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.825)

     NAC 385B.778  Ineligible pupil: Scope of ineligibility. (NRS 385B.060)  Any pupil who is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or the policies, rules or regulations of a school, a school district in which a school is located, or any state athletic association:

     1.  Does not become eligible to participate in the sanctioned sport at a school by transferring to that school; and

     2.  Remains ineligible to participate in the sanctioned sport for the period he or she is ineligible.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.826)

     NAC 385B.780  Ineligible pupil: Participation in practice; participation in sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060)  If a pupil is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport during the season for that sanctioned sport, the pupil:

     1.  May participate in any practice conducted by the school for that sanctioned sport if the coach and principal of the school approve the pupil’s participation in the practice; and

     2.  May not participate in any sanctioned sport, including, without limitation, a scrimmage or exhibition for a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.827)

     NAC 385B.782  Ineligible pupil: Prohibition on participation in game, contest or meet. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil who is ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to this chapter may not participate in any game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.828)

     NAC 385B.784  Penalties for participation of ineligible pupil; appeal of forfeiture or loss of position. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  If an ineligible pupil participates in any game, contest or meet, the Association will impose the following penalties against the pupil’s school:

     (a) If the ineligible pupil participated in a sanctioned sport for a team, including, without limitation, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball and volleyball:

          (1) The school forfeits each game, contest or meet in which the ineligible pupil participated;

          (2) The team’s place in any conference or tournament standings will be adjusted to reflect any game, contest or meet the team forfeits pursuant to subparagraph (1); and

          (3) The team shall return to the Association each award given to the team or any member of the team during the period in which the ineligible pupil participated on the team.

     (b) If the ineligible pupil participated in an individual sport, including, without limitation, cross-country, golf, swimming, diving, skiing, tennis, wrestling, and track and field:

          (1) Each individual match, place, point and score of the ineligible pupil, including, without limitation, any contribution made by the ineligible pupil to the team, will be eliminated;

          (2) Any conference or tournament standing or place of the team will be adjusted based on the reduction of points or score for the participation of the ineligible pupil;

          (3) The ineligible pupil shall return to the Association each award given to the ineligible pupil during the period of ineligibility; and

          (4) The team shall return to the Association each award given to the team if the elimination of any point or score pursuant to this subsection results in an adjustment to the team’s place or standing in any game, contest or meet of the conference or tournament.

     (c) In addition to the penalties set forth in paragraph (b), if a pupil participates in a game, contest or meet, and is ineligible to participate in the game, contest or meet because the pupil or a parent or legal guardian of the pupil falsified a record or any other information provided to the school, the Association will declare the pupil ineligible to participate in any sanctioned sport for 360 school days after the last game, contest or meet in which the ineligible pupil participated. As used in this paragraph, “school days” does not include a school day that occurs during the summer of a school year.

     (d) If the use of an ineligible pupil is discovered during any tournament, the team or pupil who was last defeated by the ineligible team or pupil must be substituted for the ineligible team or pupil for the remainder of the tournament.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a school that forfeits a game, contest or meet or loses its position in a tournament pursuant to this section may appeal the forfeiture or loss of position to the Association in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive. For any such appeal:

     (a) The school that files the appeal must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the school would have won the game, contest or meet without the participation of the ineligible pupil; and

     (b) The opposing school may appear at the hearing and present testimony.

     3.  An ineligible pupil who participates in more than one-half of a game, contest or meet for which he or she is ineligible to participate may not appeal a forfeiture specified in subsection 2.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.829)

     NAC 385B.786  Imposition of penalties after participation of disqualified or ineligible team or pupil pursuant to court order; postponement or cancellation of event. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Association will impose the penalties set forth in NAC 385B.784 against a team or pupil of a school that is disqualified or ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport pursuant to this chapter if:

     (a) After the team or pupil is disqualified or becomes ineligible, the team or pupil is allowed to participate in the sanctioned sport in accordance with a restraining order, injunction or other order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction against a school, school district or the Association; and

     (b) After the restraining order, injunction or other order is issued, the restraining order, injunction or other order is vacated, stayed, reversed or determined by a court not to justify the initial relief granted.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, if an order specified in subsection 1 authorizes a disqualified or ineligible team or pupil to participate in an event that is sponsored by the Association, the Association will postpone that event until the judgment pursuant to which the order is issued and any appeal from that judgment become final.

     3.  If the Executive Director determines that a judgment or appeal from a judgment will not become final within a period sufficient to allow the event to be conducted, the Association will, as determined by the Executive Director, cancel the event or postpone the event indefinitely.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R105-06, 9-18-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.830)


     NAC 385B.790  Minimum amount of practice for a pupil. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section and NAC 385B.794, a pupil is not eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport at a school unless he or she completes at least 10 days of practice in the sanctioned sport under the direct supervision of a member of the school’s coaching staff for that sanctioned sport.

     2.  Each calendar day, other than a Sunday, shall be deemed 1 day of practice, regardless of whether more than one practice is held during that day.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, if a pupil participates individually in a state tournament for a sanctioned sport or as a member of a team that qualifies for a state tournament for a sanctioned sport, and if the season for that sanctioned sport extends beyond the beginning of the season for another sanctioned sport in which the pupil participates, the pupil must complete at least 5 days of practice for the other sanctioned sport before he or she is eligible to participate in that sanctioned sport. A pupil may not participate in a day of practice for a sanctioned sport and compete in a sanctioned sport during that day.

     4.  A pupil specified in subsection 3 who participates in baseball is not eligible to pitch during any baseball game unless he or she completes at least 10 days of practice in baseball.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R028-07, 10-31-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.813)

     NAC 385B.792  Minimum amount of practice for a team. (NRS 385B.060)  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.794, each team of a school that participates in a sanctioned sport must, before participating in the sanctioned sport, complete at least 10 days of practice in the sanctioned sport under the direct supervision of a member of the school’s coaching staff for that sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R028-07, 10-31-2007) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.814)

     NAC 385B.794  Exceptions to requirements. (NRS 385B.060)  The provisions of NAC 385B.790 and 385B.792 do not apply to a pupil or team that participates in golf or bowling.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.815)


     NAC 385B.796  Accompaniment of team or pupil representing school; effect of ejection of coach from game, contest or meet. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a team or pupil represents a school in connection with any sanctioned sport, a coach or a designee thereof shall accompany the team or pupil during the period in which that representation occurs.

     2.  If a coach of a school is ejected from a game, contest or meet and another coach or the designee is not available to supervise the team or pupil during the remainder of the game, contest or meet, the team or pupil forfeits and, if appropriate as determined by the Executive Director, is disqualified from participating in the game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.831)

     NAC 385B.798  Required certification and courses. (NRS 385B.060)  A person is not eligible to coach for a school unless he or she is certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and completes the following courses, or the equivalent of those courses, offered by the National Federation of State High School Associations or the American Sport Education Program:

     1.  Fundamentals of Coaching, offered by the National Federation of State High School Associations, or Coaching Principles, offered by the American Sport Education Program;

     2.  First Aid, Health and Safety for Coaches, offered by the National Federation of State High School Associations, or Sport First Aid, offered by the American Sport Education Program; and

     3.  Concussion in Sports, offered by the National Federation of State High School Associations.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R128-13, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.832)


Standards of Conduct

     NAC 385B.800  General requirements for conduct of pupil; conduct of others; penalties for violation. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A pupil who represents a school in any sanctioned sport must be of good moral character as determined by the principal of the school. The pupil shall comply with any standards concerning discipline adopted by the school he or she attends or school district in which he or she resides and shall not engage in conduct that discredits the pupil or school. As used in this subsection, “conduct that discredits the pupil or school” includes, without limitation:

     (a) A violation of any training or disciplinary rules of the school or school district or a team at the school;

     (b) The use or possession of:

          (1) Any tobacco or alcoholic beverages; or

          (2) Any controlled substance, unless in accordance with a lawfully issued prescription for the controlled substance; and

     (c) The commission of any act that violates a law or regulation of this State or the Federal Government.

     2.  A coach, administrator, faculty member or any other representative of a school shall practice and demonstrate the highest principles of sportsmanship and ethics in all sanctioned sports.

     3.  A sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet shall carry out his or her duties in an impartial manner.

     4.  Any sports official or any pupil, coach, administrator, faculty member or other representative of a school who violates any provision of this section is subject to the penalties set forth in NAC 385B.960.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.835)

     NAC 385B.802  Applicability of certain provisions. (NRS 385B.060)  The provisions of NAC 385B.802 to 385B.812, inclusive, apply to each pupil, coach, administrator, faculty member and sports official who participates in or is assigned to any sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.836)

     NAC 385B.804  Requirements for pupils. (NRS 385B.060)  A pupil whose name appears on a roster of the Association for any sanctioned sport shall:

     1.  Treat opponents with respect, including, without limitation, shaking hands with an opponent before and after a game, contest or meet;

     2.  Respect the judgment of each sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet and comply with the rules of the game, contest or meet;

     3.  Cooperate with each sports official, coach or other participant in conducting a game, contest or meet; and

     4.  Comply with the standards of sportsmanship established by his or her coach and school.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.837)

     NAC 385B.806  Requirements for coaches. (NRS 385B.060)  Each coach of a school shall:

     1.  Comply with the regulations of the Association and the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization for each sanctioned sport in which he or she participates as a coach;

     2.  Cooperate with other persons in the athletic department of the school;

     3.  Behave in a manner that reflects favorably on the school, members of the faculty and the athletic program of the school;

     4.  Exercise patience, tolerance and understanding in relations with participants, coaches, sports officials or spectators in a sanctioned sport;

     5.  Comply with the ideals of sportsmanship, including, without limitation, the exercise of cooperation, courage, unselfishness, self-control, healthy living and respect for discipline and authority relating to participation in a sanctioned sport; and

     6.  Support any reasonable action that:

     (a) Improves the athletic program of the school;

     (b) Provides adequate equipment for participants in a sanctioned sport; and

     (c) Promotes the welfare of each participant in a sanctioned sport.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.838)

     NAC 385B.808  Requirements for sports officials. (NRS 385B.060)  Each sports official for a sanctioned sport shall:

     1.  Maintain confidence and control in carrying out his or her assignment;

     2.  Study and understand the rules of the game, contest or meet for which he or she is a sports official and the actions required to carry out those rules;

     3.  Cooperate with the Association and any other sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet;

     4.  Not use his or her position as a sports official to benefit himself or herself or any school, team or pupil;

     5.  Not promote the interests of any person or group other than the pupils participating in the game, contest or meet to which he or she is assigned;

     6.  Carry out his or her duties as a sports official, including wearing the appropriate clothing or uniform and maintaining a proper appearance for the game, contest or meet;

     7.  Officiate each game, contest or meet to which he or she is assigned, regardless of any inconvenience or financial loss incurred by him or her; and

     8.  Not use any tobacco or alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance, unless in accordance with a lawfully issued prescription for the controlled substance, on or near the playing area for a game, contest or meet on the day of the game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.839)

     NAC 385B.810  Requirements for school administrators. (NRS 385B.060)  Each administrator of a school shall:

     1.  Establish a program to teach and promote good sportsmanship to pupils who participate in sanctioned sports at the school;

     2.  Provide appropriate supervisory personnel for each sanctioned sport that is hosted by the school;

     3.  Recognize good sportsmanship and discourage undesirable conduct by participants, coaches and spectators at a game, contest or meet;

     4.  Attend each game, contest or meet in which the school participates, if practicable; and

     5.  Comply with the provisions of NAC 385B.830.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.840)

     NAC 385B.812  Period of compliance; penalties for violation. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each pupil, coach, administrator, faculty member and sports official shall comply with the provisions of NAC 385B.802 to 385B.812, inclusive, during any period in which he or she is assigned to or participates in a sanctioned sport.

     2.  Any violation of the provisions of NAC 385B.802 to 385B.812, inclusive, may result in the imposition of the penalties set forth in NAC 385B.960.

     3.  A specific violation set forth in NAC 385B.820 to 385B.826, inclusive, includes the penalties specified in each of those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.841)


     NAC 385B.820  Reports of violations and of violence against sports official; review of reports and imposition of penalties. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If a team, pupil, coach, administrator or faculty member of a school violates any provision of NAC 385B.802 to 385B.812, inclusive, the principal of the school or a designee thereof shall, within 24 hours after becoming aware of the violation, prepare and submit to the Executive Director a written report concerning the violation. The report must include:

     (a) The name of each person who is alleged to have committed the violation and any other person involved in the violation; and

     (b) A statement indicating the disciplinary action, if any, the school will impose against the team, pupil, coach, administrator or faculty member for the violation.

     2.  As soon as practicable after receiving a written report pursuant to subsection 1, the Executive Director:

     (a) Shall review the written report; and

     (b) May impose any additional penalty against the team, pupil, coach, administrator or faculty member in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960.

     3.  If a team, pupil, coach, administrator, faculty member or spectator who is enrolled at, employed by or affiliated with a school commits an act of violence against a sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet, the principal of the school or the designee shall prepare and submit to the Executive Director a written report concerning the act of violence within 24 hours after the act is committed.

     4.  A written report that is prepared pursuant to subsection 3 must include:

     (a) The name of each person who is alleged to have committed the act of violence and any other person involved in the act; and

     (b) The disciplinary action the school may take against the person for the act of violence.

     5.  As soon as practicable after receiving a written report pursuant to subsection 3, the Executive Director:

     (a) Shall review the written report; and

     (b) May impose a penalty in addition to the disciplinary action, if any, taken by the school, including any penalties set forth in NAC 385B.960.

     6.  In addition to imposing a penalty pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 5, if a pupil uses physical force or an immediate threat of physical force during the commission of an act of violence, the Executive Director may, depending upon the severity of the physical force or the immediate threat of physical force:

     (a) Suspend the pupil from participating in the sanctioned sport for the remainder of the season; or

     (b) Prohibit the pupil from participating in any sanctioned sport for the remainder of the period in which the pupil is eligible to participate in sanctioned sports.

     7.  As used in this section, “act of violence” means any conduct that threatens the safety of a sports official, including, without limitation, any unwelcome and intentional touching, hitting or shoving of the sports official.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.842)

     NAC 385B.822  Ejection of pupil or coach from game, contest or meet. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Unsportsmanlike conduct which results in the ejection of a pupil or coach from a game, contest or meet must be treated in the following manner:

     (a) If the ejection occurs before the last game, contest or meet of a season, the pupil or coach must be removed from the game, contest or meet immediately and may not participate in the next scheduled game, contest or meet for that season;

     (b) If the ejection occurs during the last game, contest or meet of a season, the pupil or coach must be removed from the game, contest or meet immediately and may not participate in the first scheduled game, contest or meet for the season for that sanctioned sport that is held immediately after the season in which the ejection occurs; or

     (c) If the ejection occurs during the last game, contest or meet of a season and the person ejected is a pupil who is enrolled in twelfth grade, the pupil must be removed from the game, contest or meet immediately and may not participate in the first scheduled game, contest or meet of any other season in which he or she participates.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, if a coach is ejected from or becomes ineligible to participate in a game, contest or meet pursuant to this section, the coach shall not remain on the premises during that game, contest or meet or any other game, contest or meet for which the coach is ineligible to participate because of the ejection. If the coach is the only adult on the premises who is available to supervise his or her team or pupils who are participating in the game, contest or meet, the coach must be allowed to remain on the premises to supervise the team or pupils after the conclusion of the game, contest or meet.

     3.  If a pupil is ejected from a game, contest or meet, the pupil’s head coach shall ensure that the pupil is supervised for the remainder of the game, contest or meet.

     4.  If a pupil or coach is ejected from two games, contests or meets during a season, the principal of the school of the pupil or coach or a designee thereof shall report that fact to the Executive Director. In addition to any penalty imposed by the Association pursuant to NAC 385B.960, the principal or the designee may impose an additional penalty in accordance with that section.

     5.  If a pupil or coach is ejected from three or more games, contests or meets during a season, the pupil or coach may not participate in the sanctioned sport for which the game, contest or meet was held for the remainder of the season.

     6.  Each coach of a school must comply with the provisions of this section and shall enforce those provisions against each of his or her assistant coaches and pupils. In addition to any penalty imposed by the Association pursuant to NAC 385B.960, the principal of the school or the designee, or the Executive Director may impose an additional penalty in accordance with that section.

     7.  The decision of a sports official to eject a pupil or coach from a game, contest or meet is a final decision and may not be appealed.

     8.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Eject” means the permanent removal of a pupil or coach from a game, contest or meet by a sports official who is assigned to the game, contest or meet.

     (b) “Premises” means the area in which a game, contest or meet is conducted, including, without limitation, any area designated for spectators at that game, contest or meet.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R128-13, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.843)

     NAC 385B.824  Prevention and control of bench-clearing incidents and physical altercations; penalties. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A coach of a school shall maintain control of each pupil during any game, contest or meet in which the pupil participates. If a pupil:

     (a) Leaves the bench, sideline or any other area that is outside the playing field or area of play and enters the playing field or area of play in response to a bench-clearing incident; or

     (b) Engages in a physical altercation,

Ê the head coach must be ejected from the game, contest or meet in which the pupil participates, if the bench-clearing incident or physical altercation occurs before or during the game, contest or meet, and must be suspended for the next scheduled game, contest or meet.

     2.  Each head coach of a sanctioned sport shall establish a plan for preventing and controlling a bench-clearing incident or physical altercation that may occur before, during or after a game, contest or meet in which his or her pupils participate. The plan may include the methods the head coach and coaching staff will use to assist a sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet in preventing or controlling the bench-clearing incident or physical altercation if:

     (a) The assistance is designed to prevent the pupils who are participating in the game, contest or meet from:

          (1) Entering the designated playing field or area of play in response to a bench-clearing incident; or

          (2) Engaging in a physical altercation; and

     (b) Any intervention by the head coach and coaching staff is intended to separate the pupils of the head coach or coaching staff from the pupils and coaches of the opposing team.

     3.  Any pupil who participates in a game, contest or meet and who:

     (a) Leaves the bench, sideline or other area that is outside the playing field or area of play and enters the playing field or area of play in response to a bench-clearing incident, or leaves a fielding position within the playing field or area of play to which the pupil is assigned in response to a bench-clearing incident; or

     (b) Engages in a physical altercation,

Ê is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct and must be ejected from the game, contest or meet, if the bench-clearing incident or physical altercation occurs before or during the game, contest or meet.

     4.  If at least three members of a team participating in a game, contest or meet:

     (a) Leave the bench, sideline or other area that is outside the playing field or area of play and enter the playing field or area of play in response to a bench-clearing incident; or

     (b) Engage in a physical altercation,

Ê the team is guilty of committing an unsportsmanlike act and must incur a forfeiture or double forfeiture for the game, contest or meet.

     5.  Any pupil who participates in a game, contest or meet and is involved in a bench-clearing incident or physical altercation:

     (a) Must be ejected from the game, contest or meet, if the bench-clearing incident or physical altercation occurs before or during the game, contest or meet; and

     (b) Is ineligible to participate in the next scheduled game, contest or meet.

     6.  Each pupil, coach or team that participates in a game, contest or meet and engages in a fight at least twice during a season must be suspended and declared ineligible for the remainder of that season. The Executive Director may, in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960, impose an additional penalty against the pupil, coach or team if the second fight occurs with less than three games, contests or meets remaining in the season.

     7.  The head coach of a team and the principal of a school or a designee thereof shall ensure that the team and each member of the team behave in a sportsmanlike manner. If an unsportsmanlike act occurs, the principal or the designee, or the Executive Director shall, if the circumstances require, suspend or declare ineligible the pupil, coach or team for an additional period which must not exceed any period specified in this section.

     8.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Bench-clearing incident” means any incident that occurs before, during or after a game, contest or meet in which at least three pupils, coaches or members of a team leave the bench, sideline or other area that is outside the playing field or area of play for the game, contest or meet and enter the playing field or area of play in response to or to cause a physical altercation or incident that occurs before, during or after the game, contest or meet.

     (b) “Physical altercation” means any aggressive behavior that:

          (1) Is engaged in by a pupil before, during or after a game, contest or meet; and

          (2) Involves any unwelcome and intentional touching, hitting or shoving of a person.

Ê The term includes, without limitation, any argument or brawl during which such touching, hitting or shoving occurs.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.844)

     NAC 385B.826  Defamatory statements to media or through social media prohibited; investigation and imposition of penalty. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A coach, sports official, administrator or faculty member who is involved in, or a pupil who participates in, a sanctioned sport shall not make a defamatory statement to the media or through the use of any social media relating to any person, sports official or school that is involved in any game, contest or meet.

     2.  The Association will investigate each alleged violation of this section. If the Association determines that a coach, sports official, administrator, faculty member or pupil specified in subsection 1 has violated this section, the Association will suspend the coach, sports official, administrator, faculty member or pupil from any involvement in the sanctioned sport for at least one game, contest or meet.

     3.  As used in this section, “social media” means any electronic service or account or electronic content, including, without limitation, any video, photograph, video blog, podcast, instant message, text message, electronic mail program, online service or Internet website profile.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R128-13, 6-23-2014) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.845)

     NAC 385B.828  Imposition of penalties: Authority; report. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director or any principal of a school or a designee thereof, or a sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet, may impose any penalty set forth in NAC 385B.820 to 385B.826, inclusive. The penalty may be imposed during a game, contest or meet or after the review of a videotape or written report concerning the conduct for which the penalty is imposed.

     2.  If a principal of a school or the designee, or a sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet, imposes any penalty specified in subsection 1, the principal or the designee or the sports official shall immediately report that fact to the Commissioner. As soon as practicable after receiving the report, the Commissioner shall submit the report to the Executive Director.

     3.  In addition to imposing a penalty for any conduct specified in subsection 1, the Executive Director may impose an additional penalty for that conduct in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.846)

     NAC 385B.830  Coaches, school administrators and faculty members: Prohibited conduct; duties; reports of violations. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each coach, administrator or faculty member of a school who is involved in or has responsibility for any sanctioned sport shall not:

     (a) Use any tobacco or alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance, unless in accordance with a lawfully issued prescription for the controlled substance, during any period in which he or she is directly supervising a pupil or team during a game, contest or meet or a practice for a game, contest or meet;

     (b) Use foul or abusive language or insulting gestures or engage in abusive physical contact with any pupil, sports official or other person who is associated with a game, contest or meet or a practice for a game, contest or meet;

     (c) Taunt a sports official, pupil, team, coach or spectator during any game, contest or meet; or

     (d) Engage in conduct that may incite a fight, violence or other unsportsmanlike act.

     2.  Each coach, administrator or faculty member of a school shall ensure that each pupil enrolled in the school who participates in a game, contest or meet conducts himself or herself in accordance with the rules of sportsmanship.

     3.  Each coach, administrator or faculty member of a school shall, if a violation of this chapter occurs during a game, contest or meet, prepare a written report concerning the violation. The written report must be submitted to the Executive Director within 24 hours after the coach, administrator or faculty member becomes aware of the violation and must include, without limitation, the name of each person involved in the violation. As soon as practicable after receiving the written report, the Executive Director shall review the report and may impose any appropriate penalty against any person who committed the violation in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960.

     4.  Each coach, administrator or faculty member of a school who attends a game, contest or meet shall, if the coach, administrator or faculty member becomes aware of a spectator of the school who engages in unsportsmanlike conduct during the game, contest or meet:

     (a) Require the spectator to refrain from engaging in the unsportsmanlike conduct; and

     (b) Impose any applicable penalty or disciplinary action against the spectator.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.847)


     NAC 385B.850  Effect and protest of decisions. (NRS 385B.060)  A decision of a sports official who is assigned to a game, contest or meet is final and binding unless a procedure for protesting the decision is set forth in the rules of the National Federation of State High School Associations or its successor organization for the sanctioned sport for which the decision was made. If such a procedure is set forth in the rules, any person who wishes to protest the decision of the sports official must comply with that procedure.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.865)

     NAC 385B.852  Registration, assignment and use of non-association officials. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each non-association official must, before engaging in any activity as a sports official for a sanctioned sport, register with the Association in accordance with this section.

     2.  A non-association official may register with the Association by submitting to the Association an application for registration on a form approved by the Association. The application must be:

     (a) Submitted not later than:

          (1) August 15 of the year in which the applicant wishes to register with the Association, if the sanctioned sport for which he or she is registering is football, soccer or girls’ volleyball;

          (2) November 1 of the year in which the applicant wishes to register with the Association, if the sanctioned sport for which he or she is registering is basketball or wrestling; or

          (3) February 15 of the year in which the applicant wishes to register with the Association, if the sanctioned sport for which he or she is registering is baseball, softball, swimming and diving, or track and field; and

     (b) Accompanied by the fee prescribed by the Association.

     3.  If a non-association official completes an examination to become a sports official, he or she must submit the results of that examination to the Association within 2 weeks after receiving the results of that examination.

     4.  The Association will not approve an application for registration pursuant to this section unless the applicant obtains a score of at least 70 percent on each portion of the examination specified in subsection 3 that relates to the rules for the sanctioned sport for which the applicant wishes to register.

     5.  The Commissioner shall assign a non-association official to officiate a game, contest or meet for a sanctioned sport.

     6.  In assigning a non-association official to a game, contest or meet pursuant to subsection 5, the Commissioner shall consider the costs, if any, for the non-association official to travel to the game, contest or meet.

     7.  If a school wishes to use a non-association official during a season or any portion of a season for a sanctioned sport, the school shall, before the season begins, provide a written notice of that fact to the Commissioner.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.866)


     NAC 385B.860  Issuance by Board of lifetime and courtesy passes. (NRS 385B.060)  The Board may issue lifetime and courtesy passes in accordance with NAC 385B.862 and 385B.864.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.870)

     NAC 385B.862  Lifetime pass: Prerequisites to issuance; use. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Each member of the Hall of Fame of the Association, and each member of the Board whose term of membership on the Board has expired, is entitled to receive a lifetime pass from the Association.

     2.  Any person who is not entitled to receive a lifetime pass pursuant to subsection 1 must be nominated to receive a lifetime pass. The Association will accept a nomination of a person for a lifetime pass that is submitted by:

     (a) A member of the Legislative Commission;

     (b) A member of the Board;

     (c) A principal of a school;

     (d) The Executive Director; or

     (e) The Commissioner.

     3.  The Board may accept a nomination for a lifetime pass for the following persons:

     (a) A retired superintendent of schools of a school district in this State;

     (b) A retired administrator of a high school in this State; or

     (c) A person who has served for at least 25 years in support of the athletic program of a school, including, without limitation, service as:

          (1) A coach;

          (2) An athletic administrator;

          (3) A sports official;

          (4) A member of a board of trustees of a school district in this State; and

          (5) A physician for a team.

     4.  The nomination of a person for a lifetime pass must be submitted on a form provided by the Association at least 30 days before a scheduled meeting of the Board. A majority vote of the Board is required to issue a lifetime pass to a nominee.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a lifetime pass is not transferable and admits the holder of the pass and one guest who accompanies the holder of the pass to any game, contest, meet or tournament that is sponsored by the Association or any school. If the spouse of a holder of a lifetime pass presents the pass for admission to the game, contest, meet or tournament, only the spouse may be admitted.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R104-06, 6-1-2006) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.871)

     NAC 385B.864  Courtesy pass: Prerequisites to and restriction on issuance; use; duplicate pass; revocation. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Board shall, upon receipt of a request accompanied by a fee of $35, issue a courtesy pass to:

     (a) A superintendent of schools of a school district in this State;

     (b) A member of the board of trustees of a school district in this State;

     (c) A principal, athletic administrator, athletic director, head coach of athletics, assistant coach or advisor of a spirit squad of a school; or

     (d) Any other person designated by the Association.

     2.  Any person who is not specified in subsection 1 and who is affiliated with a program that is sanctioned by the Association relating to a pupil who is enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade in a school may purchase a courtesy pass from the Association. A request for the issuance of a courtesy pass pursuant to this subsection must be:

     (a) Submitted in writing to the Association;

     (b) Signed by the superintendent of schools of the school district where the school is located, or the principal or athletic director of the school; and

     (c) Accompanied by a fee of $35.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a courtesy pass is not transferable and admits the holder of the pass and one guest who accompanies the holder of the pass to any game, contest, meet or tournament that is sponsored by the Association or any school. If the spouse of a holder of a courtesy pass presents the pass for admission to the game, contest, meet or tournament, only the spouse may be admitted.

     4.  If a courtesy pass is lost, stolen or destroyed, the superintendent of schools of the school district where the school is located, or the principal or athletic director of the school may request the issuance of a duplicate pass. A request for a duplicate pass must be:

     (a) Submitted in writing to the Association; and

     (b) Accompanied by a fee of $25.

     5.  The Board shall not issue more than one courtesy pass to a person, regardless of whether the person is employed at more than one school or school district or in more than one position at a school or school district.

     6.  The Association may revoke a courtesy pass for improper use and may require the holder of the pass to present photographic identification for admission to a game, contest, meet or tournament sponsored by the Association.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.872)

     NAC 385B.866  Courtesy pass: Member of Nevada State Officials’ Association. (NRS 385B.060)  A member of the Nevada State Officials’ Association, or its successor organization, may apply for the issuance of a courtesy pass in accordance with subsection 2 of NAC 385B.864.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.873)

     NAC 385B.868  Issuance of pass by league or region; use of pass. (NRS 385B.060)  Each league or region established pursuant to NAC 385B.250 may issue a pass to a person for attendance at a game, contest or meet that is conducted during the regular season in which the league or region issues the pass. The pass does not entitle the person to receive admission to a regional or state play-off.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.874)

     NAC 385B.870  Issuance of passes by director of tournament. (NRS 385B.060)  The director of a tournament shall issue a pass to:

     1.  Each principal, coach and pupil of a school who participates in the tournament; and

     2.  Any other person who is associated with the tournament as determined by the director of the tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.875)

Broadcasting of Games, Contests, Meets and Tournaments

     NAC 385B.874  Rights reserved by Association; authority of Board. (NRS 385B.060)  The Association reserves all rights to broadcast any game, contest or meet or any league, regional or state tournament by radio or television or over the Internet. The Board, or an agent designated by the Board, may grant permission to exercise any of those rights.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.880)

     NAC 385B.876  Approval required to broadcast by television or radio or over Internet. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  A person shall not broadcast by television a game, contest or meet or a league, regional or state tournament in which a right is reserved by the Association pursuant to NAC 385B.874 without first obtaining the approval of the Board or an agent designated by the Board.

     2.  A person shall not broadcast by radio or over the Internet a game, contest or meet or a league, regional or state tournament in which a right is reserved by the Association pursuant to NAC 385B.874 without first obtaining the approval of the Executive Director.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.881)

     NAC 385B.878  Consideration of requests for permission to broadcast. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If more stations request permission to broadcast a league, regional or state tournament by radio or television than may be accommodated for the tournament, the Board or its designated agent, or the Executive Director, as appropriate, shall first consider any requests that are submitted by a station that is located in, or broadcasts by radio or television in, the city or town where a participating school is located. After considering each of those requests, the Board or its designated agent, or the Executive Director, as appropriate, shall consider any other request to broadcast the tournament by radio or television in the order in which the Board or its designated agent or the Executive Director received the request.

     2.  If more than one station from the same area of service requests permission to broadcast a league, regional or state tournament by radio or television, the Board or its designated agent, or the Executive Director, as appropriate, may approve the request of the station that broadcasted the most games, contests or meets for each participating school during the season for the sanctioned sport for which the tournament is conducted.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.882)

     NAC 385B.880  Fees for approving requests to broadcast: Amount; obligations of person paying fee; waiver of fee. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.120)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the Board shall charge and collect the following fees before approving a request to broadcast a game, contest or meet or a league, regional or state tournament by radio or television or over the Internet:

     (a) For a live broadcast over the Internet of a:

          (1) Game, contest or meet during the regular season for a sanctioned sport.................. $175

          (2) League tournament...................................................................................................... 225

          (3) Regional tournament.................................................................................................... 275

          (4) State tournament.......................................................................................................... 350

     (b) For a delayed broadcast over the Internet of a:

          (1) Game, contest or meet during the regular season for a sanctioned sport.................. $100

          (2) League tournament...................................................................................................... 125

          (3) Regional tournament.................................................................................................... 150

          (4) State tournament.......................................................................................................... 175

     (c) For a live broadcast by television of a:

          (1) Game, contest or meet during the regular season for a sanctioned sport.................. $250

          (2) League tournament...................................................................................................... 500

          (3) Regional tournament.................................................................................................... 750

          (4) State tournament....................................................................................................... 1,000

     (d) For a delayed broadcast by television of a:

          (1) Game, contest or meet during the regular season for a sanctioned sport.................. $125

          (2) League tournament...................................................................................................... 175

          (3) Regional tournament.................................................................................................... 325

          (4) State tournament.......................................................................................................... 500

     (e) For a live broadcast by radio or a live audio broadcast over the Internet of a:

          (1) Game, contest or meet during the regular season for a sanctioned sport.................. $100

          (2) League tournament...................................................................................................... 125

          (3) Regional tournament.................................................................................................... 150

          (4) State tournament.......................................................................................................... 175

     (f) For a delayed broadcast by radio or a delayed audio broadcast over the Internet of a:

          (1) Game, contest or meet during the regular season for a sanctioned sport.................... $50

          (2) League tournament........................................................................................................ 75

          (3) Regional tournament.................................................................................................... 100

          (4) State tournament.......................................................................................................... 150

     (g) For each game, contest or meet included in a production of a video yearbook or the preparation of highlights of a regular season for a sanctioned sport or of a league, regional or state tournament $100

     2.  If a person pays a fee to broadcast a game, contest or meet or a league, regional or state tournament pursuant to this section, the Board:

     (a) Shall require the person to include in the broadcast a public service announcement for the Association; and

     (b) May require the person to include in the broadcast any information that is provided by a sponsor of the Association.

     3.  If a school:

     (a) Operates a station for broadcasting by radio or television games, contests or meets for sanctioned sports in which the school participates or prepares those games, contests or meets for broadcast over the Internet; and

     (b) Wishes to broadcast a league, regional or state tournament using that station or over the Internet,

Ê the Board may waive the fee required pursuant to subsection 1 for broadcasting the tournament if, as determined by the Board, the waiver of the fee is in the best interests of the Association and the tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.883)

     NAC 385B.882  Approval required for agreement conferring exclusive right to broadcast. (NRS 385B.060)  A person shall not enter into an agreement that confers upon him or her the exclusive right to broadcast by radio or television a league, regional or state tournament in which a right is reserved pursuant to NAC 385B.874 unless the Board approves the agreement.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.884)

     NAC 385B.884  Issuance of pass to member of news media providing coverage. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director may issue a pass to a member of any news media providing coverage of a game, contest or meet or any league, regional or state tournament. A pass issued pursuant to this subsection confers admission upon the holder of the pass to any facility for the game, contest or meet or league, regional or state tournament for which the pass is issued and to any area designated by the Association for use by the member of the news media at the game, contest or meet or league, regional or state tournament.

     2.  As used in this section, “news media” includes any newspaper, press association, radio station, television station or other media that regularly provides coverage of any game, contest or meet or any league, regional or state tournament.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R060-15, 6-28-2016) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.886)

Appeal of Determinations; Enforcement


     NAC 385B.900  Appeal of certain determinations by aggrieved pupil or school; applicability of certain provisions. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any determination made pursuant to a regulation adopted by the Association may be appealed by an aggrieved pupil or school.

     2.  The provisions of NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, govern the procedure for filing and resolving a complaint relating to, or an appeal from, a determination specified in subsection 1.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.850)

     NAC 385B.902  Appeal of certain determinations imposing hardship on pupil. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)  Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a pupil may appeal a determination made pursuant to any provision of this chapter if the determination imposes a hardship on the pupil. The pupil must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that:

     1.  The hardship exists; and

     2.  If the determination relates to a transfer by the pupil, the pupil was not recruited to make the transfer.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R104-06, 6-1-2006; R144-07, 1-30-2008) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.851)

     NAC 385B.904  Appeal by pupil who attends school in district of county whose population is 100,000 or more. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)  Each school district in a county whose population is 100,000 or more shall establish a procedure for conducting an appeal for a pupil who attends a school in the school district. Such an appeal may, as determined by each school district, be conducted by:

     1.  An administrator of the school district who is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the regulations adopted by the Association; or

     2.  A panel of principals who are chosen from the schools located in the school district.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.852)

     NAC 385B.906  Appeal by pupil enrolled in private school or school in school district of county whose population is less than 100,000. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)  Any appeal relating to a pupil who is enrolled in a school that is not located in a school district specified in NAC 385B.904 or who is enrolled in a private school must be submitted to the Executive Director.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.853)

     NAC 385B.908  Appeal by pupil determined to be ineligible to participate in sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  A pupil who is determined to be ineligible to participate in a sanctioned sport may appeal that determination to the appropriate person or panel specified in NAC 385B.904 or 385B.906.

     2.  An appeal filed pursuant to subsection 1 must be submitted in writing and include:

     (a) The name of the pupil and the school he or she attends;

     (b) The reason for the appeal; and

     (c) Any document or other information that supports the appeal.

     3.  As soon as practicable after an appeal is filed pursuant to subsection 2, the Executive Director, administrator or panel with whom the appeal is filed shall review the appeal and any information submitted pursuant to that subsection.

     4.  As soon as practicable after making a determination pursuant to subsection 3, the Executive Director, administrator or panel shall send a written notice to the pupil and the school involved in the appeal setting forth the results of the determination.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.854)

     NAC 385B.910  Appeal by pupil adversely affected by determination made on appeal of determination of ineligibility. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  A pupil who is adversely affected by a determination made pursuant to NAC 385B.908 may appeal that determination pursuant to this section.

     2.  An appeal filed pursuant to this section must be:

     (a) Heard by a hearing officer who is appointed by the Executive Director and approved by the Board;

     (b) Heard in Reno or Las Vegas unless the Executive Director specifies another location for the appeal; and

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $500.

     3.  The Executive Director may waive the fee for filing an appeal specified in subsection 2 if he or she determines that:

     (a) The pupil who filed the appeal qualifies for the school lunch program pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§ 1751, et seq.; or

     (b) The payment of the fee will impose a substantial financial hardship on the pupil.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, each hearing held pursuant to this section must be:

     (a) Conducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 233B of NRS relating to contested cases;

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, closed to the general public; and

     (c) Recorded on audiotape.

     5.  A pupil who is at least 18 years of age and who files an appeal pursuant to this section is entitled to have any hearing conducted concerning the appeal open to the general public.

     6.  Each party to an appeal may present a closing argument after the submission of evidence at any hearing concerning the appeal that is conducted pursuant to this section.

     7.  The Association must be represented by legal counsel at any hearing held pursuant to this section.

     8.  A hearing officer who is appointed to conduct an appeal pursuant to this section shall:

     (a) After the submission of the evidence and the presentation of any closing arguments, declare the hearing closed; and

     (b) Within 14 days after closing the hearing, prepare findings of fact and conclusions of law and submit his or her decision to:

          (1) The Executive Director;

          (2) The legal counsel representing the Association; and

          (3) Each party to the appeal.

     9.  The decision of a hearing officer issued pursuant to this section is final and binding and may not be appealed.

     10.  The office of the Executive Director shall:

     (a) Provide administrative and clerical support for each hearing officer who is appointed pursuant to this section; and

     (b) If money is available for that purpose, reimburse the hearing officer for any per diem or travel expenses incurred or fees charged by him or her for conducting the appeal.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.855)

Complaints, Investigations and Reports

     NAC 385B.920  Preparation and submission of complaints; response; action by Executive Director or designee; appeal of decision. (NRS 385B.060, 385B.090)

     1.  Each complaint must be prepared in writing and include any document or other information that supports the charge set forth in the complaint. The complainant shall submit the complaint to the Executive Director or a designee thereof and submit a copy of the complaint to the principal of the school that has allegedly committed the violation specified in the complaint. If a school files the complaint, the Executive Director shall, after reviewing the complaint, require the complainant to:

     (a) Notify the principal of the school specified in the complaint; and

     (b) Discuss a resolution of the complaint.

     2.  Within 10 days after receiving a copy of a complaint, the principal of the school, or the principal of the school where the pupil named in the complaint is enrolled, shall prepare and submit a written response and any supporting documents to the Executive Director or the designee.

     3.  As soon as practicable after receiving a written response to a complaint, the Executive Director or the designee shall conduct an investigation to determine the merits of the complaint and the extent to which any disciplinary action may be required.

     4.  As soon as practicable after conducting an investigation, the Executive Director or the designee shall mail a copy of his or her written decision concerning the complaint to the principal of the school that is named in the complaint and to each pupil who is involved, if applicable.

     5.  Within 10 days after receiving a copy of the decision of the Executive Director or the designee, the school or pupil who is named in the complaint may appeal the decision in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.910.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.856)

     NAC 385B.922  Investigation of school: Cooperation required; penalty for failure to cooperate. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  If the Association investigates a school, the school shall cooperate with the Executive Director and each member of the Association who is involved in the investigation.

     2.  If the Association determines that a school has failed to cooperate with the Association pursuant to subsection 1, the Association may fine and place the school on probation or suspend the membership of the school in the Association in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.960.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.857)

     NAC 385B.924  Reporting of violations: Duties of principal of school or designee. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 385B.820, if a school or any team or pupil of the school violates a provision of this chapter, the principal of the school or a designee thereof shall report the violation to the Executive Director as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the violation.

     2.  If a school becomes aware of a violation of this chapter that is committed by another school or any team or pupil of that school, the principal of the school or the designee shall, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the violation, report the violation to:

     (a) The Executive Director in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B.920; and

     (b) The school that is alleged to have committed the violation.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.858)

     NAC 385B.926  Filing of complaint by person having knowledge of violation. (NRS 385B.060)  A person who has knowledge of a violation of any provision of this chapter that is committed by a school may file a complaint concerning the violation in the manner prescribed in NAC 385B.920.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.859)


     NAC 385B.950  Imposition of penalties by Executive Director; certain determinations and penalties not subject to appeal. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  The Executive Director may impose any appropriate penalty, including any penalty set forth in NAC 385B.960, if:

     (a) The penalty is required to enforce any provision of this chapter; or

     (b) The Executive Director is authorized pursuant to any provision of this chapter to impose a penalty in addition to a penalty specifically set forth in those sections.

     2.  Any determination made or penalty imposed pursuant to NAC 385B.800 to 385B.826, inclusive, may not be appealed.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.860)

     NAC 385B.960  Imposition of additional penalties by Association or Executive Director or during appeal; approval of suspension by Board. (NRS 385B.060)

     1.  In addition to any penalty set forth in this chapter, the Association may impose any of the following penalties for a violation of a provision of those sections:

     (a) The imposition of a fine of not more than $1,000;

     (b) The issuance of a sanction indicating the occurrence of misconduct and the imposition of a fine of not more than $1,000;

     (c) The placement of a school on probation and the imposition of a fine of not more than $2,500;

     (d) The suspension of the membership of a school in the Association and the imposition of a fine of not more than $5,000; or

     (e) Any combination of the actions specified in paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive.

     2.  The Association will maintain a record of each sanction issued and fine imposed pursuant to subsection 1. If a school which is issued a sanction or against which a fine is imposed repeats the violation for which the sanction is issued or fine is imposed, the Association may suspend the membership of the school in the Association for the period specified by the Board pursuant to subsection 4.

     3.  A school that is placed on probation pursuant to subsection 1 may not participate in any activity relating to a league, regional or state tournament for the period determined by the Association. If the school repeats the violation for which the school was placed on probation, the Association will suspend the membership of the school in the Association for the period specified by the Board pursuant to subsection 4.

     4.  The Executive Director, an administrator or a panel specified in NAC 385B.904 may, during an appeal made pursuant to NAC 385B.900 to 385B.924, inclusive, suspend or impose a fine or other penalty against a school that is a party to the appeal. A suspension imposed pursuant to this section is not final until the Board approves the imposition and duration of the suspension.

     5.  If a penalty is imposed or disciplinary action is taken against a school or pupil, the Executive Director may, in addition to the penalty imposed or disciplinary action taken, impose a penalty against the school or pupil pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Nev. Interscholastic Activities Ass’n by R206-03, eff. 11-2-2004; A by R040-11, 12-30-2011) — (Substituted in revision for NAC 386.861)