Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 392
Telephone and Telegraph Companies
Section 392.040.1
August 28, 2015
Election of directors--appointment of officers.
392.040. 1. There shall be an annual election of directors to serve for
the ensuing year, notice of which, appointing a time and place, shall be
given by the directors chosen, as provided by law, for the first annual
election, and thereafter by their successors in office; which notice shall be
published not less than twenty days previous thereto in a newspaper published
in the county where the principal office of the company shall be situated.
The directors shall hold their offices for one year and until their
successors are duly elected and qualified.
2. They shall elect one of their number to be president of the company,
and may appoint such other officers and agents as may be prescribed by the
articles of association or bylaws of the company.
(RSMo 1939 § 5323)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 4918; 1919 § 10129; 1909 § 3323)
Quorum of stockholders, powers, 351.267
Missouri General Assembly
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