Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 701
State Standards
Section 701.050.1
August 28, 2015
Construction or repair notice--requirements and inspection--failure to comply with standards, effect.
701.050. No person required to provide notice and apply to the city,
county or department under section 701.046 may complete the construction,
major modification or major repair of an on-site sewage disposal system*
without providing notice and an opportunity for inspection by the city,
county or department as provided in this section. The person shall notify
the city, county or department prior to 9:00 a.m. on the day preceding
completion, in the case of contractors registered under sections 701.053 to
701.055, or prior to 9:00 a.m. on the second day preceding completion, in the
case of persons not registered under sections 701.053 to 701.055, and the
system shall be maintained in a condition which allows for a complete
inspection, pursuant to the state standard, until 3:00 p.m. on the day of
completion, unless the city, county or department provides confirmation that
the system has been inspected and approved prior to that time. The system
shall not be closed or completed if the city, county or department determines
upon inspection that the system does not meet the state standard, and the
city, county or department shall provide, at the time of inspection, a
conspicuous marker or other form of notice indicating that the system does
not meet the state standard. The city, county or department shall provide
written confirmation of the results of the inspection or confirmation that the
department did not inspect the system to the property owner within three
working days of the day of completion.
(L. 1994 S.B. 446 § 701.046 subsec. 4)
*Word "system" does not appear in original rolls.
Missouri General Assembly
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