Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 301
Registration and Licensing of Motor Vehicles
Section 301.055.1
August 28, 2015
Annual registration fees--motor vehicles other than commercial.
301.055. The annual registration fee for motor vehicles other than
commercial motor vehicles is: Less than 12 horsepower $18.00 12 horsepower
and less than 24 horsepower 21.00 24 horsepower and less than 36
horsepower 24.00 36 horsepower and less than 48 horsepower 33.00 48
horsepower and less than 60 horsepower 39.00 60 horsepower and less than
72 horsepower 45.00 72 horsepower and more 51.00 Motorcycles
8.50 Motortricycles 10.00
(L. 1969 S.B. 242, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1045)
Effective 9-1-84
Missouri General Assembly
Copyright © Missouri Legislature, all rights reserved.